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Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Name: Department of Sociology and Social Policy
Address: 4032, DebrecenEgyetem tér 1.Főépület, Fsz. 46.
Phone number: (52) 512-900 / 22118
Fax: (52) 512-749

Publication list

Uploaded publications:
Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Csoba, J., Diebel, A., Szöőr-Fülöp, L.: Assistance with housing.
    In: Humanitarian Aid and Empowerment of Ukrainian Refugees. Ed.: Dorota Moroń, Małgorzata Madej, Judit Csoba, Routledge, London, 93-110, 2024. ISBN: 9781003505778
  2. Béres, Z.: Cultural elite in a local space.
    Intl. J. Rel. "Accepted by Publisher" (-), -, 2024.
  3. Czibere, I., Balogh, K., Kovách, I., Nemes-Zámbó, G.: Exclusionary Mechanisms of Social Policy Redistribution in Hungary.
    Soc Policy Soc. Epub (-), 1-16, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Political Science and International Relations (2023)
    Q2 Sociology and Political Science (2023)
  4. Szarvák, T., Ackermann, T.: Stratégiai-gazdasági kompetenciák a sérülékeny csoportokban.
    In: Közgazdász Doktoranduszok és Kutatók X. Nemzetközi Téli Konferenciája : Tanulmánykötet. Szerk.: Földi Péter, Kovács Csaba József, Szeberényi András, Viktor Patrik, TéKa, Komárom, 314-320, 2024. ISBN: 9788069066069
  1. Tóth, D., Markovics, M., Varga, Z.: A Critical Review of Francis Fukuyama's 'Identity': examining the Flaws and Limitations of its Arguments.
    Acta med. sociol. 14 (36), 202-211, 2023.
    (Ismertetett mű: Francis Fukuyama. -Identity. The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment /New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018)
  2. Béres, Z.: A panelek és a lakótelepek társadalmi hatásai az 50 éves Petőfi téri magasház távlatából.
    In: 24 emelet 24 történet: 50 éves a Petőfi téri magasház / Löki Viktor; Szőlősi Zsombor, Méliusz Juhász Péter Megyei Könyvtár, Debrecen, 242-245, 2023. ISBN: 9789639946217
  3. Takács, I.: Az agrártársadalom helyzetértékelése empirikus eredmények alapján. Az egységes árualapú termelés szerepe a jövőkép megítélésében.
    In: Debreceni Egyetem Hatvani István Szakkollégium 2023. évi Tavaszi Tudományos Hallgatói Konferencia : Programfüzet, Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, 8, 2023.
  4. Markovics, M., Varga, Z., Tóth, D.: Book review: Anita R. Fedor (2021): Regional characteristics of the precariat on the labour market. Debrecen University Press, Debrecen.
    Acta med. sociol. 14 (36), 197-201, 2023.
    (Ismertetett mű: Rusinné Fedor Anita. -Regional characteristics of the precariat on the labour market /Debrecen : Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, 2021)
  5. Markovics, M.: Elitviszonyok a globalizáció korában.
    Metszetek. 12 (1), 109-113, 2023.
    (Ismertetett mű: Pogátsa Zoltán. -A globális elit /Budapest : Kossuth Kiadó, 2022. -319)
  6. Kovách, I., Megyesi, G.: Energy Use Research in the Social Sciences?Introduction to a Research Topic.
    Energies. 16 (8), 1-8, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Control and Optimization
    Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology
    Q2 Energy (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Fuel Technology
    Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
  7. Czibere, I., Kovách, I., Loncsák, N.: Hungarian Farmers and the Adoption of Precision Farming.
    European Countryside. 15 (3), 366-380, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Geography, Planning and Development
    Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
    Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation
  8. Tóth, D.: Meseország mindenkié - tabu a gyermekirodalomban.
    In: XIV. Taní-tani (online) Konferencia : Hatékonyság és koherencia a pedagógiában, a gyógypedagógiában és a tanárképzésben. Szerk.: K. Nagy Emese, Miskolci Egyetem, Miskolc, 373-380, 2023. ISBN: 9786155626906
  9. Kovách, I., Megyesi, G.: Motivations of Subsistence Farming in Hungary: Analysis of a Multi-Factored Phenomenon.
    Rural Sociol. 88 (2), 283-311, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Sociology and Political Science
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updated: 2025-01-21, 01:19

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 362
Q1/D1 4 (1.1%)
Q1 17 (4.7%)
Q2 12 (3.3%)
Q3 6 (1.7%)
Q4 19 (5.2%)
N/A 308 (85.1%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Social Sciences (35)
Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (11)
Sociology and Political Science (11)
Education (6)
Geography, Planning and Development (4)
Health (social science) (3)
Law (2)
Political Science and International Relations (2)
Public Administration (2)
Cultural Studies (1)
Development (1)
Medicine (13)
Medicine (miscellaneous) (5)
Neurology (clinical) (4)
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (4)
Psychiatry and Mental Health (3)
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (1)
Pharmacology (medical) (1)
Rehabilitation (1)
Surgery (1)
Psychology (5)
Psychology (miscellaneous) (3)
Developmental and Educational Psychology (1)
Social Psychology (1)
Energy (4)
Energy Engineering and Power Technology (3)
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (3)
Energy (miscellaneous) (2)
Fuel Technology (1)
Environmental Science (4)
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (4)
Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (2)
Nature and Landscape Conservation (2)
Neuroscience (4)
Neurology (3)
Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (1)
Computer Science (3)
Computer Science Applications (2)
Artificial Intelligence (1)
Computer Networks and Communications (1)
Computer Science (miscellaneous) (1)
Hardware and Architecture (1)
Information Systems (1)
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (3)
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (2)
Economics and Econometrics (1)
Arts and Humanities (2)
Religious Studies (2)
Engineering (2)
Aerospace Engineering (1)
Control and Systems Engineering (1)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (1)
Engineering (miscellaneous) (1)
Health Professions (2)
Pharmacy (1)
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (1)
Multidisciplinary (2)
Multidisciplinary (2)
Business, Management and Accounting (1)
Business and International Management (1)
Industrial Relations (1)
Strategy and Management (1)
Dentistry (1)
Dentistry (miscellaneous) (1)
Mathematics (1)
Control and Optimization (1)
Nursing (1)
Psychiatric Mental Health (1)
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (1)
Pharmaceutical Science (1)
Pharmacology (1)
Toxicology (1)

Genre chart

Year chart

Language chart


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Czibere Ibolya
Czibere Ibolya
sociologist, social politician
Kerekes Noémi
Kerekes Noémi
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Czibere Ibolya
Czibere Ibolya
sociologist, social politician
Kerekes Noémi
Kerekes Noémi
Kovách Imre
Kovách Imre
Krémer Balázs
Krémer Balázs
Márton Sándor
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Varga Zsombor
Varga Zsombor