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Veress-Bágyi Ibolya

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  1. Korenová, L., Barot, T., Krpec, R., Veress-Bágyi, I.: Analysis of applied mobile technologies in university math education.
    In: EDULEARN19 Proceedings : 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Palma, Spain. 1-3 July, 2019.. Ed.: L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres, International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Valencia, 6744-6748, 2019, (EDULEARN Proceedings, ISSN 2340-1117) ISBN: 9788409120314
  2. Korenová, L., Lavicza, Z., Veress-Bágyi, I.: Augmented Reality Applications in Early Childhood Education.
    In: Augmented Reality in Educational Settings. Ed.: Theodosia Prodromou, Brill | Sense, Leiden, 101-119, 2019. ISBN: 9789004408821
  1. Korenová, L., Veress-Bágyi, I.: Augmented reality in kindergarten.
    In: Specific issues of contemporary preschool education in Bulgaria and Slovakia. Eds.: Bozhidar Angelov, Rozalina Engels-Kritidis, Dusan Kostrub, Robert Osad'an, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, 59-70, 2018. ISBN: 9789540743882
  2. Korenová, L., Veress-Bágyi, I.: Augmented Reality in mathematics education in primary.
    In: Problem Solving in Mathematics Education : Proceedings of the 19th ProMath conference from August 30 to September 1, 2017 in Budapest. Eds.: András Ambrus, Éva Vásárhelyi, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty Of Science, Institute Of Mathematics, Budapest, 55-67, 2018.
  3. Korenová, L., Veress-Bágyi, I.: The usage of mobile devices in the students' mathematics learning.
    In: 17th Conference on Applied Mathematics APLIMAT 2018 : Proceedings : February 6-8, 2018 Bratislava Slovak Republic / Dagmar Szarková, Daniela Richtáriková, Peter Letavaj, Jana Gabková (eds.), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, 606-620, 2018. ISBN: 9788022747653
  4. Gunčaga, J., Korenová, L., Veress-Bágyi, I.: Using the GeoGebra mobile application to develop statistical literacy.
    In: ICERI2018 Proceedings : 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville, Spain. 12-14 November, 2018. Ed.: L. Gómez Chova; A. López Martínez; I. Candel Torres, International Academy of Technology, Education and Development, Seville, 3534-3540, 2018. ISBN: 9788409059485
  1. Korenová, L., Veress-Bágyi, I.: A kiterjesztett valóság alkalmazása az általános iskolai matematika tanulásában.
    In: New Methods and Technologies in Education and Practice: XXXth Didmattech 2017 2nd part. Ed.: Veronika Stoffová, Roman Horváth, Trnava University in Trnava, Faculty of Education, Trnava, 75-86, 2017. ISBN: 9788056800737
  1. Oláh-Gál, R., Veress-Bágyi, I.: Refutation of Imre Hermann's Allegation: János Bolyai Was Not Insane.
    World Acad Sci Eng Technol. 18 (1), 1899-1902, 2016.
  1. Veress-Bágyi, I.: A Bolyai János-kéziratok sorsa.
    Honismeret. 2015 (43), 29-33, 2015.
  2. Oláh-Gál, R., Veress-Bágyi, I.: Néhány érdekes okirat a Vályi-család kolozsvári hagyatékából.
    Kaleidoscope history. 6 (11), 310-317, 2015.
  1. Oláh-Gál, R., Veress-Bágyi, I.: Vályi Gyula budapesti meghívása.
    Hist. sci. 2014 (12), 3-7, 2014.
updated: 2024-09-01, 01:45