Nagy, Á.: Ab initio exchange-correlation potentials in the local density approximation.
Acta Phys. Chim. Debr. XXVII 31, 1991.
Nagy, Á.: A thermodynamical transcription of the density functional theory.
In: 1st EPS Southern European School of Physics on 'Dynamical Processes in Molecular Physics', Avila (Spain), 1-13 September, 1991
Nagy, Á.: Exact potential-phase relation for the ground state of the first-row atoms and ions.
In: Research Workshop in Condensed Matter, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Trieste, 8 August, 1991
Nagy, Á., March, N.: Kinetic energy in terms of electron density for atomic s and p shells in a bare Coulumb field.
Chem. Phys. Lett 1991.
Nagy, Á.: Local virial theorem in density functional theory.
In: VIIth International Congress on Quantum Chemistry, Menton (France) 2-5 July, 1991
Nagy, Á.: Parameter-free exchange-correlation potential in density functional theory for excited states.
In: VIIth International Congress on Quantum Chemistry, Menton (France), 2-5 July, 1991
Nagy, Á.: Parameter-free exchange potential for ground and excited states in the density functional theory.
In: Research Workshop in Condensed MMatter, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Trieste, 15 August,1991
Nagy, Á., March, N.: Relation between total energy and sun of orbital energies for neutral atoms.
Chem. Phys 1991.
Nagy, Á., March, N.: The exact form of the Pauli potential for the ground state of two- and three-level atoms and ions.
Int. J. Quantum Chem 1991.