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A Tudóstér funkcióinak nagy része bejelentkezés nélkül is elérhető. Bejelentkezésre az alábbi műveletekhez van szükség:
Bárándy, P., Fleck, Z., Szentes, Á., Szentpéteri Nagy, R., Szurday, K., Tóth, G. A., Vörös, I.: A jogállam helyreállításának kísérlete: A Civil Közjogi Műhely tevékenysége. Oriold és Társai Kft., Budapest, 186 p., 2022. ISBN: 9786155981746
Tóth, G. A.: Constitutional justice in Hungary: From the revolution under the rule of law to the revolution in the polling booths. In: Le constitutionnalisme abusif en Europe / dir. Pierre-Alain Collot, Mare & Martin, Párizs, 119-135, 2022. ISBN: 9782849346907
Tóth, G. A.: Coordinated Transition in East-Central Europe and the Role of Constitutional Courts in Transitional Justice: Experiences from Hungary and Moldova. In: Constitutionalizing Transitional Justice: How Constitutions and Constitutional Courts Deal with Past Atrocity. Ed.: Cheng-Yi Huang, Routledge, London, 131-152, 2022. ISBN: 9780429505089
Tóth, G. A.: Legal preconditions for democracy: the case of Hungary. In: Naar een weerbare rechtsstaat. Eds.: Schlössels Raymond; Sillen Joost; Tinnevelt Ronald, Wolters Kluwer, Deventer, 41-58, 2022. ISBN: 9789013169294
Kovács, K., Tóth, G. A.: Review of András Sajó, Ruling by Cheating: Governance in Illiberal Democracy. ICON-Int. J. Const. Law. 20 (5), 2074-2079, 2022. (Ismertetett mű: András Sajó. -Ruling by Cheating: Governance in Illiberal Democracy /Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021. -p. 338)
Tóth, G. A.: Chief Justice Sólyom and the Paradox of ?Revolution under the Rule of Law". In: Towering Judges: A Comparative Study of Constitutional Judges. Eds.: Rehan Abeyratne ; Iddo Porat, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 255-274, 2021. ISBN: 9781108879194
Tóth, G. A.: Constitutional System Typology. In: Populismo, constitucionalismo populista, jurisdição populista e crise da democracia / Branco Pedro H, Grupo Editorial Letramento, Casa do Direito, Belo Horizonte, MG, 310-341, 2020. ISBN: 9786586025903
Tóth, G. A.: Simulacrul constituțional: curțile constituționale în democrații şi non?democrații. In: Justiția constituțională și reacția societății: când soluțiile curților constituționale se află în dezacord cu opiniile majoritare din societate. Ed.: Constitutional Court, Moldova, Arc, ChiChisinau, 90-94, 2020. ISBN: 9789975004145
Tóth, G. A.: Breaking the Equilibrium: From Distrust of Representative Government to an Authoritarian Executive. Wash. Int. Law J. 28 (2), 317-348, 2019.
Tóth, G. A.: Lost in transition: invisible constitutionalism in Hungary. In: The Invisible Constitution in Comparative Perspective. Ed.: Rosalind Dixon, Cambridge Univ Press, Cambridge, 541-562, 2018. ISBN: 9781108417570
Kovács, K., Tóth, G. A.: Standing upon Stilts: Philosophical Interpretations of the European Convention on Human Rights. In: New Developments in Constitutional Law. Liber Amicorum for András Sajó. Eds.: Iulia Motoc; Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque; Krzysztof Wojtyczek, Eleven International Publishing, The Hauge, 239-258, 2018.
Kovács, K., Tóth, G. A.: Stând pe picioroange: interpretări filosofice ale Convenţiei Europene a Drepturilor Omului. In: Preeminenţa dreptului şi controlul de constituţionalitate între tradiţie şi modernitate / Curtea Constituţională a României, Curtea Constituţională a Republicii Moldova, Editura Hamangiu, Bucureşti, 153-165, 2018. ISBN: 9786062712105