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Kovács László

Kovács László

Kovács László
Assitant Lecturer 2014-2019
Name: Kovács László
Other profiles: MTMT
  • PhD, Informatikai Tudományok Doktori iskola (2018)
Profession: Master of Computer Science

Publication list

Uploaded publications:
Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Pándy, Á., Kovács, L., Kovács, Á., Hajdu, A.: Steering Angle Prediction From a Camera Image as a Backup Service.
    IEEE Sens. Lett. 7 (11), 1-4, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Q2 Instrumentation
  1. Vágner, M., Palkovics, D., Kovács, L.: 3D Localization and Data Quality Estimation with Marvelmind.
    In: 2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS). Ed.: Fazekas István, IEEE, Piscataway, 302-307, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496537
  2. Kapusi, T., Kovács, L., Hajdu, A.: Deep learning-based anomaly detection for imaging in autonomous vehicles.
    In: 2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS): Proceedings (2022.05.16-18.)(Debrecen). Szerk.: Fazekas István, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 142-147, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496520
  3. Pándy, Á., Kun, D., Kovács, L., Vasváry, G., Pánti, Z., Hajdu, A.: Image sensor based steering signal for a digital actuator system.
    In: 2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS) / Fazekas István, IEEE, Piscataway, 229-234, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496537
  4. Kovács, L., Baranyai, D., Girászi, T., Majoros, T., Kovács, Á., Vágner, M., Palkovics, D., Bérczes, T.: Sensor design and integration into small sized autonomous vehicle.
    In: 2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS). Ed.: Fazekas István, IEEE, Piscataway, 171-176, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496537
  5. Szilágyi, S., Kovács, L.: Testing MPT-GRE Multipath Solution in Vehicular Network V2I Communication.
    In: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS2022) / org. by University of Debrecen, IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, Piscataway, 1-4, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496537
  1. Harangi, B., Tóth, J., Bogacsovics, G., Kupás, D., Kovács, L., Hajdu, A.: Cell detection on digitized Pap smear images using ensemble of conventional image processing and deep learning techniques.
    In: 11th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2019). Eds.: S. Lončarić, R. Bregović, M. Carli, M. Subašić, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, NJ, USA, 38-42, 2019. ISBN: 9781728131405
  1. Antal, B., Tavares, M., Kovács, L., Harangi, B., Lázár, I., Nagy, B., Kovács, G., Szakács, J., Tóth, J., Pető, T., Csutak, A., Hajdu, A.: Data analysis applied to diabetic retinopathy screening: performance evaluation.
    Ann. Math. Inform. 49 3-9, 2018.
    Journal metrics:
    Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  1. Kovács, L.: Hybrid Small Size hpcResource.
    In: GPU Day 2017 - The Future of Many-Core Computing in Science : absztrakt kötet, [s.n.], Budapest, 1, 2017.
  1. Hajdu, A., Tomán, H., Kovács, L., Hajdu, L.: Composing ensembles by stochastic approach under execution time constraint.
    In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2016), Cancun, Mexico, 2016, IEEE, [Piscataway], 222-227, 2016.
  2. Kovács, L., Petr, S., Riha, L.: HPC GPU/CPU társkártyákkal támogatott fotorealisztikus 3D CT vizualizáció.
    In: VIII. Magyar Számítógépes Grafika és Geometria Konferencia. Szerk.: Szirmay-Kalos László, Renner Gábor, Neumann János Számítógép-tudományi Társaság, Budapest, 175-180, 2016. ISBN: 9786155036118
  3. Kovács, L.: Photorealistic 3D CT visualization supported by HPC GPU and CPU coprocessors.
    In: GPU Day 2016 - The Future of Many-Core Computing in Science : absztrakt kötet, [s.n.], Budapest, 8, 2016.
  1. Kovács, L.: 3D Visualisation from CT.
    In: PRACE Summer of HPC Final Report. Ed.: Leon Kos, PRACE SoHPC, [s.l.], 43-45, 2015.
  2. Kovács, L., Pintér, Á.: Stirling számok vizsgálata HPC környezetben.
    In: Tavaszi Szél - Spring Wind 2015 : Absztraktkötet. Szerk.: Keresztes Gábor, Publio Kiadó, Budapest, 302-303, 2015.
  3. Kovács, L., Pintér, Á.: Stirling számok vizsgálata HPC környezetben.
    In: Tavaszi Szél - Spring Wind III. Konferenciakötet. Szerk.: Keresztes Gábor, Líceum Kiadó ; Budapest : Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége, Eger, 181-187, 2015. ISBN: 9786155509964
  1. Tóth, J., Kovács, L., Harangi, B., Kiss, C., Mohácsi, A., Orosz, Z., Hajdu, A.: An Online Benchmark System for Image Processing Algorithms.
    In: 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications. Ed.: Baranyi Péter, CogInfoCom, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 377-385, 2014. ISBN: 9781479972807
  2. Tóth, J., Kovács, L., Harangi, B., Kiss, C., Mohácsi, A., Orosz, Z., Hajdu, A.: An Online System for Algorithm Benchmarking.
    In: 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications. Ed.: Baranyi Péter, CogInfoCom, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 383, 2014. ISBN: 9781479972807
  1. Hajdu, A., Hajdu, L., Kovács, L., Tomán, H.: Diversity measures for majority voting in the spatial domain.
    In: Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems : 8th International Conference, HAIS 2013, Salamanca, Spain, September 11-13, 2013. Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 314-323, 2013, (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 8073) ISBN: 9783642408458
  2. Hajdu, A., Hajdu, L., Jónás, Á., Kovács, L., Tomán, H.: Generalizing the majority voting scheme to spatially constrained voting.
    IEEE Trans. Image Process. 22 (11), 4182-4194, 2013.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
    D1 Software
  3. Kovács, L., Hajdu, L.: High Performance Computing With Mathematical Applications.
    In: WSPS 2013.: 1st Winter School of PhD Students in Informatics and Mathematics, Tradeorg Nyomdaipari és Kereskedelmi Kft, Balatonalmádi, 13, 2013. ISBN: 9789638800121
  1. Qureshi, R., Kovács, L., Harangi, B., Nagy, B., Pető, T., Hajdu, A.: Combining algorithms for automatic detection of optic disc and macula in fundus images.
    Comput. vis. image underst. 116 (1), 138-145, 2012.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
    Q2 Signal Processing
    Q2 Software
  2. Tomán, H., Kovács, L., Jónás, Á., Hajdu, L., Hajdu, A.: Generalized Weighted Majority Voting with an Application to Algorithms Having Spatial Output.
    In: Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Ed.: Emilio Corchado, Václav Snášel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Graña, Sung-Bae Cho, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 56-67, 2012, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7209) ISBN: 9783642289309
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updated: 2024-12-29, 02:03

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 4
Q1/D1 1 (25%)
Q1 2 (50%)
Q2 1 (25%)
Q3 1 (25%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Computer Science (3)
Software (2)
Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (1)
Computer Science (miscellaneous) (1)
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (1)
Signal Processing (1)
Engineering (1)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (1)
Mathematics (1)
Mathematics (miscellaneous) (1)
Physics and Astronomy (1)
Instrumentation (1)

Genre chart

Year chart

Language chart