Tudóstér: Neamah Husam A. publikációi

feltöltött közlemény: 30 Open Access: 13
  1. Rana, J., Mudhafar, J., Zaid, A., Vincent, O., Iman, Q., Ali, A., Alshuwaili, D., Neamah, H.: A Robust Hybrid Machine and Deep Learning-based Model for Classification And Identification in Chest X-ray Images.
    Eng Techl Appl Sci Res. 14 (5), 16212-16220, 2024.
    Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q3 Signal Processing (2023)
  2. Nadeem, M., Arqub, O., Ali, A., Neamah, H.: Bifurcation, chaotic analysis and soliton solutions to the (3+1)-dimensional p-type model.
    Alex Eng J. 107 245-253, 2024.
    Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
  3. Zenan, G., Neamah, H., Szemes, P.: Bond Graph Benefits the Education in Mechatronics Engineering.
    In: IEEE-PEMC 2024, -, [Accepted by publisher], 1-6, 2024.
  4. Neamah, H., Dulaimi, M., Silavinia, A., Babangida, A., Szemes, P.: Development of a Volkswagen Jetta MK5 Hybrid Vehicle for Optimized System Efficiency Based on a Genetic Algorithm.
    Energies. 17 (5), 1-25, 2024.
    Q2 Control and Optimization (2023)
    Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2023)
    Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (2023)
    Q2 Energy (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q2 Fuel Technology (2023)
    Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (2023)
  5. Nyangaresi, V., Ghaib, A., Jasim, H., Abduljabbar, Z., Ma, J., Sibahee, M., Aldarwish, A., Ali, H., Neamah, H.: Message Verification Protocol Based on Bilinear Pairings and Elliptic Curves for Enhanced Security in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.
    CMC-COMPUT MATER CON. "Accepted by Publisher" ((2024),), 1-34, 2024.
    Q3 Biomaterials (2023)
    Q3 Computer Science Applications (2023)
    Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2023)
    Q2 Mechanics of Materials (2023)
    Q2 Modeling and Simulation (2023)
  6. Katona, K., Neamah, H., Korondi, P.: Obstacle Avoidance and Path Planning Methods for Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Robot.
    Sensors. 24 (11), 1-47, 2024.
    Q1 Analytical Chemistry (2023)
    Q1 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (2023)
    Q2 Biochemistry (2023)
    Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2023)
    Q2 Information Systems (2023)
    Q1 Instrumentation (2023)
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
  7. Neamah, H., Donát, E., Korondi, P.: Optimizing Autonomous Navigation In Unknown Environments: A Novel Trap Avoiding Vector Field Histogram algorithm VFH+T.
    Results in Engineering. 23 1-29, 2024.
    Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
  8. Nyangaresi, V., Abduljabbar, Z., Mutlaq, K., Bulbul, S., Ma, J., Aldarwish, A., Alshuwaili, D., Al, S., Neamah, H.: Smart city energy efficient data privacy preservation protocol based on biometrics and fuzzy commitment scheme.
    Sci. Rep. 14 (1), 1-17, 2024.
    D1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
  9. Neamah, H., Tandio, J.: Towards the development of foods 3D printer: Trends and technologies for foods printing.
    Heliyon. 10 (13), 1-25, 2024.
    Q1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
  10. Mudhafar, J., Siamand, H., Luqman, Q., Murthad, H., Zaid, A., Alshuwaili, D., Vincent, O., Iman, Q., Neamah, H.: Utilising Machine Learning for the Early Detection of Coronary Heart Disease.
    Eng Techl Appl Sci Res. "Accepted by Publisher" (-), 1-19, 2024.
    Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q3 Signal Processing (2023)
  1. Tandio, J., Kamrás, Á., Korsoveczki, G., Korondi, P., Neamah, H.: Simulation of Delta Robot Kinematics With Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor For Mechatronics Education.
    In: 2023 IEEE 10th International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE) /IEEE, IEEE, Piscataway, 1-6, 2023. ISBN: 9798350381009
  1. Masuk, A., Orosz, M., Neamah, H., Balajti, I.: Cyber-Physical System Aspects of Microstrip Patch Antenna of Radar Sensor Application.
    In: 23rd Proceedings International Radar Symposium, Warsaw University of Technology, Gdansk, 418-423, 2022. ISBN: 9788395602047
  2. Talab, M., Korondi, P., Neamah, H.: Design of an Individual Fingers Rehabilitation Device.
    In: 2022 IEEE 20th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), IEEE, [s.l.], 734-739, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496810
  3. Korsoveczki, G., Kovacs, B., Tihanyi, D., Neamah, H., Korondi, P.: IT development of a web-based laboratory system for mechatronical engineering students.
    In: Proceedings 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on e-Learning in Industrial Electronics (ICELIE), IEEE, [s.l.], 1-6, 2022. ISBN: 9781665489904
  4. Muhammad, M., Babangida, A., Neamah, H., Szemes, P.: Neural Network-based Finite-time Control of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Dead-zones: Application to Quadrotors.
    Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) 3 (6), 735-742, 2022.
    Q3 Artificial Intelligence
    Q3 Control and Systems Engineering
  5. Neamah, H., Mohammed, A., Khaled, A., Korondi, P., Husi, G.: Self-Driving robotic car utilizing image processing and machine learning.
    IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 1256 1-13, 2022.
  1. Neamah, H., Husi, G.: Design and Development of Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) for Fingers and Wrist Grounded-Exoskeleton Rehabilitation System.
    Appl. Sci.-Basel. 11 (2), 1-23, 2021.
    Q3 Computer Science Applications
    Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes
    Q2 Instrumentation
    Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology
  1. Saadah, A., Neamah, H., Husi, G.: Computing The Kinematics Study of a 6 DOF Industrial Manipulator Prototype by Matlab.
    Recent Innov. Mechatron. 7 (1), 1-5, 2020.
  1. Neamah, H., Afghan, S., Husi, G.: Designing the Mechanical Parts of a Low-Cost Hand Rehabilitation CPM Device for Stroke Patients.
    In: Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship. Eds.: José Machado, Filomena Soares, Germano Veiga, Springer, Cham, 60-66, 2019, (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, ISSN 1876-1119 ; 505) ISBN: 9783319913346
  2. Afghan, S., Neamah, H., Husi, G.: Simulating the Electrical Characteristics of Solar Panels based on Practical Single-Diode Equivalent Circuit Model: Analyzing the Influence of Environmental Parameters on Output Power.
    In: Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship. Eds.: José Machado, Filomena Soares, Germano Veiga, Springer, Cham, 67-74, 2019, (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, ISSN 1876-1119 ; 505.) ISBN: 9783319913346
  1. Neamah, H., Afghan, S., Husi, G.: Recent trends in robotic systems for upper-limb stroke recovery: A low-cost hand and wrist rehabilitation device.
    In: 2nd International Symposium on Small-scale Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (SIMS), 2018, IEEE, Piscataway, 1-6, 2018. ISBN: 9781538644379
  2. Afghan, S., Neamah, H., Husi, G.: Towards the self-powered Internet of Things (IoT) by energy harvesting: Trends and technologies for green IoT.
    In: 2018 2nd International Symposium on Small-scale Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (SIMS), IEEE, Piscataway, 1-5, 2018. ISBN: 9781538644379
  1. Neamah, H., Afghan, S., Husi, G., Molnár, Z., Erdei, T.: A stroke-t kapott egyének rehabilitációs eszközeiben jelentős fejlődést mutató hatékony technikák áttekintése = Reviewing the notable progress of effective techniques in the development of stroke hand rehabilitation devices.
    In: A XXII. Fiatal Műszakiak Tudományos Ülésszak előadásai = Proceedings of the XXII-th International Scientific Conference of Young Engineers. Szerk.: Bitay Enikő, Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület, Kolozsvár, 63-66, 2017, (Műszaki Tudományos Közlemények, ISSN 2393-1280 ; 7.) ISBN: 9789634490180
  2. Afghan, S., Neamah, H., Husi, G.: Minimális kimeneti teljesítmény meghatározása energy harvesting prototípushoz: egy esettanulmány mobiltelefon specifikációkra = Approximating the minimum output power for energy harvesting prototype : a case study of cell phone specifications.
    In: A XXII. Fiatal Műszakiak Tudományos Ülésszak előadásai = Proceedings of the XXII-th International Scientific Conference of Young Engineers. Szerk.: Bitay Enikő, Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület, Kolozsvár, 55-58, 2017, (Műszaki Tudományos Közlemények, ISSN 2393-1280 ; 7.) ISBN: 9789634490180
  3. Molnár, Z., Erdei, T., Neamah, H., Husi, G.: Saját CNC prototípus rendszer mint IoT eszköz = Our Own CNC Prototype System as IoT Device.
    In: A XXII. Fiatal Műszakiak Tudományos Ülésszak előadásai = Proceedings of the XXII-th International Scientific Conference of Young Engineers. Szerk.: Bitay Enikő, Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület (EME), Kolozsvár, 295-298, 2017, (Műszaki Tudományos Közlemények, ISSN 2393-1280 ; 7.) ISBN: 9789634490180
  4. Afghan, S., Neamah, H., Husi, G.: Simulating the electrical characteristics of a photovoltaic cell based on a single-diode equivalent circuit model.
    In: Proceedings of the Annual Session of Scientific Papers "Imt Oradea - 2017", 25th-27th May, Oradea, Romania. Eds.: Calin Baban, Florin Sandu Blaga, Gavril Grebenisan, Alexandru-Viorel Pele, Mircea Teodor Pop, Alexandru Rus, Radu Catalin Tarca, University of Oradea Publishing House, Oradea, 181-186, 2017. ISBN: 9786061015375
  5. Afghan, S., Neamah, H., Husi, G.: Simulating the electrical characteristics of a photovoltaic cell based on a single-diode equivalent circuit model.
    Anal. Univ. Oradea. Fasc. Ing. Manag. Technol. 26 (1), 91-96, 2017.
  6. Afghan, S., Neamah, H., Husi, G.: Simulating the electrical characteristics of a photovoltaic cell based on a single-diode equivalent circuit model.
    MATEC Web Conf. 126 1-6, 2017.
  1. Afghan, S., Neamah, H., Jokhio, S., Husi, G.: Estimation of minimum output power threshold for energy harvesting module: an inspection of battery and charging parameters of cell phones.
    In: Proceedings of 4th International Mechatronical Student Micro-Conference. Eds.: Adrienn Dineva, István Nagy, Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, 56-71, 2016. ISBN: 9789634490166
  2. Neamah, H., Afghan, S., Husi, G.: Technological advancements in stroke hand rehabilitation devices: a review.
    In: Proceedings of 4th International Mechatronical Student Micro-Conference. Eds.: Adrienn Dineva, István Nagy, Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, 80-90, 2016. ISBN: 9789634490166
feltöltött közlemény: 30 Open Access: 13
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