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Németh Zoltán 's publications

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2024[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
1.Comparison of the Phenotypic Flexibility of Muscle and Body Condition of Migrant and Resident White-Crowned Sparrows
Author(s): Ramenofsky, Marilyn; Campion, Andrew W.; Hwee, Darren T.; Wood, Stacy K.; Krause, Jesse S.; Németh Zoltán; Pérez, Jonathan H.; Bodine, Sue
Published: 2024, Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology
Type: folyóiratcikk
2023[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
2.Local weather and endogenous factors affect the initiation of migration in short-and medium-distance songbird migrants
Author(s): Zenzal, Theodore J.; Johnson, Darren; Moore, Frank R.; Németh Zoltán
Published: 2023, Journal Of Avian Biology
Type: folyóiratcikk
3.Multilevel climatic responses in migratory insects
Author(s): Juhász Edit; Németh Zoltán; Gór Ádám; Végvári Zsolt
Published: 2023, Ecological Entomology
Type: folyóiratcikk
4.Spring Resource Phenology and Timing of Songbird Migration across the Gulf of Mexico
Author(s): Cohen, Emily B.; Németh Zoltán; Zenzal, Theodore J.; Paxton, Kristina L.; Diehl, Robert; Paxton, Eben H.; Moore, Frank R.
Published: Crc Press-Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL., 2023
Type: könyvrészlet
2022[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
5.Biological Earth observation with animal sensors
Author(s): Jetz, Walter; Tertitski, Grigori; Kays, Roland; Mueller, Uschi; Wikelski, Martin; Németh Zoltán
Published: 2022, Trends In Ecology & Evolution
Type: folyóiratcikk
6.Correction to: European first-year university students accept evolution but lack substantial knowledge about it: a standardized European cross-country assessment
Author(s): Kuschmierz, Paul; Beniermann, Anna; Bergmann, Alexander; Lendvai Ádám Zoltán; Németh Zoltán
Published: 2022, Evolution: Education and Outreach
Type: folyóiratcikk
7.Fighting ability, personality and melanin signalling in free-living Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus)
Author(s): Fülöp Attila; Németh Zoltán; Kocsis Bianka; Deák-Molnár Bettina; Bozsoky Tímea; Csöppü Gabriella; Barta Zoltán
Published: 2022, PeerJ
Type: folyóiratcikk
8.State and physiology behind personality in arthropods: a review
Author(s): Rádai Zoltán; Kiss Johanna; Nagy Nikoletta Andrea; Somogyi Anna Ágnes; Fülöp Attila; Tóth Zsófia; Alexáné Babits Melinda; Németh Zoltán
Published: 2022, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Type: folyóiratcikk
2021[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
9.Annual regulation of adrenocortical function in migrant and resident subspecies of white-crowned sparrow
Author(s): Krause, Jesse S.; Németh Zoltán; Pérez, Jonathan H.; Chmura, Helen E.; Word, Karen R.; Lau, Hannah J.; Swanson, Ryan E.; Cheah, Jeffrey C.; Quach, Lisa N.; Meddle, Simone L.; Wingfield, John C.; Ramenofsky, Marilyn
Published: 2021, Hormones And Behavior
Type: folyóiratcikk
10.European first-year university students accept evolution but lack substantial knowledge about it: a standardized European cross-country assessment
Author(s): Kuschmierz, Paul; Beniermann, Anna; Bergmann, Alexander; Lendvai Ádám Zoltán; Németh Zoltán
Published: 2021, Evolution: Education and Outreach
Type: folyóiratcikk
11.Inotocin, a potential modulator of reproductive behaviours in a biparental beetle, Lethrus apterus
Author(s): Nagy Nikoletta Andrea; Németh Zoltán; Juhász Edit; Póliska Szilárd; Rácz Rita; Kiss Johanna; Kosztolányi András; Barta Zoltán
Published: 2021, Journal Of Insect Physiology
Type: folyóiratcikk
2020[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
12.Differential movement and activity patterns of sexes in a biparental beetle during the reproductive season
Author(s): Kiss Johanna; Németh Zoltán; Kosztolányi András; Barta Zoltán
Published: 2020, Ecological Entomology
Type: folyóiratcikk
2019[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
13.Can lateral bank erosion enhance ecological diversity? A case study from Sajó River, Hungary
Author(s): Bertalan László; Novák Tibor; Németh Zoltán; Szabó Szilárd
Published: 2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts
Type: folyóiratcikk
14.Migration pattern of Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow along the Pacific Flyway
Author(s): Lisovski, Simeon; Wingfield, John C.; Krause, James E.; Hobson, Keith A.; Seavy, Nathaniel E.; Gee, Jennifer; Ramenofsky, Marilyn; Németh Zoltán
Published: 2019, Journal Of Ornithology
Type: folyóiratcikk
15.Personality and social foraging tactic use in free-living Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus)
Author(s): Fülöp Attila; Németh Zoltán; Kocsis Bianka; Deák-Molnár Bettina; Bozsoky Tímea; Barta Zoltán
Published: 2019, Behavioral Ecology
Type: folyóiratcikk
2018[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
16.Issues of Meander Development: Land Degradation or Ecological Value? The Example of the Sajó River, Hungary
Author(s): Bertalan László; Novák Tibor; Németh Zoltán; Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús; Kertész Ádám; Szabó Szilárd
Published: 2018, Water
Type: folyóiratcikk
17.Sex-dependent immune response in a semelparous spider
Author(s): Rádai Zoltán; Németh Zoltán; Barta Zoltán
Published: 2018, Naturwissenschaften
Type: folyóiratcikk
2017[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
18.Behavioral and physiological traits of migrant and resident white-crowned sparrows: a common garden approach
Author(s): Ramenofsky, Marilyn; Campion, Andrew W.; Pérez, Jonathan H.; Krause, Jesse S.; Németh Zoltán
Published: 2017, Journal Of Experimental Biology
Type: folyóiratcikk
19.Evaluation of potential reference genes for real-time qPCR analysis in a biparental beetle, Lethrus apterus (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Author(s): Nagy Nikoletta Andrea; Németh Zoltán; Juhász Edit; Póliska Szilárd; Rácz Rita; Kosztolányi András; Barta Zoltán
Published: 2017, PeerJ
Type: folyóiratcikk
20.Inter-laboratory variation in corticosterone measurement: Implications for comparative ecological and evolutionary studies
Author(s): Fanson, Kerry V.; Németh Zoltán; Ramenofsky, Marilyn; Wingfield, John C.; Buchanan, Katherine L.
Published: 2017, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Type: folyóiratcikk
21.Partial migration and decreasing migration distance in the Hungarian population of the Common Blackbird (Turdus merula Linnaeus, 1758): Analysis of 85 years of ring recovery data
Author(s): Németh Zoltán
Published: 2017, Ornis Hungarica
Type: folyóiratcikk
22.Seasonal variation in CREB expression in the hippocampal formation of first-year migratory songbirds: Implications for the role of memory during migration
Author(s): Németh Zoltán; Yuan, Luo; Owen, Jennifer C.; Moore, Frank R.
Published: 2017, Auk
Type: folyóiratcikk
2016[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
23.Annual Hematocrit Profiles in Two Subspecies of White-Crowned Sparrow: A Migrant and a Resident Comparison
Author(s): Krause, Jesse S.; Németh Zoltán; Pérez, Jonathan H.; Chmura, Helen E.; Ramenofsky, Marilyn; Wingfield, John C.
Published: 2016, Physiological And Biochemical Zoology
Type: folyóiratcikk
2015[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
24.A mechanistic approach to understanding range shifts in a changing world: What makes a pioneer?
Author(s): Wingfield, John C.; Krause, J. S.; Perez, Jonathan H.; Chmura, Helen E.; Németh Zoltán; Word, Karen R.; Calisi, Rebecca M.; Meddle, Simone L.
Published: 2015, General And Comparative Endocrinology
Type: folyóiratcikk
25.Androgens Increase Persistence But Do Not Affect Neophobia in a Problem-Solving Context in a Songbird
Author(s): Németh Zoltán; Adams, Ryan H.; Ramenofsky, Marilyn
Published: 2015, Ethology
Type: folyóiratcikk
26.Thinking about Change: An Integrative Approach for Examining Cognition in a Changing World
Author(s): Roth, Timothy C.; Krochmal, Aaron R.; Németh Zoltán
Published: 2015, Integrative And Comparative Biology
Type: folyóiratcikk
2014[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
27.El Nino-Southern Oscillation Is Linked to Decreased Energetic Condition in Long-Distance Migrants
Author(s): Paxton, Kristina L.; Cohen, Emily B.; Paxton, Eben H.; Németh Zoltán; Moore, Frank R.
Published: 2014, Plos One
Type: folyóiratcikk
28.Information acquisition during migration: A social perspective
Author(s): Németh Zoltán; Moore, Frank R.
Published: 2014, Auk
Type: folyóiratcikk
29.Regulatory mechanisms for the development of the migratory phenotype: Roles for photoperiod and the gonad
Author(s): Ramenofsky, Marilyn; Németh Zoltán
Published: 2014, Hormones And Behavior
Type: folyóiratcikk
2013[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
30.Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology, Behavior, and Evolutionary Ecology in a Changing World
Author(s): Németh Zoltán; Bonier, Fraces; MacDougall-Shackleton, Scott A.
Published: 2013, Integrative and Comparative Biology
Type: folyóiratcikk
2012[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
31.Differential timing of spring passage of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico
Author(s): Németh Zoltán; Moore, Frank R.
Published: 2012, Journal of Field Ornithology
Type: folyóiratcikk
2009[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
32.Breeding latitude and timing of spring migration in songbirdscrossing the Gulf of Mexico
Author(s): Langin, Kathryn M.; Marra, Peter P.; Németh Zoltán; Moore, Frank R.; Kurt Kyser, T.; Ratcliffe, Laurene M.
Published: 2009, Journal of Avian Biology
Type: folyóiratcikk
33.Observation of Daytime Sleep-like Behavior in a Migratory Songbird during Stopover
Author(s): Németh Zoltán
Published: 2009, The Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Type: folyóiratcikk
2007[ select ][ deselect ][ invert ]
34.Unfamiliar stopover sites and the value of social information during migration
Author(s): Németh Zoltán; Moore, Frank R.
Published: 2007, Journal of Ornithology
Type: folyóiratcikk