Publication list
Szűcs, V.,
Szabó, E.,
Tarcea, M.,
Guerrero, L.,
Bánáti, D.:
Élelmiszeripari adalékanyagok szerepe a vásárlási döntésekben conjoint vizsgálatok alapján.
Mark. menedzsment. 52 (2), 69-84, 2019.
Bánáti, D.,
Győri, Z.:
Cereal Food Waste - A Review.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Congress Flour-Bread '17 11th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists Brašno-Kruh '17. Ed.: Antun Jozinović, Sandra Budžaki, Ivica Strelec, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Osijek, 73-79, 2018, (ISSN 1848-2562)
Miquel, S.,
Champ, C.,
Day, J.,
Aarts, E.,
Bahr, B.,
Bakker, M.,
Bánáti, D.,
Calabrese, V.,
Cederholm, T.,
Cryan, J.,
Dye, L.,
Farrimond, J.,
Korosi, A.,
Layé, S.,
Maudsley, S.,
Milenkovic, D.,
Mohajeri, M.,
Sijben, J.,
Solomon, A.,
Spencer, J.,
Thuret, S.,
Vanden, B.,
Vauzour, D.,
Vellas, B.,
Wesnes, K.,
Willatts, P.,
Wittenberg, R.,
Geurts, L.:
Poor cognitive ageing: Vulnerabilities, mechanisms and the impact of nutritional interventions.
Ageing Res. Rev. 42 40-55, 2018.
Journal metrics:
D1 Aging
D1 Biochemistry
D1 Biotechnology
D1 Molecular Biology
D1 Neurology
Tennant, D.,
Bánáti, D.,
Kennedy, M.,
König, J.,
O'Mahony, C.,
Kettler, S.:
Assessing and reporting uncertainties in dietary exposure analysis: Part II: Application of the uncertainty template to a practical example of exposure assessment.
Food Chem. Toxicol. 109 68-80, 2017.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Food Science
Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Q1 Toxicology
Vauzour, D.,
Camprubi-Robles, M.,
Miquel-Kergoat, S.,
Andres-Lacueva, C.,
Bánáti, D.,
Barberger-Gateau, P.,
Bowmang, G.,
Caberlotto, L.,
Clarke, R.,
Hogervorst, E.,
Kiliaan, A.,
Lucca, U.,
Manach, C.,
Minihane, A.,
Siobhan, E.,
Perneczky, M.,
Perry, H.,
Roussel, A.,
Schuermans, J.,
Sijben, J.,
Spencer, J.,
Thuret, S.,
de Rest, O.,
Vandewoude, M.,
Wesnes, K.,
William, R.,
Williams, R.,
Ramirez, M.:
Nutrition for the Ageing Brain: Towards evidence for an optimal diet.
Ageing Res. Rev. 35 222-240, 2017.
Journal metrics:
D1 Aging
D1 Biochemistry
D1 Biotechnology
D1 Molecular Biology
D1 Neurology
Belovai, J.,
Romvári, R.,
Fébel, H.,
Mézes, M.,
Bánáti, D.,
Szabó, A.:
Influence of Partial Fat Replacement With Lecithin on the Product Characteristics of a Special Hungarian Cold Cut.
Acta Aliment. 45 (2), 277-285, 2016.
Frewer, L.,
Fischer, A.,
Brennan, M.,
Bánáti, D.,
Lion, R.,
Meertens, R.,
Rowe, G.,
Siegrist, M.,
Verbeke, W.,
Vereijken, C.:
Risk/Benefit Communication about Food-A Systematic Review of the Literature..
Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 56 (10), 1728-1745, 2016.
Journal metrics:
D1 Food Science
D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Jaeger, H.,
Knorr, D.,
Szabó, E.,
Hámori, J.,
Bánáti, D.:
Impact of terminology on consumer acceptance of emerging technologies through the example of PEF technology.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 29 87-93, 2015.
Journal metrics:
D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
D1 Food Science
D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Barlow, S.,
Boobis, A.,
Bridges, J.,
Cockburn, A.,
Dekante, W.,
Hepburn, P.,
Houbeng, G.,
Königh, J.,
Maarten, J.,
Schuermans, J.,
Bánáti, D.:
The role of hazard- and risk-based approaches in ensuring food safety.
Trends Food Sci. Technol. 46 (2), 176-188, 2015.
Journal metrics:
D1 Biotechnology
D1 Food Science
Olsen, N.,
Bánáti, D.:
Ethics in Food Safety Management.
In: Food Safety Management: A practical Guide for the Food Industry. Ed.: by Yasmine Motarjemi, Huub Lelieveld, Elsevier AP, USA, 1115-1125, 2014. ISBN: 9780123815040
Szűcs, V.,
Guerrero, L.,
Claret, A.,
Tarcea, M.,
Szabó, E.,
Bánáti, D.:
Food additives and consumer preferences: A cross-cultural choice based conjoint analysis.
Acta Aliment. 43 (Suppl.), 180-187, 2014.
Szűcs, V.,
Szabó, E.,
Claret, A.,
Guerrero, L.,
Tarcea, M.,
Szavuj, J.,
Bánáti, D.:
Élelmiszeripari kockázati tényezőkkel kapcsolatos fogyasztói attitűdök, különös tekintettel az adalékanyagokra - magyar, spanyol és román kvantitatív felmérés eredményei.
In: 3. Báthory-Brassai nemzetközi tudományos konferencia. Szerk.: Ozsváth Judit, Tuzson Tibor, Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, 63-69, 2013.
Sonne, A.,
Grunert, K.,
Veflen Olsen, N.,
Granli, B.,
Szabó, E.,
Bánáti, D.:
Consumers' Perceptions of HPP and PEF Food Products.
British Food Journal. 114 (1), 85-107, 2012.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)
Q2 Food Science
Szűcs, V.,
Szabó, E.,
Tarcea, M.,
Guerrero, L.,
Bánáti, D.:
Élelmiszeripari adalékanyagok szerepe a vásárlási döntésekben conjoint vizsgálatok alapján.
Mark. menedzsment. 52 (2), 69-84, 2019.
Bánáti, D.,
Győri, Z.:
Cereal Food Waste - A Review.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Congress Flour-Bread '17 11th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists Brašno-Kruh '17. Ed.: Antun Jozinović, Sandra Budžaki, Ivica Strelec, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Osijek, 73-79, 2018, (ISSN 1848-2562)
Miquel, S.,
Champ, C.,
Day, J.,
Aarts, E.,
Bahr, B.,
Bakker, M.,
Bánáti, D.,
Calabrese, V.,
Cederholm, T.,
Cryan, J.,
Dye, L.,
Farrimond, J.,
Korosi, A.,
Layé, S.,
Maudsley, S.,
Milenkovic, D.,
Mohajeri, M.,
Sijben, J.,
Solomon, A.,
Spencer, J.,
Thuret, S.,
Vanden, B.,
Vauzour, D.,
Vellas, B.,
Wesnes, K.,
Willatts, P.,
Wittenberg, R.,
Geurts, L.:
Poor cognitive ageing: Vulnerabilities, mechanisms and the impact of nutritional interventions.
Ageing Res. Rev. 42 40-55, 2018.
Journal metrics:
D1 Aging
D1 Biochemistry
D1 Biotechnology
D1 Molecular Biology
D1 Neurology
Tennant, D.,
Bánáti, D.,
Kennedy, M.,
König, J.,
O'Mahony, C.,
Kettler, S.:
Assessing and reporting uncertainties in dietary exposure analysis: Part II: Application of the uncertainty template to a practical example of exposure assessment.
Food Chem. Toxicol. 109 68-80, 2017.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Food Science
Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Q1 Toxicology
Vauzour, D.,
Camprubi-Robles, M.,
Miquel-Kergoat, S.,
Andres-Lacueva, C.,
Bánáti, D.,
Barberger-Gateau, P.,
Bowmang, G.,
Caberlotto, L.,
Clarke, R.,
Hogervorst, E.,
Kiliaan, A.,
Lucca, U.,
Manach, C.,
Minihane, A.,
Siobhan, E.,
Perneczky, M.,
Perry, H.,
Roussel, A.,
Schuermans, J.,
Sijben, J.,
Spencer, J.,
Thuret, S.,
de Rest, O.,
Vandewoude, M.,
Wesnes, K.,
William, R.,
Williams, R.,
Ramirez, M.:
Nutrition for the Ageing Brain: Towards evidence for an optimal diet.
Ageing Res. Rev. 35 222-240, 2017.
Journal metrics:
D1 Aging
D1 Biochemistry
D1 Biotechnology
D1 Molecular Biology
D1 Neurology
Belovai, J.,
Romvári, R.,
Fébel, H.,
Mézes, M.,
Bánáti, D.,
Szabó, A.:
Influence of Partial Fat Replacement With Lecithin on the Product Characteristics of a Special Hungarian Cold Cut.
Acta Aliment. 45 (2), 277-285, 2016.
Frewer, L.,
Fischer, A.,
Brennan, M.,
Bánáti, D.,
Lion, R.,
Meertens, R.,
Rowe, G.,
Siegrist, M.,
Verbeke, W.,
Vereijken, C.:
Risk/Benefit Communication about Food-A Systematic Review of the Literature..
Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 56 (10), 1728-1745, 2016.
Journal metrics:
D1 Food Science
D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Jaeger, H.,
Knorr, D.,
Szabó, E.,
Hámori, J.,
Bánáti, D.:
Impact of terminology on consumer acceptance of emerging technologies through the example of PEF technology.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 29 87-93, 2015.
Journal metrics:
D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
D1 Food Science
D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Barlow, S.,
Boobis, A.,
Bridges, J.,
Cockburn, A.,
Dekante, W.,
Hepburn, P.,
Houbeng, G.,
Königh, J.,
Maarten, J.,
Schuermans, J.,
Bánáti, D.:
The role of hazard- and risk-based approaches in ensuring food safety.
Trends Food Sci. Technol. 46 (2), 176-188, 2015.
Journal metrics:
D1 Biotechnology
D1 Food Science
Olsen, N.,
Bánáti, D.:
Ethics in Food Safety Management.
In: Food Safety Management: A practical Guide for the Food Industry. Ed.: by Yasmine Motarjemi, Huub Lelieveld, Elsevier AP, USA, 1115-1125, 2014. ISBN: 9780123815040
Szűcs, V.,
Guerrero, L.,
Claret, A.,
Tarcea, M.,
Szabó, E.,
Bánáti, D.:
Food additives and consumer preferences: A cross-cultural choice based conjoint analysis.
Acta Aliment. 43 (Suppl.), 180-187, 2014.
Szűcs, V.,
Szabó, E.,
Claret, A.,
Guerrero, L.,
Tarcea, M.,
Szavuj, J.,
Bánáti, D.:
Élelmiszeripari kockázati tényezőkkel kapcsolatos fogyasztói attitűdök, különös tekintettel az adalékanyagokra - magyar, spanyol és román kvantitatív felmérés eredményei.
In: 3. Báthory-Brassai nemzetközi tudományos konferencia. Szerk.: Ozsváth Judit, Tuzson Tibor, Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, 63-69, 2013.
Sonne, A.,
Grunert, K.,
Veflen Olsen, N.,
Granli, B.,
Szabó, E.,
Bánáti, D.:
Consumers' Perceptions of HPP and PEF Food Products.
British Food Journal. 114 (1), 85-107, 2012.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)
Q2 Food Science
Szűcs, V.,
Szabó, E.,
Guerrero, L.,
Claret, A.,
Tarcea, M.,
Szavuj, J.,
Bánáti, D.:
Effect of information on the risk perception of food additives - a quantitative survey in Hungary, Spain and Romania.
Rev. Fac. Eng. Analecta Tech. Szeged. 6 (3-4), 153-158, 2012.
Olsena, N.,
Menichellia, E.,
Grunert, K.,
Sonne, A.,
Szabó, E.,
Bánáti, D.,
Næs, T.:
Choice probability for apple juice based on novel processing techniques: Investigating the choice relevance of mean-end-chains.
Food. Qual. Prefer. 22 (1), 48-59, 2011.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Food Science
Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics
Sass, -.,
Tóth-Márkus, M.,
Daood, H.,
Bánáti, D.,
Nyéki, J.,
Szabó, Z.:
Effect of variety and cultivation technology on phenols and antioxidant activity of sweet and sour cherry.
Int. j. hortic. sci. 16 (1), 59-61, 2010.
Hartyáni, P.,
Cserhalmi, Z.,
Bánáti, D.:
HHP és PEF technológiai kutatások a KÉKI-ben.
In: Új élelmiszeripari technológiák alkalmazási lehetősége és fogyasztói megítélése. Szerk.: Bánáti Diána, Központi Élelmiszer-tudományi Kutatóintézet, Budapest, 31-49, 2010. ISBN: 9789637358111
Nagy, -.,
Sass, -.,
Tömösközi, -.,
Bánáti, D.,
Daood, H.:
Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Phenolic Compounds in Organically and Conventionally Grown Varieties of Sour Cherries.
Chromatographia. 71 (S1), 99-102, 2010.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Analytical Chemistry
Q3 Biochemistry
Q2 Clinical Biochemistry
Q3 Organic Chemistry
Nielsen, H.,
Sonne, A.,
Grunert, K.,
Bánáti, D.,
Pollák-Tóth, A.,
Lakner, Z.,
Olsen, N.,
Zontar, T.,
Peterman, M.:
Consumer Perception of the Use of High-Pressure Processing and Pulsed Electric Field Technology in Food Production.
Appetite. 52 (1), 115-126, 2009.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics
Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous)
Bánáti, D.,
Lakner, Z.:
Analysis of an aflatoxin-caused food safety crisis in Hungary: Actors and strategies.
In: The mycotoxin factbook : food & feed topics. Ed.: D. Barug, D. Bhatnagar, H. P. van Egmond, J. W. van der Kamp, W. A. van Osenbruggen, A. Visconti, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, 121-138, 2006. ISBN: 9086860060
Bánáti, D.:
In: Minőségirányítás az élelmiszergazdaságban. Szerk.: Győri Zoltán, PRIMOM Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Vállalkozásélénkítő Alapítvány, Nyíregyháza, 89-98, 2002. ISBN: 9632027248
Show all
updated: 2025-01-19, 01:10