Tudóstér: Sudár Sándor publikációi

feltöltött közlemény: 38 Open Access: 6
  1. Uddin, M., Sudár, S., Basunia, M., Scholten, B., Spellerberg, S., Voyles, A., Morrell, J., Spainhower, K., Hermanne, A., Bernstein, L., Neumaier, B., Qaim, S.: Excitation functions and isomeric cross-section ratios of (d,xn) reactions on 86Sr.
    Eur. Phys. J. A. 60 (6), 1-16, 2024.
  1. Uddin, M., Basunia, M., Sudár, S., Scholten, B., Spellerberg, S., Voyles, A., Morrell, J., Fox, M., Spahn, I., Felden, O., Gebel, R., Bernstein, L., Neumaier, B., Qaim, S.: Excitation functions of proton-induced nuclear reactions on ^{86}Sr, with particular emphasis on the formation of isomeric states in ^{86}Y and ^{85}Y.
    Eur. Phys. J. A. 58 (4), 1-16, 2022.
  1. Aslam, M., Sudár, S., Hussain, M., Malik, A., Qaim, S.: Evaluation of excitation functions of proton, 3He- and [alpha]-particle induced reactions for production of the medically interesting positron-emitter bromine-76.
    Appl. Radiat. Isot. 69 (10), 1490-1505, 2011.
    Q2 Radiation
  2. Hussain, M., Sudár, S., Aslam, M., Ahmad, R., Shah, H., Malik, A.: Evaluations of Charged Particle Data for Production of the Therapeutic Radionuclides 103Pd, 186Re and 67Cu.
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59 (2), 1987-1990, 2011.
    Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
  3. Uddin, M., Sudár, S., Qaim, S.: Formation of the isomeric pair 194Irm,g in interactions of [alpha] particles with 192Os.
    Phys. Rev. C. 84 (2), 1-5, 2011.
  1. Hussain, M., Sudár, S., Aslam, M., Malik, A., Ahmad, R., Qaim, S.: Evaluation of charged particle induced reaction cross section data for production of the important therapeutic radionuclide 186Re.
    Radiochim. Acta. 98 (7), 385-395, 2010.
    Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  2. Aslam, M., Sudár, S., Hussain, M., Malik, A., Shah, H., Qaim, S.: Evaluation of excitation functions of proton and deuteron induced reactions on enriched tellurium isotopes with special relevance to the production of iodine-124.
    Appl. Radiat. Isot. 68 (9), 1760-1773, 2010.
    Q2 Radiation
  3. Qaim, S., Kettern, K., Shubin, Y., Sudár, S., Coenen, H.: Excitation functions of nuclear reactions leading to the soft-radiation emitting radionuclides 45Ca, 49V and 204Tl in beam collimator materials used in proton therapy.
    Radiochim. Acta. 98 (8), 447-457, 2010.
    Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  4. Lépy, M., Altzitzoglou, T., Anagnostakis, M., Arnold, D., Capogni, M., Ceccatelli, A., De, F., Dersch, R., Dryak, P., Fazio, A., Ferreux, L., Guardati, M., Han, J., Hurtado, S., Karfopoulos, K., Klemola, S., Kovar, P., Lee, K., Ocone, R., Ott, O., Sima, O., Sudár, S., Švec, A., Van Tao, C., Thanh, T., Vidmar, T.: Intercomparison of methods for coincidence summing corrections in gamma-ray spectrometry.
    Appl. Radiat. Isot. 68 (7-8), 1407-1412, 2010.
    Q2 Radiation
  5. Uddin, M., Scholten, B., Hermanne, A., Sudár, S., Coenen, H., Qaim, S.: Radiochemical determination of cross sections of [alpha]-particle induced reactions on 192Os for the production of the therapeutic radionuclide 193mPt.
    Appl. Radiat. Isot. 68 (10), 2001-2006, 2010.
    Q2 Radiation
  1. Hussain, M., Sudár, S., Aslam, M., Shah, H., Ahmad, R., Malik, A., Qaim, S.: A comprehensive evaluation of charged-particle data for production of the therapeutic radionuclide 103Pd.
    Appl. Radiat. Isot. 67 (10), 1842-1854, 2009.
    Q2 Radiation
  2. Aslam, M., Sudár, S., Hussain, M., Malik, A., Shah, H., Qaim, S.: Charged particle induced reaction cross section data for production of the emerging medically important positron emitter 64Cu: A comprehensive evaluation.
    Radiochim. Acta. 97 (12), 669-686, 2009.
    Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  3. Semkova, V., Reimer, P., Altzitzoglou, T., Plompen, A., Quétel, C., Sudár, S., Vogl, J.: Neutron activation cross sections on lead isotopes.
    Phys. Rev. C. 80 (2), 024610/1-12, 2009.
  1. Hilgers, K., Qaim, S., Sudár, S.: Formation of the isomeric pairs 139Ndm,g and 141Ndm,g in proton and 3He-particle-induced nuclear reactions.
    Phys. Rev. C. 76 (6), 2007.
  1. Semkova, V., Avrigeanu, V., Glodariu, T., Koning, A., Plompen, A., Smith, D., Sudár, S.: A systematic investigation of reaction cross sections and isomer ratios for neutrons up to 20 MeV on Ni-isotopes and 59Co by measurements with the activation technique and new model studies of the underlying reaction mechanisms.
    Nucl. Phys. A. 730 (3-4), 255-284, 2004.
    Q1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  1. Awad, S., Sudár, S., Buczkó, C., Csikai, G., Filatenkov, A., Chuvaev, S., Dóczi, R., Semkova, V., Zelenetsky, V.: Energy dependence of the isomeric cross section ratio in the 58Ni(n,p)58Com,g reactions.
    Phys. Rev. C. 60 (1), 017602, 1999.
  2. Nesaraja, C., Linse, K., Spellerberg, S., Sudár, S., Suhaimi, A., Qaim, S.: Excitation function of neutron induced reactions on some isotopes of zinc, gallium, germanium in the energy range of 6.2 to 12.4 MeV.
  1. Dóczi, R., Sudár, S., Csikai, G., Qaim, S.: Excitation functions of the 89Y(n,n'γ)89Ym and 89Y(n,αγ)86Rbm processes.
    Phys. Rev. C. 58 (4), 2577-2580, 1998.
  2. Nesaraja, C., Dóczi, R., Cserpák, F., Sudár, S., Csikai, G., Fessler, A., Strohmaier, B., Qaim, S.: Isomeric cross section.
    In: Progress report on nuclear data research in the Federal Republik of Germany, Forschungzentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, 14-15, 1998.
  3. Nesaraja, C., Spellerberg, S., Cserpák, F., Sudár, S., Csikai, G., Fessler, A., Qaim, S.: Neutron activation cross sections.
    In: Progress report on nuclear data research in the Federal Republik of Germany, Forschungzentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, 15-16, 1998.
  4. Dep, L., Belbot, M., Vourvopoulos, G., Sudár, S.: Pulsed neutron-based on-line coal analysis.
    J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 234 (1-2), 107-112, 1998.
  1. Avrigeanu, V., Sudár, S., Csikainé Buczkó, M., Filatenkov, A., Chuvaev, S., Dóczi, R., Semkova, V., Zeletinsky, V.: Energy dependence of the isomeric cross section in the p58 sNi(n,p) p58 sComg reactions.
  2. Klopiers, R., Dóczi, R., Sudár, S., Csikai, G., Qaim, S.: Excitations functions of some neutron threshold reaction on p89 sY in the energy range of 7.8 to 14.7 MeV.
  3. Nesaraja, C., Cserpák, F., Sudár, S., Dóczi, R., Qaim, S.: Extitation functions of (n,p) and (n, ga s) reactions on some isotopes of Zn, Ge, Y and Ag.
  4. Semkova, V., Dóczi, R., Majdeddin, A., Fenyvesi, A., Yamamuro, N., Sudár, S., Szegedi, S., Csikainé Buczkó, M., Csikai, G.: Measurements and calculations of excitation functions of neutron induced activations.
  1. Fenyvesi, A., Tárkányi, F., Szelecsényi, F., Takács, S., Szücs, Z., Molnár, T., Sudár, S.: Excitation-function and thick target yield of the Ar p40 s(alpha,p)K p43 s reaction-production of K p43 s.
  2. Sudár, S., Qaim, S.: Isomeric cross-section ratio for the formation of p58 sComg in neutron, proton, deuteron and alpha-particle induced reaction in the energy region up to 25 MeV.
    Phys. Rev. C. 53 (6), 2885-2892, 1996.
  1. Csikainé Buczkó, M., Csikai, G., Sudár, S., Grallert, Á., Jonah, S., Jimba, B., Chimoye, T., Wagner, M.: Excitation functions and isomeric cross section ratio of the 58 Ni (n,p ) 58 Co m , g reactions from 2 to 15 MeV.
    Phys. Rev. C. 52 (4), 1940-1946, 1995.
  2. Fenyvesi, A., Tárkányi, F., Szelecsényi, F., Takács, S., Szücs, Z., Molnár, T., Sudár, S.: Measurement of excitation function and thick target yield of the ♯°Ar(α,p)♯©K reaction.
  1. Cserpák, F., Sudár, S., Csikai, G., Qaim, S.: Excitation functions and isomeric cross-section ratios of the 63Cu(n,alpha)60Com,g, 65Cu(n,alpha)62Com,g, and 60Ni(n,p)60Com,g processes from 6 to 15 MeV.
    Phys. Rev. C. 49 (3), 1525-1533, 1994.
  2. Sudár, S., Qaim, S.: Excitation functions of proton and deuteron induced reactions on iron and alpha-particle induced reactions on manganese in the energy region up to 25 MeV.
    Phys. Rev. C. 50 (5), 2408-2419, 1994.
  1. Sudár, S., Szelecsényi, F., Qaim, S.: Excitation function and isomeric cross-section ratio for the 61Ni(p,Ó)58Com,g process.
    Phys. Rev. C 1993.
  1. Sudár, S., Csikai, G., Qaim, S., Stöcklin, G.: Neutron activation cross sections for 60Ni(N,p)60mCo60Ni(n,p)60m+gCo and 58Ni(n,p)58mCo reactions in the 5 to 12 MeV energy range.
    In: Nuclear Data for Science and Technology. Proceedings of an International Conference, held at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Fed. Rep. of Germany, 13-17 May 1991
  1. Csikai, G., Lantos, Z., Csikainé Buczkó, M., Sudár, S.: Neutron induced reaction cross-sections on 115In at around 14 MeV.
  1. Sudár, S.: A solution for the neutron spectrum unfolding problem without using input spectrum..
    IAEA-INDC/HUN/-026-L 1989.
  1. Csikai, G., Lantos, Z., Sudár, S., Chimoye, T., Vilaithong, T., Chirapatpimol, N.: Cross sections of fast neutron induced reactions oln aluminium and silicon..
    In: Proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference. Harrogate,U.K., 1986
  2. Csikai, G., Lantos, Z., Sudár, S., Chimoye, T., Vilaithong, T., Chirapatpimol, N.: Study of the excitation functions of27Al(n, α)24Na,27Al(n, p)27Mg and28Si(n, p)28Al reactions.
    Zeitschrift für Physik A Atomic Nuclei. 325 (1), 69-72, 1986.
  1. Wölfle, R., Sudár, S., Qaim, S.: Determination of Excitation Function of Triton Emission Reaction on Aluminum from Threshold up to 30 MeV via Activation in Diverse Neutron Fields and Unfolding Code Calculations.
    Nucl. Sci. Eng. 91 (2), 162-172, 1985.
feltöltött közlemény: 38 Open Access: 6
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