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Bán Miklós

Name: Bán Miklós
Affiliation: Debreceni Egyetem. Természettudományi és Technológiai Kar. Biológiai és Ökológiai Intézet. Evolúciós Állattani és Humánbiológiai Tanszék / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Science and Technology. Institute of Biology and Ecology. Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology
Other profiles: MTMT, ResearchGate
  • PhD, Debreceni Egyetem (2013)
Profession: biologist
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Publication list

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Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Merondun, J., Bán, M., Fülöp, A., Wolf, J., Carneiro, M., Marton, A.: Evolution and genetic architecture of sex-limited polymorphism in cuckoos.
    Science Advances. 10 (17), 1-36, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
  2. Farkas, R., Bán, M., Barta, Z.: Mowing wet meadows reduces the health of their snail communities.
    PeerJ. 12 1-16, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (2023)
  1. Deák, B., Bede, Á., Rádai, Z., Dembicz, I., Apostolova, I., Batáry, P., Gallé, R., Tóth, C., Dózsai, J., Moysiyenko, I., Sudnik-Wójcikowska, B., Zachwatowicz, M., Nekhrizov, G., Lisetskii, F., Buryak, Z., Kis, S., Borza, S., Godó, L., Bragina, T., Smelansky, I., Molnár, Á., Bán, M., Báthori, F., Árgay, Z., Dani, J., Kiss, R., Valkó, O.: Contribution of cultural heritage values to steppe conservation on ancient burial mounds of Eurasia.
    Conserv. Biol. 37 1-13, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Ecology
    D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation
  1. Bán, M., Bóné, G., Bérces, S., Barta, Z., Kovács, I., Ecsedi, K., Sipos, K.: OpenBioMaps - self-hosted data management platform and distributed service for biodiversity related data.
    Earth Sci Inform. 15 (3), 2007-2016, 2022.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
  1. Elek, Z., Bán, M., Fülöp, A., Marton, A., Hauber, M., Moskát, C.: Call rate in Common Cuckoos does not predict body size and responses to conspecific playbacks.
    J. Ornithol. 162 (4), 1183-1192, 2021.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Animal Science and Zoology
  2. Marton, A., Fülöp, A., Bán, M., Hauber, M., Moskát, C.: Female common cuckoo calls dampen the mobbing intensity of great reed warbler hosts.
    Ethology. 127 (3), 286-293, 2021.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Animal Science and Zoology
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  1. Deák, B., Bede, Á., Tóth, C., Valkó, O., Lisetskii, F., Buryak, Z., Bragina, T., Apostolova, I., Bán, M., Báthori, F.: Eurázsiai Kurgán Adatbázis - Új nemzetközi adatbázis a kunhalmok védelméért = Eurasian kurgan database - A new initiation for conserving steppic burial mounds.
    Tájökológiai Lapok. 18 (2), 97-111, 2020.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation
  2. Moskát, C., Hauber, M., Růžičková, J., Marton, A., Bán, M., Elek, Z.: Female-female aggression and male responses to the two colour morphs of female common cuckoos.
    Naturwissenschaften. 107 (4), 1-13, 2020.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Mizsei, E., Jablonski, D., Cogălniceanu, D., Iosif, R., Strachinis, I., Tzoras, E., Sós, T., Speybroeck, J., Ilgaz, Ç., Burić, I., Vörös, J., Lengyel, S., Végvári, Z., Bán, M., Szabolcs, I.: A Balkán-félsziget természetvédelmi prioritásai herpetológiai szempontból: a Balkan Herps projekt előzetes eredményei.
    In: VI. Herpetológiai Előadóülés : Előadások összefoglalói, Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, 26, 2019.
  2. Mizsei, E., Jablonski, D., Cogălniceanu, D., Ruben, I., Strachinis, I., Tzoras, E., Sós, T., Speybroeck, J., Ilgaz, Ç., Burić, I., Vörös, J., Lengyel, S., Végvári, Z., Bán, M., Szabolcs, I.: Balkan herps project: spatial conservation priorities for the amphibians and reptiles in the Balkan Peninsula.
    In: XX. European Congress of Herpetology : Programme & Abstracts, University of Milan, Milano, 44, 2019. ISBN: 9791220052849
  3. Moskát, C., Bán, M., Fülöp, A., Bereczki, J., Hauber, M.: Bimodal habitat use in brood parasitic Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) revealed by GPS telemetry.
    AUK. 136 (2), 1-12, 2019.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Animal Science and Zoology
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  4. Deák, B., Tóth, C., Bede, Á., Apostolova, I., Bragina, T., Báthori, F., Bán, M.: Eurasian Kurgan Database - a citizen science tool for conserving grasslands on historical sites.
    Hacquetia. 18 (2), 179-187, 2019.
    Journal metrics:
    Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q2 Forestry
    Q3 Plant Science
  5. Marton, A., Fülöp, A., Ozogány, K., Moskát, C., Bán, M.: Host alarm calls attract the unwanted attention of the brood parasitic common cuckoo.
    Sci. Rep. 9 (1), 1-11, 2019.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Multidisciplinary
  6. Manna, T., Moskát, C., Tong, L., Bán, M., Aidala, Z., Low, J., Hauber, M.: Multiple parasitism reduces egg rejection in the host (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) of a mimetic avian brood parasite (Cuculus canorus)..
    J. Comp. Psychol. 133 (3), 351-358, 2019.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous)
  7. Feró, O., Bán, M., Barta, Z.: Spatio-temporal structure and reproductive success in a Rook (Corvus frugilegus) colony.
    Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 65 (1), 31-43, 2019.
    Journal metrics:
    Q3 Animal Science and Zoology
    Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  1. Moskát, C., Hauber, M., Bán, M., Fülöp, A., Geltsch, N., Marton, A., Elek, Z.: Are both notes of the common cuckoo's call necessary for familiarity recognition?.
    Behav. Processes. 157 685-690, 2018.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Animal Science and Zoology
    Q3 Behavioral Neuroscience
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Standovár, T., Bán, M., Kézdy, P.: Erdőállapot-értékelés középhegységi erdeinkben.
    Duna-Ipoly Nemz. Park Ig, Budapest, 612 p., 2017. ISBN: 9786155241208
  2. Bán, M., Földvári, M., Alexáné Babits, M., Barta, Z.: Simple command-line open-source software to analyse behavioural observation video recordings.
    Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 63 (1), 137-142, 2017.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Animal Science and Zoology
    Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  1. Geltsch, N., Bán, M., Hauber, M., Moskát, C.: When should Common Cuckoos Cuculus canorus lay their eggs in host nests?.
    Bird Stud. 63 (1), 46-51, 2016.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation
  1. Zölei, A., Bán, M., Moskát, C.: No change in common cuckoo parasitism and great reed warblers' egg rejection after seven decades.
    J. Avian Biol. 46 1-7, 2015.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Animal Science and Zoology
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  2. Hauber, M., Tong, L., Bán, M., Croston, R., Grim, T., Waterhouse, G., Shawkey, M., Barron, A., Moskát, C.: The Value of Artificial Stimuli in Behavioral Research: Making the Case for Egg Rejection Studies in Avian Brood Parasitism.
    Ethology. 121 (6), 521-528, 2015.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Animal Science and Zoology
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  1. Moskát, C., Zölei, A., Bán, M., Elek, Z., Tong, L., Geltsch, N., Hauber, M.: How to Spot a Stranger's Egg?: a Mimicry-Specific Discordancy Effect in the Recognition of Parasitic Eggs.
    Ethology. 120 1-11, 2014.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Animal Science and Zoology
    Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Show all
updated: 2024-12-29, 01:59

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 36
Q1/D1 16 (44.4%)
Q1 26 (72.2%)
Q2 6 (16.7%)
Q3 1 (2.8%)
Q4 1 (2.8%)
N/A 2 (5.6%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Agricultural and Biological Sciences (30)
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (23)
Animal Science and Zoology (21)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (4)
Aquatic Science (1)
Forestry (1)
Insect Science (1)
Plant Science (1)
Medicine (7)
Medicine (miscellaneous) (7)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (4)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (3)
Molecular Biology (1)
Physiology (1)
Environmental Science (4)
Nature and Landscape Conservation (3)
Ecology (1)
Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (1)
Multidisciplinary (2)
Multidisciplinary (2)
Neuroscience (2)
Behavioral Neuroscience (1)
Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (1)
Earth and Planetary Sciences (1)
Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (1)
Immunology and Microbiology (1)
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) (1)
Psychology (1)
Psychology (miscellaneous) (1)

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Anderson, Michael G.
Boheemen, Lotte A. van
Bóné Gábor Máté
Hoetz, Christiaan W. A.
Sudnik-Wójcikowska Barbara
Versluijs, Tom S. L.
Waterhouse, Geoffrey I. N.