The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: A measurement of the average bottom hadron lifetime.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 73 397-408, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Alexander, G., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: A measurement of the charm and bottom forward-backward asymmetries using D mesons at LEP.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 73 379-396, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: A measurement of the hadronic decay current and the n-tau helicity in tau- ->pj-pj-pj p+ s n-tau.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 75 593-605, 1997.
Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: A measurement of Vcb using BO -> D*+lvl decays.
Physics letters. B 395 128-140, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Analysis of hadronic final states and the photon structure function F2 gamma in deep inelastic electron-photon scattering at LEP.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 74 33-48, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: An improved measurement of R b using a double tagging method.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 74 1-17, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: An updated study of B meson oscillations using dilepton events.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 76 417-423, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: An upper limit on the branching ratio for tau decays into seven charged particles.
Phys. Lett. B. 404 213-222, 1997.
Kövér, L., Kovács, Z., Weightman, P., Cserny, I., Cserny, I., Varga, D., Margaritondo, G., Pálinkás, J., Pálinkás, J.: Application of analysis of high energy Auger parameters for determining charge transfer in binary copper alloys.
In: 44th National symposium of the American Vacuum Society. San Jose, USA, 20-24 Okt., 1997. (Abstracts), American Vacuum Society, San Jose, 50, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: A study of B meson oscillations using hadronic Z0 decays containing leptons.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 76 401-415, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: B production in Zo decays.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 74 413-422, 1997.
Kövér, L., Kovács, Z., Weightman, P., Sanjin, S., Varga, D., Pálinkás, J., Pálinkás, J.: Charge transfer in binary Cu-noble metal alloys.
In: 7th Joint vacuum conference of Hungary, Austria, Croatia and Slovenia. Debrecen, Hungary, May 26-29, 1997. Extended abstracts of JVC-7, Kiadó, Debrecen, 37, 1997.
Kövér, L., Kovács, Z., Weightman, P., Sanjin, ,., Varga, D., Pálinkás, J., Pálinkás, J.: Charge transfer in Cu-Pd and Cu-Au alloy systems.
In: Proceedings of the 7th european conference on applications of surface and interface analysis. ECASIA-97, June 16-20,1997, Göteborg, Sweden, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 185, 1997.
Török, I., Pálinkás, J., Budnar, M., Kavcic, M., Mühleisen, A., Kawai, J.: Forgotten X-ray intensity enhancement in solids at lines related to not completely filled shells.
In: Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on the application of accelerators in research and industry, Denton, Texas, November, 1996. AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Press, New York, 392, 1997.
Kovács, Z., Kövér, L., Filippone, F., Moretti, G., Pálinkás, J.: Generalization of the electrostatic model for non-local screening.
In: Proceedings of the 7th european conference on applications of surface and interface analysis. ECASTA-97, June 16-20, 1997, Göteborg, Sweden, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 848-851, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J., Ackerstaff, K.: Inclusive jet production in photon-photon collisions at sqrt(s)=130 and 136 GeV.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 73 433-442, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Measurement of the branching fractions and forward-backward asymmetries of the Z degree into light quarks.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 76 387-400, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration: Measurement of the photon structure function F gamma2 at low X.
Phys. Lett. B. 412 225-234, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Measurement of the QED structure functions of the photon using azimuthal correlations at LEP.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 74 49-55, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D.: Measurement of the triple gauge boson coupling alpha w fj from W+W-production in e p+ se p- s collisions at sqrt(s)=161 GeV.
Phys. Lett. B. 397 147-157, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Measurements of the b quark forward-backward asymmetry around the Z peak using jet charge and vertex charge.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 75 385-396, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration: Measurements of the Q2 evolution of the photon structure function F gamma2.
Phys. Lett. B. 411 387-401, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Photonic events with large missing energy in e p+ se p- s collisions at sqrt(s)=161 GeV.
Phys. Lett. B. 391 210-220, 1997.
Takács, E., Vámosi, J., Biri, S., Veibel, E., Suta, T., Koncz, C., Raics, P., Pálinkás, J.: Plasma diagnostic measurements on the new ECR heavy ion source of Atomki.
In: 7th Joint vacuum conference of Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia.Debrecen, Hungary, May 26-29, 1997. Extended abstracts of JVC-7, [S.n.], Debrecen, 39-40, 1997.
Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Production of fermion-pair events in e p+ se p- s collisions at 161 GeV centre-of-mass energy.
Physics letters. B 391 221-234, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Production of P-wave charm and charm-strange mesons in hadronic Z degree decays.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 76 425-440, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: QCD studies with e p+ se p- s annihilation data at 161 GeV.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 75 193-207, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Alexander, G., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Searches for supersymmetric particles and anomalous four-jet production at sqrt(s)=130 and 136 GeV at LEP.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 73 201-216, 1997.
Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Search for charged scalar leptons using the OPAL detector at sqrt(s)=161 GeV.
Physics letters. B 396 301-314, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Search for CP violation in Zo -> tau+tau- and an upper limit on the weak dipole moment of the tau lepton.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 74 403-412, 1997.
Ackerstaff, K., Pálinkás, J., Horváth, D.: Search for excited leptons in e p+ se p- s collisions at sqrt(s)=161 GeV.
Physics letters. B 391 197-209, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Alexander, G., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Search for neutral Higgs boson in Zo decay using the OPAL detector at LEP.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 73 189-199, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks at sqrt(s)=170-172 GeV in e p+ s-e p- s collisions.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 75 409-420, 1997.
Ackerstaff, K., Pálinkás, J., Horváth, D.: Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in e p+ se p- s collisions at sqrt(s)=161 GeV.
Physics letters. B 393 231-244, 1997.
Ackerstaff, K., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Search for unstable neutral and charged heavy leptons in e p+ se p- s collisions at sqrt(s)=161 GeV.
Physics letters. B 393 217-230, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Alexander, G., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Sigma+, sigmaO and sigma-hyperon production in hadronic Z p0 s decays.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 73 58-599, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Alexander, G., Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J.: Strange baryon production in hadronic Z0 decays.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 73 569-585, 1997.
The OPAL Collaboration, Horváth, D., Pálinkás, J., Ackerstaff, K.: Study of fj(1020),D* p+- s and B* spin alignment in hadronic Z degree decays.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. 74 437-449, 1997.
Biri, S., Vámosi, J., Kormány, Z., Pálinkás, J.: The first multiply charged heavy ion beams from the new 14.5 GHz ATOMKI-ECRIS.
In: Proceedings of the 13th international workshop on ECRIS. College Station, TX, USA, 26-28 febr., 1997, A and M University, Texas, 28, 1997.
Biri, S., Vámosi, J., Valek, A., Kormány, Z., Takács, E.,
Pálinkás, J.:
The new ECR ion source of the ATOMKI: A tool to generate highly charged heavy ion plasma and beam.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms. 124 (2-3), 427-430, 1997.
Takács, E., Ónodi-Szűcs, Z., Ratliff, L., Gillaspy, J.,
Pálinkás, J.:
X-ray emission for 3-137 keV Ar17+ impacting SiO2.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms. 124 (2-3), 431-434, 1997.