Hegedűs, C., Daróczi, L., Kökényesi, V.,
Beke, D.: Comparative Microstructural Study of the Diffusion Zone between NiCr Alloy and Different Dental Ceramics.
J. Dent. Res. 81 (5), 334-337, 2002.
D1 Dentistry (miscellaneous)
Beke, D., Beszeda, I., Imre, Á., Gontier-Moya, E., Kaganovskii, Y., Paritskaja, J.: Determination of surface diffusion and reaction rate coefficients from morphology of beaded films.
In: Materials Science of Nanostructures, Naukova Dumka, Kiyiv, 129-159, 2002.
Bernardini, J., Beke, D., Knauth, P., Schoonman, J.: Diffusion in nanomaterials.
In: Nanocrystalline Metals and Oxides / Philippe Knauth, Joop Schoonman, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston ; Dordrecht ; London, 41-53, 2002.
Beke, D., Erdélyi, Z., Papp, Z., Kapta, K., Katona, G., Langer, G., Kis-Varga, M., Cserháti, C., Szabó, I.: Diffusion on nanoscale.
In: Proceedings of the 8th Seminar Diffusion and thermodynamics of materials, Brno, 2002, Masaryk University, Brno, 52-59, 2002.
Hakl, J., Kerekes, L., Mészáros, S., Vad, K., Gurin, P., Kis-Varga, M., Uzonyi, I., Szabó, S.,
Beke, D.:
Disordered magnetic phase in partially oxidized bulk nanocrystalline iron.
Czech. J. Phys. 52 (2), 151-154, 2002.
Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
Daróczi, L.,
Beke, D., Lexcellent, C., Mertinger, V.: Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the martensitic transformation in near equiatomic Ti-Ni alloys.
Phil. Mag. B. 82 (1), 105-120, 2002.
Q1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous)
Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
Katona, G., Cserháti, C., Beke, D.: Effect of thickness on order-disorder transition temperature in thun films.
In: Proecedings of the VIII. Seminar Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials 2002. Eds.: J. Cermak, J. Vrestal, Masaryk University, Brno, 192-195, 2002.
Posgay, G., Beli, J., Farkas, L., Szamos, A., Pomikacsek, J., Beke, D., Harasztosi, L., Takács, N., Molnár, P., Kovács, L., Komlodi, L.: Eljárás és berendezés fémből készült tárgyak, így vasúti sínek felületi és felületközeli rétegének vizsgálatára a tárgyat ért mechanikai behatások nyomonkövetése céljából.
Katona, G., Kis-Varga, M.,
Beke, D.: Formation and Stability of metastable Pd(Zr solid Solution Developed during Ball Milling and/or Heat Treatment of Pd3Zr.
Mater. Sci. Forum. 386-388 193-198, 2002.
Q3 Condensed Matter Physics
Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Mechanical Engineering
Q2 Mechanics of Materials
Girardeaux, C., Clugnet, G., Erdélyi, Z., Nyéki, J., Bernardini, J.,
Beke, D., Rolland, A.: How to measure accurately mass transport in thin films by AES.
Surf. Interface Anal. 34 (1), 389-392, 2002.
Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q2 Condensed Matter Physics
Q2 Materials Chemistry
Q3 Surfaces and Interfaces
Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Beke, D., Szabó, S., Kis-Varga, M., Columbus, F.: Intrinsic and domain magnetism in nanocrystalline materials.
In: Advances in Condensed Matter and Matreials Reserach / F. Columbus, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, x, 2002.
Erdélyi, Z.,
Beke, D., Bernardini, J., Girardeaux, C., Rolland, A.: Investigation of Diffusion Kinetics by Auger Electron Spectroscopy.
Defect Diffus. Forum. 203-205 131-146, 2002.
Q3 Condensed Matter Physics
Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Q3 Radiation
Erdélyi, Z., Girardeaux, C., Tőkei, Z.,
Beke, D., Cserháti, C., Rolland, A.:
Investigation of the interplay of nickel dissolution and copper segregation in Ni/Cu() system.
Surf. Sci. 496 (1-2), 129-140, 2002.
Q1 Condensed Matter Physics
D1 Materials Chemistry
Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces
D1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
Erdélyi, Z., Bakker, H., Beke, D.: Kinetic of surface segregation and spinodal decomposition in thin-films - generalization of Martin's model for vacanz mechanism.
Acta Univ. Debr. Lud. Kossuth Ns. Phys.Chim. 34-35 321-337, 2002.
Szabó, I., Palyok, V., Kökényesi, S., Beke, D., Cermak, J., Vrestal, J.: Light-Induced Diffusion in Chalcogenide Multilayers.
In: Proecedings of the VIII. Seminar Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials 2002 / eds. J. Cermak, J. Vrestal, Masaryk University, Brno, 252-254, 2002.
Sidorenko, S., Beke, D., Kökényesi, S.: Materials Science of Nanostructures.
Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 2002.
Dobó Nagy, C., Fejérdy, P., Angyal, J., Harasztosi, L., Daróczi, L.,
Beke, D., Wesselink, P.:
Measurement of periapical pressure crerated by occlusal loading.
Int. Endod. J. 35 105, 2002.
Bernardini, J., Beke, D., Knauth, P., Schoonman, J.: Nanocrystalline Metals and Oxides: Selected Properties and Applications.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston ;, 2002.
Erdélyi, G., Nyéki, J., Beke, D., Cermak, J., Vrestal, J.: Ni Grain Boundary Self Diffusion in B-doped Ni3Al.
In: Proecedings of the VIII. Seminar Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials 2002. Eds.: J. Cermak, J. Vrestal, Masaryk University, Brno, 152-155, 2002.
Kerekes, L., Hakl, J., Mészáros, S., Vad, K., Gurin, P., Kis-Varga, M., Uzonyi, I., Szabó, S.,
Beke, D.:
Study of magnetic relaxation in partially oxidized nanocrystalline iron.
Czech. J. Phys. 52 (Suppl.), A89-A92, 2002.
Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
Kökényesi, S., Palyok, V., Szabó, I., Shiplyak, M., Iván, I., Beke, D., Frumar, M., Wagner, T.: Surface deformations and amplitude-phase recording in chalcogenide nanolayered structures.
In: XIIIth international symposium on non-oxide glasses and new optical glasses. Eds.: M. Frumar, T. Wagner, University of Pardubice, Pardubice, 682-685, 2002.