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Nardos Abebe Werissa 's publications

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2022[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
1.Association of HDL subfractions with cardiovascular risk in Hungarian general and Roma populations
Author(s): Pikó Péter; Werissa, Nardos Abebe; Kósa Zsigmond; Sándor János; Seres Ildikó; Paragh György; Ádány Róza
Published: 2022, European Journal Of Public Health
Type: folyóiratcikk
2.Genetic Susceptibility to Insulin Resistance and Its Association with Estimated Longevity in the Hungarian General and Roma Populations
Author(s): Pikó Péter; Werissa, Nardos Abebe; Ádány Róza
Published: 2022, Biomedicines
Type: folyóiratcikk
2020[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
3.Genetic variants associated with the early onset of type 2 diabetes in the Hungarian population
Author(s): Werissa, Nardos Abebe; Pikó Péter; Fiatal Szilvia; Sándor János; Ádány Róza
Published: 2020, European Journal Of Public Health
Type: folyóiratcikk
4.Impact of Genetic Factors on the Age of Onset for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Addition to the Conventional Risk Factors
Author(s): Pikó Péter; Werissa, Nardos Abebe; Fiatal Szilvia; Sándor János; Ádány Róza
Published: 2020, Journal of Personalized Medicine
Type: folyóiratcikk
5.The Effect of Haplotypes in the CETP and LIPC Genes on the Triglycerides to HDL-C Ratio and Its Components in the Roma and Hungarian General Populations
Author(s): Pikó Péter; Fiatal Szilvia; Werissa, Nardos Abebe; Bekele, Bayu Begashaw; Rácz Gábor; Kósa Zsigmond; Sándor János; Ádány Róza
Published: 2020, Genes
Type: folyóiratcikk
2019[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
6.SNP-Based Genetic Risk Score Modeling Suggests No Increased Genetic Susceptibility of the Roma Population to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Author(s): Werissa, Nardos Abebe; Pikó Péter; Fiatal Szilvia; Kósa Zsigmond; Sándor János; Ádány Róza
Published: 2019, Genes
Type: folyóiratcikk