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Matematika- és Számítástudományok Doktori Iskola

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OA publikációk száma a DEA-ban: 168

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United States (US)6415
China (CN)513
Hungary (HU)464
Germany (DE)443
Canada (CA)160
India (IN)150
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Philippines (PH)100
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Megjelenés Publication Fájlletöltések
2024Grünwald, R., Páles, Z.: Local and global Hölder- and Minkowski-type inequalities for nonsymmetric generalized Bajraktarević means.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 535 (2), 1-22, 2024.
Q1 Analysis (2023)
Q2 Applied Mathematics (2023)
Kiadói változat: 37
2024Lócska, O., Herendiné Kónya, E.: Matematika és Informatika Didaktikai Kutatások 2024: absztraktkötet.
Debreceni Egyetem Matematika- és Számítástudományok Doktori Iskola, Debrecen, 68 p., 2024. ISBN: 9789634905721
Kiadói változat: 69
2023Boros, Z., Menzer, R.: An Alternative Equation for Generalized Polynomials of Degree Two.
Ann. Math. Silesianae. [Epub ahead of print]2023.
Kiadói változat: 6
2023Gilányi, A., To, L.: Computer assisted investigation of alienness of linear functional equations.
Aequ. Math. 97 1185-1199, 2023.
Q2 Applied Mathematics
Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 14
kiadói változat: 16
2023Papp, G.: E-tests as motivational opportunities in mathematics classes.
Teach. math. comput. sci. 21 (1), 96-97, 2023.
kiadói változat: 2
2023Al-Janabi, S., Figula, Á.: Geodesic vectors and flat totally geodesic subalgebras of six-dimensional filiform metric Lie algebras.
J. Geom. 115 (1), 1-39, 2023.
Q3 Geometry and Topology
Kiadói változat: 18
2023Kovács, Z., Báró, E., Lócska, O., Herendiné Kónya, E.: Incorporating Problem-Posing into Sixth-Grade Mathematics Classes.
Educ. Sci. 13 (2), 1-22, 2023.
Q2 Computer Science Applications
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology
Q2 Education
Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
Q2 Public Administration
Kiadói változat: 6
2023Figula, Á., Al-Janabi, S.: Isometry groups of six-dimensional filiform nilmanifolds.
Int. J. Group Theory. 12 (2), 67-80, 2023.
Q3 Algebra and Number Theory
Kiadói változat: 8
2023Ficzere, K., Figula, Á.: Isometry groups of six-dimensional nilmanifolds.
Aequ. Math. 97 (4), 725-752, 2023.
Q2 Applied Mathematics
Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 9
2023Gselmann, E., Iqbal, M.: Monomial functions, normal polynomials and polynomial equations.
Aequ. Math. [Epub ahead of print] (-), -, 2023.
Q2 Applied Mathematics
Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 39
2023Goswami, A., Páles, Z.: On approximately convex and affine functions.
J. Math. Inequal. 17 (2), 459-480, 2023.
Q3 Analysis
Kiadói változat: 7
2023Hajdu, L., Sebestyén, P.: Terms of recurrence sequences in the solution sets of norm form equations.
Arch. Math. 122 179-187, 2023.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 19
2023Petneházi, G., Gáll, J.: Testing the Lee-Carter model on Hungarian mortality data.
Acta Oecon. 73 (1), 171-182, 2023.
Q4 Economics and Econometrics
kiadói változat: 2
2022Ali, A., Meften, G., Bazighifan, O., Iqbal, M., Elaskar, S., Awrejcewicz, J.: A Study of Continuous Dependence and Symmetric Properties of Double Diffusive Convection: Forchheimer Model.
Symmetry. 14 (4), 1-18, 2022.
Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 31
2022Molnár, G.: Az egyértelmű cáfolata magasabb dimenzióban.
Debr. szle. 30 (1), 105-107, 2022.
Kiadói változat: 17
2022Sultana, M., Khan, F., Khalid, M., Al-Moneef, A., Ali, A., Bazighifan, O.: Comparison of Predator-Prey Model and Hawk-Dove Game for Modelling Leukemia.
Comput Intell Neurosci. 2022 1-11, 2022.
Kiadói változat: 18
2022Meften, G., Ali, A.: Continuous dependence for double diffusive convection in a Brinkman model with variable viscosity.
Acta Univ. Sap. Math. 14 (1), 125-146, 2022.
Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 4
2022Páles, Z., Shihab, M.: Decomposition of higher-order Wright convex functions revisited.
Results Math. 77 (2), 1-11, 2022.
Q2 Applied Mathematics
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 6
2022Khan, F., Khalid, M., Ali, A., Bazighifan, O., Nofal, T., Nonlaopon, K.: Does freelancing have a future? Mathematical analysis and modeling.
Math. Biosci. Engineering. 19 (9), 9357-9370, 2022.
Q2 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Q3 Applied Mathematics
Q3 Computational Mathematics
Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Q3 Modeling and Simulation
kiadói változat: 23
2022Bazighifan, O., Ali, A., Mofarreh, F., Raffoul, Y.: Extended Approach to the Asymptotic Behavior and Symmetric Solutions of Advanced Differential Equations.
Symmetry. 14 (4), 1-11, 2022.
Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 19
2022Vincze, C., Oláh, M.: Finsler metrics and semi-symmetric compatible linear connections.
J. Geom. 113 (3), 1-14, 2022.
Q3 Geometry and Topology
Kiadói változat: 8
2022Grünwald, R., Páles, Z.: Local and global comparison of nonsymmetric generalized Bajraktarević means.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 512 (2), 1-12, 2022.
Q1 Analysis
Q2 Applied Mathematics
Kiadói változat: 7
2022Hashim, H., Szalay, L., Tengely, S.: Markoff-Rosenberger triples and generalized Lucas sequences.
Period. Math. Hung. 85 (1), 188-202, 2022.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 35
2022Almarri, B., Ali, A., Lopes, A., Bazighifan, O.: Nonlinear Differential Equations with Distributed Delay: Some New Oscillatory Solutions.
Mathematics. 10 (6), 1-10, 2022.
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous)
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 24
2022Meften, G., Ali, A., Al-Ghafri, K., Awrejcewicz, J., Bazighifan, O.: Nonlinear Stability and Linear Instability of Double-Diffusive Convection in a Rotating with LTNE Effects and Symmetric Properties: Brinkmann-Forchheimer Model.
Symmetry. 14 (3), 1-13, 2022.
Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 31
2022Almarri, B., Janaki, S., Ganesan, V., Ali, A., Nonlaopon, K., Bazighifan, O.: Novel Oscillation Theorems and Symmetric Properties of Nonlinear Delay Differential Equations of Fourth-Order with a Middle Term.
Symmetry. 14 (3), 1-11, 2022.
Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 35
2022Al-Janabi, S., Kozma, L.: On New Classes of Stretch Finsler Metrics.
Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications 3 (1), 86-99, 2022.
Kiadói változat: 5
2022Qaraad, B., Bazighifan, O., Ali, A., Al-Moneef, A., Alqarni, A., Nonlaopon, K.: Oscillation Results of Third-Order Differential Equations with Symmetrical Distributed Arguments.
Symmetry. 14 (10), 1-14, 2022.
Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 19
2022Fitriana, L., Ekawati, R., Kovács, Z.: Perspectives on the problem-posing activity by prospective teachers: a cross-national study.
J. Math. Educ. 13 (1), 149-172, 2022.
Q2 Education
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 19
2022Báró, E.: Positive changes in affective variables: Two-round action research in Hungary and Romania.
In: Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Eds.: Jeremy Hodgen, Eirini Geraniou, Giorgio Bolondi, Federica Ferretti, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy and ERME, Bozen, 1311-1319, 2022. ISBN: 9791221025378
Kiadói változat: 14
2022Almarri, B., Ali, A., Al-Ghafri, K., Almutairi, A., Bazighifan, O., Awrejcewicz, J.: Symmetric and Non-Oscillatory Characteristics of the Neutral Differential Equations Solutions Related to p-Laplacian Operators.
Symmetry. 14 (3), 1-8, 2022.
Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 19
2022Hajdu, L., Papp, Á., Tijdeman, R.: The Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem, indecomposability of polynomials and Diophantine equations.
Ramanujan J. 58 (4), 1075-1093, 2022.
Q2 Algebra and Number Theory
Kiadói változat: 23
2022Al-Abayechi, A., Figula, Á.: Topological Loops with Decomposable Solvable Multiplication Groups.
Results Math. 77 (1), 1-34, 2022.
Q2 Applied Mathematics
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 8
2022Jakab, E.: What does ICT help and does not help?.
Teach. math. comput. sci. 20 (1), 1-17, 2022.
Kiadói változat: 15
2021Hubicska, B., Matveev, V., Muzsnay, Z.: Almost All Finsler Metrics have Infinite Dimensional Holonomy Group.
J. Geom. Anal. 31 (6), 6067-6079, 2021.
Q1 Geometry and Topology
kiadói változat: 27
2021Molnár, G., Páles, Z.: An extension of the Rådström cancellation theorem to cornets.
Semigr. Forum. 102 (3), 765-793, 2021.
Q2 Algebra and Number Theory
kiadói változat: 37
2021Rassias, T., Salih, M., Száz, Á.: Characterizations of Generalized Topologically Open Sets in Relator Spaces.
Montes Taurus J. Pure Appl. Math. 3 (3), 39-94, 2021.
kiadói változat: 56
2021Kátai, Z., Osztián, E.: Improving AlgoRythmics Teaching-Learning Environment by Asking Questions.
Int. J. Instr. 14 (2), 27-44, 2021.
Q2 Education
kiadói változat: 46
2021Gát, G., Lucskai, G.: On the negativity of the Walsh-Kaczmarz-Riesz logarithmic kernels.
Math. Pannon. 27 (2), 197-203, 2021.
kiadói változat: 5
2021Petneházi, G.: Quantile convolutional neural networks for Value at Risk forecasting.
Machine Learning with Applications. 6 1-3, 2021.
kiadói változat: 45
2021Kézér, I.: Some Pythagorean type equations concerning arithmetic functions.
Teach. math. comput. sci. 18 (2), 157-179, 2021.
kiadói változat: 5
2021Figula, Á., Al-Abayechi, A.: Topological loops having solvable indecomposable Lie groups as their multiplication groups.
Transform. Groups. 26 (1), 279-303, 2021.
Q2 Algebra and Number Theory
Q2 Geometry and Topology
kiadói változat: 13
2020Takács, V., Takácsné Bubnó, K., Ráthonyi, G., Bácsné Bába, É., Szilágyi, R.: Data Warehouse Hybrid Modeling Methodology.
Data Sci. J. 19 (1), 1-23, 2020.
Q3 Computer Science Applications
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 51
2020Jakab, E.: Difference between evaluation and evaluation..
Teach. math. comput. sci. 17 (2), 251-251, 2020.
Kiadói változat: 15
2020Báró, E.: Mapping students' motivation in a problem oriented mathematics classroom.
Teach. math. comput. sci. 18 (3), 111-121, 2020.
kiadói változat: 3
2020Goswami, A., Páles, Z.: On approximately monotone and approximately Hölder functions.
Period. Math. Hung. 81 (1), 65-87, 2020.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 33
2020Grünwald, R., Páles, Z.: On the equality problem of generalized Bajraktarević means.
Aequ. Math. 94 (4), 651-677, 2020.
Q2 Applied Mathematics
Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 56
2020Vincze, C., Oláh, M.: On the extremal compatible linear connection of a Randers space.
J. Geom. 111 (2), 1-16, 2020.
Q3 Geometry and Topology
Kiadói változat: 6
2020Hajdu, L., Papp, Á.: Polynomial values of products of terms from an arithmetic progression.
Monatsh. Math. 193 (3), 637-655, 2020.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 3
2020Hashim, H., Tengely, S.: Solutions of a generalized Markoff equation in Fibonacci numbers.
Math. Slovaca. 70 (5), 1069-1078, 2020.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 51
2020Hashim, H.: Solutions of the Diophantine equation 7X^2+Y^7=Z^2 from recurrence sequences.
Commun. Math. 28 (1), 55-66, 2020.
Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 33
2020Hajdu, L., Sebestyén, P.: Sums of S-units in the solution sets of generalized Pell equations.
Arch. Math. 115 (3), 279-287, 2020.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 6
2020Jakab, E.: The benefits of retrieval-enhanced learning.
Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Pedagogy. Social Work. 47 (2), 218-225, 2020.
Kiadói változat: 15
2020Hubicska, B., Muzsnay, Z.: The holonomy group of locally projectively flat Randers two-manifolds of constant curvature.
Differ. Geom. Appl. 73 1-9, 2020.
Q2 Analysis
Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics
Q3 Geometry and Topology
kiadói változat: 24
2020Rácz, G.: The r-Fubini-Lah numbers and polynomials.
Australas. J. Combin. 78 (1), 145-153, 2020.
Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
kiadói változat: 25
2020Figula, Á., Al-Abayechi, A.: Topological loops with solvable multiplication groups of dimension at most six are centrally nilpotent.
Int. J. Group Theory. 9 (2), 81-94, 2020.
Q3 Algebra and Number Theory
kiadói változat: 5
2019Hubicska, B., Muzsnay, Z.: Holonomy in the quantum navigation problem.
Quantum Inf. Process. 18 (10), 1-10, 2019.
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q2 Modeling and Simulation
Q2 Signal Processing
Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
Q2 Theoretical Computer Science
kiadói változat: 24
2019Gaál, I., Remete, L.: Integral Bases and Monogenity of Composite Fields.
Exp. Math. 28 (2), 209-222, 2019.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 126
2019Jakab, E.: Neither priest speak twice, listen to him once!: Learning with help of recall (testing) 25 method.
Teach. math. comput. sci. 17 (1), 112, 2019.
Kiadói változat: 3
2019Gyimesi, E., Nyul, G.: New combinatorial interpretations of r-Whitney and r-Whitney-Lah numbers.
Discret Appl. Math. 255 222-233, 2019.
Q2 Applied Mathematics
Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
pre-print: 72
2019Vincze, C., Khoshdani, T., Oláh, M.: On generalized Berwald surfaces with locally symmetric fourth root metrics.
Balkan J. Geom. Appl. 24 (2), 63-78, 2019.
Q3 Geometry and Topology
Kiadói változat: 4
2018Piros, A.: A gondolat a szimbólum mögött: Az ETO-jelzetek automatikus interpretálásáról és reprezentációjáról.
Tud. műsz. táj. 65 (2), 86-96, 2018.
kiadói változat: 1
2018Győry, Á., Herendiné Kónya, E.: Development of high school students' geometric thinking with particular emphasis on mathematically talented students.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 16 (1), 93-110, 2018.
kiadói változat: 69
2018Arnóczki, T.: Elements with prime and small indices in bicyclic biquadratic number fields.
Period. Math. Hung. 77 (1), 83-93, 2018.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 77
2018Kovács, T., Rábai, Z.: Equal values of pyramidal numbers.
Indag. Math.-New Ser. 29 (5), 1157-1166, 2018.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 99
2018Nagy, J.: Evaluation of online video usage and learning satisfaction: an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model.
Int. Rev. Res. Open Distrib. Learn. 19 (1), 160-184, 2018.
D1 Education
D1 E-learning
Kiadói változat: 193
2018Hashim, H., Tengely, S.: Representations of reciprocals of Lucas sequences.
Miskolc Math. Notes. 19 (2), 865-872, 2018.
Q4 Algebra and Number Theory
Q3 Analysis
Q3 Control and Optimization
Q4 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Q3 Numerical Analysis
kiadói változat: 35
2018Földvári, A.: The complexity of the equation solvability problem over nilpotent groups.
J. Algebra. 495 289-303, 2018.
Q1 Algebra and Number Theory
pre-print: 97
2018Takács, V., Takácsné Bubnó, K., Szilágyi, R.: Tools to develop end-user programming skills from primary school to higher education.
Int. J. Eng. Manag. Sci. 3 (1), 30-40, 2018.
kiadói változat: 65
2018Jakab, E.: Where do I go in research?: Analysis of cuboid and cube.
Teach. math. comput. sci. 16 (1), 135-136, 2018.
Kiadói változat: 3
2017Máté, I.: Another way of teaching mathematics to gipsy students.
Int. J. Appl. Math. 30 (3), 253-258, 2017.
Kiadói változat: 64
2017Gerják, I.: Image processing algorithms in the secondary school programming education.
Acta Didact. Napocensia. 10 (3), 69-76, 2017.
kiadói változat: 46
2017Gaál, I., Remete, L.: Integral bases and monogenity of pure fields.
J. Number Theory. 173 129-146, 2017.
Q1 Algebra and Number Theory
pre-print: 104
2017Bertók, C., Hajdu, L., Pink, I., Rábai, Z.: Linear combinations of prime powers in binary recurrence sequences.
Int. J. Number Theory. 13 (261), [1-12], 2017.
Q2 Algebra and Number Theory
pre-print: 169
2017Nagy, J., Bernschütz, M.: Nemek közötti különbségek a technológia elfogadásában - a PLS-MGA alkalmazása.
Stat. szle. 95 (1), 51-77, 2017.
Kiadói változat: 64
2017Hannusch, C.: On monomial codes in modular group algebras.
Discret. Math. 340 (5), 957-962, 2017.
Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Q1 Theoretical Computer Science
pre-print : 82
2017Bertók, C., Hajdu, L., Luca, F., Sharma, D.: On the number of non-zero digits of integers in multi-base representations.
Publ. Math. Debr. 90 (1-2), 181-194, 2017.
Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 143
2017Földvári, A.: The complexity of the equation solvability problem over semipattern groups.
Int. J. Algebr. Comput. 27 (02), 259-272, 2017.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kézirat: 74
2017Takácsné Bubnó, K., Takács, V.: The mathability of word problems as initial computer programming exercises.
In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications: CogInfoCom 2017 : Proceedings : September 11-14, 2017 Debrecen, Hungary, IEEE Computer Society, Piscataway, 39-44, 2017. ISBN: 9781538612644
teljes szöveg: 201
2017Piros, A.: The thought behind the symbol: about the automatic interpretation and representation of UDC numbers.
Knowl. organ. 44 (6), 416-424, 2017.
Q2 Library and Information Sciences
kiadói változat: 99
2016Bertók, C., Hajdu, L.: A Hasse-type principle for exponential Diophantine equations and its applications.
Math. Comput. 85 (298), 849-860, 2016.
D1 Algebra and Number Theory
D1 Applied Mathematics
D1 Computational Mathematics
pre-print: 88
2016Pálinkás, J., Manó, S., Soha, R., Nagy, J.: A ló egy lépésciklusának nyolc periódusú képi megjelenítése és a marmozgások kétdimenziós gyorsulásaival való szinkronízálása.
Biomech. Hung. 9 (1), 31-40, 2016.
kiadói változat: 23
2016Baran, S., Nemoda, D.: Censored and shifted gamma distribution based EMOS model for probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasting.
Environmetrics. 27 (5), 280-292, 2016.
Q2 Ecological Modeling
Q2 Statistics and Probability
pre-print: 110
2016Misetáné Burján, A., Herendiné Kónya, E., Korenová, L., Partová, E.: Chess and mathematics: In: Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 22-24, 2016 Bratislava, Slovakia.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 14 (1), 125, 2016.
kiadói változat: 49
2016Hannusch, C., Lakatos, P.: Construction of self-dual binary [2^(2k),2^(2k-1),2^k] -codes.
Algebra Discrete Math. 21 (1), 59-68, 2016.
Q4 Algebra and Number Theory
Q4 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Kiadói változat: 10
2016Nagy, J.: Evaluation of the use of interactive videos based on the Technology Acceptance Model: In: Herendiné-Kónya, E., Korenová, L., Partová, E. (comp.): Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 22-24, 2016 Bratislava, Slovakia.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 14 (1), 128, 2016.
kiadói változat: 105
2016Kiss, T., Páles, Z.: Implications between generalized convexity properties of real functions.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 434 1852-1874, 2016.
Q2 Analysis
Q2 Applied Mathematics
pre-print: 72
2016Fazekas, I., Porvázsnyik, B.: Limit theorems for the weights and the degrees in an N-interactions random graph model.
Open Math. 14 (1), 414-424, 2016.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 45
2016Youssef, N., Elgendi, S.: Nullity distributions associated with Chern connection.
Publ. Math. Debr. 88 (1-2), 235-248, 2016.
Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 82
2016Hajdu, L., Laishram, S., Szikszai, M.: Perfect powers in products of terms of elliptic divisibility sequences.
Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 94 (03), 395-404, 2016.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 87
2016Fazekas, I., Porvázsnyik, B.: Scale-free property for degrees and weights in an N-interactions random graph model.
J. Math. Sci. NY. 214 (1), 69-82, 2016.
Q4 Applied Mathematics
Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Q4 Statistics and Probability
pre-print: 85
2016Rakamazi, R.: Solving Diophantine equations with binomial coefficients in study group sessions using both elementary and higher mathematical methods.
Teach. math. comput. sci. 14 (1), 1-12, 2016.
kiadói változat: 88
2016Csapodi, C., Koncz, L.: The efficiency of written final exam questions in mathematics based on voluntary data reports, 2012-2015.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 14 (1), 63-81, 2016.
kiadói változat: 122
2016Szanyi, G.: The impacts of the introduction of the function concept on students' skills.
Ann. Math. Inform. 46 277-291, 2016.
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 34
2016Halasi, Z., Hannusch, C., Nguyen, H.: The largest character degrees of the symmetric and alternating groups.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (5), 1947-1960, 2016.
Q1 Applied Mathematics
Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 97
2016Misetáné Burján, A., Birkás, G.: Út a középiskolába: A matematikai tudásszint diagnosztikus vizsgálata Magyarországon az alapfokú és a középfokú oktatás határán.
Iskolakultúra. 16 (6), 76-102, 2016.
Kiadói változat: 28
2015He, B., Pintér, Á., Togbé, A., Varga, N.: A generalization of a problem of Mordell.
Glas. Mat. 50 (1), 35-41, 2015.
Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 63
2015Perge, E.: Application of a color education software to improve color aptitude.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 13 (2), 267-285, 2015.
kiadói változat: 197
2015Nagy, Á.: A short review on the theory of generalized conics.
Acta Math. Acad. Paedag. Nyíregyh. 31 (1), 81-96, 2015.
Q4 Education
Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 9
2015Piros, A.: Az ETO-jelzetek automatikus elemzésének kérdései.
Tud. műsz. táj. 62 (4), 127-141, 2015.
kiadói változat: 7
2015Bécsi, Z., Bojda, B., Takácsné Bubnó, K., Domokos, P., Kelemenné Nagy, A., Takács, V.: Blokknyelvek.
Debreceni Egyetem Kossuth Lajos Gyakorló Gimnáziuma, Debrecen, 97 p., 2015.
teljes szöveg: 52
2015Misetáné Burján, A., Stettner, E., Klingné Takács, A.: Chess and mathematics: In: Report of Conference XXXIX. National Conference on Teaching Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science-August 24-26, 2015 Kaposvár, Hungary.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 13 (2), 315-316, 2015.
kiadói változat: 80
2015Hajdu, L., Szikszai, M.: Common factors in series of consecutive terms of associated Lucas and Lehmer sequences.
Fibonacci Q. 53 (3), 221-229, 2015.
Q4 Algebra and Number Theory
pre-print: 62
2015Kllogjeri, A., Kllogjeri, P.: Statistical inferences supporting the hypothesis of teaching with GeoGebra.
OALib. 2 (1), 1-10, 2015.
kiadói változat: 11
2015Perge, E.: The experience of applying a method to develop the use of color theory.
Ann. Math. Inform. 45 135-149, 2015.
Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 180
2015Szanyi, G.: The investigation of students' skills in the process of function concept creation.
Teach. Math. Comp. Sci. 13 (2), 249-266, 2015.
kiadói változat: 118
2015Deng, S., Kertész, D., Yan, Z.: There are no proper Berwald-Einstein manifolds.
Publ. Math.-Debr. 86 (1-2), 245-249, 2015.
Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 92
2015Nyul, G., Rácz, G.: The r-Lah numbers.
Discret. Math. 338 (10), 1660-1666, 2015.
Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Q1 Theoretical Computer Science
pre-print: 145
2015Molnár, L., Szokol, P.: Transformations on positive definite matrices preserving generalized distance measures.
Linear Alg. Appl. 466 141-159, 2015.
Q2 Algebra and Number Theory
Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Q2 Geometry and Topology
Q2 Numerical Analysis
pre-print: 86
2014Aradi, B., Kertész, D.: A characterization of holonomy invariant functions on tangent bundles.
Balk. J. Geom. Appl. 19 (2), 1-10, 2014.
Q3 Geometry and Topology
Kiadói változat: 4
2014Piros, A.: Az ETO alapú számítógépes információkeresés egy új megközelítése.
Kvt. figy. 60 (2), 156-166, 2014.
kiadói változat: 11
2014Gaál, I., Remete, L., Szabó, T.: Calculating power integral bases by solving relative Thue equations.
Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 59 (1), 79-92, 2014.
Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
kiadói változat: 81
2014Youssef, N., Elgendi, S.: Computing nullity and kernel vectors using NF-package: Counterexamples.
Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 (11), 2859-2864, 2014.
D1 Hardware and Architecture
Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 64
2014Czenky, M., Kormos, J.: Concept systematization with concept maps in data modelling.
Teach. Math. Comp. Sci. 12 (2), 149-166, 2014.
kiadói változat: 113
2014Rakamazi, R.: Diophantine equations concerning various means of binomial coefficients.
Teach. math. comput. sci. 12 (1), 71-79, 2014.
kiadói változat: 138
2014Várady, F.: Ein anderer Weg bei dem Logarithmusunterricht: Ein entwickelndes Unterrichtsexperiment.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 12 (1), 1-16, 2014.
kiadói változat: 232
2014Hajdu, L., Pintér, Á., Tengely, S., Varga, N.: Equal values of figurate numbers.
J. Number Theory. 137 130-141, 2014.
Q1 Algebra and Number Theory
pre-print: 104
2014Győry, K., Kovács, T., Péter, G., Pintér, Á.: Equal values of standard counting polynomials.
Publ. Math. Debr. 84 (1-2), 259-277, 2014.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 76
2014Czenky, M.: How Do the Engineer Students Learn the SQL Language?.
Int. J. Eng. Ped. 4 (1), 18-23, 2014.
kiadói változat: 349
2014Aradi, B., Kertész, D.: Isometries, submetries and distance coordinates on Finsler manifolds.
Acta Math. Hung. 143 (2), 337-350, 2014.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 80
2014Molnár, L., Szokol, P.: Kolmogorov-Smirnov isometries of the space of generalized distribution functions.
Math. Slovaca. 64 (2), 433-444, 2014.
pre-print: 141
2014Youssef, N., Elgendi, S.: New Finsler package.
Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 (3), 986-997, 2014.
D1 Hardware and Architecture
Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 68
2014Youssef, N., Soleiman, A., Elgendi, S.: Nullity distribution associated to Cartan connection.
Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 45 (2), 213-238, 2014.
Q4 Applied Mathematics
Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 36
2014Tengely, S., Varga, N.: On a generalization of a problem of Erdős and Graham.
Publ. Math.-Debr. 84 (3-4), 475-482, 2014.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
post-print: 109
2014Hajdu, L., Szikszai, M.: On common factors within a series of consecutive terms of an elliptic divisibility sequence.
Publ. Math. Debr. 84 (1-2), 291-301, 2014.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 150
2014Misetáné Burján, A.: Sakk és matematika: Játéktól a valóságig.
Gyermeknevelés. 2 (2), 37-44, 2014.
kiadói változat: 67
2014Misetáné Burján, A.: The appearance of the characteristic features of mathematical thinking in the thinking of a chess player.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 12 (2), 201-211, 2014.
kiadói változat: 222
2014Misetáné Burján, A., Herendiné Kónya, E., Oláhné Téglási, I.: The appearance of the representative features of mathematical thinking in the thinking of a chess player: In: Report of meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences: January 24-26, 2014 Eger, Hungary.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 12 (1), 126, 2014.
kiadói változat: 14
2013Youssef, N., Elgendi, S.: A note on "Sur le noyau de l'opérateur de courbure d'une variété finslérienne" [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. A 272 (1971) 807-810].
C. R. Math. 351 (21-22), 829-832, 2013.
Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 116
2013Barczi-Veres, K.: Applying cooperative techniques in teaching problem solving.
CEPS Journal. 3 (4), 61-78, 2013.
Q4 Education
kiadói változat: 58
2013Babály, B., Budai, L., Kárpáti, A.: A térszemlélet fejlődésének vizsgálata statikus és mozgó ábrás tesztekkel.
Iskolakultúra. 23 (11), 6-19, 2013.
Kiadói változat: 11
2013Budai, L.: Development of spatial perception in high school with GeoGebra.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 11 (2), 211-230, 2013.
kiadói változat: 105
2013Czenky, M.: Electronic Test or Printed Exercise Book? Which Individual Mode of Preparation is More Effective?.
Int. J. Eng. Ped. 3 (1), 12-18, 2013.
kiadói változat: 103
2013Budai, L.: Improving problem-solving skills with the help of plane-space analogies.
CEPS Journal. 3 (4), 79-99, 2013.
Q4 Education
kiadói változat: 37
2013Nagy, B., Barczi-Veres, K.: Isoperimetrically optimal polygons in the triangular grid with Jordan-type neighbourhood on the boundary.
Int. J. Comput. Math. 90 (8), 1629-1652, 2013.
Q3 Applied Mathematics
Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics
Q2 Computer Science Applications
pre-print: 152
2013Pánovics, J.: Motivating Students with Projects Encompassing the Whole Duration of Their Studies.
Teach. Math. Comp. Sci. 11 (2), 165-180, 2013.
kiadói változat: 58
2013Tran Quoc, B., Kertész, D., Tamássy, L.: On projectively flat Finsler spaces.
Acta Math. Hung. 141 (4), 383-400, 2013.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 60
2013Kovács, T., Péter, G., Varga, N.: On some polynomial values of repdigit numbers.
Period. Math. Hung. 67 (2), 221-230, 2013.
Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 126
2013Takács, V., Takácsné Bubnó, K.: Önkiszolgáló üzleti intelligencia rendszerek oktatási tapasztalatai.
Acta Carolus Robertus. 3 (1), 99-104, 2013.
kiadói változat: 20
2013Gaál, I., Szabó, T.: Relative power integral bases in infinite families of quartic extensions of quadratic field.
JP J. Algebra, Number Theory Appl. 29 (1), 31-43, 2013.
Q4 Algebra and Number Theory
pre-print: 76
2013Fazekas, I., Porvázsnyik, B.: Scale-free property for degrees and weights in a preferential attachment random graph model.
J. Probab. Statist. 2013 707960-[12], 2013.
Q4 Statistics and Probability
kiadói változat: 50
2013Bessenyei, M., Kézi, C.: Solving functional equations via finite substitutions.
Aequ. Math. 85 (3), 593-600, 2013.
Q3 Applied Mathematics
Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 176
2013Baran, S., Horányi, A., Nemoda, D.: Statistical post-processing of probabilistic wind speed forecasting in Hungary.
Meteorol. Z. 22 (3), 273-282, 2013.
Q2 Atmospheric Science
kiadói változat: 107
2013Várady, F.: The exponential function and its applications: In: E. Herendiné Kónya, E. Debrenti (Comp.): Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences January 25-27, 2013 Oradea, Romania.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 11 (1), 138, 2013.
kiadói változat: 49
2013Nagy, J.: Web-usage in higher education - a survey in Hungary: In: E. Herendiné Kónya, E. Debrenti (Comp.): Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences January 25-27, 2013 Oradea, Romania.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 11 (1), 137, 2013.
kiadói változat: 68
2012Budai, L.: A possible general approach of the Apollonius problem with the help of GeoGebra.
Ann. Math. et Inf. 40 163-173, 2012.
Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 26
2012Szilasi, J., Tóth, A.: Curvature collineations in spray manifolds.
Balk. J. Geom. Appl. 17 (2), 104-114, 2012.
Q3 Geometry and Topology
Kiadói változat: 15
2012Bessenyei, M., Horváth, G., Kézi, C.: Functional equations on finite groups of substitutions.
Expo. Math. 30 (3), 283-294, 2012.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 142
2012Youssef, N., Abed, S., Elgendi, S.: Generalized [beta]-conformal change and special Finsler spaces.
Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 9 (3), 1250016-1 - 1250016-25, 2012.
Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 39
2012Hajdu, L., Szikszai, M.: On the GCD-s of k consecutive terms of Lucas sequences.
J. Number Theory. 132 (12), 3056-3069, 2012.
Q1 Algebra and Number Theory
pre-print: 114
2012Gaál, I., Szabó, T.: Power integral bases in parametric families of biquadratic fields.
JP J. Algebra, Number Theory Appl. 24 (1), 105-114, 2012.
Q4 Algebra and Number Theory
pre-print: 42
2012Máté, I.: The study of the role of working memory in the teaching of text-based problems.
Acta Didact. Napocensia. 5 (3), 61-66, 2012.
Kiadói változat: 5
2012Várady, F.: The understanding of the meaning of continuous functions and differential through the support of the software GeoGebra: In: E. Herendiné Kónya (comp.): Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences January 20 - January 22, 2012, Levocă, Slovakia.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 10 (1), 224, 2012.
kiadói változat: 58
2011Máté, I.: Cooperative learning in teaching mathematics: the case of addition and subtraction of integers.
Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 9 (1), 117-136, 2011.
kiadói változat: 123
2011Kristóf, Z., Bodnár, K., Takács, P.: Implementation opportunities of the Moodle Learning Management System in virtual environment: the Sloodle Project.
Teach. Math. Comp. Sci. 9 (9/2), 275-293, 2011.
kiadói változat: 98
2010Nagy, J.: Development of competency with the ActiveMath web-based interactive program: In: K. Lajkó, Gy. Maksa, Zs. Páles (comp.): Report of Meeting Researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Computer Sciences January 21 - January 23, 2010, Debrecen, Hungary.
Teach. Math. Comp. Sci. 8 (1), 189-190, 2010.
kiadói változat: 8
2010Nagy, Á., Vincze, C.: Examples and notes on generalized conics and their applications.
Acta Math. Acad. Paedag. Nyíregyh. 26 (2), 359-375, 2010.
Q4 Education
Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 6
2010Youssef, N., Abed, S., Elgendi, S.: Generalized [beta]-conformal change of Finsler metrics.
Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 7 (4), 565-582, 2010.
Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
pre-print: 45
2010Oláhné Téglási, I.: Mathematical competences examined on secondary school students.
Ann. Math. et Inf. 37 241-257, 2010.
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Kiadói változat: 4
2010Czenky, M.: Normalization Based on Dependency Diagram.
Teach. Math. Comp. Sci. 8 (1), 121-132, 2010.
kiadói változat: 467
2009Sitkuné Görömbei, C.: Examination of the Factors Influencing the Exam Results.
Acta Didact. Napocensia. 2 (2), 85-94, 2009.
kiadói változat: 20
2009Nagy, Á., Rábai, Z., Vincze, C.: On a special class of generalized conics with infinitely many focal points.
Teach. Math. Comp. Sci. 7 (1), 87-99, 2009.
kiadói változat: 84
2008Perge, E.: Practical application of computer software in visual education.
Acta Didact. Napocensia. 1 (2), 50-55, 2008.
kiadói változat: 23
2008Sitkuné Görömbei, C.: Shall we use one more representation?: Suggestions about establishing the notion of recursion in teaching informatics in primary schools.
Teach. Math. Comp. Sci. 1 209-229, 2008.
kiadói változat: 72
2007Beneduci, R.: Neumark operators and sharp reconstructions: The finite dimensional case.
J. Math. Phys. 48 (2), 022102-, 2007.
Q2 Mathematical Physics
Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
Kiadói változat: 102
2006Beneduci, R.: A geometrical characterization of commutative positive operator valued measures.
J. Math. Phys. 47 (6), 062104-1-12, 2006.
Q2 Mathematical Physics
Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
Kiadói változat: 139