Szanyi Miklós
Világgazdaság és Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék
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Publikációs időszak:
Schweickert, R.,
Ahlborn, M.,
Frank, K.,
Orosz, Á.,
Sikulová, I.,
Szanyi, M.:
Large-scale transformation of socio-economic institutions - comparative case studies on CEECs: interim report.
European Commission, Brussels, 33 p., 2013.
Makó, C.,
Polónyi, I.,
Szanyi, M.,
Ujhelyi, M.:
Organizational and institutional innovation and enterprise clusters as sources of competitiveness.
Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, 284 p., 2013.
Iwasaki, I.,
Makó, C.,
Szanyi, M.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.:
Economic transformation and industrial restructuring: the Hungarian experience.
Maruzen Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 296 p., 2012. ISBN: 9784621085011
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Makó, C.,
Szanyi, M.:
Foreign direct investment, information spillover, and export decision evidence from Hungarian firm-level data.
J. world. invest. trade. 12 (4), 487-518, 2011.
Szanyi, M.:
Global crisis - ethic crisis.
In: Russia in the Multipolar World Configuration. Ed.: Glinkina, S, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economy, Moskva, 74-97, 2011. ISBN: 9785994002841
Makó, C.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Szanyi, M.:
Innovation and knowledge development in the knowledge intensive business service sector (cross-country comparison - Hungary versus Slovakia).
BRE. 2 (5), 47-48, 2011.
Makó, C.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Szanyi, M.:
Organizational innovation and knowledge use practice: cross-country comparison : (Hungarian versus Slovak Business Service Sector).
Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 235 p., 2011.
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Makó, C.,
Szanyi, M.:
The nested variable model of FDI spillover effects estimation using Hungarian panel data.
Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 35 p., 2011.
Szanyi, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Makó, C.:
Cluster development in Hungary: searching for a 'Critical Mass' of Business via Cluster Mapping.
In: Local economies and global competitiveness. Ed.: Bruno Dallago, Chiara Guglielmetti, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 113-133, 2010. ISBN: 9780230252721
Szanyi, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illési, M.,
Makó, C.:
Emergence and development of industry clusters in Hungary: searching for a 'Critical Mass' of Business via Cluster Mapping.
Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 33 p., 2010.
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Szanyi, M.,
Makó, C.:
Foreign direct investment, information spillover, and export decision: the concentric circle model with application to Hungarian firm-level data.
Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 36 p., 2010.
Schweickert, R.,
Ahlborn, M.,
Frank, K.,
Orosz, Á.,
Sikulová, I.,
Szanyi, M.:
Large-scale transformation of socio-economic institutions - comparative case studies on CEECs: interim report.
European Commission, Brussels, 33 p., 2013.
Makó, C.,
Polónyi, I.,
Szanyi, M.,
Ujhelyi, M.:
Organizational and institutional innovation and enterprise clusters as sources of competitiveness.
Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, 284 p., 2013.
Iwasaki, I.,
Makó, C.,
Szanyi, M.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.:
Economic transformation and industrial restructuring: the Hungarian experience.
Maruzen Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 296 p., 2012. ISBN: 9784621085011
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Makó, C.,
Szanyi, M.:
Foreign direct investment, information spillover, and export decision evidence from Hungarian firm-level data.
J. world. invest. trade. 12 (4), 487-518, 2011.
Szanyi, M.:
Global crisis - ethic crisis.
In: Russia in the Multipolar World Configuration. Ed.: Glinkina, S, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economy, Moskva, 74-97, 2011. ISBN: 9785994002841
Makó, C.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Szanyi, M.:
Innovation and knowledge development in the knowledge intensive business service sector (cross-country comparison - Hungary versus Slovakia).
BRE. 2 (5), 47-48, 2011.
Makó, C.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Szanyi, M.:
Organizational innovation and knowledge use practice: cross-country comparison : (Hungarian versus Slovak Business Service Sector).
Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 235 p., 2011.
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Makó, C.,
Szanyi, M.:
The nested variable model of FDI spillover effects estimation using Hungarian panel data.
Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 35 p., 2011.
Szanyi, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Makó, C.:
Cluster development in Hungary: searching for a 'Critical Mass' of Business via Cluster Mapping.
In: Local economies and global competitiveness. Ed.: Bruno Dallago, Chiara Guglielmetti, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 113-133, 2010. ISBN: 9780230252721
Szanyi, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illési, M.,
Makó, C.:
Emergence and development of industry clusters in Hungary: searching for a 'Critical Mass' of Business via Cluster Mapping.
Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 33 p., 2010.
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Szanyi, M.,
Makó, C.:
Foreign direct investment, information spillover, and export decision: the concentric circle model with application to Hungarian firm-level data.
Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 36 p., 2010.
Iwasaki, I.,
Szanyi, M.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Makó, C.:
Privatization, foreign acquisition and firm performance: a new empirical methodology and its application to Hungary.
EJCE. 7 (2), 307-343, 2010.
Szanyi, M.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Makó, C.:
The relationship between supplier networks and industrial clusters: an analysis based on the cluster mapping method.
EJES. 1 (1), 87-112, 2010.
Szanyi, M.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Makó, C.:
A gazdasági tevékenység sűrűsödési pontjainak (klaszterek) vizsgálata.
Statisztikai szemle. 87 (9), 921-936, 2009.
Sass, M.,
Szanyi, M.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Makó, C.:
Clusters and the development of supplier networks for transnational companies.
Institute for World Economics of the HAS, Budapest, 43 p., 2009. ISBN: 9789633015247
Makó, C.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Szanyi, M.,
Kotsis, Á.,
Polónyi, I.:
Organizational innovation in the manufacturing sector and the knowledge intensive business services.
In: A hazai innováció néhány jellemzője. Szerk.: Kotsis Ágnes, Polónyi István, DE KTK, Debrecen, 91-121, 2009, (Competitio könyvek, 1785-5950 ; 7.) ISBN: 9634727964
Makó, C.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Iwasaki, I.,
Szanyi, M.:
Organizational innovation in the manufacturing sector and the knowledge intensive business services.
Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 66 p., 2009.
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Szanyi, M.,
Makó, C.:
The concentric-circle model of FDI spillover effects: estimation using Hungarian panel data.
Institute for World Economics of the HAS, Budapest, 43 p., 2009. ISBN: 9789633015452
Szanyi, M.:
Válság és etika.
In: Világgazdasági válság 2008-2009 : diagnózisok és kezelések. Szerk.: Magas István, Aula K., Budapest, 147-173, 2009. ISBN: 9789639698741
Szanyi, M.:
Cluster concept and practice in Hungary.
In: Foreign direct investment, economic growth and labour market performance : empirical evidence from the new EU countries / Birsan, Maria, Hunya, Gabor, European Studies Foundation, Cluj -Napoca, 1-21, 2008. ISBN: 9789737677914
Iwasaki, I.,
Csizmadia, P.,
Illéssy, M.,
Makó, C.,
Szanyi, M.:
State control ownership transformation and firm restructuring: the Case of Hungary.
In: Working Papers : EACES 10th Conference "Patterns of Transition and New Agenda for Comparative Economics", Session CSF-5, "Systemic Transformation and Industrial Change : The Hungarian Experience", Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation August 30, 2008, [Higher School of Economics], [Moscow], [1-36], [2008], (Working papers ; 185.)
Akbar, Y.,
Bakács, A.,
Buzás, S.,
Pogátsa, Z.,
Sass, M.,
Szanyi, M.:
CEE-Cluster network: summary of the main research results.
[ICEG European Center], [Budapest], 26. p., 2007.
Sass, M.,
Czakó, V.,
Oszlay, A.,
Bakács, A.,
Szanyi, M.:
A beszállítói programoktól a klaszter-támogatásig, nemzetközi tapasztalatok, hazai lehetőségek.
ICEG EC, Budapest, 124 p., 2006.
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frissítve: 2024-09-01, 01:41