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Lajszné Dr. Tóth Beáta

Lajszné Dr. Tóth Beáta

Name: Lajszné Dr. Tóth Beáta
Other profiles: MTMT
Profession: molecular biologist

Publication list

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Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Abolhassani, H., Avcin, T., Bahceciler, N., Balashov, D., Bata, Z., Bataneant, M., Belevtsev, M., Bernatowska, E., Bidló, J., Blazsó, P., Boisson, B., Bolkov, M., Bondarenko, A., Boyarchuk, O., Bundschu, A., Casanova, J., Chernishova, L., Ciznar, P., Csürke, I., Erdős, M., Farkas, H., Fomina, D., Galal, N., Goda, V., Guner, S., Hauser, P., Ilyina, N., Iremadze, T., Iritsyan, S., Ismaili, -., Jesenak, M., Kelecic, J., Keles, S., Kindle, G., Kondratenko, I., Kostyuchenko, L., Kovzel, E., Kriván, G., Kuli, -., Kumánovics, G., Kurjane, N., Latysheva, E., Latysheva, T., Lázár, I., Markelj, G., Markovic, M., Maródi, L., Mammadova, V., Medvecz, M., Miltner, N., Mironska, K., Modell, F., Modell, V., Mosdósi, B., Mukhina, A., Murdjeva, M., Műzes, G., Nabieva, U., Nasrullayeva, G., Naumova, E., Nagy, K., Ónozó, B., Orozbekova, B., Pac, M., Pagava, K., Pampura, A., Pasic, S., Petrosyan, M., Petrovic, G., Pocek, L., Prodeus, A., Reisli, I., Ress, K., Rezaei, N., Rodina, Y., Rumyantsev, A., Sciuca, S., Sediva, A., Serban, M., Sharapova, S., Shcherbina, A., Sitkaustiene, B., Snimshchikova, I., Spahiu, -., Szolnoky, M., Szűcs, G., Toplak, N., Lajszné Tóth, B., Tsyvkina, G., Tuzankina, I., Vlasova, E., Volokha, A.: Care of patients with inborn errors of immunity in thirty J Project countries between 2004 and 2021.
    Front. Immunol. 13 (13), 1-14, 2022.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Immunology
    Q1 Immunology and Allergy
  2. Soltész, L., Urbán, P., Várvölgyi, T., Lajszné Tóth, B., Szegedi, A.: Skin lesions of primary immunodeficiency diseases.
    Bőrgyógyász. venerol. szle. 98 (2), 56-63, 2022.
  1. Erdős, M., Jakobicz, E., Soltész, B., Lajszné Tóth, B., Bata-Csörgő, Z., Maródi, L.: Recurrent, Severe Aphthous Stomatitis and Mucosal Ulcers as Primary Manifestations of a Novel STAT1 Gain-of-Function Mutation.
    Front. Immunol. 11 1-7, 2020.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Immunology
    Q1 Immunology and Allergy
  1. Sediva, A., Bataneant, M., Belevtsev, M., Blaziene, A., Ciznar, P., Foerster, -., Kelecic, J., Maródi, J., Naumova, E., Nasrullayeva, G., Ress, K., Serban, M., Sitkaustiene, B., Lajszné Tóth, B., Modell, V., Modell, F., Tenembaum, V., Markovic, M., Avcin, T.: Primary immunodeficiencies in Central and Eastern Europe-the power of networking Report on the activity of the Jeffrey Modell Foundation Centers Network in Central and Eastern Europe.
    Immunol. Res. 67 (4-5), 358-367, 2019.
    Journal metrics:
    Q3 Immunology
  1. Mosdósi, B., Lajszné Tóth, B.: Autoinflammatiós kórképek.
    Orv. hetil. 159 (23), 898-907, 2018.
    Journal metrics:
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  2. Vida, L., Ottóffy, G., Rózsai, B., Stankovics, J., Lajszné Tóth, B., Nyúl, Z., Kajtár, B.: X kromoszómához kötött limfoproliferatív betegség (XLP): az Epstein-Barr-vírus (EBV) találkozása egy ritka génhibával.
    Hematol. Trasnzfuziol. 51 (2), 86-91, 2018.
  1. Toubiana, J., Okada, S., Hiller, J., Oleastro, M., Lagos Gomez, M., Aldave Becerra, J., Ouachée-Chardin, M., Fouyssac, F., Girisha, K., Etzioni, A., Montfrans, J., Camcioglu, Y., Kerns, L., Belohradsky, B., Blanche, S., Bousfiha, A., Rodriguez-Gallego, C., Meyts, I., Kisand, K., Reichenbach, J., Renner, E., Rosenzweig, S., Grimbacher, B., Veerdonk, F., Traidl-Hoffmann, C., Picard, C., Maródi, L., Morio, T., Kobayashi, M., Lilic, D., Milner, J., Holland, S., Casanova, J., Puel, A., International STAT1 Gain-of-Function Study Group: Heterozygous STAT1 gain-of-function mutations underlie an unexpectedly broad clinical phenotype.
    Blood. 127 (25), 3154-3164, 2016.
  1. Gulácsy, V., Soltész, B., Petrescu, C., Bataneant, M., Gyimesi, E., Serban, M., Maródi, L., Lajszné Tóth, B.: A novel large deletion and single nucleotide insertion in the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein gene.
    Eur. J. Haematol. 95 (1), 93-98, 2015.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Hematology
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  2. Mócsai, G., Gáspár, K., Dajnoki, Z., Lajszné Tóth, B., Gyimesi, E., Bíró, T., Maródi, L., Szegedi, A.: Investigation of Skin Barrier Functions and Allergic Sensitization in Patients with Hyper-IgE Syndrome.
    J. Clin. Immunol. 35 (7), 681-688, 2015.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Immunology
    Q2 Immunology and Allergy
  3. Lajszné Tóth, B., Soltész, B., Gyimesi, E., Csorba, G., Veres, Á., Lányi, Á., Kovács, G., Maródi, L., Erdős, M.: Severe XLP Phenotype Caused by a Novel Intronic Mutation in the SH2D1A Gene.
    J. Clin. Immunol. 35 (1), 26-31, 2015.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Immunology
    Q2 Immunology and Allergy
  4. Soltész, B., Lajszné Tóth, B., Sarkadi, A., Erdős, M., Maródi, L.: The Evolving View of IL-17-Mediated Immunity in Defense Against Mucocutaneous Candidiasis in Humans.
    Int. Rev. Immunol. 34 (4), 348-363, 2015.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Immunology
    Q1 Immunology and Allergy
  1. Pistár, Z., Soltész, B., Maródi, L., Lajszné Tóth, B.: A Novel Insertion Mutation in the IL2RG Gene.
    J. Clin. Immunol. 34 (Suppl.), S262, 2014.
  2. Sarkadi, A., Taskó, S., Csorba, G., Lajszné Tóth, B., Erdős, M., Maródi, L.: Autoantibodies to IL-17A may be correlated with the severity of Mucocutaneous Candidiasis in APECED patients.
    J. Clin. Immunol. 34 (2), 181-193, 2014.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Immunology
    Q1 Immunology and Allergy
  3. Mócsai, G., Gáspár, K., Nagy, G., Irinyi, B., Kapitány, A., Bíró, T., Gyimesi, E., Lajszné Tóth, B., Maródi, L., Szegedi, A.: Severe skin inflammation and filaggrin mutation similarly alter skin barrier in atopic dermatitis patients.
    Br. J. Dermatol. 170 (3), 617-624, 2014.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Dermatology
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  4. Pistár, Z., Kondratenko, I., Maszárovics, Z., Chernyshova, L., Bondarenko, A., Guseva, M., Kostyuchenko, L., Romanyshyn, Y., Soltész, B., Sarkadi, A., Maródi, L., Lajszné Tóth, B.: STAT3 Mutational Spectrum of Newly Diagnosed Patients with HIES from Eastern and Central European Countries.
    J. Clin. Immunol. 34 (Suppl.), S462, 2014.
  1. Gáspár, K., Mócsai, G., Lajszné Tóth, B., Maródi, L., Szegedi, A.: A Hyper-IgE szindróma bőrgyógyászati vonatkozásai.
    Bőrgyógyász. Venerol. Szle. 89 (6), 159, 2013.
  2. Soltész, B., Lajszné Tóth, B., Shabashova, N., Bondarenko, A., Okada, S., Cypowyj, S., Abhyankar, A., Csorba, G., Taskó, S., Sarkadi, A., Méhes, L., Rozsíval, P., Neumann, D., Chernyshova, L., Tulassay, Z., Puel, A., Casanova, J., Sediva, A., Litzman, J., Maródi, L.: New and recurrent gain-of-function STAT1 mutations in patients with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis from Eastern and Central Europe.
    J. Med. Genet. 50 (9), 567-578, 2013.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Genetics
    D1 Genetics (clinical)
  3. Lajszné Tóth, B., Pistár, Z., Csorba, G., Balogh, I., Kovács, T., Erdős, M., Maródi, L.: Novel dedicator of cytokinesis 8 mutations identified by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification.
    Eur. J. Haematol. 91 (4), 369-375, 2013.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Hematology
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Lajszné Tóth, B., Méhes, L., Taskó, S., Szalai, Z., Tulassay, Z., Cypowyj, S., Casanova, J., Puel, A., Maródi, L.: Herpes in STAT1 gain-of-function mutation [corrected].
    Lancet. 379 (9835), 2500, 2012.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  2. Juhász, P., Lajszné Tóth, B., Maródi, L., Erdős, M.: Időskorban kezdett enzimszubsztitúciós terápia Gaucher-kórban.
    Orv. Hetil. 153 (7), 264-270, 2012.
    Journal metrics:
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
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updated: 2024-09-01, 01:07

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 40
Q1/D1 8 (20%)
Q1 20 (50%)
Q2 5 (12.5%)
Q3 9 (22.5%)
N/A 6 (15%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Medicine (30)
Medicine (miscellaneous) (16)
Immunology and Allergy (9)
Hematology (3)
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2)
Microbiology (medical) (2)
Dermatology (1)
Genetics (clinical) (1)
Infectious Diseases (1)
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (1)
Urology (1)
Immunology and Microbiology (14)
Immunology (14)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (5)
Molecular Biology (4)
Genetics (2)
Biochemistry (1)
Endocrinology (1)

Genre chart

Year chart

Language chart

iDEa co-authors

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Other co-authors

Chernyshova, Liudmyla
Casanova, Jean-Laurent
Sarkadi Adrien Katalin
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Chernyshova, Liudmyla
Casanova, Jean-Laurent
Sarkadi Adrien Katalin
Bondarenko, Anastasia
Kostyuchenko, Larysa
Burg, Mirjam, van der
Nasrullayeva, Gulnara
Reichenbach, Jeanine
Sitkaustiene, Brigita
Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia
Aldave Becerra, Juan Carlos
Bata-Csörgő Zsuzsanna
Blancas-Galicia, Lizbeth
Boisson-Dupuis, Stéphanie
Borghesi, Alessandro
Burgel, Pierre-Régis
Chernishova, Liudmyla
Cortés Grimaldo, Rosa María
Dongen, Jacques, van
Espinosa Rosales, Francisco
Foerster-Waldl, Elisabeth
Girisha, Katta Mohan
Hammarström, Lennart
Housebye, Eystein S.
Jean-Laurent Casanova
Jouanguy, Emmanuelle
Kondratenko, Irina V.
Kreins, Alexandra Y.
Kropshofer, Gabrielle
Lagos Gomez, Macarena
Latysheva, Tatiana V.
Lozano, Carlos Torres
Madrigal Beas, Ileana Maria
Maszárovics Zoltán
Montfrans, Joris Van
Notarangelo, Luigi D.
Orozbekova, Bubusaira
Ouachée-Chardin, Marie
Pampura, Alexander N.
Rodriguez-Gallego, Carlos
Rumyantsev, Alexander G.
Sawalle-Belohradsky, Julie
Snimshchikova, Irina
Spahiu-Konjusha, Shqipe
Thumerelle, Caroline
Veerdonk, Frank L. van de