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Zöld András

Zöld András

Zöld András

Publication list

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Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Severnyák, K., Zöld, A.: Biomass Use for Low Energy Buildings and Retrofits.
    Appl. Mech. Mater. 861 609-617, 2017.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous)
  1. Kerekes, A., Zöld, A.: Added convex windows for improwing the energy balance.
    Appl. Mech. Mater. 824 339-346, 2016.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous)
  2. Kerekes, A., Zöld, A.: Consideration of operative temperature in design and operation.
    Appl. Mech. Mater. 861 438-445, 2016.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous)
  3. Kerekes, A., Zöld, A.: Consideration of operative temperature in design and operation.
    In: enviBUILD 2016 - Buildings and Environment: International conference proceedings. Eds.: Milos Kalousek, Karel Struhala, Brno, Brno University of Technology, 138, 2016. ISBN: 9788021453920
  4. Zöld, A., Kassai-Szoó, D.: Cool Roofs vs Solar Systems.
    Appl. Mech. Mater. 824 779-785, 2016.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous)
  5. Szkordilisz, F., Zöld, A.: Effect of vegetation on wind-comfort.
    Appl. Mech. Mater. 824 811-818, 2016.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous)
  6. Kerekes, A., Zöld, A.: How to interpret the renewable share?.
    Energy Build. 126 70-76, 2016.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Building and Construction
    D1 Civil and Structural Engineering
    D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    D1 Mechanical Engineering
  1. Kerekes, A., Zöld, A.: Added convex windows for improving the energy balance.
    In: Zborník prednášok a abstraktov z medzinárodnej konferencie : International conference proceedings and abstracts, Nakladatel'stvo STU, Bratislava, 74, 2015. ISBN: 9788022744690
  2. Zöld, A.: Az új épületenergetikai irányelv és a fenntarthatóság.
    In: Műszaki tudomány az Észak-kelet Magyarországi Régióban 2015 : konferencia előadásai : Debrecen, 2015. június 11.. Szerk.: Bodzás Sándor, Debreceni Akadémiai Bizottság Műszaki Szakbizottsága, Debrecen, 21-27, 2015. ISBN: 9789637064326
  3. Kerekes, A., Zöld, A.: The fiancée is unduly beautiful.
    Int. Rev. Appl. Sci. Eng. 6 (1), 55-62, 2015.
  1. Szalay, Z., Zöld, A.: Definition of nearly zero-energy building requirements based on a large building sample.
    Energy Policy. 74 510-521, 2014.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Energy (miscellaneous)
    D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
  2. Zöld, A., Kassai-Szoó, D.: Effects of energy collecting elements on the energy balance of buildings and urbane climate.
    In: Proceedings of Denzero International Conference: Sustainable energy by optmal integration of renewable energy sources / [publ. by University of Debrecen], Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, 64-74, 2014. ISBN: 9789634737360
  3. Zöld, A.: Környezetbarát épületek.
    Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, 197 p., 2014. ISBN: 9789634737872
  4. Zöld, A., Szalay, Z.: Nearly Zero-Energy Requirements and the Reference Buildings.
    Adv Mat Res. 899 52-57, 2014.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous)
  5. Zöld, A., Seprődi, -.: Photovoltaic Arrays on Flat Roofs - An Aspect of Yearly Energy Production.
    Adv Mat Res. 899 222-227, 2014.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous)
  6. Kerekes, A., Zöld, A.: The fiancée is unduly beautiful.
    In: Proceedings of DENZERO International Conference : Sustainable energy by optimal integration of renewable energy sources = Fenntartható energetika megújuló energiaforrások optimalizált integrálásával : 9-10 october 2014 : Debrecen, Hungary, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, 52-63, 2014. ISBN: 9789634737360
  7. Zöld, A.: Wind driven active ventilation.
    In: Proceedings of Denzero International Conference: Sustainable energy by optmal integration of renewable energy sources / [publ. by University of Debrecen], Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, 132-140, 2014. ISBN: 9789634737360
  8. Zöld, A.: Wind driven active ventilation.
    In: Proceedings of Denzero International Conference : 9-10 October 2014, Debrecen, Hungary : Sustainable energy by optimal integration of renewable energy sources = Fenntartható energetika megújuló energiaforrások optimalizált integrálásával / publ. by University of Debrecen, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, 132-140, 2014. ISBN: 9789634737360
  1. Csoknyai, T., Zöld, A.: Épületenergetika.
    TERC Kiadó, Budapest, 221 p., 2013. ISBN: 9789639968639
  2. Farsang, A., Zöld, A., Csoknyai, T.: Rekonstrukció.
    TERC Kiadó, Budapest, 210 p., 2013.
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updated: 2025-01-26, 01:24

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 14
Q1/D1 2 (14.3%)
Q1 2 (14.3%)
Q3 1 (7.1%)
Q4 7 (50%)
N/A 4 (28.6%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Engineering (8)
Engineering (miscellaneous) (7)
Building and Construction (1)
Civil and Structural Engineering (1)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (1)
Mechanical Engineering (1)
Environmental Science (2)
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (2)
Environmental Engineering (1)
Pollution (1)
Energy (1)
Energy (miscellaneous) (1)

Genre chart

Year chart

Language chart