Lococo, F., Nachira, D., Chiappetta, M., Evangelista, J., Falcoz, P., Ruffini, E., Van Schil, P., Scarci, M., Furák, J., Sollitto, F., Guerrera, F., Spaggiari, L., Aigner, C., Evangelia, L., Billé, A., Moser, B., Thomas, P., Liberman, M., Boubia, S., Campisi, A., Ampollini, L., Toker, A., Enyedi, A., Voltolini, L., Van Raemdonck, D., Margaritora, S., ESTS Thymic Working Group: Does Myasthenia Gravis Affect Long-Term Survival in Thymic Carcinomas? An ESTS DatabaseAnalysis. Diagnostics. 12 (7), 1-12, 2022.
Mendogni, P., Toker, A., Moser, B., Trancho, F., Aigner, C., Bravio, I., Novoa, N., Molins, L., Costardi, L., Voltolini, L., Ardò, N., Verdonck, B., Ampollini, L., Zisis, C., Barmin, V., Enyedi, A., Ruffini, E., Raemdonck, D., Thomas, P., Weder, W., Rocco, G., Brunelli, A., Detterbeck, F., Venuta, F., Falcoz, P., Tosi, D., Bonitta, G., Nosotti, M., Ozkan, B., Cmenoglu, B., Thanner, J., Olivero, C., Alvarado, R., Boada, M., Bongiolatti, S., Sollitto, F., Schil, P., Bocchialini, G., Brioude, G., European Association of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) Thymic Working Group Participating Centers: Surgical resection of Masaoka stage III thymic epithelial tumours with great vessels involvement: a retrospective multicentric analysis from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons thymic database. Eur. J. Cardio-Thorac. Surg. 62 (4), 1-11, 2022.
Enyedi, A.: Treatment of sternoclavicular joint inflammation with NPWT. In: Theoretical knowledge and practical applications negative pressure wound therapy. Ed.: Rashed Aref, et.al, Negative pressure therapy for wound healing association, Biatorbágy, 130-135, 2019. ISBN: 9786150050898
Bertolaccini, L., Batirel, H., Brunelli, A., Gonzalez-Rivas, D., Ismail, M., Ucar, A., Ng, C., Scarci, M., Sihoe, A., Ugalde, P., Abu Akar, F., Bedetti, B., Nadal, S., Brandolini, J., Crucitti, P., Enyedi, A., Fernando, H., Furák, J., Gallego-Poveda, J., Galvez-Munoz, C., Hanke, I., Janik, M., Juhos, P., Libretti, L., Lucciarini, P., Macrì, P., Margaritora, S., Mahoozi, H., Nachira, D., Pardolesi, A., Pischik, V., Sagan, D., Schreurs, H., Sekhniaidze, D., Tosi, D., Turna, A., Vannucci, F., Zielinski, M., Rocco, G., Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG): Uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy: a consensus report from the Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG) of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS). Eur. J. Cardio-Thorac. Surg. 56 (2), 224-229, 2019.
Enyedi, A.: A sternoclavicularis ízületi gyulladások NPWT-kezelése. In: Elméleti ismeretek és gyakorlati alkalmazás. Szerk.: Szentkereszty Zsolt, Pellek Sándor, Tóth Csaba, Negatívnyomás-terápiával a Sebgyógyulásért Egyesület, Biatorbágy, 130-135, 2018. ISBN: 9786150010007
Lococo, F., Nachira, D., Chiappetta, M., Evangelista, J., Falcoz, P., Ruffini, E., Van Schil, P., Scarci, M., Furák, J., Sollitto, F., Guerrera, F., Spaggiari, L., Aigner, C., Evangelia, L., Billé, A., Moser, B., Thomas, P., Liberman, M., Boubia, S., Campisi, A., Ampollini, L., Toker, A., Enyedi, A., Voltolini, L., Van Raemdonck, D., Margaritora, S., ESTS Thymic Working Group: Does Myasthenia Gravis Affect Long-Term Survival in Thymic Carcinomas? An ESTS DatabaseAnalysis. Diagnostics. 12 (7), 1-12, 2022.
Mendogni, P., Toker, A., Moser, B., Trancho, F., Aigner, C., Bravio, I., Novoa, N., Molins, L., Costardi, L., Voltolini, L., Ardò, N., Verdonck, B., Ampollini, L., Zisis, C., Barmin, V., Enyedi, A., Ruffini, E., Raemdonck, D., Thomas, P., Weder, W., Rocco, G., Brunelli, A., Detterbeck, F., Venuta, F., Falcoz, P., Tosi, D., Bonitta, G., Nosotti, M., Ozkan, B., Cmenoglu, B., Thanner, J., Olivero, C., Alvarado, R., Boada, M., Bongiolatti, S., Sollitto, F., Schil, P., Bocchialini, G., Brioude, G., European Association of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) Thymic Working Group Participating Centers: Surgical resection of Masaoka stage III thymic epithelial tumours with great vessels involvement: a retrospective multicentric analysis from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons thymic database. Eur. J. Cardio-Thorac. Surg. 62 (4), 1-11, 2022.
Enyedi, A.: Treatment of sternoclavicular joint inflammation with NPWT. In: Theoretical knowledge and practical applications negative pressure wound therapy. Ed.: Rashed Aref, et.al, Negative pressure therapy for wound healing association, Biatorbágy, 130-135, 2019. ISBN: 9786150050898
Bertolaccini, L., Batirel, H., Brunelli, A., Gonzalez-Rivas, D., Ismail, M., Ucar, A., Ng, C., Scarci, M., Sihoe, A., Ugalde, P., Abu Akar, F., Bedetti, B., Nadal, S., Brandolini, J., Crucitti, P., Enyedi, A., Fernando, H., Furák, J., Gallego-Poveda, J., Galvez-Munoz, C., Hanke, I., Janik, M., Juhos, P., Libretti, L., Lucciarini, P., Macrì, P., Margaritora, S., Mahoozi, H., Nachira, D., Pardolesi, A., Pischik, V., Sagan, D., Schreurs, H., Sekhniaidze, D., Tosi, D., Turna, A., Vannucci, F., Zielinski, M., Rocco, G., Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG): Uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy: a consensus report from the Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG) of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS). Eur. J. Cardio-Thorac. Surg. 56 (2), 224-229, 2019.
Enyedi, A.: A sternoclavicularis ízületi gyulladások NPWT-kezelése. In: Elméleti ismeretek és gyakorlati alkalmazás. Szerk.: Szentkereszty Zsolt, Pellek Sándor, Tóth Csaba, Negatívnyomás-terápiával a Sebgyógyulásért Egyesület, Biatorbágy, 130-135, 2018. ISBN: 9786150010007