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Boratkó Anita

Boratkó Anita

Boratkó Anita
egyetemi adjunktus
Név: Boratkó Anita
Affiliáció: Debreceni Egyetem. Általános Orvostudományi Kar. Orvosi Vegytani Intézet / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Medical Chemistry
További profilok: Google Scholar
Szakterület: molekuláris biológus

Teljes publikációs lista

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Hitelesített Publikációs Lista igénylése
OA letöltési statisztika megtekintése
Feltöltött közlemény:
Publikációs időszak:
  1. Thalwieser, Z., Fonódi, M., Király, N., Csortos, C., Boratkó, A.: PP2A Affects Angiogenesis via Its Interaction with a Novel Phosphorylation Site of TSP1.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25 (3), 1-23, 2024.
    Q2 Catalysis (2023)
    Q1 Computer Science Applications (2023)
    D1 Inorganic Chemistry (2023)
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q2 Molecular Biology (2023)
    D1 Organic Chemistry (2023)
    Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (2023)
    D1 Spectroscopy (2023)
  2. Fonódi, M., Nagy, L., Boratkó, A.: Role of protein phosphatases in tumor angiogenesis: assessing PP1, PP2A, PP2B and PTPs activity.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25 1-43, 2024.
    Q2 Catalysis (2023)
    Q1 Computer Science Applications (2023)
    D1 Inorganic Chemistry (2023)
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q2 Molecular Biology (2023)
    D1 Organic Chemistry (2023)
    Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (2023)
    D1 Spectroscopy (2023)
  1. Fonódi, M., Thalwieser, Z., Csortos, C., Boratkó, A.: TIMAP, a Regulatory Subunit of Protein Phosphatase 1, Inhibits In Vitro Neuronal Differentiation.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24 (24), 1-17, 2023.
    Q2 Catalysis
    Q1 Computer Science Applications
    D1 Inorganic Chemistry
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Molecular Biology
    D1 Organic Chemistry
    Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
    D1 Spectroscopy
  1. Király, N., Thalwieser, Z., Fonódi, M., Csortos, C., Boratkó, A.: Dephosphorylation of annexin A2 by protein phosphatase 1 regulates endothelial cell barrier.
    IUBMB Life. 2021 1-12, 2021.
    Q2 Biochemistry
    Q2 Cell Biology
    Q2 Clinical Biochemistry
    Q2 Genetics
    Q2 Molecular Biology
  2. Király, N., Csortos, C., Boratkó, A.: Ser69 phosphorylation of TIMAP affects endothelial cell migration.
    Exp. Lung Res. 47 (7), 334-343, 2021.
    Q3 Clinical Biochemistry
    Q4 Molecular Biology
    Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine
  1. Aladdin, A., Yao, Y., Yang, C., Kahlert, G., Ghani, M., Király, N., Boratkó, A., Uray, K., Dittmar, G., Tar, K.: The Proteasome Activators Blm10/PA200 Enhance the Proteasomal Degradation of N-Terminal Huntingtin.
    Biomolecules. 10 (11), 1-33, 2020.
    Q2 Biochemistry
    Q2 Molecular Biology
  1. Thalwieser, Z., Király, N., Fonódi, M., Csortos, C., Boratkó, A.: Protein phosphatase 2A-mediated flotillin-1 dephosphorylation up-regulates endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis regulation.
    J. Biol. Chem. 294 (52), 20196-20206, 2019.
    D1 Biochemistry
    Q1 Cell Biology
    Q1 Molecular Biology
  1. Mikó, E., Vida, A., Kovács, T., Ujlaki, G., Trencsényi, G., Márton, J., Sári, Z., Kovács, P., Boratkó, A., Hujber, Z., Csonka, T., Antal-Szalmás, P., Watanabe, M., Gombos, I., Csóka, B., Kiss, B., Vígh, L., Szabó, J., Méhes, G., Sebestyén, A., Goedert, J., Bai, P.: Lithocholic acid, a bacterial metabolite reduces breast cancer cell proliferation and aggressiveness.
    Biochim. Biophys. Acta Bioenerg. 1859 (9), 958-974, 2018.
    Q1 Biochemistry
    D1 Biophysics
    Q1 Cell Biology
  1. Boratkó, A., Csortos, C.: PKC mediated phosphorylation of TIMAP regulates PP1c activity and endothelial barrier function.
    Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Mol. Cell. Res. 1864 (2), 431-439, 2017.
    Q1 Cell Biology
    Q1 Molecular Biology
  2. Boratkó, A., Péter, M., Csortos, C.: Regulation of merlin by protein phosphatase 1-TIMAP and EBP50 in endothelial cells.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 82 10-17, 2017.
    Q1 Biochemistry
    Q2 Cell Biology
  3. Boratkó, A., Csortos, C.: TIMAP, the versatile protein phosphatase 1 regulator in endothelial cells.
    IUBMB Life. 69 (12), 918-928, 2017.
    Q2 Biochemistry
    Q2 Cell Biology
    Q1 Clinical Biochemistry
    Q2 Genetics
    Q2 Molecular Biology
  1. Veréb, Z., Póliska, S., Albert, R., Olstad, O., Boratkó, A., Csortos, C., Moe, M., Facskó, A., Petrovski, G.: Role of Human Corneal Stroma-Derived Mesenchymal-Like Stem Cells in Corneal Immunity and Wound Healing.
    Sci. Rep. 6 (26227), 1-17, 2016.
    D1 Multidisciplinary
  2. Boratkó, A., Veréb, Z., Petrovski, G., Csortos, C.: TIMAP-protein phosphatase 1-complex controls endothelin-1 production via ECE-1 dephosphorylation.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 73 11-18, 2016.
    Q1 Biochemistry
    Q2 Cell Biology
  1. Boratkó, A., Péter, M., Thalwieser, Z., Kovács, E., Csortos, C.: Elongation factor-1A1 is a novel substrate of the protein phosphatase 1-TIMAP complex.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 69 105-113, 2015.
    Q1 Biochemistry
    Q2 Cell Biology
  1. Boratkó, A., Csortos, C.: NHERF2 is crucial in ERM phosphorylation in pulmonary endothelial cells.
    Cell Commun. Signal. 11 (99), 1-10, 2013.
    D1 Biochemistry
    Q1 Cell Biology
    Q1 Molecular Biology
  2. Boratkó, A., Gergely, P., Csortos, C.: RACK1 is involved in endothelial barrier regulation via its two novel interacting partners.
    Cell Commun Signal. 11 (2), 1-14, 2013.
    D1 Biochemistry
    Q1 Cell Biology
    Q1 Molecular Biology
  3. Szilágyi, O., Boratkó, A., Panyi, G., Hajdu, P.: The role of PSD-95 in the rearrangement of Kv1.3 channels to the immunological synapse.
    Pflugers Arch. 465 (9), 1341-1353, 2013.
    D1 Clinical Biochemistry
    Q1 Physiology
    Q1 Physiology (medical)
  1. Boratkó, A., Gergely, P., Csortos, C.: Cell cycle dependent association of EBP50 with protein phosphatise 2A in endothelial cells.
    PLoS One. 7 (4), e35595, 2012.
    D1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
frissítve: 2024-09-01, 01:25

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek
SCImago besorolása

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek száma: 22
Q1/D1 11 (50%)
Q1 19 (86.4%)
Q2 2 (9.1%)
Q3 1 (4.5%)

SCImago kategóriák

Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (20)
Molecular Biology (11)
Biochemistry (10)
Cell Biology (10)
Clinical Biochemistry (4)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (2)
Cancer Research (2)
Genetics (2)
Biophysics (1)
Physiology (1)
Medicine (8)
Medicine (miscellaneous) (4)
Oncology (2)
Physiology (medical) (1)
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (1)
Chemical Engineering (3)
Catalysis (3)
Chemistry (3)
Inorganic Chemistry (3)
Organic Chemistry (3)
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (3)
Spectroscopy (3)
Computer Science (3)
Computer Science Applications (3)
Multidisciplinary (2)
Multidisciplinary (2)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (1)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (1)

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