Tudóstér: Emri Tamás publikációi

feltöltött közlemény: 166 Open Access: 39
  1. Pákozdi, K., Antal, K., Miskei, M., Szabó, Z., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Aspergillus fumigatus és Aspergillus nidulans sodB géndeléciós mutánsainak oxidatív stresszre adott válaszának összehasonlító transzkriptomikai vizsgálata = Comparative transcriptomic analysis of the oxidative stress response of sodB gene deletion mutants of Aspergillus fumigatus and A. nidulans.
    In: VII. Magyar Mikológiai Konferencia : Absztraktkötet. Szerk.:: Dima Bálint; Papp Viktor, MATE, Magyar Mikológiai Társaság, 2024, 26-27, 2024. ISBN: 9789636230982(pdf)
  2. Bodnár, V., Antal, K., De Vries, R., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Aspergillus nidulans gfdB, Encoding the Hyperosmotic Stress Protein Glycerol-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase, Disrupts Osmoadaptation in Aspergillus wentii.
    J. Fungi. 10 (4), 1-23, 2024.
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (2023)
    Q2 Microbiology (medical) (2023)
    Q1 Plant Science (2023)
  3. Varga, K., Benkő, Z., Antal, K., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Az Aspergillus fumigatus MeaB transzkripciós faktorának szerepe a reaktív nitrogénformák elleni védekezésben = Role of the MeaB transcription factor in the regulation of reactive nitrogen species in Aspergillus fumigatus.
    In: VII. Magyar Mikológiai Konferencia : Absztraktkötet. Szerk.:: Dima Bálint; Papp Viktor, MATE, Magyar Mikológiai Társaság, 2024, 210-211, 2024. ISBN: 9789636230982(pdf)
  4. Emri, T., Antal, K., Gila, B., Varga, K., Pákozdi, K., Wunderlich, V., Pócsi, I.: Az Aspergillus fumigatus vas anyagcseréjében megfigyelhető változások kombinatorikus stresszkísérletekben = Changes in iron metabolism of Aspergillus fumigatus in combinatorial stress experiments.
    In: VII. Magyar Mikológiai Konferencia : Absztraktkötet. Szerk.:: Dima Bálint; Papp Viktor, MATE, Magyar Mikológiai Társaság, 2024, 82-83, 2024. ISBN: 9789636230982(pdf)
  5. Bodnár, V., Antal, K., De Vries, R., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Az ozmofília megértése: molekuláris betekintés az Aspergillus wentii és az Aspergillus nidulans ozmotikus stresszválaszaiba = Unravelling osmophily: molecular insights into the osmotic stress responses of Aspergillus wentii and Aspergillus nidulans.
    In: VII. Magyar Mikológiai Konferencia : Absztraktkötet. Szerk.:: Dima Bálint; Papp Viktor, MATE, Magyar Mikológiai Társaság, 2024, 15-16, 2024. ISBN: 9789636230982(pdf)
  6. Vig, I., Szarka, M., Fenyvesi, A., Gila, B., Antal, K., Szikszai, Z., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Az űrutazás potyautasai - protonsugárzásra adott stresszválaszok az Aspergillus nidulans modellorganizmusban = The stowaways of space travel - stress responses to proton irradiation in the model organism Aspergillus nidulans.
    In: VII. Magyar Mikológiai Konferencia : Absztraktkötet. Szerk.:: Dima Bálint; Papp Viktor, MATE, Magyar Mikológiai Társaság, 2024, 36-37, 2024. ISBN: 9789636230982(pdf)
  7. Emri, T., Povazsanyecz, B., Antal, K., Pócsi, I.: Befolyásolja-e a szterigmatocisztin az Aspergillus nidulans szénstresszválaszát? = Does sterigmatocystin influence the carbon stress response of Aspergillus nidulans?.
    In: VII. Magyar Mikológiai Konferencia : Absztraktkötet. Szerk.:: Dima Bálint; Papp Viktor, MATE, Magyar Mikológiai Társaság, 2024, 131-132, 2024. ISBN: 9789636230982(pdf)
  8. Emri, T., Antal, K., Varga, K., Gila, C., Pócsi, I.: The Oxidative Stress Response Highly Depends on Glucose and Iron Availability in Aspergillus fumigatus.
    J. Fungi. 10 (3), 1-18, 2024.
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (2023)
    Q2 Microbiology (medical) (2023)
    Q1 Plant Science (2023)
  9. Jakab, Á., Csillag, K., Antal, K., Boczonádi, I., Kovács, R., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Total transcriptome response for tyrosol exposure in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Fungal Biol. 128 (2), 1664-1674, 2024.
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (2023)
    Q3 Genetics (2023)
    Q2 Infectious Diseases (2023)
    Q1 Plant Science (2023)
  1. Emri, T., Antal, K., Gila, B., Jónás, A., Pócsi, I.: Adaptation of Aspergillus Fumigatus to low glucose availability.
    In: 16th European Conference on Fungal Genetics, Programme and Abstracts, ECFG, Innsbruck, Austria, 639-640, 2023.
  2. Leiter, É., Bodnár, V., Király, A., Emri, T., Pócsi, I.: Characterization of the supplementation of aspergillus nidulans gfdb in Osmophilic Aspergilli.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 70 (Supplement-1), 69-70, 2023.
  3. Emri, T., Pákozdi, K., Antal, K., Pócsi, I.: Comparative transcriptomics of Mn-superoxid dismutase deficient Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus nidulans strains.
    In: The 19th International Aspergillus Meeting, Asperfest, SoWi University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 24-25, 2023.
  4. Emri, T., Leiter, É., Pócsi, I.: Elements and regulalation of Cd2+ stress response in the Aspergilli.
    In: 21st Jena Remediation Symposium: BioGeo interfaces under stress, Proceedings, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany, 19, 2023.
  5. Vig, I., Benkő, Z., Gila, B., Palczert, Z., Jakab, Á., Nagy, F., Miskei, M., Lee, M., Yu, J., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Functional characterization of genes encoding cadmium pumping P1B-type ATPases in Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus nidulans.
    Microbiol Spectr. 11 (5), 1-14, 2023.
    Q2 Cell Biology
    Q1 Ecology
    Q2 Genetics
    Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Infectious Diseases
    Q2 Microbiology (medical)
    Q1 Physiology
  6. Kocsis, B., Lee, M., Antal, K., Yu, J., Pócsi, I., Leiter, É., Emri, T.: Genome-Wide Gene Expression Analyses of the AtfA/AtfB-Mediated Menadione Stress Response in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Cells. 12 (3), 1-16, 2023.
    Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
  7. Kocsis, B., Mi-Kyung, L., Antal, K., Jae-Hyuk, Y., Pócsi, I., Leiter, É., Emri, T.: Genome-wide study of AtfA/AtfB-mediated menadione stress response during asexual development in Aspergillus nidulans.
    In: The 19th International Aspergillus Meeting, Asperfest, SoWi University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 31-32, 2023.
  8. Pákozdi, K., Emri, T., Antal, K., Pócsi, I.: Global Transcriptomic Changes Elicited by sodB Deletion and Menadione Exposure in Aspergillus nidulans.
    J. Fungi. 9 (11), 1-15, 2023.
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q2 Microbiology (medical)
    Q1 Plant Science
  9. Bodnár, V., Pákozdi, K., Király, A., Póliska, S., Antal, K., Leiter, É., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Osmotic stress elicited gene expression changes in aspergillus wentii wildtype and 'c gfdb and aspergillus nidulans wild-type and gfdb mutant strains.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 70 (Supplement-1), 58, 2023.
  10. Csillag, K., Emri, T., Rangel, D., Pócsi, I.: pH-dependent effect of Congo Red on the growth of Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus niger.
    Fungal Biol. 127 (7-8), 1180-1186, 2023.
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q3 Genetics
    Q2 Infectious Diseases
    Q1 Plant Science
  11. Bodnár, V., Király, A., Orosz, E., Miskei, M., Emri, T., Karányi, Z., Leiter, É., De Vries, R., Pócsi, I.: Species-specific effects of the introduction of Aspergillus nidulans gfdB in osmophilic aspergilli.
    Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 107 ((2023),), 2423-2436, 2023.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  12. Bákány, B., Antal, R., Szentesi, P., Emri, T., Leiter, É., Csernoch, L., Keller, N., Pócsi, I., Dienes, B.: The bZIP-type transcription factors NapA and RsmA modulate the volumetric ratio and the relative superoxide ratio of mitochondria in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Biologia Futura. 74 (3), 337-346, 2023.
    Q2 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
  13. Pákozdi, K., Lisztes-Szabó, Z., Murvai, K., Hegedűs, G., Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Virág, E.: Transcriptomic adaptation to superoxide stress in fvatfa and fvmnsod fusarium verticilloides strains.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 70 (Supplement-1), 75-76, 2023.
  1. Leiter, É., Emri, T., Pusztahelyi, T., Szabó, Z., Pákozdi, K., Kocsis, B., Bodnár, V., Hornok, L., Pócsi, I.: Atf1 ortholog bZIP-type transcription factors in filamentous fungi.
    In: Biotechnology at the University of Debrecen - 2022 International Symposium : Abstract Book, Debreceni Egyetem, Printart-Press Kft., Debrecen, 15, 2022. ISBN: 9789634904687
  2. Pócsi, I., Emri, T., Pusztahelyi, T., Lisztes-Szabó, Z., Pákozdi, K., Virág, E., Kocsis, B., Bodnár, V., Hornok, L., Leiter, É.: Atf1 orthologous bZIP-type transcription factors in fungi.
    In: International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Resources and Bioeconomy (BSBB-2022) and XIX Annual Convention of The Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI), Guwahati : Abstract Book, [s.n.], [Guwahati], 165-166, 2022.
  3. Emri, T., Forgács, K., Pócsi, I.: Biologia futura: combinatorial stress responses in fungi.
    Biologia Futura. 73 (2), 207-217, 2022.
    Q2 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
  4. Bodnár, V., Antal, R., Emri, T., Pusztahelyi, T., Leiter, É., Pócsi, I.: Characterization of bzip transcription factors required for the oxidative stress response in the aflatoxin producer fungus aspergillus flavus.
    In: Biotechnology at the University of Debrecen - 2022 International Symposium : Abstarct Book, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Microbiology, Institute of Biotechnology and Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Central Laboratory of Agricultural and Food Products, Debrecen, 35-36, 2022. ISBN: 9789634904687
  5. Emri, T., Sümegi-Győri, V., Páll, K., Gila, B., Pócsi, I.: Effect of the combinatorial iron-chelation and oxidative stress on the growth of Aspergillus species.
    Res. Microbiol. 173 (8), 1-3, 2022.
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
    Q3 Molecular Biology
  6. Vig, I., Benkő, Z., Gila, B., Palczert, Z., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Functional characterization of the P-type ATPases, CrpA and PcaA from Aspergillus species.
    In: Biotechnology at the University of Debrecen-2022 : International Symposium : Abstract book, Institute of Biotechnology and Central Laboratory of Agricultural and Food Porduct, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, 46-47, 2022. ISBN: 9789634904687
  7. Vig, I., Benkő, Z., Gila, C., Palczert, Z., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Functional characterization of two p-type ATPases from Aspergillus species.
    In: A Magyar Mikrobiológiai Társaság 2022. évi Nagygyűlése és XV. Fermentációs Kollokvium : Absztraktfüzet, [s.n.], Kecskemét, 53, 2022.
  8. Kocsis, B., Lee, M., Yu, J., Pócsi, I., Leiter, É., Emri, T.: Genome-wide analysis of AtfA/AtfB-mediated menadione stress response in Aspergillus nidulans.
    In: 31st Fungal Genetics Conference : Abstract Book, Asilomar, Pacific Grove (California), 152-153, 2022.
  9. Bákány, B., Yin, W., Dienes, B., Nagy, T., Leiter, É., Emri, T., Keller, N., Pócsi, I.: Interaction of the bZIP-type transcription factors NapA and RsmA in the regulation of oxidative stress defence and sterigmatocystin production of Aspergillus nidulans.
    In: 31st Fungal Genetics Conference : Abstract Book, Asilomar, Pacific Grove (California), 80, 2022.
  10. Bákány, B., Antal, R., Szentesi, P., Csernoch, L., Yin, W., Nagy, T., Leiter, É., Emri, T., Keller, N., Dienes, B., Pócsi, I.: Interaction of the bZIP-type transcription factors NapA and RsmA in the regulation of oxidative stress defense, mitochondrial volumetric ratio and sterigmatocystin production of Aspergillus nidulans.
    In: Biotechnology at the University of Debrecen - 2022 International Symposium : Abstract Book, Debreceni Egyetem, Printart-Press Kft., Debrecen, 33-34, 2022. ISBN: 9789634904687
  11. Gila, B., Antal, K., Hádáné Birkó, Z., Keserű, J., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Strategies Shaping the Transcription of Carbohydrate-Active Enzyme Genes in Aspergillus nidulans.
    J. Fungi. 8 (1), 1-23, 2022.
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q2 Microbiology (medical)
    Q1 Plant Science
  12. Emri, T., Antal, K., Gila, C., Jónás, A., Pócsi, I.: Stress Responses Elicited by Glucose Withdrawal in Aspergillus fumigatus.
    J. Fungi. 8 (11), 1-19, 2022.
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q2 Microbiology (medical)
    Q1 Plant Science
  13. Bákány, B., Antal, R., Szentesi, P., Csernoch, L., Yin, W., Nagy, T., Leiter, É., Emri, T., Keller, N., Pócsi, I.: Study on the bZIP-type transcription factors NapA and RsmA in the regulation of oxidative stress defense, mitochondrial volumetric ratio and sterigmatocystin production of Aspergillus nidulans.
    In: A Magyar Mikrobiológiai Társaság 2022. évi Nagygyűlése és XV. Fermentációs Kollokvium : Absztraktfüzet, [s.n.], Kecskemét, 5, 2022.
  14. Bodnár, V., Király, A., Orosz, E., Emri, T., Karányi, Z., Leiter, É., De Vries, R., Pócsi, I.: The physiological effects of the supplementation and expression of Aspergillus nidulans gfdB in other Aspergillus spp. are species-specific.
    In: A Magyar Mikrobiológiai Társaság 2022. évi Nagygyűlése és XV. Fermentációs Kollokvium : Absztraktfüzet, Magyar Mikrobiológiai Társaság és a MMT Alapítványa, Kecskemét, 10, 2022.
  15. Pócsi, I., Máthéné Szigeti, Z., Emri, T., Boczonádi, I., Vereb, G., Szöllősi, J.: Use of red, far-red, and near-infrared light in imaging of yeasts and filamentous fungi.
    Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 106 (11), 3895-3912, 2022.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Emri, T., Gila, B., Antal, K., Fekete, F., Moon, H., Yu, J., Pócsi, I.: AtfA-Independent Adaptation to the Toxic Heavy Metal Cadmium in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Microorganisms. 9 (7), 1-23, 2021.
    Q2 Microbiology
    Q2 Microbiology (medical)
    Q3 Virology
  2. Lima, D., Costa, T., Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Pupin, B., Rangel, D.: Fungal tolerance to Congo red, a cell wall integrity stress, as a promising indicator of ecological niche.
    Fungal Biol. 125 (8), 646-657, 2021.
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q3 Genetics
    Q2 Infectious Diseases
    Q1 Plant Science
  3. Boczonádi, I., Jakab, Á., Baranyai, E., Tóth, C., Daróczi, L., Csernoch, L., Kis, G., Antal, M., Pusztahelyi, T., Grawunder, A., Merten, D., Emri, T., Fábián, I., Kothe, E., Pócsi, I.: Rare Earth Element Sequestration by Aspergillus oryzae Biomass.
    Environ. Technol. 42 (24), 3725-3735, 2021.
    Q3 Environmental Chemistry
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Waste Management and Disposal
    Q2 Water Science and Technology
  4. Bákány, B., Yin, W., Dienes, B., Nagy, T., Leiter, É., Emri, T., Keller, N., Pócsi, I.: Study on the bZIP-Type Transcription Factors NapA and RsmA in the Regulation of Intracellular Reactive Species Levels and Sterigmatocystin Production of Aspergillus nidulans.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22 (21), 11577, 2021.
    Q2 Catalysis
    Q1 Computer Science Applications
    Q1 Inorganic Chemistry
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Molecular Biology
    Q1 Organic Chemistry
    Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
    D1 Spectroscopy
  5. Szabó, Z., Pákozdi, K., Emri, T., Leiter, É., Logrieco, A., Hornok, L., Pócsi, I.: The bZIP-type transcription factor FvAtfA regulates fumonisin, bikaverin and carotenoid productions in the maize pathogen Fusarium verticillioides.
    In: Integrated and innovative key actions for mycotoxin management in the feed and food chain : Book of Abstracts. Ed.: by Antonio F. Logrieco, Institute of Sciences of Food Production-National Research Council (CNR-ISPA), Bari, 146, 2021. ISBN: 9788880802211
  6. Gila, B., Moon, H., Antal, K., Hajdú, M., Kovács, R., Jónás, A., Pusztahelyi, T., Yu, J., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: The DUG Pathway Governs Degradation of Intracellular Glutathione in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 87 (9), 1-19, 2021.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Ecology
    D1 Food Science
  7. Leiter, É., Emri, T., Pákozdi, K., Hornok, L., Pócsi, I.: The impact of bZIP Atf1ortholog global regulators in fungi.
    Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 105 5769-5783, 2021.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  8. Jakab, Á., Emri, T., Csillag, K., Szabó, A., Nagy, F., Baranyai, E., Sajtos, Z., Géczi, D., Antal, K., Kovács, R., Szabó, K., Dombrádi, V., Pócsi, I.: The negative effect of protein phosphatase Z1 deletion on the oxidative stress tolerance of Candida albicans is synergistic with betamethasone exposure.
    J. Fungi. 7 (540), 1-24, 2021.
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q2 Microbiology (medical)
    Q1 Plant Science
  1. Pusztahelyi, T., Czeglédi, L., Domokos-Szabolcsy, É., Emri, T.: 4th National conference of young biotechnologists: Abstract Book "FIBOK 2020".
    University of Debrecen, Debrecen, 113 p., 2020. ISBN: 9789634902720
  2. Szabó, Z., Pákozdi, K., Murvai, K., Pusztahelyi, T., Kecskeméti, Á., Gáspár, A., Logrieco, A., Emri, T., Ádám, A., Leiter, É., Hornok, L., Pócsi, I.: FvatfA regulates growth, stress tolerance as well as mycotoxin and pigment productions in Fusarium verticillioides.
    Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 104 (18), 7879-7899, 2020.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  3. Szabó, Z., Pákozdi, K., Murvai, K., Kecskeméti, Á., Oláh, V., Logrieco, A., Madar, A., Dienes, B., Csernoch, L., Emri, T., Hornok, L., Pócsi, I., Leiter, É.: FvmnSOD is involved in oxidative stress defence, mitochondrial stability and apoptosis prevention in Fusarium verticillioides.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 60 (11-12), 994-1003, 2020.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  4. Antal, K., Gila, B., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: General stress response or adaptation to rapid growth in Aspergillus nidulans?.
    Fungal Biology. 124 (5), 376-386, 2020.
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q2 Genetics
    Q2 Infectious Diseases
    Q1 Plant Science
  5. Boczonádi, I., Török, Z., Jakab, Á., Kónya, G., Gyurcsó, K., Baranyai, E., Szoboszlai, Z., Döncző, B., Fábián, I., Leiter, É., Lee, M., Csernoch, L., Yu, J., Kertész, Z., Emri, T., Pócsi, I.: Increased Cd2+ biosorption capability of Aspergillus nidulans elicited by crpA deletion.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 60 (7), 574-584, 2020.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  6. Selbmann, L., Benkő, Z., Coleine, C., de Hoog, S., Donati, C., Druzhinina, I., Emri, T., Ettinger, C., Gladfelter, A., Gorbushina, A., Grigoriev, I., Grube, M., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Karányi, Z., Kocsis, B., Kubressoian, T., Miklós, I., Miskei, M., Muggia, L., Northen, T., Novak-Babič, M., Pennacchio, C., Pfliegler, V., Pócsi, I., Prigione, V., Riquelme, M., Segata, N., Schumacher, J., Shelest, E., Sterflinger, K., Tesei, D., U'Ren, J., Varese, G., Vázquez-Campos, X., Vicente, V., Souza, E., Zalar, P., Walker, A., Stajich, J.: Shed Light in the DaRk LineagES of the Fungal Tree of Life-STRES.
    Life (Basel). 10 (12), 1-13, 2020.
    Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q1 Paleontology
    Q2 Space and Planetary Science
  7. Király, A., Szabó, I., Emri, T., Leiter, É., Pócsi, I.: Supplementation of Aspergillus glaucus with gfdB gene encoding a glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase in Aspergillus nidulans.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 124 (5), 352-360, 2020.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  8. Alder-Rangel, A., Idnurm, A., Brand, A., Brown, A., Gorbushina, A., Kelliher, C., Campos, C., Levin, D., Bell-Pedersen, D., Dadachova, E., Bauer, F., Gadd, G., Braus, G., Braga, G., Brancini, G., Walker, G., Druzhinina, I., Pócsi, I., Dijksterhuis, J., Aguirre, J., Hallsworth, J., Schumacher, J., Wong, K., Selbmann, L., Corrochano, L., Kupiec, M., Momany, M., Molin, M., Requena, N., Yarden, O., Cordero, R., Fischer, R., Pascon, R., Mancinelli, R., Emri, T., Basso, T., Rangel, D.: The Third International Symposium on Fungal Stress: ISFUS.
    Fungal Biology. 124 (5), 235-252, 2020.
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q2 Genetics
    Q2 Infectious Diseases
    Q1 Plant Science
  1. Boczonádi, I., Jakab, Á., Baranyai, E., Tóth, N., Daróczi, L., Csernoch, L., Kis, G., Antal, M., Pusztahelyi, T., Grawunder, A., Merten, D., Emri, T., Fábián, I., Kothe, E., Pócsi, I.: Aspergillus oryzae potenciális alkalmazásának lehetőségei ritkaföldfémek bioszorpciójában.
    In: Biotechnológia a Debreceni Egyetemen Tudományos szimpózium : Program és összefoglalók, Debrecen Egyetem, Debrecen, 14, 2019.
  2. Emri, T., Kurucz, V., Jakab, Á., Antal, K., Dombrádi, V., Kniemeyer, O., Pócsi, I.: Combinatorial stress responses in Fungi.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. Suppl. 128-129, 2019.
  3. Emri, T., Kurucz, V., Jakab, Á., Antal, K., Kniemeyer, O., Pócsi, I.: Coping with two stressors concomitantly.
    In: Annals of the International Symposium on Fungal Stress : ISFUS : Book of Abstracts, Even3, Sao Paulo, 52-53, 2019. ISBN: 9788557222106
  4. Szabó, K., Jakab, Á., Póliska, S., Petrényi, K., Kovács, K., Issa, L., Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Dombrádi, V.: Deletion of the fungus specific protein phosphatase Z1 exaggerates the oxidative stress response in Candida albicans.
    BMC Genomics. 20 1-17, 2019.
    Q1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Genetics
  5. Jakab, Á., Tóth, Z., Nagy, F., Nemes, D., Bácskay, I., Kardos, G., Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Majoros, L., Kovács, R.: Physiological and transcriptional response of Candida parapsilosis to exogenous tyrosol.
    Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 85 (20), 1-12, 2019.
    D1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Biotechnology
    D1 Ecology
    D1 Food Science
  6. Szabó, K., Jakab, Á., Póliska, S., Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Dombrádi, V.: The effect of the CaPpz1 protein phosphatase on gene expression in Candida albicans under oxidative stress conditions.
    In: Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2019: Programme and Books of abstracts. Szerk.: László Buday, Miklós Erdélyi, Mihály Kovács, József Mihály, Máté Varga, László Virág, Róbert Hohol, Diamond Congress Ltd., Budapest, 155-156, 2019. ISBN: 9786155270529
  7. Boczonádi, I., Jakab, Á., Baranyai, E., Tóth, C., Daróczi, L., Kis, G., Antal, M., Emri, T., Pusztahelyi, T., Fábián, I., Kothe, E., Pócsi, I.: The potential application of Aspergillus oryzae in the biosorption of rare earth element ions present in seepage waters from a post-uranium-mining area.
    In: 30th Fungal Genetic Conference : Abstract Book, Genetic Society of America, Rockville, 79, 2019.
  8. Kovács, R., Jakab, Á., Tóth, Z., Nagy, F., Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Majoros, L.: Transcriptional and physiological effect exerted by tyrosol on Candida parapsilosis cells.
    J. Fungi. 5 (95), 142-143, 2019.
  1. Kurucz, V., Krüger, T., Antal, K., Dietl, A., Haas, H., Pócsi, I., Kniemeyer, O., Emri, T.: Additional oxidative stress reroutes the global response of Aspergillus fumigatus to iron depletion.
    BMC Genomics. 19 1-19, 2018.
    D1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Genetics
  2. Szilágyi, M., Anton, F., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Autolytic enzymes are responsible for increased melanization of carbon stressed Aspergillus nidulans cultures.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 58 (5), 440-447, 2018.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  3. Emri, T., Vékony, V., Gila, B., Nagy, F., Forgács, K., Pócsi, I.: Autolytic hydrolases affect sexual and asexual development of Aspergillus nidulans.
    Folia Microbiol. 63 (5), 619-626, 2018.
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  4. Boczonádi, I., Baranyai, E., Jakab, Á., Emri, T., Fábián, I., Kothe, E., Pócsi, I.: Biosorption of rare earth element ions by Aspergillus oryzae biomass in the presence of high concentrations of other metal ions.
    In: 17th symposium on remediation : The role of heterogeneity in contaminated site assessment, bio-geo interactions and reactive transport, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, 1, 2018.
  5. Emri, T., Antal, K., Riley, R., Karányi, Z., Miskei, M., Orosz, E., Baker, S., Wiebenga, A., De Vries, R., Pócsi, I.: Duplications and losses of genes encoding known elements of the stress defence system of the Aspergilli contribute to the evolution of these filamentous fungi but do not directly influence their environmental stress tolerance.
    Stud. Mycol. 91 23-36, 2018.
    D1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
    D1 Plant Science
  6. Szűcs, Z., Plaszkó, T., Cziáky, Z., Kiss-Szikszai, A., Emri, T., Bertóti, R., Sinka, L., Vasas, G., Gonda, S.: Endophytic fungi from the roots of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) and their interactions with the defensive metabolites of the glucosinolate - myrosinase - isothiocyanate system.
    BMC Plant Biol. 18 (1), 1-15, 2018.
    D1 Plant Science
  7. Orosz, E., Wiele, N., Emri, T., Zhou, M., Robert, V., De Vries, R., Pócsi, I.: Fungal Stress Database (FSD) - a repository of fungal stress physiological data.
    Database Online. 2018 1-6, 2018.
    D1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    D1 Information Systems
  8. Kurucz, V., Kiss, B., Máthéné Szigeti, Z., Szemán-Nagy, G., Orosz, E., Hargitai, Z., Harangi, S., Wiebenga, A., De Vries, R., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Physiological background of the remarkably high Cd2+ tolerance of the Aspergillus fumigatus Af293 strain.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 58 (11), 957-967, 2018.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  9. Pócsi, I., Kurucz, V., Harangi, S., Wiebenga, A., De Vries, R., Emri, T.: The Aspergillus fumigatus Af293 strain has an unusually high cadmium tolerance among the Aspergilli.
    In: 17th Symposium on remediation Abstract Book / Kothe E., Mertem D., Schäfer T, Friedrich Schiller University, Jéna, 37, 2018.
  1. De Vries, R., Riley, R., Wiebenga, A., Aguilar-Osorio, G., Amillis, S., Akemi Uchima, C., Anderluh, G., Asadollahi, M., Askin, M., Barry, K., Battaglia, E., Bayram, Ö., Benocci, T., Braus-Stromeyer, S., Caldana, C., Cánovas, D., Cerqueira, G., Chen, F., Chen, W., Choi, C., Clum, A., Corrêa dos, S., Lima Damásio, A., Diallinas, G., Emri, T., Fekete, E., Flipphi, M., Freyberg, S., Gallo,, A., Gournas, C., Habgood, R., Hainaut, M., Harispe, M., Henrissat, B., Hildén, K., Hope, R., Hossain, A., Karabika, E., Karaffa, L., Karányi, Z., Kraševec, N., Kuo, A., Kusch, H., LaButti, K., Lagendijk, E., Lapidus, A., Levasseur, A., Lindquist, E., Lipzen, A., Logrieco, A., MacCabe, A., Mäkelä, M., Malavazi, I., Melin, P., Meyer, V., Mielnichuk, N., Miskei, M., Molnár, Á., Mulé, G., Ngan, C., Orejas, M., Orosz, E., Ouedraogo, J., Overkamp, K., Park, H., Perrone, G., Piumi, F., Punt, P., Ram, A., Ramón, A., Rauscher, S., Record, E., Riaño-Pachón, D., Robert, V., Röhrig, J., Ruller, R., Salamov, A., Salih, N., Samson, R., Karaffa, E., Sanguinetti, M., Schütze, T., Sepčić, K., Shelest, E., Sherlock, G., Sophianopoulou, V., Squina, F., Sun, H., Susca, A., Todd, R., Tsang, A., Unkles, S., Wiele, N., Rossen-Uffink, D., Velasco de, C., Vesth, T., Visser, J., Yu, J., Zhou, M., Andersen, M., Archer, D., Baker, S., Benoit, I., Brakhage, A., Braus, G., Fischer, R., Frisvad, J., Goldman, G., Houbraken, J., Oakley, B., Pócsi, I., Scazzocchio, C., Seiboth, B., Kuyk, P., Wortman, J., Dyer, P., Grigoriev, I.: Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus.
    Genome Biol. 18 (28), 1-45, 2017.
    D1 Cell Biology
    D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    D1 Genetics
  2. Emri, T., Zalka, A., Pócsi, I.: Detection of transcriptionally active mycotoxin gene clusters: DNA microarray..
    In: Mycotoxigenic fungi : methods and protocols. Eds.: Moretti, A., Susca, A, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, 345-365, 2017, (Methods in Molecular Biology, ISSN 1064-3745 ; vol. 1542.) ISBN: 9781493967056
  3. Kurucz, V., Krüger, T., Antal, K., Pócsi, I., Kniemeyer, O., Emri, T.: How does Aspergillus fumigatus cope with iron starvation under oxidative stress?.
    In: 12th Symposium of the VAAM special group Molecular Biology of Fungi : Abstract Book, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Németország, 98, 2017.
  4. Emri, T., Kurucz, V., Krüger, T., Antal, K., Kniemeyer, O., Pócsi, I.: Studying combinatorial stress responses - an approach to understand how Aspergillus fumigatus adapts to the human body.
    In: VI. Magyar Mikológiai Konferencia absztraktkötete. Szerk.: Dima Bálint, Magyar Mikológiai Társaság, Szeged, 22-24, 2017, (Mikológiai Közlemények-Clusiana ; 56/1.)
  5. Bakti, F., Király, A., Orosz, E., Miskei, M., Emri, T., Leiter, É., Pócsi, I.: Study on the glutathione metabolism of the filamentous fungus.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 64 (3), 255-272, 2017.
    Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  6. Orosz, E., Antal, K., Gazdag, Z., Szabó, Z., Han, K., Yu, J., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Transcriptome-based modeling reveals that oxidative stress induces modulation of the AtfA-dependent signaling networks in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Int. J. Genomics. 2017 1-16, 2017.
    Q2 Biochemistry
    Q3 Genetics
    Q3 Molecular Biology
    Q1 Pharmaceutical Science
  1. Spitzmüller, Z., Gonda, S., Kiss-Szikszai, A., Vasas, G., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Characterization of extracellular [gamma]-glutamyl transpeptidase from Aspergillus nidulans.
    Mycoscience. 57 (6), 400-403, 2016.
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  2. Leiter, É., Park, H., Kwon, N., Han, K., Emri, T., Oláh, V., Mészáros, I., Dienes, B., Vincze, J., Csernoch, L., Yu, J., Pócsi, I.: Characterization of the aodA, dnmA, mnSOD and pimA genes in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Sci. Rep. 6 1-15, 2016.
    D1 Multidisciplinary
  3. Jakab, Á., Antal, K., Emri, T., Boczonádi, I., Imre, A., Gebri, E., Majoros, L., Pfliegler, V., Szarka, M., Balla, G., Balla, J., Pócsi, I.: Effects of hemin, CO2, and pH on the branching of Candida albicans filamentous forms.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 63 (4), 387-403, 2016.
    Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  4. Bertóti, R., Vasas, G., Gonda, S., Nguyen, M., Szőke, É., Jakab, Á., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Glutathione protects Candida albicans against horseradish volatile oil.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 56 (10), 1071-1079, 2016.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  5. Gáll, T., Lehoczki, G., Gyémánt, G., Emri, T., Máthéné Szigeti, Z., Balla, G., Balla, J., Pócsi, I.: Optimization of desferrioxamine E production by Streptomyces parvulus.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 63 (4), 475-489, 2016.
    Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  6. van Munster, J., Burggraaf, A., Pócsi, I., Szilágyi, M., Emri, T., Ram, A.: Post-genomic Approaches to Dissect Carbon Starvation Responses in Aspergilli.
    In: Aspergillus and Penicillium in the Post-genomic Era. Ed.: Ronald P. de Vries, Isabelle Benoit Gelber, Mikael Rørdam Andersen, Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, 89-111, 2016. ISBN: 9781910190395
  1. Spitzmüller, Z., Kwon, N., Szilágyi, M., Keserű, J., Tóth, V., Yu, J., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: [Gamma]-Glutamyl transpeptidase (GgtA) of Aspergillus nidulans is not necessary for bulk degradation of glutathione.
    Arch. Microbiol. 197 (2), 285-297, 2015.
    Q3 Biochemistry
    Q3 Genetics
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
    Q3 Molecular Biology
  2. Jakab, Á., Emri, T., Sipos, L., Kiss, Á., Kovács, R., Dombrádi, V., Kemény-Beke, Á., Balla, J., Majoros, L., Pócsi, I.: Betamethasone augments the antifungal effect of menadione-towards a novel anti-combination therapy.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 55 (8), 973-981, 2015.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  3. Emri, T., Szarvas, V., Orosz, E., Antal, K., Park, H., Han, K., Yu, J., Pócsi, I.: Core oxidative stress response in Aspergillus nidulans.
    BMC Genomics. 16 1-19, 2015.
    D1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Genetics
  4. Spitzmüller, Z., Hajdú, M., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Degradation of glutathione in Aspergillus nidulans: Short communication.
    Acta Biol. Hung. 66 (2), 242-245, 2015.
    Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Neurology
  5. Emri, T., Szarvas, V., Orosz, E., Antal, K., Park, H., Han, K., Yu, J., Pócsi, I.: Does core environmental stress response exist in Aspergillus nidulans?.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 62 (Suppl.), 146-147, 2015.
  6. Pusztahelyi, T., Emri, T., Pócsi, I.: Expression of SRRA stress response regulator factor affected by both cell wall integrity stress and delta rlma mutation in Aspergillus nidulans filamentous fungus = Expression of SrrA stress response regulator factor affected by both cell wall integrity stress and deltarlmA mutation in Aspergillus nidulans filamentous fungus.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 62 (Suppl.), 204, 2015.
  7. Emri, T., Szarvas, V., Orosz, E., Antal, K., Park, H., Han, K., Yu, J., Pócsi, I.: Investigating the role of atfa in controlling stress responses in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 62 (Suppl.), 147-148, 2015.
  8. Leiter, É., Park, H., Kwon, N., Emri, T., Oláh, V., Mészáros, I., Dienes, B., Csernoch, L., Yu, J., Pócsi, I.: Modulating mitochondrial function and morphology in Aspergillus nidulans had low impact on cellular physiology and ageing.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 62 (Suppl.1), 176-177, 2015.
  9. Bakti, F., Király, A., Molnár, A., Leiter, É., Emri, T., Pócsi, I.: Study on the glutathione metabolism in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 62 (Suppl.), 131-132, 2015.
  1. Bertóti, R., Emri, T., Szőke, É., Pócsi, I., Héthelyi, B., Böszörményi, A., Vasas, G.: A torma illóolaj antifugális aktivitásának vizsgálata.
    Gyógyszerészet. 58 (4), S82, 2014.
  2. Jakab, Á., Antal, K., Kiss, Á., Emri, T., Pócsi, I.: Increased oxidative stress tolerance results in general stress tolerance in Candida albicans independently of stress-elicited morphological transitions.
    Folia Microbiol. 59 (4), 333-340, 2014.
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  3. Máthéné Szigeti, Z., Szaniszló, S., Fazekas, E., Gyémánt, G., Szabon, J., Antal, K., Emri, T., Balla, J., Balla, G., Csernoch, L., Pócsi, I.: Optimization of triacetylfusarinine C and ferricrocin productions in Aspergillus fumigatus.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 61 (2), 107-119, 2014.
    Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  4. Kovács, B., Hegedűs, N., Bálint, M., Szabó, Z., Emri, T., Kiss, G., Antal, M., Pócsi, I., Leiter, É.: Penicillium antifungal protein (PAF) is involved in the apoptotic and autophagic processes of the producer Penicillium chrysogenum.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 61 (3), 379-388, 2014.
    Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Yin, W., Reinke, A., Szilágyi, M., Emri, T., Chiang, Y., Keating, A., Pócsi, I., Wang, C., Keller, N.: bZIP transcription factors affecting secondary metabolism, sexual development and stress responses in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Microbiology (Reading, Engl.). 159 (Pt_1), 77-88, 2013.
    Q1 Microbiology
  2. Emri, T., Majoros, L., Tóth, V., Pócsi, I.: Echinocandins: production and applications.
    Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 97 (8), 3267-3284, 2013.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Biotechnology
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  3. Kovács, Z., Szarka, M., Kovács, S., Boczonádi, I., Emri, T., Abe, K., Pócsi, I., Pusztahelyi, T.: Effect of cell wall integrity stress and RlmA transcription factor on asexual development and autolysis in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Fungal Genet. Biol. 54 1-14, 2013.
    Q2 Genetics
    Q2 Microbiology
  4. Gonda, S., Kiss-Szikszai, A., Emri, T., Batta, G., Vasas, G.: Filamentous fungi from Plantago lanceolata L. leaves: Contribution to the pattern and stability of bioactive metabolites.
    Phytochemistry. 86 127-136, 2013.
    Q2 Biochemistry
    D1 Horticulture
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Molecular Biology
    Q1 Plant Science
  5. Tóth, V., Szilágyi, M., Anton, F., Leiter, É., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Interactions between naturally occurring antifungal agents: short communication.
    Acta Biol. Hung. 64 (4), 510-512, 2013.
    Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Neurology
  6. Emri, T., Tóth, V., Nagy, C., Szemán-Nagy, G., Pócsi, I., Gyémánt, G., Antal, K., Balla, J., Balla, G., Román, G., Kovács, I., Pócsi, I.: Towards high-siderophore-content foods: optimisation of coprogen production in submerged cultures of Penicillium nalgiovense.
    J. Sci. Food Agric. 93 (9), 2221-2228, 2013.
    Q1 Agronomy and Crop Science
    Q2 Biotechnology
    Q1 Food Science
    Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics
  7. Szilágyi, M., Miskei, M., Karányi, Z., Lenkey, B., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Transcriptome changes initiated by carbon starvation in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Microbiology (Reading, Engl.). 159 (1), 176-190, 2013.
    Q1 Microbiology
  1. Szilágyi, M., Anton, F., Forgács, K., Yu, J., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Antifungal activity of extracellular hydrolases produced by autolysing Aspergillus nidulans cultures.
    J. Microbiol. 50 (5), 849-854, 2012.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  2. Gonda, S., Tóth, L., Gyémánt, G., Braun, M., Emri, T., Vasas, G.: Effect of High Relative Humidity on Dried Plantago lanceolata L. Leaves during Long-term Storage: Effects on Chemical Composition, Colour and Microbiological Quality.
    Phytochem. Anal. 23 (1), 88-93, 2012.
    Q2 Analytical Chemistry
    Q2 Biochemistry
    D1 Complementary and Alternative Medicine
    Q2 Drug Discovery
    Q1 Food Science
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Molecular Medicine
    Q2 Plant Science
  3. Tóth, V., Nagy, C., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: The echinocandin B producer fungus Aspergillus nidulans var. roseus ATCC 58397 does not possess innate resistance against its lipopeptide antimycotic.
    Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 95 (1), 113-122, 2012.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Biotechnology
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Pusztahelyi, T., Klement, É., Szájli, E., Klem, J., Miskei, M., Karányi, Z., Emri, T., Kovács, S., Orosz, G., Kovács, K., Medzihradszky-Fölkl, K., Prade, R., Pócsi, I.: Comparison of transcriptional and translational changes caused by long-term menadione exposure in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Fungal Genet. Biol. 48 (2), 92-103, 2011.
    Q1 Genetics
    Q1 Microbiology
  2. Szilágyi, M., Kwon, N., Bakti, F., Mikóné Hamvas, M., Jámbrik, K., Park, H., Pócsi, I., Yu, J., Emri, T.: Extracellular proteinase formation in carbon starving Aspergillus nidulans cultures - physiological function and regulation.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 51 (6), 625-634, 2011.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  3. Emri, T., Csősz, É., Tőzsér, J.: Fehérjebiotechnológia.
    Digitális Tankönyvtár, Debrecen, 124 p., 2011.
  4. Tóth, V., Nagy, C., Miskei, M., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Polyphasic characterization of "Aspergillus nidulans var. roseus" ATCC 58397.
    Folia Microbiol. 56 (5), 381-388, 2011.
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  5. Emri, T., Csősz, É., Tőzsér, J.: Protein Biotechnology.
    University of Debrecen, Debrecen, 124 p., 2011.
  6. Pócsi, I., Emri, T., Kwon, N., Szilágyi, M., Bakti, F., Pusztahelyi, T., Park, H., Leiter, É., Yu, J.: Regulation of autolytic hydrolase production in Aspergillus nidulans.
    In: 26th Fungal Genetics Conference at Asilomar / Linda Kohn, Steve Osmani, Fungal Genetics Reports, Pacific Grove, 161, 2011.
  7. Gazdag, Z., Fujs, S., Kőszegi, B., Kálmán, N., Papp, G., Emri, T., Belágyi, J., Pócsi, I., Raspor, P., Pesti, M.: The abc1 /coq8 respiratory-deficient mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe suffers from glutathione underproduction and hyperaccumulates Cd2+.
    Folia Microbiol. 56 (4), 353-359, 2011.
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  8. Hegedűs, N., Leiter, É., Kovács, B., Tomori, V., Kwon, N., Emri, T., Marx, F., Batta, G., Csernoch, L., Haas, H., Yu, J., Pócsi, I.: The small molecular mass antifungal protein of Penicillium chrysogenum - a mechanism of action oriented review.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 51 (6), 561-571, 2011.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  9. Erdei, É., Molnár, M., Gyémánt, G., Antal, K., Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Nagy, J.: Trehalose overproduction affects the stress tolerance of Kluyveromyces marxianus ambiguously.
    Bioresour. Technol. 102 (14), 7232-7235, 2011.
    D1 Bioengineering
    D1 Environmental Engineering
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
    D1 Waste Management and Disposal
  1. Balázs, A., Pócsi, I., Hamari, Z., Leiter, É., Emri, T., Miskei, M., Oláh, J., Tóth, V., Hegedűs, N., Prade, R., Molnár, M., Pócsi, I.: Atfa bZIP-type transcription factor regulates oxidative and osmotic stress responses in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Mol. Genet. Genomics. 283 (3), 289-303, 2010.
    Q2 Genetics
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Molecular Biology
  2. Szilágyi, M., Pócsi, I., Forgács, K., Emri, T.: MeaB-dependent nutrition sensing regulates autolysis in carbon starved Aspergillus nidulans cultures.
    Indian J Microbiol. 50 (1), 104-108, 2010.
    Q3 Microbiology
  3. Szilágyi, M., Kwon, N., Dorogi, C., Pócsi, I., Yu, J., Emri, T.: The extracellular [béta]-1,3-endoglucanase EngA is involved in autolysis of Aspergillus nidulans.
    J. Appl. Microbil. 109 (5), 1498-508, 2010.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Pócsi, I., Leiter, É., Kwon, N., Shin, K., Kwon, G., Pusztahelyi, T., Emri, T., Abuknesha, R., Price, R., Yu, J.: Asexual sporulation signalling regulates autolysis of Aspergillus nidulans via modulating the chitinase ChiB production.
    J. Appl. Microbiol. 107 (2), 514-523, 2009.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Biotechnology
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  2. Tóth, V., Antal, K., Gyémánt, G., Miskei, M., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Optimization of coprogen production in Neurospora crassa.
    Acta Biol. Hung. 60 (3), 321-328, 2009.
    Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Neurology
  3. Emri, T., Szilágyi, M., László, K., Mikóné Hamvas, M., Pócsi, I.: PepJ is a new extracellular proteinase of Aspergillus nidulans.
    Folia Microbiol. 54 (2), 105-109, 2009.
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  1. Pócsi, I., Jeney, V., Kertai, P., Pócsi, I., Emri, T., Gyémánt, G., Fésüs, L., Balla, J., Balla, G.: Fungal siderophores function as protective agents of LDL oxidation and are promising anti-atherosclerotic metabolites in functional food.
    Mol. Nutr. Food. Res. 52 (12), 1434-1447, 2008.
    Q1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Food Science
  2. Emri, T., Szilágyi, M., Justyák, A., Pócsi, I.: Heterotrimeric G protein mediated regulation of proteinase production in Aspergillus Nidulans.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 55 111-117, 2008.
    Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  3. Fekete, A., Pócsi, I., Emri, T., Gyetvai, Á., Gazdag, Z., Pesti, M., Karányi, Z., Majoros, L., Gergely, L., Pócsi, I.: Physiological and morphological characterization of tert-butylhydroperoxide tolerant Candida albicans mutants.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 48 (6), 480-487, 2008.
    Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  4. Emri, T., Molnár, Z., Szilágyi, M., Pócsi, I.: Regulation of Autolysis in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 151 211-220, 2008.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q3 Biochemistry
    Q3 Bioengineering
    Q2 Biotechnology
    Q2 Environmental Engineering
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Molecular Biology
  1. Emri, T., Pusztahelyi, T., Molnár, Z., Leiter, É., Pócsi, I.: Autolysis of Aspergillus nidulans: a physiological approach.
    In: 3rd European Federation of Biotechnology Conference : Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi PYFF3. Ed.: Annemari Kuokka-Ihalainen; Markku Saloheimo; Tiina Pakula, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Helsinki, 82-82, 2007, (VTT Symposium, ISSN 0357-9387 ; 245) ISBN: 9789513863135
  2. Fekete, A., Emri, T., Gyetvai, Á., Gazdag, Z., Pesti, M., Varga, Z., Balla, J., Cserháti, C., Emődy, L., Gergely, L., Pócsi, I.: Development of oxidative stress tolerance resulted in reduced ability to undergo morphologic transitions and decreased pathogenicity in a t-butylhydroperoxide-tolerant mutant of Candida albicans.
    FEMS Yeast Res. 7 (6), 834-847, 2007.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Microbiology
  3. Hegedűs, N., Szilágyi, J., Karányi, Z., Nagy, I., Penninckx, M., Pócsi, I., Emri, T.: Effect of heavy metals on the glutathione status in different ectomycorrhizal Paxillus involutus strains.
    World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 23 (9), 1339-1343, 2007.
    Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q3 Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Physiology
  4. Gyetvai, Á., Emri, T., Fekete, A., Varga, Z., Gazdag, Z., Pesti, M., Belágyi, J., Emődy, L., Pócsi, I., Lenkey, B.: High-dose methylprednisolone influences the physiology and virulence of Candida albicans ambiguously and enhances the candidacidal activity of the polyene antibiotic amphotericin B and the superoxide-generating agent menadione.
    FEMS Yeast Res. 7 265-275, 2007.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Microbiology
  5. Pócsi, I., Molnár, Z., Varecza, Z., Emri, T., Pusztahelyi, T.: Yeast-like cell formation and glutathione metabolism in autolysing cultures of penicillium chrysogenum.
    Acta Biol. Hung. 58 431-440, 2007.
    Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Neurology
  1. Varecza, Z., Emri, T., Pusztahelyi, T., Pócsi, I.: A novel aspect of NADPH production in ageing Penicilliumchrysogenum.
    Acta Biol. Hung. 57 (1), 115-121, 2006.
    Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Neurology
  2. Pusztahelyi, T., Molnár, Z., Emri, T., Klement, É., Miskei, M., Kerékgyártó, J., Balla, J., Pócsi, I.: Comparative studies of differential expression of chitinolytic enzymes encoded by chiA, chiB, chiC and nagA genes in Aspergillus nidulans.
    Folia Microbiol. 51 (6), 547-554, 2006.
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  3. Molnár, Z., Emri, T., Zavaczki, E., Pusztahelyi, T., Pócsi, I.: Effects of mutations in the GanB/RgsA G protein mediated signalling on the autolysis ofAspergillus nidulans.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 46 (6), 495-503, 2006.
    Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  4. Emri, T., Molnár, Z., Veres, T., Pusztahelyi, T., Dudás, G., Pócsi, I.: Glucose-mediated repression of autolysis and conidiogenesis in Emericella nidulans.
    Mycol. Res. 110 (10), 1172-1178, 2006.
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q3 Genetics
    Q2 Infectious Diseases
    Q1 Plant Science
  5. Gyetvai, Á., Emri, T., Takács, K., Dergez, T., Fekete, A., Pesti, M., Pócsi, I., Lenkey, B.: Lovastatin possesses a fungistatic effect against Candida albicans, but does not trigger apoptosis in this opportunistic human pathogen.
    FEMS Yeast Res. 6 (8), 1140-1148, 2006.
    Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Microbiology
  1. Leiter, É., Oberparleiter, C., Kaiserer, L., Csernoch, L., Pusztahelyi, T., Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Salvenmoser, W., Marx, F., Szappanos, H.: Antifungal protein PAF severely affects the integrity of the plasma membrane of Aspergillus nidulans and induces an apoptosis-like phenotype.
    Antimicrob. Agents Ch. 49 (6), 2445-2453, 2005.
    D1 Infectious Diseases
    D1 Pharmacology
    D1 Pharmacology (medical)
  2. Pócsi, I., Miskei, M., Karányi, Z., Emri, T., Ayoubi, P., Pusztahelyi, T., Balla, G., Prade, R.: Comparison of gene expression signatures of diamide, H2O2 and menadione exposed Aspergillus nidulans cultures - linking genome-wide transcriptional changes to cellular physiology.
    BMC Genomics. 6 (182), 1-18, 2005.
    D1 Biotechnology
    Q1 Genetics
  3. Emri, T., Molnár, Z., Pócsi, I.: The appearances of autolytic and apoptotic markers are concomitant but differently regulated in carbon-starving Aspergillus nidulans cultures.
    FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 251 (2), 297-303, 2005.
    Q3 Genetics
    Q2 Microbiology
    Q3 Molecular Biology
  4. Emri, T., Molnár, Z., Pusztahelyi, T., Varecza, Z., Pócsi, I.: The FluG-BrlA pathway contributes to the initialisation of autolysis in submerged Aspergillus nidulans cultures.
    Mycol. Res. 109 (7), 757-763, 2005.
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q3 Genetics
    Q2 Infectious Diseases
    Q1 Plant Science
  1. Emri, T., Molnár, Z., Pusztahelyi, T., Rosén, S., Pócsi, I.: Effect of vitamin E on autolysis and sporulation of Aspergillus nidulans..
    Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 118 (1), 337-348, 2004.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q3 Biochemistry
    Q2 Bioengineering
    Q2 Biotechnology
    Q2 Environmental Engineering
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Molecular Biology
  2. Molnár, Z., Mészáros, E., Szilágyi, Z., Rosén, S., Emri, T., Pócsi, I.: Influence of fadAG203R and deltaflbA mutations on morphology and physiology of submerged Aspergillus nidulans cultures.
    Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 118 (1), 349-360, 2004.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q3 Biochemistry
    Q2 Bioengineering
    Q2 Biotechnology
    Q2 Environmental Engineering
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Molecular Biology
  3. Emri, T., Molnár, Z., Pusztahelyi, T., Pócsi, I.: Physiological and morphological changes in autolyzing Aspergillus nidulans cultures.
    Folia Microbiol. 49 (3), 277-284, 2004.
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  1. Sámi, L., Karaffa, L., Emri, T., Pócsi, I.: Autolysis and ageing of Penicillium chrysogenum cultures under carbon starvation: respiration and glucose oxidase production.
    Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. 50 (1), 67-76, 2003.
    Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  2. Pócsi, I., Pusztahelyi, T., Sámi, L., Emri, T.: Autolysis of Penicillium chrysogenum: a holistic approach.
    Indian J. Biotechnol. 2 293-301, 2003.
    Q4 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q4 Bioengineering
    Q4 Biotechnology
    Q4 Plant Science
  3. Gazdag, Z., Pócsi, I., Belágyi, J., Emri, T., Blaskó, B., Takács, K., Pesti, M.: Chromate tolerance caused by reduced hydroxyl radical production and decreased glutathione reductase activity in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 43 (2), 96-103, 2003.
    Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  4. Emri, T., Oláh, B., Sámi, L., Pócsi, I.: Does the detoxification of penicillin side-chain precursors depend on microsomal monooxygenase and glutathione S-transferase in Penicillium chrysogenum?.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 43 (4), 287-300, 2003.
    Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  5. Nagy, M., Emri, T., Fekete, E., Karaffa, E., Springael, J., Penninckx, M., Pócsi, I.: Glutathione Metabolism of Acremonium chrysogenum in Relation to Cephalosporin C Production: Is gamma -Glutamyltransferase in the Center?.
    Folia Microbiol. 48 (2), 149-155, 2003.
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  1. Pesti, M., Gazdag, Z., Emri, T., Farkas, N., Koósz, Z., Belágyi, J., Pócsi, I.: Chromate sensitivity in fission yeast is caused by increased glutathione reductase activity and peroxide overproduction.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 42 (6), 408-419, 2002.
    Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  2. Emri, T., Oláh, B., Sámi, L., Molnár, Z., Nagy, M., Pusztahelyi, T., Pócsi, I.: Investigation of glutathione metabolism in filamentous fungi (a short auto-review).
    Acta Microbiol Immunol Hung. 49 (2-3), 267-276, 2002.
    Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Sámi, L., Emri, T., Pócsi, I.: Autolysis and ageing of Penicillium chrysogenum cultures under carbon starvation: glutathione metabolism and formation of reactive oxygen species.
    Mycol. Res. 105 (10), 1246-1250, 2001.
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q3 Genetics
    Q2 Infectious Diseases
    Q1 Plant Science
  2. Sámi, L., Pusztahelyi, T., Emri, T., Varecza, Z., Fekete, A., Grallert, Á., Karányi, Z., Kiss, L., Pócsi, I.: Autolysis and aging of Penicillium chrysogenum cultures under carbon starvation: Chitinase production and antifungal effect of allosamidin.
    J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 47 (4), 201-211, 2001.
    Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  3. Würtz Jürgensen, C., Raun Jacobsen, N., Emri, T., Eriksen, S., Pócsi, I.: Glutathione metabolism and dimorphism in Aureobasidium pullulans.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 41 (2), 131-137, 2001.
    Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  4. Emri, T., Leiter, É., Farkas, E., Pócsi, I.: Penicillin productivity and glutathione-dependent detoxification of phenylacetic and phenoxyacetic acids in Penicillium chrysogenum.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 41 (2), 67-73, 2001.
    Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  5. Leiter, É., Emri, T., Gyémánt, G., Nagy, I., Pócsi, I., Winkelmann, G., Pócsi, I.: Penicillin V production by Penicillium chrysogenum in the presence of Fe(III) and in low-iron culture medium..
    Folia Microbiol. 46 (2), 127-132, 2001.
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Microbiology
  6. Pócsi, I., Sámi, L., Leiter, É., Majoros, L., Szabó, B., Emri, T., Pusztahelyi, T.: Searching for new-type antifungal drugs.
    Acta Microbiol Immunol Hung. 48 (3), 533-543, 2001.
    Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  7. Pócsi, I., Emri, T., Sámi, L., Leiter, É., Szentirmai, A.: The glutathione metabolism of the beta-lactam producer filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum.
    Acta microbiol. immunol. Hung. 48 (3), 393-411, 2001.
    Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Pócsi, I., Emri, T., Varecza, Z., Sámi, L., Pusztahelyi, T.: Allosamidin inhibits the fragmentation and autolysis of Penicillium chrysogenum.
    In: Advances in Chtin Science, Volume IV : EUCHIS'99 / Martin G. Peter, Alain Domard, Riccardo A.A. Muzzarelli, Universitat Potsdam, Potsdam, 558-564, 2000. ISBN: 3980649458
  2. Emri, T., Leiter, É., Pócsi, I.: Effect of phenoxyacetic acid on the glutathione metabolism of Penicillium chrysogenum.
    J. Basic Microbiol. 40 (2), 93-104, 2000.
    Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Pócsi, I., Emri, T., Pusztahelyi, T., Varecza, Z.: Allosamidin inhibits the fragmentation and autolysis of Penicillium chrysogenum.
    In: EUCHIS'99 : 3rd International Conference of the European Chitin Society Abstracts / M.G. Peter, A. Domard, R.A.A. Muzzarelli, G.A.F. Roberts, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, ENZ-OL-111, 1999.
  2. Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Szentirmai, A.: Analysis of the oxidative stress response of Penicillium chrysogenum to menadione.
    Free radic. res. 30 (2), 125-132, 1999.
    Q2 Biochemistry
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  3. Emri, T., Sámi, L., Szentirmai, A., Pócsi, I.: Co-ordination of the nitrate and nitrite assimilation, the glutathione and free radical metabolism, and the pentose phosphate pathway in Penicillium chrysogenum.
    J. basic microbiol. 39 (2), 109-115, 1999.
    Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Szentirmai, A.: Changes in the glutathione (GSH) metabolism of Penicillium chrysogenum grown on different nitrogen, sulphur and carbon sources.
    J. basic microbiol. 38 (1), 3-8, 1998.
  1. Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Szentirmai, A.: Glutathione metabolism and protection against oxidative stress caused by peroxides in Penicillium chrysogenum.
    Free radic. biol. med. 23 (5), 809-814, 1997.
  2. Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Szentirmai, A.: Phenoxyacetic acid induces glutathione-dependent detoxification and depletes the glutathione pool in Penicillium chrysogenum.
    J. basic microbiol. 37 (3), 181-186, 1997.
  1. Emri, T., Pócsi, I., Szentirmai, A.: Effect of the carbon source on the regulation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase in Penicillium chrysogenum.
    In: International Conference on Transport, Signaling and its Metabolic Consequences in Microroganisms, S.n., Leuven, 20, 1995.
  2. Emri, T., Szentirmai, A.: Effect of the nitrogen source on the regulation of the oxidative pentose phosphate shunt in Penicillium chrysogenum.
    In: 12th Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology
  1. Emri, T., Bartók, G., Szentirmai, A.: Regulation of specific activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase in Penicillium chrysogenum.
    FEMS microbiol. lett. 117 (1), 67-70, 1994.
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