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Teljes publikációs lista

Hiányzó közlemények feltöltése
OA letöltési statisztika megtekintése
Feltöltött közlemény:
Publikációs időszak:
  1. Abdelkader, M., Watanabe, Y., Shebl, A., Badawi, M., Dawoud, M., El-Dokouny, H., Csámer, Á., Abdellatif, M.: Advanced exploration of rare metal mineralization through integrated remote sensing and geophysical analysis of structurally-controlled hydrothermal alterations.
    J. Geochem. Explor. 267 1-32, 2024.
    Q2 Economic Geology (2023)
    Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology (2023)
  2. Oravecz, É., Benkó, Z., Arató, R., Dunkl, I., Héja, G., Kövér, S., Németh, T., Fodor, L.: Age, Kinematic and Thermal Constraints of Syn-Orogenic Low-Temperature Deformation Events: Insights From Thermochronology and Structural Data of the Nekézseny Thrust (Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaric Area).
    Tectonics. 43 (4), 1-28, 2024.
    D1 Geochemistry and Petrology (2023)
    D1 Geophysics (2023)
  3. Eid, M., Shebl, A., Eissa, M., Mohamed, E., Fahil, A., Ramadan, H., Abukhadra, M., El-Sherbeeny, A., Kovács, A., Szűcs, P.: Comprehensive approach integrating remote sensing, machine learning, and physicochemical parameters to detect hydrodynamic conditions and groundwater quality deterioration in non-rechargeable aquifer systems.
    Heliyon. 10 (12), 1-19, 2024.
    Q1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
  4. Temovski, M., Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Z., Molnár, K., Rinyu, L., Wieser, A., Marchhart, O., Palcsu, L.: Constraining the evolutionary stages of a hypogene karst system by combining morphological, geochemical and geochronological data - the example of carbonate breccia-hosted Melnička Peštera.
    Int J Speleol. 53 (2), 169-190, 2024.
    Q2 Earth-Surface Processes (2023)
    Q2 Geology (2023)
  5. Sági, T., Józsa, S., Janka, P., Káposztás, V., Oelberg, -., Szendre, Z., Szücs, L., Virág, A.: Csiszolt kőeszközök nyersanyagtípusainak csoportosítása mágneses szuszceptibilitás, tömeg, térfogat, sűrűség és magasság alapján: Esettanulmány Bátaszék-Alsónyékről.
    Archeometriai Műhely. 21 (2), 89-100, 2024.
    Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities) (2023)
  6. Shereif, A., Csámer, Á.: Detection of Radioactive Mineralization-Bearing Alteration Zones Using Landsat-8 Remote Sensing Imagery: A Case Study from the Central Eastern Desert, Egypt.
    In: Joint 6th Central-European Mineralogical Conference and 9th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference / Máté Zs. Leskó, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged, Szeged, 62-63, 2024, (Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, ISSN 0365-8066 ; 13)
  7. Daoud, A., Rózsa, P.: Diagenetic Evolution of the Wadi Halfa Oolitic Ironstone Formation (Formerly Nubian Sandstone), Northern Sudan.
    In: Mediterranean Geosciences Union (MedGU) 4th annual meeting, MedGU, [Barcelona], 1, 2024.
  8. Shereif, A., Shebl, A., Abdelhalim, S., Csámer, Á.: Enhanced Lithological Mapping in El-Missikat and El-Erediya Areas, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt, Leveraging Remote Sensing Techniques and Machine Learning Algorithms.
    IEEE T Geosci Remote. 62 1-27, 2024.
    D1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
    D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2023)
  9. Ghattas, K., Buday, T.: Estimated Hydrogeological Models for Periodic Water Production = A periódikus vízkivétel hatásának becslése hidrogeológiai modellekkel.
    In: KMKTK2024, XIX. Kárpát-medencei Környezettudományi Konferencia Absztrakt füzet =19th Carpathian Basin Environmental Science Conferencea Book of Abstracts / Buró Botond, Molnár Mihály, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. Atommagkutató Intézet, Debrecen, 152-153, 2024. ISBN: 9789638321602
  10. Abdelkader, M., Csámer, Á.: Evaluating landslide hazard in newly developed hilly terrain near Cairo: comparing statistical and machine learning approaches.
    In: 54. Meeting of Young Geoscientists - 54. Ifjú Szakemberek Ankétja: Absztrakt kötet, Magyar Geofizikusok Egyesülete, Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat, Eger, 20-21, 2024. ISBN: 9789638161239
  11. Daoud, A., Mutwakil, N., Rózsa, P.: Exploring Iron Ore and Barite Deposits through Multiscale Analysis: A Case Study in Wadi Halfa, North Sudan.
    In: 54. Meeting of Young Geoscientists - 54. Ifjú Szakemberek Ankétja: Absztrakt kötet, Magyar Geofizikusok Egyesülete, Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat, Eger, 18, 2024. ISBN: 9789638161239
  12. Koutecký, V., Mysliveček, J., Rapprich, V., Laufek, F., Benkó, Z., Sakala, J.: First evidence of Pinaceae and Fagaceae in the fossil wood record of the Ceske stredohori Mts. (Czech Republic): A comprehensive study of fossiliferous sites in pyroclastic rocks surrounding the late Oligocene Mila stratovolcano.
    Rev. Palaeobot. Palynology. 325 1-21, 2024.
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (2023)
    Q1 Paleontology (2023)
  13. Heikal, M., Shereif, A., Azer, M.: Gamma activity concentrations (226Ra, 232Th, 40K) of mineralized Homret Akarem composite granitic pluton, Egyptian Nubian Shield: environmental hazards assessment.
    Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration 9 (3), 1629-1658, 2024.
    Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
  14. Shebl, A., Csámer, Á.: Gold and rare metals prospecting: an integrated remote sensing, geophysical, and mineralogical approach.
    In: Ahány kő, annyi történet 14. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés Előadás- és poszterkivonatok. Szerk.: Buday Tamás, Csámer Árpád, McIntosh Richard William, Molnár Kata, Virág Attila, HUN-REN Atommagkutató Intézet, Debrecen, 94, 2024. ISBN: 9789638321619
  15. Shebl, A., Csámer, Á.: Gold Potentiality Mapping Utilizing Remote Sensing and Airborne Geophysical Data.
    In: 54. Meeting of Young Geoscientists - 54. Ifjú Szakemberek Ankétja: Absztrakt kötet, Magyar Geofizikusok Egyesülete, Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat, Eger, 23-24, 2024. ISBN: 9789638161239
  16. Shereif, A., Shebl, A., Abdelhalim, S., Csámer, Á.: Harnessing Machine Learning Algorithms (MLAs) for Precise Lithological Mapping, A Case Study from Central Eastern Desert, Egypt.
    In: Mediterranean Geosciences Union (MedGU) 4th annual meeting, MedGU, [Barcelona], 1, 2024.
  17. Rózsa, P., Kertész, R., Váradi, R., Csámer, Á., Kristály, F.: Hungarian to Ottoman technology shift preserved in mortars from the Szolnok fortification (16th century).
    In: Joint 6th Central-European Mineralogical Conference and 9th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference / Máté Zs. Leskó, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged, Szeged, 60-60, 2024, (Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series,, ISSN 0365-8066 ; 13)
  18. Shebl, A., Csámer, Á.: Identification of hydrothermal alteration zones and rare metal-bearing granites utilizing remote sensing data: A case study from the Um Salim-Mueilha area, Egypt.
    In: Az elmélet és a gyakorlat találkozása a térinformatikában = Theory meets practice in GIS : Debreceni Egyetem Térinformatikai Konferencia és Szakkiállítás/ szerk. Abriha-Molnár Vanda Éva, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 255-258, 2024. ISBN: 9789634906193
  19. Daoud, A., Mohieldain, A., Abdelkader, M., Shebl, A., Shereif, A., Satti, A., Rózsa, P.: Integrated Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing and Geophysical Data for Barite Potential Mapping in Ariab Districts, Northeast Sudan.
    In: Mediterranean Geosciences Union (MedGU) 4th annual meeting, MedGU, [Barcelona], 1, 2024.
  20. Ali EL, -., El Garouani, A., Shebl, A.: Investigation of lineament extraction: Analysis and comparison of digital elevation models in the Ait Semgane region, Morocco.
    Remote Sens. Appl. 36 1-27, 2024.
    Q1 Computers in Earth Sciences (2023)
    Q1 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
  21. Abdelkader, M., Abd, -., Ogila, W., Elmashad, M., Csámer, Á.: Investigation of the influence of clay mineral characteristics on slope stability in mokattam area, Egypt.
    In: Ahány kő, annyi történet 14. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés Előadás- és poszterkivonatok. Szerk.: Buday Tamás, Csámer Árpád, McIntosh Richard William, Molnár Kata, Virág Attila, HUN-REN Atommagkutató Intézet, Debrecen, 16, 2024. ISBN: 9789638321619
  22. Bokharaeian, M., Csámer, Á.: Laboratory and Numerical Modeling of a Lava Flow Analogue: A Comparative Analysis.
    J. Volcanolog. Seismol. 18 (4), 397-406, 2024.
    Q3 Geochemistry and Petrology (2023)
    Q3 Geology (2023)
    Q3 Geophysics (2023)
Mindet mutasd
frissítve: 2025-01-21, 01:53

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek
SCImago besorolása

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek száma: 198
Q1/D1 23 (11.6%)
Q1 55 (27.8%)
Q2 41 (20.7%)
Q3 12 (6.1%)
Q4 5 (2.5%)
n.a. 85 (42.9%)

SCImago kategóriák

Earth and Planetary Sciences (73)
Geology (35)
Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (19)
Geochemistry and Petrology (13)
Earth-Surface Processes (9)
Economic Geology (7)
Geophysics (7)
Stratigraphy (7)
Paleontology (6)
Computers in Earth Sciences (5)
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (5)
Oceanography (2)
Environmental Science (28)
Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (8)
Water Science and Technology (8)
Environmental Engineering (6)
Pollution (6)
Ecology (4)
Environmental Chemistry (4)
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (4)
Global and Planetary Change (3)
Nature and Landscape Conservation (3)
Ecological Modeling (1)
Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (1)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (22)
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (11)
Aquatic Science (6)
Soil Science (4)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (2)
Agronomy and Crop Science (1)
Plant Science (1)
Social Sciences (16)
Geography, Planning and Development (12)
Archeology (4)
Arts and Humanities (12)
Archeology (arts and humanities) (11)
History (3)
Conservation (1)
Chemistry (5)
Analytical Chemistry (4)
Spectroscopy (4)
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (1)
Energy (5)
Fuel Technology (3)
Energy Engineering and Power Technology (2)
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (2)
Energy (miscellaneous) (1)
Nuclear Energy and Engineering (1)
Engineering (5)
Engineering (miscellaneous) (3)
Architecture (2)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2)
Building and Construction (1)
Civil and Structural Engineering (1)
Multidisciplinary (5)
Multidisciplinary (5)
Physics and Astronomy (5)
Instrumentation (4)
Nuclear and High Energy Physics (4)
Condensed Matter Physics (1)
Computer Science (3)
Information Systems (2)
Computer Networks and Communications (1)
Hardware and Architecture (1)
Materials Science (3)
Materials Science (miscellaneous) (3)
Medicine (3)
Medicine (miscellaneous) (2)
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (1)
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (1)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (2)
Biochemistry (2)
Decision Sciences (2)
Management Science and Operations Research (2)
Mathematics (1)
Control and Optimization (1)

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További folyóiratok


Benkó Zsolt
Benkó Zsolt
Buday Tamás
Buday Tamás
Összes kutatónk
Benkó Zsolt
Benkó Zsolt
Buday Tamás
Buday Tamás
Csámer Árpád
Csámer Árpád
Földtudomány, környezettudomány
McIntosh Richard William
McIntosh Richard William
geográfus, geológia
Temovski Marjan
Temovski Marjan
földtudomány, környezettudomány
Virág Attila
Virág Attila