Bács, Z., Szilágyi, S.: A DVSC BL szereplésének gazdasági és államháztartási vonatkozásai.
In: International Conference on Tourism and Sports Management, Debreceni Egyetem AVK, Debrecen, &, 2010.
Hegedűs, G., Bács, Z.: A tehetséggondozás új lehetőségei a debreceni labdarúgásban.
In: International Conference on Tourism and Sports Management, Debreceni Egyetem AVK, Debrecen, &, 2010.
Tarnóczi, T., Fenyves, V., Tóth, R.: Corporate Valuation Using Two-dimensional Monte Carlo Simulation The International Conference - European Integration - New Challenges.
In: The International Conference European Integration New Challenges : Oradea, Románia, 2010.05.28-2010.05.29.. Ed.: Anca Dodescu, Nicolae Pop, University of Oradea Publishing House, Oradea, 1438-1444, 2010.
Nábrádi, A., Bács, Z., Fenyves, V., Pető, K.: E-Learning in Agribusiness and Commerce.
In: EDULEARN10 - International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Ed.: L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belenguer, I. Candel Torres, International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Barcelona, 1264-1267, 2010.
Bács, Z., Nagy, A., Dajnoki, K., Tóth, R.: ING data envelopment analysis to compare the efficiency of higher education systems.
In: EDULEARN10 - International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) : Valencia, Spanyolország, 2010.07.07-2010.07.09, [S. n.], Valencia, 1464-1471, 2010.
Fenyves, V., Tóth, R., Tarnóczi, T.: Intellectual Capital valuation using Monte Carlo Simulation.
Anal. Univ. Oradea. Ştiinţ. econ. 19 (1), 430-436, 2010.
Nagy, A., Fenyves, V., Nábrádi, A.: MBA in agribusiness and commerce (AGRIMBA): A tool for life long and e-learning.
In: Challenges of Education and Innovation : proceedings of the Fourth Green Week Scientific Conference. Ed.: by Kelly Labar, Martin Petrick and Gertrud Buchenrieder, Leibniz-Inst. für Agrarentwickung in Mittel- und Osteuropa (IAMO), Halle (Saale), 1, 2010, (Studies on the agricultural and food sector in Central and Eastern Europe ; 56.)
Bács, Z., Nagy, A., Bácsné Bába, É., Dékán, T.: New model of practical formation is bachelor (BA) studies at the University of Debrecen in accordance with Bologna process.
In: EDULEARN10 - International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona, Spanyolország. Ed.: L. Gómez Chova, D Martí Belenguer, I Candel Torres, International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Barcelona, 1444-1450, 2010.
Tarnóczi, T., Fenyves, V., Bács, Z.: The business uncertainty and variability management with real options models combined two-dimensional simulation.
In: Agrarian Perspectives XIX. : Prága, Csehország, 2010.09.14-2010.09.15 / Jan Hron (szerk.), [Czech University of Life Sciences Prague], Prága, 1-8, 2010. ISBN: 9788021321236
Bács, Z., Nagy, A., Dajnoki, K., Tóth, R.: Using data envelompment analysis to compare the effiencity of higher educeation systems.
In: EDULEARN10 - International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona, Spanyolország, 2010.07.05-2010.07.07.. Ed.: L Gómez Chova, D Martí Belenguer, I Candel Torres, [S. n.], Barcelona, 86-91, 2010.
Tóth, R., Bács, Z., Nagy, A., Dajnoki, K.: Using Data Envelopment Analysis to compare the efficiency of higher education systems.
In: EDULEARN10 - International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies : Barcelona, Spanyolország, 2010.07.05-2010.07.07. / L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belenguer, I. Candel Torres (szerk.), International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Barcelona, 1464-1471, 2010. ISBN: 9788461393862