Jelenlegi hely

Figula Ágota

Figula Ágota

Név: Figula Ágota
További profilok: MTMT
  • PhD, University of Erlangen Nürnberg (2003)
  • PhD, Debreceni Egyetem (2005)
  • Habilitáció , University of Erlangen Nürnberg (2007)
  • Habilitáció, Debreceni Egyetem (2008)

Ágota Figula, Dr. habil., associate Professor
1994-99:  Study of Mathematics and Physics at the Lajos-Kossuth-University in Debrecen
1998-2000: Study of Mathematics at the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen
2000-2003: Assistant at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg
June 2003: PhD in Erlangen
title of the thesis: 3-dimensional Bol loops corresponding to non-solvable Lie groups.
Advisor: Professor Karl Strambach
2003-2004: Assistant at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Debrecen
November 2004: PhD in Debrecen
title of the thesis: Geodesic loops with non-solvable left translation groups on 3-dimensional reductive spaces.
Advisor: Professor Péter Nagy
2005-2006 Assistant lecturer at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Dezember 2007: Habilitation at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg
June 2008: Habilitation at the University Debrecen
2007-2012: Assistant professor at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Debrecen
2012- : Associate professor at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Debrecen
Research areas:
Lie groups and their generalizations, non-associative algebras,  geometry and code theory.
Award, Fellowship:
Géza Grünwald Memory Prize of János Bolyai Mathematical Society (2006)
Postdoctor Fellowship of Ministry of Education (2006-2007)
Postdoctor Research Fellowship of the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) (2009-2012)
Zoltán Magyary Postdoctor Fellowship (2009-2010)
János Bolyai Research Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2011-2014)
Participation in research projects:
1999-2000: Differentiable loops, DAAD
2005-2006: Loops in Group Theory and Lie Theory, DAAD 
2012-2015: BIOMICS, European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7 2007-2013
2013-2016: LIE-DIFF-GEOM, European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7 2007-2013
2017-: EFOP 3.6.1-16-2016-00022, European Union's, European Social Fund  
2019-: NKFIH Grant Nr: K132951

Szakterület: matematikus

Teljes publikációs lista

A lista áttöltése az MTMT rendszerébe
Hiányzó közlemények feltöltése
Hitelesített Publikációs Lista igénylése
OA letöltési statisztika megtekintése
Feltöltött közlemény:
Publikációs időszak:
  1. Figula, Á., Kása, E.: Der Unterricht der Analysis in Ungarn in der Sekundarschule und an der Universität im 20. Jahrhundert und heutzutage.
    In: Mathematikdidaktische Impulse aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart / G. Ambrus, J. Sjuts, É. Vásárhelyi, WTM Verlag für wissenscaftliche Texte und Medien, Münster, 159-180, 2024, (Mathematiklernen und -lehren in UngarnISSN ; 6) ISBN: 9783959873277
  2. Figula, Á., Kása, E.: Die Untersuchung der reflektiven Abstraktion und der Gruppenarbeit beim Thema "Logarithmische Gleichungen".
    In: Problemlösen in der Tradition von Pólya / Yasmin Theile, Hendrik Streit, Benjamin Rott, WTM Verlag für wissenschaftliche texte und Medien, Münster, 41-58, 2024, (Ars inveniendi et dejudici ISSN ; 20) ISBN: 9783959873253
  3. Falcone, G., Figula, Á., Galici, M.: Extensions of Steiner triple systems.
    Journal of Combinatorial Designs [Epub ahead of print] (-), 1-29, 2024.
    Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (2023)
  4. Al-Janabi, S., Figula, Á.: Geodesic vectors and flat totally geodesic subalgebras of six-dimensional filiform metric Lie algebras.
    J. Geom. 115 (1), 1-39, 2024.
    Q3 Geometry and Topology (2023)
  5. Figula, Á., Nagy, P.: Malcev-like binary Lie algebras of dimension 5.
    Commun. Algebr. [Epub ahead of print] (-), 1-27, 2024.
    Q2 Algebra and Number Theory (2023)
  6. Ficzere, K., Figula, Á.: Systems of first order ordinary differential equations allowing a given 3-dimensional Lie group as a subgroup of their symmetry group.
    Acta Sci. Math. [Epub ahead of print] (-), 1-26, 2024.
    Q3 Analysis (2023)
    Q3 Applied Mathematics (2023)
  1. Figula, Á.: Anti-Commutative Algebras and Their Groups of Automorphisms.
    In: Book of Abstracts, XIII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union. Szerk.: Guram Gogishvili, Maia Japoshvili, Georgian Mathematical Union; Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, 109, 2023.
  2. Ficzere, K., Figula, Á.: Classification of 5-dimensional anti-commutative lie algebras.
    In: Book of Abstracts, RIGA 2023 /ed. Ion Mihai, Adela Mihai, Bucharest University Press, Bucharest, 16, 2023.
  3. Figula, Á., Nagy, P.: Classification of a family of 4-dimensional anti-commutative algebras and their automorphisms.
    Linear Alg. Appl. 656 385-408, 2023.
    Q1 Algebra and Number Theory
    Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
    Q2 Geometry and Topology
    Q2 Numerical Analysis
  4. Figula, Á., Nagy, P.: Extensions and tangent prolongations of differentiable loops.
    J. Algebra. 619 99-129, 2023.
    Q1 Algebra and Number Theory
  5. Figula, Á.: Extensions and tangent prolongations of differentiable loops.
    In: Book of Abstracts, RIGA 2023 /ed. Ion Mihai, Adela Mihai, Bucharest University Press, Bucharest, 17, 2023.
  6. Figula, Á., Al-Janabi, S.: Isometry groups of six-dimensional filiform nilmanifolds.
    Int. J. Group Theory. 12 (2), 67-80, 2023.
    Q3 Algebra and Number Theory
  7. Ficzere, K., Figula, Á.: Isometry groups of six-dimensional nilmanifolds.
    Aequ. Math. 97 (4), 725-752, 2023.
    Q2 Applied Mathematics
    Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
    Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  8. Figula, Á., Juhász, T.: On the derived length of the unit group of group algebras of groups with cyclic commutator subgroup.
    COMMUN ALGEBRA. 51 (2), 633-647, 2023.
    Q2 Algebra and Number Theory
  9. Al-Janabi, S., Figula, Á.: Totally geodesic subalgebras of 6-dimensional nilmanifolds having nilpotency classes 3 and 4.
    In: Book of Abstracts, RIGA 2023 /ed. Ion Mihai, Adela Mihai, Bucharest University Press, Bucharest, 2, 2023.
  1. Figula, Á., Kása, E.: A trigonometria tanítása a realisztikus matematikai módszerrel online környezetben.
    In: Hatékony Tanulás. Szerk.: Di Blasio Barbara, Demeter Gáborné, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Pécsi Területi Bizottsága III. Matematikai és Informatikai Tudományok Szakbizottság, Szakmódszertan és Hatékony Tanulás Munkabizottság, Pécs, 82-104, 2022. ISBN: 9789636260804
  2. Falcone, G., Figula, Á., Hannusch, C.: On the generating matrices of Goppa codes over hyperelliptic curves.
    JRMS. 37 (3), 273-279, 2022.
    Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  3. Al-Abayechi, A., Figula, Á.: Topological Loops with Decomposable Solvable Multiplication Groups.
    Results Math. 77 (1), 1-34, 2022.
    Q2 Applied Mathematics
    Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  1. Figula, Á., Lomjaria, G., Ficzere, K.: Differential Equations and Their Lie Symmetry Groups.
    In: Riemann Geometry and Applications / Adela Mihai, Ion Mihai, Bucharest University Press, Bucharest, 99-138, 2021. ISBN: 9786061613250
Mindet mutasd
frissítve: 2025-01-15, 11:18

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek
SCImago besorolása

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek száma: 53
Q1 7 (13.2%)
Q2 20 (37.7%)
Q3 13 (24.5%)
Q4 4 (7.5%)
n.a. 9 (17%)

SCImago kategóriák

Mathematics (44)
Mathematics (miscellaneous) (24)
Algebra and Number Theory (13)
Applied Mathematics (13)
Geometry and Topology (6)
Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (4)
Statistics and Probability (3)
Mathematical Physics (2)
Analysis (1)
Numerical Analysis (1)
Physics and Astronomy (2)
Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (1)
Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (1)
Computer Science (1)
Computer Science (miscellaneous) (1)

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