Tudóstér: Ispány Márton publikációi

feltöltött közlemény: 75 Open Access: 19
  1. Ispány, M., Bondon, P., Reisen, V., Prezotti Filho, P.: Existence of a periodic and seasonal INAR process.
    J. Time Ser. Anal. [Epub ahead of print] 1-26, 2024.
    Q1 Applied Mathematics (2023)
    Q2 Statistics and Probability (2023)
    Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (2023)
  2. Gandhi, H., Ispány, M.: Multi-step Natural Gas Price Forecasting using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Long Short-Term Memory Hybrid Model.
    IJEEP. 14 (4), 590-598, 2024.
    Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q3 Energy (miscellaneous) (2023)
  1. Jeszenszky, P., Besenczi, R., Szabó, M., Ispány, M.: Estimating road traffic flows in macroscopic Markov model.
    In: 2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS), IEEE, Piscataway, 136-141, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496537
  1. Prezotti Filho, P., Reisen, V., Bondon, P., Ispány, M., Melo, M., Serpa, F.: A periodic and seasonal statistical model for non-negative integer-valued time series with an application to dispensed medications in respiratory diseases.
    Appl. Math. Model. 96 545-558, 2021.
    Q1 Applied Mathematics
    Q1 Modeling and Simulation
  2. Dubey, S., Ispány, M.: Association Rules Based Opinion Mining for E-Learning and Electronic Literature Reading.
    Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology. 10 (1), 41-45, 2021.
  3. Besenczi, R., Bátfai, N., Jeszenszky, P., Major, S., Monori, F., Ispány, M.: Large-scale simulation of traffic flow using Markov model.
    PLoS One. 16 (2), 1-31, 2021.
    Q1 Multidisciplinary
  4. Bátfai, N., Besenczi, R., Jeszenszky, P., Szabó, M., Ispány, M.: Markov modeling of traffic flow in Smart Cities.
    Ann. Math. Inform. 53 21-44, 2021.
    Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  1. Reisen, V., Lévy-Leduc, C., Cotta, H., Bondon, P., Ispány, M., Filho, P.: An Overview of Robust Spectral Estimators.
    In: Cyclostationarity : Theory and Methods : IV. Eds.: Fakher Chaari, Jacek Leskow, Radoslaw Zimroz, Agnieszka Wyłomańska, Anna Dudek, Springer, Cham, 204-224, 2020, (Applied Condition Monitoring, ISSN 2363-698X ; 16) ISBN: 9783030225285
  2. Machado, M., Reisen, V., Santos, J., Reis, N., Frère, S., Bondon, P., Ispány, M., Cotta, H.: Use of multivariate time series techniques to estimate the impact of particulate matter on the perceived annoyance.
    Atmos. Environ. 222 1-24, 2020.
    Q1 Atmospheric Science
    Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
  1. Bátfai, N., Szabó, J., Besenczi, R., Jeszenszky, P., Szabella, O., Abai, A., Kocsis, D., Bozsányi, A., Szabó, Á., Ispány, M.: Az oktatás és az esport szinergiája.
    In: Új kutatások a neveléstudományokban 2017 : pedagógusképzés és az inklúzió. Szerk.: Kerülő Judit, Jenei Teréz, Kreatív Help Bt., Debrecen, 136-151, 2018. ISBN: 9786150036953
  2. Reiczigel, J., Ispány, M., Tusnády, G., Michaletzky, G., Marozzi, M.: Bias-corrected estimation of the Rudas-Clogg-Lindsay mixture index of fit.
    Br. J. Math. Stat. Psychol. 71 (3), 459-471, 2018.
    D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    D1 Psychology (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Statistics and Probability
  3. Souza, J., Reisen, V., Franco, G., Ispány, M., Bondon, P., Santos, J.: Generalized additive models with principal component analysis: an application to time series of respiratory disease and air pollution data.
    J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. C-Appl. Stat. 67 (2), 453-480, 2018.
    Q1 Statistics and Probability
    Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
  4. Bátfai, N., Besenczi, R., Ispány, M., Jeszenszky, P., Major, S., Monori, F.: Markov modeling and simulation of traffic flow.
    In: Book of Abstracts. Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation DSSV 2018 / P. Filzmoser; P.J.F. Groenen, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 61, 2018.
  5. Ispány, M., Jeszenszky, P., Bátfai, N., Besenczi, R., Major, S., Monori, F.: Markov modeling and simulation of traffic flow.
  6. Ispány, M., Reisen, V., Franco, G., Bondon, P., Cotta, H., Filho, P., Serpa, F.: On Generalized Additive Models with Dependent Time Series Covariates.
    In: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. Hrsg.: Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Olga Valenzuela, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland, 289-308, 2018, (Contributions to Statistics, ISSN 1431-1968) ISBN: 9783319969435
  1. Ispány, M., Souza, J., Reisen, V., Franco, G., Bondon, P., Santos, J.: An application of the GAM-PCA-VAR model to respiratory disease and air pollution data.
    In: Proceedings ITISE 2017. International work-conference on Time Series. Eds.: Olga Valenzuela, Fernando Rojas, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Godel Impresiones Digitales S.L., Granada, 319-320, 2017. ISBN: 9788417293017
  2. Ispány, M., Jeszenszky, P., Major, S.: A PTI BSc szak reformja a DE Informatikai Karán.
    In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2017 konferencia kiadványa. Szerk.: Aradi Bernadett, Bujdosó Gyöngyi, Horváth Géza, Szokol Patrícia, Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 123-128, 2017. ISBN: 9789634732136
  1. Bourguignon, M., Vasconcellos, K., Reisen, V., Ispány, M.: A Poisson INAR(1) process with a seasonal structure.
    J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 86 (2), 373-387, 2016.
    Q2 Applied Mathematics
    Q1 Modeling and Simulation
    Q2 Statistics and Probability
    Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
  2. Bátfai, N., Mamenyák, A., Jeszenszky, P., Kövér, G., Smajda, M., Besenczi, R., Halász, B., Terdik, G., Ispány, M.: Avatar-based sport science soccer simulations.
    Ann. Math. Inform. 46 13-36, 2016.
    Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  3. Bátfai, N., Jeszenszky, P., Mamenyák, A., Halász, B., Besenczi, R., Komzsik, J., Kóti, B., Kövér, G., Smajda, M., Székelyhídi, C., Takács, T., Róka, G., Ispány, M.: Competitive programming: A case study for developing a simulation-based decision support system.
    Infocommun. J. 8 (1), 24-38, 2016.
    Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  4. Ispány, M.: Some asymptotic results for strongly critical branching processes with immigration in varying environment.
    In: Branching Processes and Their Applications. Eds.: Inés M del Puerto, Miguel González, Cristina Gutiérrez, Rodrigo Martínez, Carmen Minuesa, Manuel Molina, Manuel Mota, Alfonso Ramos, Springer International Publishing, New York ; Berlin, 77-95, 2016. ISBN: 9783319316390
  1. Györfi, L., Ispány, M., Kevei, P., Pap, G.: Asymptotic behavior of multitype nearly critical Galton-Watson processes with immigration: [republication].
    Theory Probab. Appl. 59 (4), 590-610, 2015.
    Q4 Statistics and Probability
    Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
  2. Bátfai, N., Besenczi, R., Mamenyák, A., Ispány, M.: OOCWC: The robocar world championship initiative.
    In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Telecommunications ConTEL 2015. Ed.: Thomas Planck, Graz University of Technology, IEEE, Graz, 1-6, 2015. ISBN: 9781479989720
  3. Grol-Prokopczyk, H., Verdes, E., McEniry, M., Ispány, M.: Promises and Pitfalls of Anchoring Vignettes in Health Survey Research.
    Demography. 52 (5), 1703-1728, 2015.
    D1 Demography
  4. Bátfai, N., Besenczi, R., Mamenyák, A., Ispány, M.: Traffic Simulation based on the Robocar World Championship Initiative.
    Infocommun. J. 7 (3), 50-58, 2015.
    Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  5. Besenczi, R., Szilágyi, M., Bátfai, N., Mamenyák, A., Oniga, I., Ispány, M.: Using crowdsensed information for traffic simulation in the Robocar World Championship framework.
    In: 6th IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications CogInfoCom 2015 : Proceedings, October 19-21, 2015, Széchenyi István University Győr, Hungary, IEEE, Danvers, 333-337, 2015. ISBN: 9781467381291
  1. Györfi, L., Ispány, M., Kevei, P., Pap, G.: Asymptotic behavior of a multitype nearly critical Galton-Watson processes with immigration.
    Teor. verojatn. primen. 59 (4), 752-775, 2014.
  2. Ispány, M., Körmendi, K., Pap, G.: Asymptotic behavior of CLS estimators for 2-type doubly symmetric critical Galton-Watson processes with immigration.
    Bernoulli. 20 (4), 2247-2277, 2014.
    Q1 Statistics and Probability
  3. Barczy, M., Ispány, M., Pap, G.: Asymptotic behavior of conditional least squares estimators for unstable integer-valued autoregressive models of order 2.
    Scand. J. Stat. 41 (4), 866-892, 2014.
    Q1 Statistics and Probability
    Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
  4. Ispány, M., Pap, G.: Asymptotic behavior of critical primitive multi-type branching processes with immigration.
    Stoch. Anal. Appl. 32 (5), 727-741, 2014.
    Q3 Applied Mathematics
    Q3 Statistics and Probability
    Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
  5. Szathmáry, L., Ispány, M.: CGT: a vertical miner for frequent equivalence classes of itemsets.
    In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Future RFID Technologies [elektronikus dokumentum]. Eds.: Emőd Kovács, Gábor Kusper, Tibor Juhász, Tibor Tómács, [EKTF], [Eger], 161-169, 2014. ISBN: 9786155509230
  6. Ispány, M., Verdes, E.: ON the Robustness of Mixture Index of Fit.
    J. Math. Sci. 200 (4), 432-440, 2014.
    Q4 Applied Mathematics
    Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Statistics and Probability
  1. Bátfai, N., Dóczi, R., Komzsik, J., Mamenyák, A., Székelyhídi, C., Zákány, J., Ispány, M., Terdik, G.: Applications of a simplified protocol of RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation.
    Infocommun. j. 5 (1), 15-20, 2013.
    Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  2. Szabó, R., Farkas, K., Ispány, M., Benczúr, A., Bátfai, N., Jeszenszky, P., Laki, S., Vágner, A., Kollár, L., Sidló, C., Besenczi, R., Smajda, M., Kövér, G., Szincsák, T., Kádek, T., Kósa, M., Adamkó, A., Lendák, I., Wiandt, B., Tomás, T., Nagy, A., Fehér, G.: Framework for smart city applications based on participatory sensing.
    In: 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications CogInfoCom 2013 : Proceedings, December 2-5, 2013 Budapest, Hungary. Ed.: Péter Baranyi, IEEE, Danvers, 295-300, 2013. ISBN: 9781479915439
  1. Barczy, M., Ispány, M., Pap, G., Scotto, M., Silva, M.: Additive outliers in INAR(1) models.
    Stat. Pap. 53 (4), 935-949, 2012.
    Q2 Statistics and Probability
    Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
  2. Ispány, M., Pap, G.: Asymptotic behavior of critical primitive multi-type branching processes with immigration.
    arXiv.org arXiv 1-17, 2012.
  3. Ispány, M., Körmendi, K., Pap, G.: Statistical inference for 2-type doubly symmetric critical Galton-Watson processes with immigration.
    arXiv.org. arXiv 1-43, 2012.
  1. Bátfai, N., Ispány, M., Jeszenszky, P., Széll, S., Vaskó, G.: A Debreceni Egyetem labdarúgást szimuláló szemináriuma.
    Híradástechnika. 66 (1), 32-36, 2011.
  2. Barczy, M., Ispány, M., Pap, G.: Asymptotic behavior of unstable INAR(p) processes.
    Stoch. Process. Their Appl. 121 (3), 583-608, 2011.
    D1 Applied Mathematics
    D1 Modeling and Simulation
    Q1 Statistics and Probability
  1. Ispány, M., Pap, G.: A note on weak convergence of random step processes.
    Acta Math. Hung. 126 (4), 381-395, 2010.
    Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  2. Ispány, M., Michaletzky, G., Reiczigel, J., Tusnády, G., Tusnády, P., Varga, K.: Approximation of non-negative integer-valued matrices with application to Hungarian mortality data.
    In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2010, 5-9 July, 2010, Budapest, Hungary: proceeding [elektronikus dokumentum]. Szerk.: Edelmayer András, [MTA SZTAKI], [Budapest], 831-838, 2010.
  3. Barczy, M., Ispány, M., Pap, G.: Asymptotic behavior of CLS estimator of autoregressive parameter for nonprimitive unstable INAR(2) models.
    arXiv.org arXiv 1-35, 2010.
  4. Ispány, M., Pap, G.: Critical barnching processes with immigration.
    In: Workshop on Branching Processes and Their Applications. Ed.: Miquel Gonzalez, [et al.], Springer, Heidelberg, 135-148, 2010, (Lecture notes in statistics--proceedings,0930-0325 ; v. 197) ISBN: 9783642111549
  5. Barczy, M., Ispány, M., Pap, G., Scotto, M., Silva, M.: Outliers in INAR(1) models.
    arXiv.org. arXiv 1-106, 2010.
  6. Fülöp, A., Ispány, M.: Virtual Military Robot Controlled by Emotical Agents Using Reinforcement Learning.
    In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics : Eger, Hungary, January 27 - 30, 2010. vol. 1.. Ed.: Attila Egri-Nagy [et al.], [Eszterházy Károly Főiskola], [Eger], 71-77, [2011]. ISBN: 9789639894723
  1. Barczy, M., Ispány, M., Pap, G., Scotto, M., Silva, M.: Innovational outliers in INAR(1) models.
    Commun. Stat. Theory Methods. 39 (18), 3343-3362, 2009.
    Q3 Statistics and Probability
  2. Ispány, M.: Limit theorems for critical inhomogeneous branching processes with immigration.
    In: International Conference Probability and Statistics with Applications Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Béla Gyires. Abstracts. [elektronikus dokumentum]. Honorary Conference Chairs:: Mátyás Arató, Zoltán Daróczy, Kálmán Győry, Attila Pethő, Debreceni Egyetem TEK Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, [2], 2009.
  1. Ispány, M.: Limit theorems for normalized nearly critical branching processes with immigration.
    Publ. Math. Debrecen. 72 (1-2), 17-34, 2008.
    Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  1. Baran, S., Gáll, J., Ispány, M., Pap, G.: Forecasting Hungarian mortality rates using the Lee-Carter method.
    Acta Oeconomica. 57 (1), 21-34, 2007.
    Q4 Economics and Econometrics
  2. Ispány, M., Krasznahorkay, I.: On Speed of Stochastic CART Model Search.
    Austrian Journ. of Stat. 36 (1), 27-40, 2007.
  3. Györfi, L., Ispány, M., Varga, K., Pap, G.: Poisson limit of an inhomogeneous nearly critical INAR(1) model.
    Acta Sci. Math. 73 (3-4), 789-815, 2007.
    Q4 Analysis
    Q4 Applied Mathematics
  4. Ispány, M., Pap, G.: Weak convergence of step processes and an application for critical multitype branching processes with immigration.
    arXiv.org 01 803, 2007.
  1. Ispány, M.: Application of the MCMC algorithm in Web mining.
    In: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on applied informatics, Eger, Hungary, January 27-31, 2004, vol. I.. Szerk.: Csőke Lajos, Olajos Péter, Szigetváry Péter, Tómács Tibor, [EKTF], Eger, 211-219, 2005.
  2. Ispány, M., Pap, G., Zuijlen, M.: Critical branching mechanisms with immigration and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type diffusions.
    Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged). 71 (3-4), 821-850, 2005.
  3. Ispány, M., Pap, G., Zuijlen, M.: Fluctuation limit of branching processes with immigration and estimation of the means.
    Adv. Appl. Probability. 37 (2), 523-538, 2005.
    Q2 Applied Mathematics
    Q2 Statistics and Probability
  1. Szőke, S., Komlósi, I., Korom, E., Ispány, M., Mihók, S.: A statistical analysis of population variability in Bronze Turkey considering gene conservation.
    Arch. Tierz. 47 (4), 377-385, 2004.
  2. Szőke, S., Komlósi, I., Korom, E., Ispány, M., Mihók, S.: Vizsgálatok egy génrezerv pulykapopulációban.
    Agrártud. közl. 13 48-52, 2004.
  1. Ispány, M., Pap, G., Zuijlen, M.: Asymptotic behaviour of estimators of the parameters of nearly unstable INAR (1) models.
    In: Foundations of Statistical Inference : Proceedings of the Shoresh Conference, Springer ; Physica-Verlag, Berlin ; Heidelberg, 194-206, 2003.
  2. Ispány, M., Pap, G., Zuijlen, M.: Asymptotic inference for nearly unstable INAR(1) models.
    J. Appl. Probab. 40 (3), 750-765, 2003.
    Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Statistics and Probability
    Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
  1. Ispány, M., William, R.: On affine state-space representation of time series.
    In: The 8th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control: Telecommunications/Signal Processing, Crete, Greece, June 25-29, 2001 / William R. Wells, [Univ. of Nevada], [Las Vegas, USA], 591-602, 2002.
  1. Bátfai, N., Erdei, S., Ispány, M.: Developing a numerical library in java.
    In: 4th international conference on applied informatics : Education and other fields of applied informatics : Computer graphics : Computer statistics and modeling : August 30-September 3, 1999 Eger-Noszvaj, Hungary. Ed.: by Emőd Kovács, Zoltán Winkler, Molnár és Társa '2001' Kft., Eger, 345, 2001.
  2. Csiszár, I., Tusnády, G., Ispány, M., Verdes, E., Michaletzky, G., Rudas, T.: Divergence minimization under prior inequality constraints.
    In: Proceedings of the IEEE international symposium on information theory, Washington DC, USA, June 24-29, 2001, Hungarian Acad. of Sci., Budapest, 21, 2001.
  1. Fazekas, I., Baran, S., Glevitzky, B., Iglói, E., Ispány, M., Kalmár, I., Nagy, M., Tar, L., Verdes, E.: Bevezetés a matematikai statisztikába.
    Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 523 p., 2000.
  1. Arató, M., Baran, S., Ispány, M.: Functionals of complex Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes.
    Comput. Math. Appl. 37 (1), 1-13, 1999.
    Q3 Computational Mathematics
    Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics
    Q2 Modeling and Simulation
  1. Ispány, M.: On stationarity and second order properties of a scalar-valued nonlinear time series with Gaussian residuals.
    Comput. Math. Appl. 35 (4), 95-104, 1998.
  1. Fazekas, I., Baran, S., Glevitzky, B., Iglói, E., Ispány, M., Kalmár, I., Nagy, M., Tar, L., Verdes, E.: Bevezetés a matematikai statisztikába.
    Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 523 p., 1997.
  2. Ispány, M., Csiszár, I., Michaletzky, G.: On stationarity of additive bilinear state-space representation of time series.
    In: Stochastic differetial and difference equation / Imre Csiszár, Gy. Michaletzky, Birkhauser, Boston, 143-155, 1997.
  3. Ispány, M., Kovács, E., Kovács, Z., Csertő, B., Pépei, L.: Spectral analysis of some nonlinear time series models.
    In: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on applied informatics, Eger-Noszvaj, Hungary August 24-28, 1997. Szerk.: Kovács Emőd, Kovács Zsolt, Csertő Balázs, Pépei László, EKTF, Eger, 69-84, 1997.
  1. Ispány, M.: Stationarity and parameter estimation of autoregressive processes with subordinated random coefficient.
    In: Proceedings of the 9th european young statisticians meeting (EYSM), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1995 / European young statisticians meeting, [s.n.], [s.l.], 26-30, 1995.
  1. Ispány, M.: Bilinear time series models on Hilbert space.
    University of Debrecen, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Debrecen, 1994.
  2. Ispány, M.: Moment inequalities for completely regular processes with applications.
    University of Debrecen, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Debrecen, 1994.
  3. Ispány, M.: Random coefficient autoregressive processes.
    University of Debrecen, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Debrecen, 1994.
  1. Terdik, G., Ispány, M.: Criteria for the existence of even order moments of bilinear time series.
    Commun. Stat. Stoch. Mod. 9 (2), 255-273, 1993.
  1. Terdik, G., Ispány, M.: A note on stationarity of bilinear models.
    Publ. Math. Debrecen. 38 165-173, 1991.
  2. Terdik, G., Ispány, M.: Criteria for the existence of even order moments of bilinear time series.
    University of Debrecen, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Debrecen, 19 p., 1991.
feltöltött közlemény: 75 Open Access: 19
A szolgáltatást nyújtja: DEENK