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Hashim Hayder Raheem 's publications

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2022[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
1.Lucas sequences and repdigits
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem; Tengely Szabolcs
Published: 2022, Mathematica Bohemica
Type: folyóiratcikk
2.Markoff-Rosenberger triples and generalized Lucas sequences
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem; Szalay László; Tengely Szabolcs
Published: 2022, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
Type: folyóiratcikk
2021[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
3.Cryptanalysis of ITRU
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem; Molnár Alexandra; Tengely Szabolcs
Published: 2021, Rad HAZU Matematicke Znanosti
Type: folyóiratcikk
2020[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
4.Solutions of a generalized Markoff equation in Fibonacci numbers
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem; Tengely Szabolcs
Published: 2020, Mathematica Slovaca
Type: folyóiratcikk
5.Solutions of the Diophantine equation 7X^2+Y^7=Z^2 from recurrence sequences
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem
Published: 2020, Communications in Mathematics
Type: folyóiratcikk
2019[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
6.Diophantine equations related to reciprocals of linear recurrence sequences
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem; Tengely Szabolcs
Published: 2019, Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics
Type: folyóiratcikk
2018[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
7.Representations of reciprocals of Lucas sequences
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem; Tengely Szabolcs
Published: 2018, Miskolc Mathematical Notes
Type: folyóiratcikk
2017[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
8.A proposed method for text encryption using symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem; Alkufi, Mohammed Abdul Hameed Jasem
Published: 2017, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
Type: folyóiratcikk
9.An algorithm based on GSVD for image encryption
Author(s): Alkufi, Mohammed Abdul Hameed Jasem; Hashim, Hayder Raheem; Hussein, Ameer Mohammed; Mohammed, Hind Rustum
Published: 2017, Mathematical and Computational Applications
Type: folyóiratcikk
2016[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
10.A new approach for image encryption in the modified RSA cryptosystem using MATLAB
Author(s): AlSabti, Karrar Dheiaa Mohammed; Hashim, Hayder Raheem
Published: 2016, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Type: folyóiratcikk
11.A new modification of RSA cryptosystem based on the number of the private keys
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem
Published: 2016, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences
Type: folyóiratcikk
2014[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
12.H-Rabin cryptosystem
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem
Published: 2014, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
Type: folyóiratcikk
13.Image encryption and decryption in a modification of ElGamal cryptosystem in MATLAB
Author(s): Hashim, Hayder Raheem; Neamaa, Irtifaa Abdalkadhim
Published: 2014, International Journal of Sciences. Basic and Applied Research
Type: folyóiratcikk