Tudóstér: Mahmada Ali Mohammed Qader publikációi

feltöltött közlemény: 5 Open Access: 0
  1. Mahmada, A.: "Balfour's Legacy: Britain, Zionism, and the Controversial Path to Israel's Establishment.
    Arab Journal of Science and Research. "Accepted by Publisher" (-), [1-15], 2024.
  2. Mahmada, A.: Lynch Company's River Navigation Franchises in Mesopotamia: Economic Control and Local Responses 1860-1908.
    Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. "Accepted by Publisher" (-), [1-20], 2024.
  3. Mahmada, A.: The British Economic Interests in Mesopotamia 1914-1918: A Study of Securing Oil, Trade, and Commercial Path.
    Mod. Econ. 15 (03), 274-295, 2024.
  4. Mahmada, A.: The Evolution of British Commercial Diplomacy in the Near East 1869-1914.
    In: Conference of Doctoral Students Stdudying Moder History, -, [Accepted by Publisher], [1-21], 2024.
  1. Mahmada, A.: The Effect of the Great War on the Role of Women in British Society.
    Tört. Tanulm. 73 245-273, 2021.
feltöltött közlemény: 5 Open Access: 0
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