Tudóstér: Borsay Beáta Ágnes publikációi

feltöltött közlemény: 18 Open Access: 8
  1. Borsay, B., Halasi, B., Pórszász, R., Károlyi, K., Gergely, P.: An Unusual Hunting Accident: A Case Report.
    Cureus. 16 (8), 1-10, 2024.
  2. Borsay, B., Halasi, B., Pórszász, R., Gergely, P.: Importance of the details in person identification.
    Leg. Med. (Tokyo). 67 1-6, 2024.
    Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (2023)
    Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (2023)
  3. Halasi, B., Borsay, B., Pórszász, R., Gergely, P.: Lethal threat in the use of glass doors at home: a case report.
    Leg Med (Tokyo). 66 1-6, 2024.
    Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (2023)
    Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (2023)
  1. Borsay, B., Gergely, P.: Csecsemőhalál fejlődési rendellenesség (?) miatt.
    In: FIOF 2019 Debrecen. Szerk.: Gergely Péter, Legalmed Alapítvány, Debrecen, 16, 2019. ISBN: 9789634901051
  2. Gergely, P., Rácz, K., Borsay, B., Halasi, B., Gál, A., Varga, S.: Fiatal Igazságügyi Szakértők Fóruma 2019, Debrecen.
    Debreceni Egyetem, ÁOK, Igazságügyi Orvostani Intézet, Debrecen, 16 p., 2019. ISBN: 9789634901051
  1. Borsay, B., Gergely, P., Herczeg, L., Kovács, I.: A Hatóság által elrendelt boncolások számának alakulása Hajdú-Bihar és Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében a 351/2013 (X.4.) kormányrendelet bevezetése után, avagy az eltemetett bűnesetekről....
    In: XV. MIOT Konferencia és MÉBOT Szakmai Nap Konferencia az igazságügyi (orvos-) szakértésről szakértőknek és jogalkalmazóknak. Szerk.: Herczeg László, Gergely Péter;, MIOT, Debrecen, 22, 2015. ISBN: 9789631234787
  2. Skrapits, K., Kanti, V., Savanyú, Z., Maurnyi, C., Szenci, O., Horváth, A., Borsay, B., Herczeg, L., Liposits, Z., Hrabovszky, E.: Lateral hypothalamic orexin and melanin-concentrating hormone neurons provide direct input to gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the human.
    Front. Cell. Neurosci. 9 1-13, 2015.
    Q1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
  3. Skrapits, K., Borsay, B., Herczeg, L., Ciofi, P., Liposits, Z., Hrabovszky, E.: Neuropeptide co-expression in hypothalamic kisspeptin neurons of laboratory animals and the human.
    Front. Neurosci. 9 1-6, 2015.
    Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous)
  1. Skrapits, K., Borsay, B., Herczeg, L., Ciofi, P., Bloom, S., Ghatei, M., Dhillo, W., Liposits, Z., Hrabovszky, E.: Colocalization of Cocaine- and Amphetamine-Regulated Transcript with Kisspeptin and Neurokinin B in the Human Infundibular Region.
    PLoS One. 9 (8), e103977-, 2014.
    D1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  2. Borsay, B., Skrapits, K., Herczeg, L., Ciofi, P., Bloom, S., Ghatei, M., Dhillo, W., Liposits, Z., Hrabovszky, E.: Hypophysiotropic Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Projections Are Exposed to Dense Plexuses of Kisspeptin, Neurokinin B and Substance P Immunoreactive Fibers in the Human: a Study on Tissues from Postmenopausal Women.
    Neuroendocrinology. 100 (2-3), 141-152, 2014.
    Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
    Q1 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems
    Q1 Endocrinology
    Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
  1. Hrabovszky, E., Molnár, C., Borsay, B., Gergely, P., Herczeg, L., Liposits, Z.: Orexinergic Input to Dopaminergic Neurons of the Human Ventral Tegmental Area.
    PLoS One. 8 (12), e83029, 2013.
    D1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  2. Hrabovszky, E., Borsay, B., Rácz, K., Herczeg, L., Ciofi, P., Bloom, S., Ghatei, M., Dhillo, W., Liposits, Z.: Substance P Immunoreactivity Exhibits Frequent Colocalization with Kisspeptin and Neurokinin B in the Human Infundibular Region.
    PLoS One. 8 (8), e72369, 2013.
    D1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Kalló, I., Mohácsik, P., Vida, B., Zeöld, A., Bardóczi, Z., Zavacki, A., Farkas, E., Kádár, A., Hrabovszky, E., Arrojo e, D., Dong, L., Barna, L., Palkovits, M., Borsay, B., Lechan, R., Bianco, A., Liposits, Z., Fekete, C., Gereben, B., Herczeg, L.: A Novel Pathway Regulates Thyroid Hormone Availability in Rat and Human Hypothalamic Neurosecretory Neurons.
    PLoS One. 7 (6), e37860, 2012.
    D1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  2. Hrabovszky, E., Molnár, C., Nagy, R., Vida, B., Borsay, B., Rácz, K., Watanabe, M., Kalló, I., Liposits, Z., Herczeg, L.: Glutamatergic and GABAergic innervation of human gonadotropin-releasing hormone-I neurons.
    Endocrinology. 153 (6), 2766-2776, 2012.
    D1 Endocrinology
  3. Hrabovszky, E., Sipos, M., Molnár, C., Ciofi, P., Borsay, B., Gergely, P., Herczeg, L., Bloom, S., Ghatei, M., Dhillo, W., Liposits, Z.: Low degree of overlap between kisspeptin, neurokinin B, and dynorphin immunoreactivities in the infundibular nucleus of young male human subjects challenges the KNDy neuron concept.
    Endocrinology. 153 (10), 4978-4989, 2012.
    D1 Endocrinology
  4. Molnár, C., Vida, B., Sipos, M., Ciofi, P., Borsay, B., Rácz, K., Herczeg, L., Bloom, S., Ghatei, M., Dhillo, W., Liposits, Z., Hrabovszky, E.: Morphological evidence for enhanced kisspeptin and neurokinin B signaling in the infundibular nucleus of the aging man.
    Endocrinology. 153 (11), 5428-5439, 2012.
    D1 Endocrinology
  1. Hrabovszky, E., Molnár, C., Sipos, M., Vida, B., Ciofi, P., Borsay, B., Sarkadi, L., Herczeg, L., Bloom, S., Ghatei, M., Dhillo, W., Kalló, I., Liposits, Z.: Sexual dimorphism of kisspeptin and neurokinin B immunoreactive neurons in the infundibular nucleus of aged men and women.
    Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2 80, 2011.
    Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
  2. Völker, W., Dittrich, R., Grewe, S., Nassenstein, I., Csiba, L., Herczeg, L., Borsay, B., Robenek, H., Kuhlenbäumer, G., Ringelstein, E.: The outer arterial wall layers are primarily affected in spontaneous cervical artery dissection.
    Neurology. 76 (17), 1463-1471, 2011.
    D1 Neurology (clinical)
feltöltött közlemény: 18 Open Access: 8
A szolgáltatást nyújtja: DEENK