Department of Micro and Macroeconomics
Department of Micro and Macroeconomics
Name: Department of Micro and Macroeconomics
Publication list
Hajdu, T.,
Kertesi, G.,
Kézdi, G.,
Szabó-Morvai, Á.:
The effects of neonatal intensive care on infant mortality and long-term health impairments.
Am. J. Health Econ. 10 (1), 1-29, 2024.
Journal metrics:
D1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (2023)
D1 Health Policy (2023)
D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (2023)
Czeglédi, P.:
A személyes tudás megszemélyesítője. Bruce Caldwell-Hansjoerg Klausinger: Hayek. A Life, 1899-1950.: The University of Chicago Press, Chicago-London, 2022, 840 o..
Közgazdasági Szemle. 70 (3), 339-345, 2023.
(Ismertetett mű: Bruce Caldwell, Hansjoerg Klausinger. -Hayek. A Life, 1899-1950 /Chicago-London : The University of Chicago Press, 2022. -840)
Lovász, A.,
Bat-Erdene, B.,
Cukrowska-Torzewska, E.,
Rigó, M.,
Szabó-Morvai, Á.:
Competition, subjective feedback, and gender gaps in performance.
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 102 1-22, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Applied Psychology
Q2 Economics and Econometrics
Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
Czeglédi, P.:
Melyik pénz megbízhatóbb?.
Pénzü. Szle. 69 (4), 109-113, 2023.
(Ismertetett mű: White, Lawrence H. -Better Money: Gold, Fiat, or Bitcoin? /Cambridge : Cambridge Univ Press - UK, 2023. -247 p.)
Dombi, M.,
Elek, N.,
Futó, J.,
Harazin, P.,
Karcagi-Kováts, A.,
Kovács, I.,
Nádasi, L.,
Szabó, A.,
Szabó-Morvai, Á.,
Szendrey, O.:
Mikroökonómia feladatgyűjtemény.
Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Debrecen, 71 p., 2023. ISBN: 9789634905011
Geiger, J.,
Hatt, L.,
Mizzi, E.,
Kriedel, R.,
Liening, A.,
Katonáné Kovács, J.,
Mountford-Brown, V.:
Threshold concepts in entrepreneurship education and their implications for teaching and learning.
In: Progress in Entrepreneurship Education and Training /szerk. Joern H. Block, Jantje Halberstadt, Nils Högsdal, Andreas Kuckertz, Helle Neergaard, Springer, Cham, 355-373, 2023, (FGF Studies in Small Business and EntrepreneurshipISSN 2364-6918) ISBN: 9783031285592
Czeglédi, P.:
Konzervatívnak túl liberális, liberálisnak túl konzervatív. Mi az? Kenneth Dyson: Conservative Liberalism, Ordo-liberalism, and the State: Disciplining Democracy and the Market. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, xxxix+542. o..
Competitio. 21 (1-2), 135-140, 2022.
(Ismertetett mű: Kenneth Dyson. -Conservative Liberalism, Ordo-liberalism, and the State: Disciplining Democracy and the Market /Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2021. -581 p.)
Kutasi, K.,
Koltai, J.,
Szabó-Morvai, Á.,
Röst, G.,
Karsai, M.,
Bíró, P.,
Lengyel, B.:
Understanding hesitancy with revealed preferences across COVID-19 vaccine types.
Sci. Rep. 12 (1), 1-10, 2022.
Hajdu, T.,
Kertesi, G.,
Kézdi, G.,
Szabó-Morvai, Á.:
The effects of neonatal intensive care on infant mortality and long-term health impairments.
Am. J. Health Econ. 10 (1), 1-29, 2024.
Journal metrics:
D1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (2023)
D1 Health Policy (2023)
D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (2023)
Czeglédi, P.:
A személyes tudás megszemélyesítője. Bruce Caldwell-Hansjoerg Klausinger: Hayek. A Life, 1899-1950.: The University of Chicago Press, Chicago-London, 2022, 840 o..
Közgazdasági Szemle. 70 (3), 339-345, 2023.
(Ismertetett mű: Bruce Caldwell, Hansjoerg Klausinger. -Hayek. A Life, 1899-1950 /Chicago-London : The University of Chicago Press, 2022. -840)
Lovász, A.,
Bat-Erdene, B.,
Cukrowska-Torzewska, E.,
Rigó, M.,
Szabó-Morvai, Á.:
Competition, subjective feedback, and gender gaps in performance.
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 102 1-22, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Applied Psychology
Q2 Economics and Econometrics
Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
Czeglédi, P.:
Melyik pénz megbízhatóbb?.
Pénzü. Szle. 69 (4), 109-113, 2023.
(Ismertetett mű: White, Lawrence H. -Better Money: Gold, Fiat, or Bitcoin? /Cambridge : Cambridge Univ Press - UK, 2023. -247 p.)
Dombi, M.,
Elek, N.,
Futó, J.,
Harazin, P.,
Karcagi-Kováts, A.,
Kovács, I.,
Nádasi, L.,
Szabó, A.,
Szabó-Morvai, Á.,
Szendrey, O.:
Mikroökonómia feladatgyűjtemény.
Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Debrecen, 71 p., 2023. ISBN: 9789634905011
Geiger, J.,
Hatt, L.,
Mizzi, E.,
Kriedel, R.,
Liening, A.,
Katonáné Kovács, J.,
Mountford-Brown, V.:
Threshold concepts in entrepreneurship education and their implications for teaching and learning.
In: Progress in Entrepreneurship Education and Training /szerk. Joern H. Block, Jantje Halberstadt, Nils Högsdal, Andreas Kuckertz, Helle Neergaard, Springer, Cham, 355-373, 2023, (FGF Studies in Small Business and EntrepreneurshipISSN 2364-6918) ISBN: 9783031285592
Czeglédi, P.:
Konzervatívnak túl liberális, liberálisnak túl konzervatív. Mi az? Kenneth Dyson: Conservative Liberalism, Ordo-liberalism, and the State: Disciplining Democracy and the Market. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, xxxix+542. o..
Competitio. 21 (1-2), 135-140, 2022.
(Ismertetett mű: Kenneth Dyson. -Conservative Liberalism, Ordo-liberalism, and the State: Disciplining Democracy and the Market /Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2021. -581 p.)
Kutasi, K.,
Koltai, J.,
Szabó-Morvai, Á.,
Röst, G.,
Karsai, M.,
Bíró, P.,
Lengyel, B.:
Understanding hesitancy with revealed preferences across COVID-19 vaccine types.
Sci. Rep. 12 (1), 1-10, 2022.
Czeglédi, P.,
Lips, B.,
Newland, C.:
The Economic Mentality of Nations.
Cato J. 41 (3), 657-689, 2021.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
Q2 Geography, Planning and Development
Q3 Public Administration
Vona, M.,
Pogácsás, C.,
Dióssy, K.,
Hanesz, J.:
Soft Budget Constrain in Funding Education.
In: Proceedings of IAC-TLEl 2016 in Bratislava. Ed.: Maria Janesova, Helena Kratochvilova, Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru, Souvik Pal, Radek Kratochvil, Jitender Grover, Ömer Beyhan, Czech Technical University, Prague, 11-17, 2016. ISBN: 9788090623118
Show all
updated: 2025-01-15, 13:33