Alkalmazott Matematikai és Valószínűségszámítási Tanszék
Alkalmazott Matematikai és Valószínűségszámítási Tanszék
Név: Alkalmazott Matematikai és Valószínűségszámítási Tanszék
Cím: 4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Telefonszám: (36)-52-512900 / (36)-52-512900 / 22825
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Teljes publikációs lista
Publikációs időszak:
Lakatos, R.,
Bogacsovics, G.,
Harangi, B.,
Lakatos, I.,
Tiba, A.,
Tóth, J.,
Szabó, M.,
Hajdu, A.:
A Machine Learning-Based Pipeline for the Extraction of Insights from Customer Reviews.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 8 (3), 1-24, 2024.
Q2 Artificial Intelligence (2023)
Q2 Computer Science Applications (2023)
Q2 Information Systems (2023)
Q2 Management Information Systems (2023)
Antal, G.,
Szabó, S.,
Szarvas, P.,
Pusztahelyi, T.,
Gáll, J.,
Holb, I.:
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Apple Scab Sanitation Practices for ULO-Stored Apple Fruit in Integrated and Organic Production Systems.
International Journal of Fruit Science. 24 (1), 1-17, 2024.
Szépszó, G.,
Baran, Á.,
Baran, S.,
Jávorné, R.,
Kornyik, M.,
Tajti, D.:
Sugárzásra és magassági szélre vonatkozó rövidtávú előrejelzések operatív statisztikai utófeldolgozása.
Légkör. 68 (3), 118-125, 2023.
Bakó, J.,
Tóth, F.,
Gáll, J.,
Kovács, R.,
Csik, A.,
Varga, I.,
Sculean, A.,
Zelkó, R.,
Hegedűs, C.:
Combined Release of Antiseptic and Antibiotic Drugs from Visible Light Polymerized Biodegradable Nanocomposite Hydrogels for Periodontitis Treatment.
Pharmaceutics. 14 (5), 1-19, 2022.
Q1 Pharmaceutical Science
Martos, R.,
Szalóki, M.,
Gáll, J.,
Csik, A.,
Hegedűs, C.:
Comparative Analysis of Bond Strength Durability of 10-Methacryloyloxydecyl Dihydrogen Phosphate-Containing Adhesives on a Low-Viscosity Bulk-Fill Composite Surface.
J. Adhes. Dent. 24 (1), 427-434, 2022.
Q1 Oral Surgery
Q1 Orthodontics
Q2 Periodontics
Holb, I.,
Dremák, P.,
Barkaszi, I.,
Abonyi, F.,
Lakatos, P.,
Gáll, J.,
Vasileiadis, V.,
Gonda, I.:
Developing a management strategy based on the relationships between brown rot and codling moth in two apple production systems.
Agron. Sustain. Dev. 42 (2), 1-16, 2022.
D1 Agronomy and Crop Science
D1 Environmental Engineering
Dömösi, P.,
Gáll, J.,
Horváth, G.,
Borsos, B.,
Tihanyi, N.,
Al, H.:
A Full Cycle Length Pseudorandom Number Generator Based on Compositions of Automata.
Informatica. 45 (2), 179-189, 2021.
Q4 Artificial Intelligence
Q3 Computer Science Applications
Q4 Software
Q4 Theoretical Computer Science
Nsaif, M.,
Kovásznai, G.,
Rácz, A.,
Malik, A.,
de Fréin, R.:
An Adaptive Routing Framework for Efficient Power Consumption in Software-Defined Datacenter Networks.
Electronics (Switzerland). 10 (23), 1-18, 2021.
Q2 Computer Networks and Communications
Q2 Control and Systems Engineering
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Hardware and Architecture
Q2 Signal Processing
Lakatos, R.,
Bogacsovics, G.,
Harangi, B.,
Lakatos, I.,
Tiba, A.,
Tóth, J.,
Szabó, M.,
Hajdu, A.:
A Machine Learning-Based Pipeline for the Extraction of Insights from Customer Reviews.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 8 (3), 1-24, 2024.
Q2 Artificial Intelligence (2023)
Q2 Computer Science Applications (2023)
Q2 Information Systems (2023)
Q2 Management Information Systems (2023)
Antal, G.,
Szabó, S.,
Szarvas, P.,
Pusztahelyi, T.,
Gáll, J.,
Holb, I.:
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Apple Scab Sanitation Practices for ULO-Stored Apple Fruit in Integrated and Organic Production Systems.
International Journal of Fruit Science. 24 (1), 1-17, 2024.
Szépszó, G.,
Baran, Á.,
Baran, S.,
Jávorné, R.,
Kornyik, M.,
Tajti, D.:
Sugárzásra és magassági szélre vonatkozó rövidtávú előrejelzések operatív statisztikai utófeldolgozása.
Légkör. 68 (3), 118-125, 2023.
Bakó, J.,
Tóth, F.,
Gáll, J.,
Kovács, R.,
Csik, A.,
Varga, I.,
Sculean, A.,
Zelkó, R.,
Hegedűs, C.:
Combined Release of Antiseptic and Antibiotic Drugs from Visible Light Polymerized Biodegradable Nanocomposite Hydrogels for Periodontitis Treatment.
Pharmaceutics. 14 (5), 1-19, 2022.
Q1 Pharmaceutical Science
Martos, R.,
Szalóki, M.,
Gáll, J.,
Csik, A.,
Hegedűs, C.:
Comparative Analysis of Bond Strength Durability of 10-Methacryloyloxydecyl Dihydrogen Phosphate-Containing Adhesives on a Low-Viscosity Bulk-Fill Composite Surface.
J. Adhes. Dent. 24 (1), 427-434, 2022.
Q1 Oral Surgery
Q1 Orthodontics
Q2 Periodontics
Holb, I.,
Dremák, P.,
Barkaszi, I.,
Abonyi, F.,
Lakatos, P.,
Gáll, J.,
Vasileiadis, V.,
Gonda, I.:
Developing a management strategy based on the relationships between brown rot and codling moth in two apple production systems.
Agron. Sustain. Dev. 42 (2), 1-16, 2022.
D1 Agronomy and Crop Science
D1 Environmental Engineering
Dömösi, P.,
Gáll, J.,
Horváth, G.,
Borsos, B.,
Tihanyi, N.,
Al, H.:
A Full Cycle Length Pseudorandom Number Generator Based on Compositions of Automata.
Informatica. 45 (2), 179-189, 2021.
Q4 Artificial Intelligence
Q3 Computer Science Applications
Q4 Software
Q4 Theoretical Computer Science
Nsaif, M.,
Kovásznai, G.,
Rácz, A.,
Malik, A.,
de Fréin, R.:
An Adaptive Routing Framework for Efficient Power Consumption in Software-Defined Datacenter Networks.
Electronics (Switzerland). 10 (23), 1-18, 2021.
Q2 Computer Networks and Communications
Q2 Control and Systems Engineering
Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2 Hardware and Architecture
Q2 Signal Processing
Fazekas, I.,
Barta, A.:
Theoretical and simulation results for a 2-type network evolution model.
In: Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Information Technology and Data Science. Ed.: István Fazekas, András Hajdu, Tibor Tómács, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Debrecen, 104-114, 2021, (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073 ; 2874.)
Stehlík, M.,
Kiselák, J.,
Bukina, E.,
Lu, Y.,
Baran, S.:
Fredholm integral relation between compound estimation and prediction (FIRCEP).
Stoch. Anal. Appl. 38 (3), 427-459, 2020.
Q2 Applied Mathematics
Q3 Statistics and Probability
Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
Lerch, S.,
Baran, S.,
Möller, A.,
Groß, J.,
Schefzik, R.,
Hemri, S.,
Graeter, M.:
Simulation-based comparison of multivariate ensemble post-processing methods.
Nonlinear Process Geophys. 27 (2), 349-371, 2020.
Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology
Q2 Geophysics
Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
Szalóki, M.,
Javadi, H.,
Khandan, S.,
Youssef, A.,
Gáll, J.,
Hegedűs, C.:
3D nyomtatható biokompatibilis modell alapanyagok polimerizációs tulajdonságainak vizsgálata.
Fogorv. Szle. 112 (3), 70-76, 2019.
Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Harangi, B.,
Tóth, J.,
Baran, Á.,
Hajdu, A.:
Automatic screening of fundus images using a combination of convolutional neural network and hand-crafted features.
In: 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). Ed.: Riccardo Barbieri, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2699-2702, 2019. ISBN: 9781538613122
Harangi, B.,
Baran, Á.,
Hajdu, A.:
Classification of skin lesions using an ensemble of deep neural networks.
In: 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) / Gregg Suaning, Olaf Dossel, IEEE, Hawaii, USA, 2575-2578, 2018. ISBN: 9781538636466
Hajdu, A.,
Harangi, B.,
Tóth, J.,
Pap, M.,
Baran, Á.:
Combining Convolutional Neural Networks and Hand-Crafted Features in Medical Image Classification Tasks.
In: 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry : Book of Abstracts. Ed.: Bodó Á., Fekete I., Izsák F., Maros G., Simon L. P, Bolyai János Matematikai Társulat, Budapest, 299, 2018.
Rácz, A.,
Zilizi, G.:
VR aided architecture and interior design.
In: Proceedings on 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering. Ed.: SD Sudarsan, Vishal Kumar, Ravi Tomar, IEEE, Piscataway, 11-16, 2018. ISBN: 9781538644867
Aradi, B.,
Bujdosó, G.,
Horváth, G.,
Szokol, P.:
Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2017 konferencia kiadványa.
Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 475 p., 2017. ISBN: 9789634732136
Tajti, T.,
Nagy, B.:
Motion sensor data correction using multiple sensors and multiple measurements.
In: SAMI 2016 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics : Proceedings : January 21-23, 2016, Herl'any, Slovakia, IEEE Computer Society, Piscataway, 287-291, 2017. ISBN: 9781467387408
Dömösi, P.,
Gáll, J.,
Horváth, G.,
Tihanyi, N.:
Statistical analysis of DH1 cryptosystem.
Acta Cybern. 23 (1), 371-378, 2017.
Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics
Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q4 Information Systems and Management
Q4 Management Science and Operations Research
Q4 Software
Q4 Theoretical Computer Science
Dömösi, P.,
Gáll, J.,
Horváth, G.,
Tihanyi, N.:
On NIST test of a novel cryptosystem based on automata compositions.
In: Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science (MATCOS 2016) [elektronikus dokumentum] : zbornik 19. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2016, 12.-13. oktober 2016, [Ljubljana, Slovenija] = proceedings of the 19th International Multiconference Information Society - IS 2016, 12.-13 October 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia : zvezek H = volume H. Ed.: Andrej Brodnik, Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, 24-27, 2016. ISBN: 9789612641047
Balogh, E.,
Maros, T.,
Daragó, A.,
Csapó, K.,
Herczegh, B.,
Nyul, B.,
Czuriga, I.,
Bereczky, Z.,
Édes, I.,
Kőszegi, Z.:
Plasma homocysteine levels are related to medium-term venous graft degeneration in coronary artery bypass graft patients.
Anatol. J. Cardiol. 16 (11), 868-873, 2016.
Bakó, J.,
Kerényi, F.,
Hrubi, E.,
Varga, I.,
Daróczi, L.,
Dienes, B.,
Csernoch, L.,
Gáll, J.,
Hegedűs, C.:
Poly-[gamma]-Glutamic Acid Nanoparticles Based Visible Light-Curable Hydrogel for Biomedical Application.
J. Nanomater. 2016 1-10, 2016.
Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Gyulaházi, J.,
Varga, K.,
Iglói, E.,
Redl, P.,
Kormos, J.,
Fülesdi, B.:
The effect of preoperative suggestions on perioperative dreams and dream recalls after administration of different general anesthetic combinations: a randomized trial in maxillofacial surgery.
BMC Anesthesiol. 15 (11), 1-8, 2015.
Q2 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Ujhelyi, J.,
Ujhelyi, Z.,
Szalai, A.,
László, F.,
Cayasso, M.,
Vecsernyés, M.,
Pórszász, R.:
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effectiveness of sitagliptin and vildagliptin in mice.
Regul. Pept. 194-195 23-29, 2014.
Q2 Biochemistry
Q4 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Q2 Clinical Biochemistry
Q3 Endocrinology
Q3 Physiology
Gál, Z.,
Almási, B.,
Dabóczi, T.,
Vida, R.,
Oniga, I.,
Baran, S.,
Farkas, I.:
Internet of Things: application areas and research results of the FIRST project.
Infocommun. J. 6 (3), 37-44, 2014.
Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Salamon, P.,
Lovas, R.,
Betan, R.,
Vertse, T.,
Balkay, L.:
Strictly finite-range potential for light and heavy nuclei.
Phys. Rev. C. 89 (5), 054609-1 - 054609-9, 2014.
Strambach, K.,
Stuhl, I.:
Oriented Steiner loops.
Beitr Algebra Geom. 54 (1), 131-145, 2013.
Q4 Algebra and Number Theory
Q4 Geometry and Topology
Barczy, M.,
Ispány, M.,
Pap, G.,
Scotto, M.,
Silva, M.:
Additive outliers in INAR(1) models.
Stat. Pap. 53 (4), 935-949, 2012.
Q2 Statistics and Probability
Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
Mező, I.:
The r-Bell numbers.
J. Integer Seq. 14 (1), 1-14, 2011.
Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Ispány, M.,
Pap, G.:
Critical barnching processes with immigration.
In: Workshop on Branching Processes and Their Applications. Ed.: Miquel Gonzalez, [et al.], Springer, Heidelberg, 135-148, 2010, (Lecture notes in statistics--proceedings,0930-0325 ; v. 197) ISBN: 9783642111549
Fazekas, I.,
Karácsony, Z.,
Libor, Z.:
Longest runs in coin tossing: comparison of recursive formulae, asymptotic theorems, computer simulations..
Acta Univ. Sap., Math. 2 (2), 215-228, 2010.
Barczy, M.,
Ispány, M.,
Pap, G.,
Scotto, M.,
Silva, M.:
Outliers in INAR(1) models. arXiv 1-106, 2010.
Čuprunov, A.,
Fazekas, I.:
An inequality for moments of conditional expectation of random variables and its applications.
In: International Conference Probability and Statistics with Applications Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Béla Gyires. Abstracts. [elektronikus dokumentum]. Honorary Conference Chairs:: Mátyás Arató, Zoltán Daróczy, Kálmán Győry, Attila Pethő, Debreceni Egyetem TEK Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, [1], 2009.
Dussel, G.,
Betan, R.,
Liotta, R.,
Vertse, T.:
Collective excitations in the continuum.
Phys. Rev., C Nucl. Phys. 80 (6), 064311-1 - 064311-8, 2009.
Rácz, A.:
Determining Initial Bound by "Ray-method" in Branch and Bound Procedure.
Acta Cybern. 19 (1), 135-146, 2009.
Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics
Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q3 Information Systems and Management
Q4 Management Science and Operations Research
Q4 Software
Q4 Theoretical Computer Science
Barczy, M.,
Ispány, M.,
Pap, G.,
Scotto, M.,
Silva, M.:
Innovational outliers in INAR(1) models.
Commun. Stat. Theory Methods. 39 (18), 3343-3362, 2009.
Q3 Statistics and Probability
Fazekas, I.,
Karácsony, Z.,
Libor, Z.:
Longest runs in coin tossing: Recursive formulae, asymptotic theorems, computer simulations.
In: International Conference Probability and Statistics with Applications Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Béla Gyires. Abstracts. [elektronikus dokumentum]. Honorary Conference Chairs:: Mátyás Arató, Zoltán Daróczy, Kálmán Győry, Attila Pethő, Debreceni Egyetem TEK Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, [1], 2009.
Házy, A.,
Burai, P.:
On Orlicz-convex functions.
In: Proceedings of the 12th Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications : 5-7th November 2009, Timisoara, Romania. Ed.: Doru Paunescu, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Timisoara, 73-79, 2009.
Baran, S.,
Pap, G.:
Parameter estimation in unstable unilateral spatial autoregressive models.
In: International Conference Probability and Statistics with Applications Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Béla Gyires. Abstracts. [elektronikus dokumentum]. Honorary Conference Chairs:: Mátyás Arató, Zoltán Daróczy, Kálmán Győry, Attila Pethő, Debreceni Egyetem TEK Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, , 2009.
Major, P.:
The solution of a non-parametric maximum likelihood estimate problem.
In: International Conference Probability and Statistics with Applications Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Béla Gyires. Abstracts. [elektronikus dokumentum]. Honorary Conference Chairs:: Mátyás Arató, Zoltán Daróczy, Kálmán Győry, Attila Pethő, Debreceni Egyetem TEK Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, [1], 2009.
Arriojas, M.,
Hu, Y.,
Salah-Eldin, M.,
Pap, G.:
A delayed Black and Scholes formula.
Stoch. Anal. Appl. 25 (2), 471-492, 2007.
Q3 Applied Mathematics
Q3 Statistics and Probability
Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
Reinhard, P.,
Bender, M.,
Nazarewicz, W.,
Vertse, T.:
From finite nuclei to the nuclear liquid drop: leptodermous expansion based on self-consistent mean-field theory.
Phys. Rev., C Nucl. Phys. 73 (01), 014309-1-014309-11, 2006.
Bajalinov, E.,
Rácz, A.,
Lužar-Stiffler, V.,
Hljuz Dobrić, V.:
Scaling problems in linear-fractional programing.
In: ITI 2006 : Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces June 19-22, 2006, Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia / edited by Vesna Luzar-Stiffler, Vesna Hljuz Dobric, University Computing Centre SRCE, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 495-500, 2006.
Gáll, J.:
A financial toolbox.
In: MATLAB : numerikus módszerek, grafika, statisztika, eszköztárak. Szerk.: Stoyan Gisbert, Typotex, [Budapest], 335-359, 2005.
Holb, I.,
Heijne, B.,
Withagen, J.,
Jeger, M.,
Gáll, J.:
Analysis of summer epidemic progress of apple scab at different apple production systems in the Netherlands and Hungary.
Phytopathol. 95 (9), 1001-1020, 2005.
D1 Agronomy and Crop Science
Q1 Plant Science
Ispány, M.:
Application of the MCMC algorithm in Web mining.
In: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on applied informatics, Eger, Hungary, January 27-31, 2004, vol. I.. Szerk.: Csőke Lajos, Olajos Péter, Szigetváry Péter, Tómács Tibor, [EKTF], Eger, 211-219, 2005.
Betan, R.,
Liotta, R.,
Sandulescu, N.,
Vertse, T.,
Wyss, R.:
Complex shell model representation including antibound states.
Phys. Rev., C Nucl. Phys. 72 (05), 054322-1 - 054322-16, 2005.
Gáll, J.,
Zuijlen, M.,
Pap, G.:
Note on the proportions of financial assets with dependent distributions in optimal portfolios.
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Informatics : January 27-31, 2004, Eger, Hungary. Ed.: by Lajos Csőke [et al.], [Eszterházy Károly Főiskola], [Eger], 339-349, 2005.
Szőke, S.,
Komlósi, I.,
Korom, E.,
Ispány, M.,
Mihók, S.:
A statistical analysis of population variability in Bronze Turkey considering gene conservation.
Arch. Tierz. 47 (4), 377-385, 2004.
Q3 Agronomy and Crop Science
Q3 Animal Science and Zoology
Q4 Food Animals
Q4 Genetics
Q3 Plant Science
Hajdu, A.,
Hodnics, M.,
Kovács, K.,
Ungvári, A.:
Gépi látáson alapuló rendszerek humán felhasználói környezetben: A Török 2.
In: Képfeldolgozók és alakfelismerők IV. konferenciája : Miskolc-Tapolca, 2004. január 28-30, NJSZT-KÉPAF, Budapest, 112-117, 2004.
Hajdu, A.,
Hodnics, M.,
Kovács, K.,
Ungvári, A.:
Machine vision systems in human user environments: The Turk 2.
In: Norwegian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (NOBIM 2004), Stavanger, Norway, 27-28 May 2004
Gurvitz, S.,
Semmes, P.,
Nazarewicz, W.,
Vertse, T.:
Modified two-potential approach to tunneling problems.
Phys. Rev., A 69 (04), 042705-1-042705-8, 2004.
Vértesi, T.,
Vibók, Á.,
Halász, G.,
Baer, M.:
The Berry phase revisited: application to Born-Oppenheimer molecular systems.
J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 (23), 4603-4620, 2004.
Q1 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Q1 Condensed Matter Physics
Szőke, S.,
Komlósi, I.,
Korom, E.,
Ispány, M.,
Mihók, S.:
Vizsgálatok egy génrezerv pulykapopulációban.
Agrártud. közl. 13 48-52, 2004.
Gáll, J.,
Pap, G.,
Zuijlen, M.:
Option theory.
[Debreceni Egyetem, Informatikai Intézet], Debrecen, 72 p., 2003.
Betan, R.,
Liotta, R.,
Sandulescu, N.,
Vertse, T.:
Shell model in the complex energy plane and two-particle resonances.
Phys. Rev., C Nucl. Phys. 67 (01), 014322-1 - 014322-12, 2003.
Kormos, J.:
Előszó a magyar kiadáshoz.
In: Szoftverrendszerek fejlesztése : Software engineering / előszó Kormos János; szerk. Juhász István; ford.Adamkó Attila; Csordás Annamária; Espák Miklós; Fazekas Gábor; Földi Péter, Panem, Budapest, 23-24, 2002. ISBN: 9635453116
Królas, W.,
Grzywacz, R.,
Rykaczewski, K.,
Batchelder, J.,
Bingham, C.,
Gross, C.,
Fong, D.,
Hamilton, J.,
Hartley, D.,
Hwang, J.,
Larochelle, Y.,
Lewis, T.,
Maier, K.,
McConnell, J.,
Piechaczek, A.,
Ramayya, A.,
Rykaczewski, K.,
Shapira, D.,
Tantawy, M.,
Winger, J.,
Yu, C.,
Zganjar, E.,
Kruppa, A.,
Nazarewicz, W.,
Vertse, T.:
First observation of the drip line nucleus 140Dy: Identification of a 7 mű s K isomer populating the ground state band.
Phys. Rev., C Nucl. Phys. 65 (03), 031303-1 - 031303-4, 2002.
Gál, Z.,
Terdik, G.,
Iglói, E.:
Multifractal study of wireless and wireline datanetworks.
In: 8th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control : ComCon 8 : telecommunications/signal processing, June 25-29, 2001, Crete, Greece : proceedings. Ed.: William R. Wells, Optimization Software, New York, 773-784, 2002. ISBN: 0911575782
Ispány, M.,
William, R.:
On affine state-space representation of time series.
In: The 8th International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control: Telecommunications/Signal Processing, Crete, Greece, June 25-29, 2001 / William R. Wells, [Univ. of Nevada], [Las Vegas, USA], 591-602, 2002.
Bátfai, N.,
Erdei, S.,
Ispány, M.:
Developing a numerical library in java.
In: 4th international conference on applied informatics : Education and other fields of applied informatics : Computer graphics : Computer statistics and modeling : August 30-September 3, 1999 Eger-Noszvaj, Hungary. Ed.: by Emőd Kovács, Zoltán Winkler, Molnár és Társa '2001' Kft., Eger, 345, 2001.
Csiszár, I.,
Tusnády, G.,
Ispány, M.,
Verdes, E.,
Michaletzky, G.,
Rudas, T.:
Divergence minimization under prior inequality constraints.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE international symposium on information theory, Washington DC, USA, June 24-29, 2001, Hungarian Acad. of Sci., Budapest, 21, 2001.
Terdik, G.,
Iglói, E.:
Long range and fractal properties of some high speed network traffic data.
In: 4th international conference on applied informatics : Education and other fields of applied informatics : Computer graphics : Computer statistics and modeling : August 30-September 3, 1999 Eger-Noszvaj, Hungary. Szerk.: Kovács Emőd, Winkler Zoltán, Molnár és Társa`2001` Kft, Eger, 319-326, 2001.
Gál, Z.,
Terdik, G.,
Iglói, E.:
Multifractal study of Internet traffic.
In: 2001 IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, 29-31 May 2001, Dallas, Texas, USA, IEEE Communications Society, Piscataway, New Jersey, 197-201, 2001. ISBN: 0780367111
Bajalinov, E.,
Imreh, B.:
SZTE Bolyai Intézet, Szeged, 300 p. :, 2001.
Fazekas, I.,
Baran, S.,
Glevitzky, B.,
Iglói, E.,
Ispány, M.,
Kalmár, I.,
Nagy, M.,
Tar, L.,
Verdes, E.:
Bevezetés a matematikai statisztikába.
Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 523 p., 2000.
Fazekas, I.:
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