Számítógéptudományi Tanszék
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Teljes publikációs lista
Publikációs időszak:
Csernoch, M.,
Szűcs, E.,
Máté, D.:
Kanban method in digital data processing.
Int. rev. appl. sci. eng. Online first 1-17, 2025.
Q2 Architecture (2023)
Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Environmental Engineering (2023)
Q3 Information Systems (2023)
Q4 Management Science and Operations Research (2023)
Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Revákné Markóczi, I.,
Csernoch, M.,
Czimre, K.,
Dávid, Á.,
Tóthné Kosztin, B.,
Malmos, E.,
Sütő, É.,
Kurucz, D.:
A systematic review of STEM teaching-learning methods and activities in early childhood.
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed. 20 (8), 1-22, 2024.
Q2 Applied Mathematics (2023)
Q2 Education (2023)
Csernoch, M.:
Digitális környezetismeret.
In: Új tantárgypedagógiai kutatások, innovációk és elemzések. Szerk.: Kaposi, József; Kerekesné, Horvát Ilona, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Pedagógiai Tudományos Albizottság, Budapest, [Közlésre elfogadva], 1-36, 2024. ISBN: 9789635751310
Czimre, K.,
Teperics, K.,
Molnár, E.,
Kapusi, J.,
Saidi, I.,
Gusman, D.,
Bujdosó, G.:
Potentials in Using VR for Facilitating Geography Teaching in Classrooms: A Systematic Review.
ISPRS Int. Geo-Inf. 13 (9), 332-376, 2024.
Q2 Computers in Earth Sciences (2023)
Q1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
László, V.,
Nagy, K.,
Csernoch, M.:
Alapvető számolási készségek tesztelése papíron és táblázatkezelőben.
In: INFODIDACT`2022. 15. Informatika Szakmódszertani Konferencia Előadáskötet / Szlávi Péter, Zsakó László (szerk), Webdidaktika Alapítvány, Budapest, , 2023. ISBN: 9786158060868
Hussain, A.,
Hannusch, C.:
A New Keyed Hash Function Based on Latin Squares and Error-Correcting Codes to Authenticate Users in Smart Home Environments.
In: Codes, Cryptology and Information Security: 4th International Conference, C2SI 2023, Rabat, Morocco, May 29-31, 2023, Proceedings. (Chapter 8) /Souidi El Mamoun (eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, Svájc, 129-135, 2023. ISBN: 9783031330162
Bordihn, H.,
Nicholas, T.,
Vaszil, G.:
Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: 25th IFIP WG 1.02 International Conference, DCFS 2023 Potsdam, Germany, July 4-6, 2023 : Proceedings.
Springer Cham, Cham, 197 p., 2023. ISBN: 9783031343254
Bujdosó, G.,
Teperics, K.,
Roskó, T.,
Jász, E.,
Czimre, K.,
Molnár, E.,
Kapusi, J.,
Novac, M.,
Novac, O.:
Disruptive technologies in STEM education - A method for broadening the spectrum of IT teacher education.
In: EDULEARN23 Proceedings / Luis Gómez Chova; Chelo González Martínez; Joanna Lees, IATED Academy, 2023, 5684-5692, 2023, (ISSN 2340-1117) ISBN: 9788409521517
Csernoch, M.,
Szűcs, E.,
Máté, D.:
Kanban method in digital data processing.
Int. rev. appl. sci. eng. Online first 1-17, 2025.
Q2 Architecture (2023)
Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q3 Environmental Engineering (2023)
Q3 Information Systems (2023)
Q4 Management Science and Operations Research (2023)
Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
Revákné Markóczi, I.,
Csernoch, M.,
Czimre, K.,
Dávid, Á.,
Tóthné Kosztin, B.,
Malmos, E.,
Sütő, É.,
Kurucz, D.:
A systematic review of STEM teaching-learning methods and activities in early childhood.
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed. 20 (8), 1-22, 2024.
Q2 Applied Mathematics (2023)
Q2 Education (2023)
Csernoch, M.:
Digitális környezetismeret.
In: Új tantárgypedagógiai kutatások, innovációk és elemzések. Szerk.: Kaposi, József; Kerekesné, Horvát Ilona, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Pedagógiai Tudományos Albizottság, Budapest, [Közlésre elfogadva], 1-36, 2024. ISBN: 9789635751310
Czimre, K.,
Teperics, K.,
Molnár, E.,
Kapusi, J.,
Saidi, I.,
Gusman, D.,
Bujdosó, G.:
Potentials in Using VR for Facilitating Geography Teaching in Classrooms: A Systematic Review.
ISPRS Int. Geo-Inf. 13 (9), 332-376, 2024.
Q2 Computers in Earth Sciences (2023)
Q1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
Q1 Geography, Planning and Development (2023)
László, V.,
Nagy, K.,
Csernoch, M.:
Alapvető számolási készségek tesztelése papíron és táblázatkezelőben.
In: INFODIDACT`2022. 15. Informatika Szakmódszertani Konferencia Előadáskötet / Szlávi Péter, Zsakó László (szerk), Webdidaktika Alapítvány, Budapest, , 2023. ISBN: 9786158060868
Hussain, A.,
Hannusch, C.:
A New Keyed Hash Function Based on Latin Squares and Error-Correcting Codes to Authenticate Users in Smart Home Environments.
In: Codes, Cryptology and Information Security: 4th International Conference, C2SI 2023, Rabat, Morocco, May 29-31, 2023, Proceedings. (Chapter 8) /Souidi El Mamoun (eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, Svájc, 129-135, 2023. ISBN: 9783031330162
Bordihn, H.,
Nicholas, T.,
Vaszil, G.:
Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: 25th IFIP WG 1.02 International Conference, DCFS 2023 Potsdam, Germany, July 4-6, 2023 : Proceedings.
Springer Cham, Cham, 197 p., 2023. ISBN: 9783031343254
Bujdosó, G.,
Teperics, K.,
Roskó, T.,
Jász, E.,
Czimre, K.,
Molnár, E.,
Kapusi, J.,
Novac, M.,
Novac, O.:
Disruptive technologies in STEM education - A method for broadening the spectrum of IT teacher education.
In: EDULEARN23 Proceedings / Luis Gómez Chova; Chelo González Martínez; Joanna Lees, IATED Academy, 2023, 5684-5692, 2023, (ISSN 2340-1117) ISBN: 9788409521517
Bertók, C.,
Huszti, A.,
Kádek, T.,
Jámbor, Z.:
A multi-round bilinear-map-based secure password hashing scheme.
In: 2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS) / Fazekas István, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, 28-33, 2022. ISBN: 9781665496537
Yo, -.,
Vaszil, G.:
Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: 24th IFIP WG 1.02 International Conference, DCFS 2022, Debrecen, Hungary, August 29-31, 2022, Proceedings.
Springer, Cham, 213 p., 2022. ISBN: 9783031132568
Bujdosó, G.,
Novac, M.,
Novac, O.,
Roskó, T.,
Teperics, K.:
Experiences with the use of virtual reality environments in education - Identifying difficulties and possible solutions during thesis work.
In: EDULEARN22 Proceedings / IATED, IATED, 2022, 10216-10221, 2022, (ISSN 2340-1117) ISBN: 9788409424849
Csernoch, M.:
From webtables to datatables.
In: Proceedings of the EuSpRIG 2019 Conference "Spreadsheet Risk Management" / Grenville Croll, EuSpRIG European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Grou, London, 127-148, 2022. ISBN: 9781905404568
Roskó, T.,
Bujdosó, G.,
Novac, M.,
Novac, O.,
Szőllősi, G.:
Improving Students' Privacy Awareness: Analysis of A Pilot Survey to Design A VR Environment for Self-Paced Learning.
In: Proceedings of 2022 13th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) / Baranyi Péter, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, Piscataway, 53-58, 2022, (ISSN 2380-7350) ISBN: 9781665492393
Jérome, D.,
Vaszil, G.:
Machines, Computations, and Universality: 9th International Conference, MCU 2022, Debrecen, Hungary, August 31 - September 2, 2022, Proceedings.
Springer, Cham, 189 p., 2022. ISBN: 9783031135019
Vaszil, G.,
Zandron, C.,
Zhang, G.:
Nat. Comput. 22 (1), 1-2, 2022.
Q3 Computer Science Applications
Novac, O.,
Novac, M.,
Bogdan, C.,
Gordan, C.,
Gordan, M.,
Bujdosó, G.:
The rise of mobile development: a comparison between Ionic and Flutter.
In: Proceedings of 2022 14th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) / Ovidiu Constantin Novac, IEEE, Ploiesti, 1-10, 2022.
Dömösi, P.,
Gáll, J.,
Horváth, G.,
Borsos, B.,
Tihanyi, N.,
Al, H.:
A Full Cycle Length Pseudorandom Number Generator Based on Compositions of Automata.
Informatica. 45 (2), 179-189, 2021.
Q4 Artificial Intelligence
Q3 Computer Science Applications
Q4 Software
Q4 Theoretical Computer Science
Dömösi, P.,
Horváth, G.,
Molnár, F.,
Kovács, S.,
Diene, A.:
A side-channel attack against an automata theory based stream cipher.
RIMS K©oky©uroku 2193 64-72, 2021.
Csokmai, L.,
Novac, M.,
Novac, O.,
Bujdosó, G.,
Oproescu, M.,
Codrean, M.:
Comparative study about data speed acquisition and recording in a MySQL database of LabVIEW, MATLAB and Python programming languages.
In: 2021 13th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) / Valeriu Ionescu, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Red Hook, NY, USA, 1-4, 2021. ISBN: 9781665425346
Novac, O.,
Madar, D.,
Novac, M.,
Bujdosó, G.,
Oproescu, M.,
Gal, T.:
Comparative study of some applications made in the Angular and Vue.js frameworks.
In: 2021 16th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES) / Eugen Gergely; Ovidiu Novac, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Danvers, MA, USA, 1-4, 2021. ISBN: 9781665449953
Novac, M.,
Novac, O.,
Sferle, R.,
Gordan, M.,
Bujdosó, G.,
Camelia, M.:
Comparative study of some applications made in the Vue.js and React.js frameworks.
In: 2021 16th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES) / Eugen Gergely; Ovidiu Novac, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Danvers, MA, USA, 1-4, 2021. ISBN: 9781665449953
Roskó, T.,
Bujdosó, G.,
Novac, M.,
Novac, O.:
Enhancing students' privacy awareness: theory and practice on personal data protection through a VR environment.
In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2021): Proceedings / Baranyi Péter, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, 563-568, 2021.
Biró, P.,
Kádek, T.,
Pánovics, J.:
Facilitating the use of the progcont system for novice programmers with test case annotations.
In: ICERI2021 Proceedings : 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, IATED, Valencia, 4951-4956, 2021, (ISSN 2340-1095) ISBN: 9788409345496
Biró, P.,
Kádek, T.:
How can the ProgCont system help with programming education during a pandemic?.
In: 15th International Conference on Economics and Business: Challenges in the Carpathian Basin : Global Challenges - Local Answers. Interdependencies or Slobalisation? Ed.: Bíró Bíborka Eszter, Csata Andrea, György Ottilia, Kassay János, Koroseczné Pavlin Rita, Madaras Szilárd, Pál László, Péter Katalin, Szőcs Attila, Tánczos Levente József, Telegdy Balázs, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 179-191, 2021. ISBN: 9789735327521
Huszti, A.,
Kovács, S.,
Oláh, N.:
Hybrid anonymous message broadcast for VANETs.
In: 17th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), IEEE, Piscataway, 103-108, 2021. ISBN: 9781665428545
Vaszil, G.,
Zandron, C.,
Zhang, G.:
ICMC 2021 International Conference on Membrane Computing, Chengdu, China and Debrecen, Hungary, 2021, Proceedings.
Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen, Debrecen, 644 p., 2021. ISBN: 9789634903291
Balázs, P.,
Biró, P.,
Kádek, T.,
Kósa, M.,
Pánovics, J.:
Mathability and exploring mathematical skills of programmers with exercises' annotations.
In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications: CogInfoCom 2021: Proceedings. Ed.: Jan Nikodem, Ryszard Klempous, IEEE-INST Electrical Electronics Engineers INC, Piscataway, 347-350, 2021. ISBN: 9781665424950
Murvai, A.,
Vaszil, G.:
String Assembling Systems and Watson-Crick Finite Automata.
In: ITAT 2021 Information Technologies - Applications and Theory 2021, Proceedings of the 21st Conference Information Technologies - Applications and Theory (ITAT 2021). Eds.: Lucie Ciencialová, Martin Holena, Frantisek Mráz, Dana Pardubská, Martin Plátek, Tomás Vinar,, Aachen, 210-216, 2021, (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073 ; 2962)
Nagy, T.,
Csernoch, M.,
Biró, P.:
The Comparison of Students' Self-Assessment, Gender, and Programming-Oriented Spreadsheet Skills.
Education Sciences. 11 (10), 1-29, 2021.
Q2 Computer Science Applications
Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology
Q2 Education
Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
Q2 Public Administration
Bagossy, A.,
Vaszil, G.:
Transition Graphs of Reversible Reaction Systems.
In: Membrane Computing, 21st International Conference, CMC 2020, Virtual Event, September 14-18, 2020, Revised Selected Papers. Eds.: Rudolf Freund, Tseren-Onolt Ishdorj, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa, Claudio Zandron, Springer, Cham, 1-16, 2021, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 12687) ISBN: 9783030771010
Bakó, M.,
Aszalós, L.:
Blended learning at Introductory Logic course at University of Debrecen.
In: INTED2020 Conference proceedings : 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia, Spain. 2-4 March, 2020. / Edited by L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres, IATED Academy, Valencia, 2984-2992, 2020, (ISSN 2340-1079) ISBN: 9788409179398
Novac, O.,
Chilba, C.,
Novac, M.,
Gordan, C.,
Gordan, M.,
Bujdosó, G.:
Comparison of DotKernel and Symfony as PHP frameworks.
In: 2020 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) / Valeriu Ionescu, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Red Hook, NY, USA, 1-4, 2020.
Csernoch, M.:
Do You Speak and Write in Informatics?.
In: 10th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC 2019) / Nagib Callaos, T. Grandon Gill, Natalja Lace, Suzanne K. Lunsford, Belkis Sánchez, Curran Associates, Inc., Winter Garden, Florida, 147-152, 2020. ISBN: 9781510896956
Bakó, M.,
Aszalós, L.:
Fejtörők a logikai alapfogalmak megalapozásában.
In: Informatika, Infokommunikáció, Innováció, Edukáció 2019. Szerk.: Vártesrész Magdolna, Bujdosó Gyöngyi, DE Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 1-20, 2020. ISBN: 9789634901709
Csuhaj-Varjú, E.,
Vaszil, G.:
On Languages of P Automata.
Fundam. Inform. 171 (1-4), 133-149, 2020.
Q4 Algebra and Number Theory
Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics
Q3 Information Systems
Q3 Theoretical Computer Science
Aszalós, L.,
Bakó, M.:
Teaching AI during the Pandemic.
In: ICERI2020 Conference proceedings : 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Online Conference. 9-10 November, 2020. / Edited by L. Gómez Chova; A. López Martínez; I. Candel Torres, IATED Academy, Valencia, 1343-1349, 2020, (ISSN 2430-1095) ISBN: 9788409242320
Nagy, D.,
Aszalós, L.:
Approximation Based on Representatives.
In: Rough Sets : International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2019. Eds.: Tamás Mihálydeák, Fan Min, Guoyin Wang, Mohua Banerjee, Ivo Düntsch, Zbigniew Suraj, Davide Ciucci, Springer, Cham, 91-101, 2019, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 11499.) ISBN: 9783030228149
Battyányi, P.,
Vaszil, G.:
A Time Petri Net Description of Membrane Systems with Priorities, Dissolution, and Promoters/Inhibitors.
In: 20th International Conference on Membrane Computing, CMC 20 / Gheorghe Paun, Editura Bibliostar, Ramnicu Valcea, 269-288, 2019. ISBN: 9786068493770
Ursu, M.,
Novac, O.,
Oproescu, M.,
Bujdosó, G.,
Hathazi, F.:
Comparative study of the analog and digital operation for miniature railway systems.
In: 15th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems, ICEMES 2019, University of Oradea, Oradea, 137-140, 2019. ISBN: 9781728107738
Bujdosó, G.,
Novac, M.,
Novac, O.,
Aranyi, F.:
Creative skills in VR - Developing students' creative skills by using immersive virtual reality in teacher training.
In: ICERI2019 Proceedings / Chova L. Gómez; Martínez A. López; Torres I. Candel, International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Seville, 666-672, 2019. ISBN: 9788409147557
Bujdosó, G.,
Boros, K.,
Novac, M.,
Novac, O.:
Developing cognitive processes as a major goal in designing e-health information provider VR environment in information science education.
In: 2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom). Ed.: Péter Baranyi, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, 187-192, 2019. ISBN: 9781728147932
Novac, O.,
Muresan, I.,
Novac, M.,
Oproescu, M.,
Gordan, C.,
Bujdosó, G.:
Development of a Weather Application in Android and iOS Operating Systems.
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ECAI-2019. Ed.: Valeriu Ionescu, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Red Hook, NY, USA, 1-5, 2019. ISBN: 9781728116242
Boros, K.,
Bujdosó, G.,
Novac, M.,
Novac, O.:
E-Health Promotion virtual reality services in MaxWhere VR spaces - design and development.
In: 2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) / Baranyi Péter, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, 389-390, 2019.
Battyányi, P.,
Mihálydeák, T.,
Vaszil, G.:
Generalized Membrane Systems with Dynamical Structure, Petri Nets, and Multiset Approximation Spaces.
In: Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation. UCNC 2019. / McQuillan, I., Seki, S. (eds), Springer, Berlin, 15-29, 2019, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11493) ISBN: 9783030193102
Battyányi, P.,
Vaszil, G.:
Membrane systems and multiset approximation.
In: Eleventh Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2019) / Freund Rudolf, Holzer Markus, M. Sempere José (szerk.), Druckerei Riegelnik 1080 Wien, Piaristengasse 19, Wien, 7-14, 2019.
Battyányi, P.,
Vaszil, G.:
Membrane Systems and Multiset Approximation: The Cases of Inner and Boundary Rule Application Membrane Systems and Multiset Approximation: The Cases of Inner and Boundary Rule Application.
In: Rough Sets : International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2019 Debrecen, Hungary, June 17-21, 2019 Proceedings. Eds.: Tamás Mihálydeák, Fan Min, Guoyin Wang, Mohua Banerjee, Ivo Düntsch, Zbigniew Suraj, Davide Ciucci, Springer, Berlin, 239-252, 2019, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 1611-3349 ; 11499.) ISBN: 9783030228156
Battyányi, P.,
Vaszil, G.:
Membrane Systems with Priority, Dissolution, Promoters and Inhibitors and Time Petri Nets.
In: Seventeenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing Sevilla, February 5-8, 2019. Eds.: David Orellana-Martín, Gheorghe P¡aun, Agustín Riscos-Núnez, José A. Andreu-Guzmán, Research Group on Natural Computing, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 59-78, 2019. ISBN: 97884143474
Dienes, N.,
Gulácsi, Á.,
Csernoch, M.:
Sprego avatárok a 3D térben.
In: INFODIDACT'2018 11. Informatika Szakmódszertani Konferencia / Dr. Szlávi Péter, Dr. Zsakó László, Webdidaktika Alapítvány, Budapest, 21-32, 2019. ISBN: 9786158060820
Vaszil, G.:
The DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm on P Systems.
In: Seventeenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing Sevilla, February 5-8, 2019. Eds.: David Orellana-Martín, Gheorghe P¡aun, Agustín Riscos-Núnez, José A. Andreu-Guzmán, Research Group on Natural Computing, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 97-108, 2019. ISBN: 97884143474
Tóth, R.,
Kósa, M.,
Kádek, T.,
Pánovics, J.:
The Development of Evaluation Systems at the Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen.
In: INTED2019 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference : conference proceedings / L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres, IATED Academy, Valencia, Spain, 5552-5559, 2019, (ISSN 2340-1079) ISBN: 9788409086191
Novac, M.,
Codrean, M.,
Novac, O.,
Codrean, M.,
Oproescu, M.,
Bujdosó, G.:
The Numerical Modeling of the Inductive Heating Process at Different Frequencies, Using the FLUX2D Software.
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ECAI-2019. Ed.: Valeriu Ionescu, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Red Hook, NY, USA, 1-5, 2019. ISBN: 9781728116242
Bujdosó, G.,
Jász, E.,
M. Császár, Z.,
Farsang, A.,
Kapusi, J.,
Molnár, E.,
Teperics, K.:
Virtual reality in teaching geography.
In: ICERI2019 Proceedings / Chova L. Gómez; Martínez A. López; Torres I. Candel, International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Seville, 659-665, 2019. ISBN: 9788409147557
Tóth, R.,
Kósa, M.,
Kádek, T.,
Pánovics, J.:
A ProgCont rendszer új szolgáltatásaira épülő alkalmazások = applications based on the new services of the ProgCont system.
In: ENELKO 2018 XIX. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2018 XXVIII. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia. Szerk.: Biró Károly-Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Szabó Loránd, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Tusnádfürdő, 331-336, 2018, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Csuhaj-Varjú, E.,
Kántor, K.,
Vaszil, G.:
Deterministic Parsing with P Colony Automata.
In: Enjoying Natural Computing : Essays Dedicated to Mario de Jesús Pérez-Jiménez on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday. Eds.: Carmen Graciani, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Gheorghe Păun, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa, Springer, Cham, 88-98, 2018, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 11270.) ISBN: 9783030002640
Kántor, K.,
Vaszil, G.:
Generalized P Colony Automata and Their Relation to P Automata.
In: Membrane Computing : 18th International Conference, CMC 2017, Bradford, UK, July 25-28, 2017 : Revised Selected Papers. Eds.: Marian Gheorghe, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa, Claudio Zandron, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 167-182, 2018, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 10725.) ISBN: 9783319733586
Nagy, D.,
Mihálydeák, T.,
Aszalós, L.:
Similarity based rough sets with annotation.
In: Rough Sets. Ed.: Hung Son Nguyen, Quang-Thuy Ha, Tianrui Li, Małgorzata Przybyła-Kasperek, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 88-100, 2018, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 11103.) ISBN: 9783319993676
Tóth, R.,
Kósa, M.,
Kádek, T.,
Pánovics, J.:
A programozástanulás játékosítása = learning programming through gamification.
In: ENELKO 2017 XVIII. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2017 XXVII. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Kolozsvár, 2017. október 12-15. Szerk.: Biró Károly-Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 230-235, 2017, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Battyányi, P.,
Vaszil, G.:
Chemical Term Reduction with Active P Systems.
In: Membrane Computing. CMC 2016. / A. Leporati, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, C. Zandron, Springer, Cham., Berlin, 136-150, 2017, (Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceISSN ; 10105) ISBN: 9783319540719
Aszalós, L.,
Bakó, M.:
E-learning feladatok generálása.
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2017 konferencia kiadványa. Szerk.: Aradi Bernadett, Bujdosó Gyöngyi, Horváth Géza, Szokol Patrícia, Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 9-15, 2017. ISBN: 9789634732136
Aradi, B.,
Bujdosó, G.,
Horváth, G.,
Szokol, P.:
Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2017 konferencia kiadványa.
Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 475 p., 2017. ISBN: 9789634732136
Akiyama, S.,
Evertse, J.,
Pethő, A.:
On nearly linear recurrence sequences.
In: Number Theory : Diophantine Problems, Uniform Distribution and Applications. Eds.: Christian Elsholtz, Peter Grabner, Springer, Switzerland, 1-21, 2017. ISBN: 9783319553566
Nagy, D.,
Mihálydeák, T.,
Aszalós, L.:
Similarity based rough sets.
In: Rough Sets : proceedings, part II. Eds.: Lech Polkowski, Yiyu Yao, Piotr Artiemjew, Davide Ciucci, Dun Liu, Dominik Ślęzak, Beata Zielosko, Springer, Cham, 94-107, 2017, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 10314.) ISBN: 9783319608396
Dömösi, P.,
Gáll, J.,
Horváth, G.,
Tihanyi, N.:
Statistical analysis of DH1 cryptosystem.
Acta Cybern. 23 (1), 371-378, 2017.
Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics
Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q4 Information Systems and Management
Q4 Management Science and Operations Research
Q4 Software
Q4 Theoretical Computer Science
Kántor, K.,
Vaszil, G.:
Variants of P colony automata.
In: Ninth Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2017) : Short Papers. Eds.: Rudolf Freund, Frantisek Mráz, Daniel Prusa, Institut für Computersprachen TU Wien, Wien, 17-24, 2017.
Aszalós, L.,
Bakó, M.:
Correlation clustering: divide and conquer.
In: Position Papers of the 2016 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. Eds.: Maria Ganzha, Leszek Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki, Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne, Warsaw, 73-78, 2016, (Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, ISSN 2300-5963 ; vol. 9.) ISBN: 9788360810934
Aszalós, L.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
Correlation clustering by contraction, a more effective method.
In: Recent advances in computational optimization : Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2015. Ed.: Stefka Fidanova, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, [Basel], 81-95, 2016, (Studies in Computational Intelligence, ISSN 1860-949X (print), ISSN 1860-9503 (online) ; vol. 655.) ISBN: 9783319401317(print)
Tóth, R.,
Kádek, T.,
Kósa, M.,
Pánovics, J.:
Feladatajánlás döntéstámogató algoritmusokkal.
In: ENELKO 2016 XVII. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2016 XXVI. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Kolozsvár, 2016. október 6-9. Szerk.: Biró Károly-Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 300-305, 2016, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Kádek, T.,
Kósa, M.,
Pánovics, J.:
Klasszikus állapottér-reprezentációk tisztán matematikai logikai megközelítésben.
In: ENELKO 2016 XVII. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2016 XXVI. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Kolozsvár, 2016. október 6-9. Szerk.: Biró Károly-Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 226-230, 2016, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Dömösi, P.,
Gáll, J.,
Horváth, G.,
Tihanyi, N.:
On NIST test of a novel cryptosystem based on automata compositions.
In: Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science (MATCOS 2016) [elektronikus dokumentum] : zbornik 19. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2016, 12.-13. oktober 2016, [Ljubljana, Slovenija] = proceedings of the 19th International Multiconference Information Society - IS 2016, 12.-13 October 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia : zvezek H = volume H. Ed.: Andrej Brodnik, Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, 24-27, 2016. ISBN: 9789612641047
Kántor, K.,
Vaszil, G.:
On the classes of languages characterized by generalized P colony automata.
In: 14th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing. Eds.: Carmen Graciani, David Orellana-Martín, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Álvaro Romero-Jiménez, Luis Valencia-Cabrera, Fénix Editora, Sevilla, 231-246, 2016. ISBN: 9788494631610
Kiss, B.,
László, F.,
Szalai, A.,
Pórszász, R.:
Analysis of the Effect of Locally Applied Inhomogeneous Static Magnetic Field-Exposure on Mouse Ear Edema: a Double Blind Study.
PLoS One. 10 (2), 1-14, 2015.
Q1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Dömösi, P.,
Horváth, G.:
A novel cryptosystem based on Gluškov product of automata.
Acta Cybern. 22 (2), 359-371, 2015.
Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics
Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q4 Information Systems and Management
Q4 Management Science and Operations Research
Q4 Software
Q4 Theoretical Computer Science
Kádek, T.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
Az életlen halmazok elméletének néhány lehetséges alkalmazása a mesterséges intelligenciában.
In: ENELKO 2015 XVI. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2015 XXV. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Arad, 2015. október 8-11. Szerk.: Biró Károly-Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 251-256, 2015, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Huszti, A.,
Kovács, Z.:
Bilinear Pairing-based Hybrid Mixnet with Anonymity Revocation.
In: ICISSP 2015 : Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, February 9-11, 2015, in ESEO, Angers, Loire Valley, France. Eds.: Olivier Camp [et al.], Scitepress, Setúbal, 238-245, 2015. ISBN: 9789897580819
Adamkó, A.,
Kádek, T.,
Kollár, L.,
Kósa, M.,
Tóth, R.:
Cluster and discover services in the smart campus platform for online programming contests.
In: 6th IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications CogInfoCom 2015 : Proceedings, October 19-21, 2015, Széchenyi István University Győr, Hungary, IEEE, Danvers, 385-389, 2015. ISBN: 9781467381291
Fábián, R.,
Molnár, I.,
Kósa, M.,
Kádek, T.,
Pánovics, J.:
Hogyan születnek az intelligens tesztek a SmartCampusban?.
In: ENELKO 2015 XVI. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2015 XXV. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Arad, 2015. október 8-11. Szerk.: Biró Károly-Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 208-212, 2015, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Adamkó, A.,
Kádek, T.,
Kollár, L.,
Kósa, M.,
Pánovics, J.:
New challenges in smart campus applications.
In: Recent Advances in Computer Science : Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers (part of CSCC '15). Ed.: Xiaodong Zhuang, Technical University of Sofia, Zakynthos Island, Greece, 44-50, 2015, (Recent Advances in Computer Engineering Series, ISSN 1790-5109 ; 32.) ISBN: 9781618043207
Nagy, B.,
Battyányi, P.,
Bátfai, N.,
Herendi, T.,
Kovács, G.,
Gál, Z.:
New textbooks on parallel architectures, algorithms and programming.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applied Informatics January 29 - Februar 1, 2014. Eger, Hungary Volume I. [elektronikus dokumentum]. Ed.: by Kovács Emőd, Kusper Gábor, Kunkli Roland, Tómács Tibor, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Eger, 239-249, 2015. ISBN: 9786155297182
Kádek, T.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
On (in)validity of Aristotle's syllogisms relying on rough sets.
In: Proceedings of the LQMR 2015 Workshop. Eds.: Tomasz Lechowski, Przemysaw Wałęga; Michał Zawidzki, Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne, Warszawa, 35-40, 2015, (Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, ISSN 2300-5963 ; Vol. 7.) ISBN: 9788360810781
Pethő, A.,
Varga, P.,
Weitzer, M.:
On shift radix systems over imaginary quadratic Euclidean domains.
Acta Cybern. 22 (2), 485-498, 2015.
Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics
Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q4 Information Systems and Management
Q4 Management Science and Operations Research
Q4 Software
Q4 Theoretical Computer Science
Tóth, R.,
Kósa, M.,
Kádek, T.,
Pánovics, J.:
ProgContR: mentor alkalmazás a SmartCampusban.
In: ENELKO 2015 XVI. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2015 XXV. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Arad, 2015. október 8-11. Szerk.: Biró Károly-Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 328-333, 2015, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Aszalós, L.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
Rough cassification in incomplete databases by correlation clustering.
In: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology. Eds.: José M. Alonso, Humberto Bustince, Marek Reformat, Atlantis Press, Gijon, 667-674, 2015, (Advances in Intelligence Systems Research, ISSN 1951-6851 ; vol. 89.) ISBN: 9789462520776
Bojda, B.,
Takácsné Bubnó, K.,
Nagy, B.,
Takács, V.:
A graphical representation of Boolean logic.
In: Diagrammatic representation and inference : 8th international conference, Diagrams 2014, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, July 28 - August 1, 2014. Proceedings. Ed.: Tim Dwyer Tim et al, Springer, Berlin, 228-230, 2014, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 8578) ISBN: 9783662440421
Bérczes, A.,
Hajdu, L.,
Hirata-Kohno, N.,
Kovács, T.,
Pethő, A.:
A key exchange protocol based on Diophantine equations and S-integers.
JSIAM Letters. 6 (0), 85-88, 2014.
Herendi, T.,
Major, S.:
Efficient random number generation on FPGAs.
In: ICAI 2014: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applied Informatics, vol. 1-2 / Kovács Emőd, Kusper Gábor, Kunkli Roland, Tómács Tibor, Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola, Eger, 313-320, 2014. ISBN: 9786155297182
Aszalós, L.,
Bakó, M.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
Email labelling by rough clustering.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applied Informatics January 29 - Februar 1, 2014. Eger, Hungary Volume I [elektronikus dokumentum]. Ed.: by Kovács Emőd, Kusper Gábor, Kunkli Roland, Tómács Tibor, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Eger, 19-26, 2014. ISBN: 9786155297182
Kádek, T.,
Pánovics, J.:
Extended breadth-first search algorithm in practice.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applied Informatics January 29 - Februar 1, 2014. Eger, Hungary Volume I. [elektronikus dokumentum]. Eds.: Emőd Kovács, Gábor Kusper, Roland Kunkli, Tibor Tómács, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Eger, 59-66, 2014. ISBN: 9786155297182
Adamkó, A.,
Kádek, T.,
Kósa, M.:
Intelligent and adaptive services for a smart campus: Visions, concepts and applications.
In: 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications CogInfoCom 2014 : Proceedings, Vietri sul Mare, Italy. Ed.: Péter Baranyi, IEEE, Danvers, 505-509, 2014. ISBN: 9781479972814
Takács, P.,
Csajbók, Z.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
Multiset számítások R-ben = Multiset computations in R.
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2014 konferencia [elektronikus dokumentum] : konferencia kiadvány. Szerk.: Kunkli Roland, Papp Ildikó, Rutkovszky Edéné ; [rend., közread. a] Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar, Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 793-814, 2014. ISBN: 9789634737124
Pethő, A.,
Tengely, S.:
On composite rational functions.
In: Number theory, analysis, and combinatorics : Proceedings of the Paul Turán Memorial Conference held August 22-26, 2011 in Budapest. Ed.: by János Pintz, András Biró, Kálmán Győry, Gergely Harcos, Miklós Simonovits, József Szabados, De Gruyter, Berlin, 241-259, 2014. ISBN: 9783110282375
Akiyama, S.,
Steiner, W.,
Brunotte, H.,
Pethő, A.,
Thuswaldner, J.:
Problems and conjectures around shift radix systems.
Open Probl. Math. 2 1-5, 2014.
Kádek, T.,
Kósa, M.,
Pánovics, J.:
Programozási ismeretek mérése a ProgCont rendszerrel.
In: ENELKO 2014 XV. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2014 XXIV. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Székelyudvarhely, 2014. október 9-12. Szerk.: Biró Károly Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 188-191, 2014, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Kádek, T.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
Some fundamental laws of partial first-order logic based on set approximations.
In: Rough Sets and Current Trends in Soft Computing : 9th International Conference, RSCTC 2014, Granada and Madrid, Spain, July 9-13, 2014, Proceedings. Eds.: Cornelis, C., Kryszkiewicz, M., Slezak, D., Menasalvas Ruiz, E., Bello, R., Shang, L, Springer, Cham, 47-58, 2014, (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, ISSN 0302-9743 ; vol. 8536.) ISBN: 9783319086439
Kádek, T.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
Some unexpected properties of partial propositional logic based on partial approximation space.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applied Informatics January 29 - Februar 1, 2014. Eger, Hungary Volume I. [elektronikus dokumentum]. Eds.: Emőd Kovács, Gábor Kusper, Roland Kunkli, Tibor Tómács, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Eger, 51-58, 2014. ISBN: 9786155297182
Bojda, B.,
Takácsné Bubnó, K.,
Nagy, B.,
Takács, V.:
Visualization and efficiency in teaching mathematics.
In: International Joint Conference SOCO'14-CISIS'14-ICEUTE'14 Bilbao, Spain, June 25th-27th, 2014, Proceedings. Eds.: José Gaviria de la Puerta et al, Springer, Cham, 555-564, 2014, (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISSN 2194-5357 ; 299.) ISBN: 9783319079943
Kádek, T.,
Pánovics, J.:
Általános állapottér modell.
In: ENELKO 2013 XIV. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2013 XXIII. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Nagyszeben, 2013. október 10-13. Szerk.: Biró Károly Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 214-218, 2013, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Csajbók, Z.,
Mihálydeák, T.,
Ködmön, J.:
An adequate representation of medical data based on partial set approximation.
In: Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, 12th IFIP TC8 International Conference, CISIM 2013, Krakow, Poland, September 25-27, 2013, Proceedings. Eds.: Khalid Saeed, Rituparna Chaki, Agostino Cortesi, Slawomir Wierzchon, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 120-128, 2013. ISBN: 9783642409240
Mihálydeák, T.,
Csajbók, Z.:
A Species Distribution Framework Relying on Membrane Computing with Boundaries.
In: Association Computability in Europe (CiE) 2013 The Nature of Computation, Logic, Algorithms, Applications, July 1-5, 2013, Milan. Ed.: Paola Bonizzoni, Vasco Brattka, Gianluca Della Vedova, Benedikt Löwe, Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milan, 151-160, 2013.
Fésüs, M.,
Vaszil, G.:
Chemical programming and membrane systems.
In: 14th International Conference on Membrane Computing, CMC 14, Chisinau, Moldova, August 20-23, 2013, Proceedings / (eds.) Artiom Alhazov, Svetlana Cojocaru, Marian Gheorghe, Yurii Rogozhin, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, 313-316, 2013. ISBN: 9789975423724
Mihálydeák, T.,
Csajbók, Z.,
Takács, P.:
Communication Rules Working in Generated Membrane Boundaries.
In: International Conference on Membrane Computing CMC14, Chișinău, Moldova, August 20-23, 2013, Proceedings. Ed.: Artiom Alhazov [et al.], Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chișinău, 241-254, 2013. ISBN: 9789975423724
Kutrib, M.,
Provillard, J.,
Vaszil, G.,
Wendlandt, M.:
Deterministic one-way Turing machines with sublinear space bounds.
In: Fifth Workshop on Non-Classical Models for Automata and Applications - NCMA 2013, Umea, Sweden, August 13-14, 2013, Proceedings / (eds.) Suna Bensch, Frank Drewes, Rudolf Freund, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Wien, 195-298, 2013. ISBN: 9783854032946
Szabó, R.,
Farkas, K.,
Ispány, M.,
Benczúr, A.,
Bátfai, N.,
Jeszenszky, P.,
Laki, S.,
Vágner, A.,
Kollár, L.,
Sidló, C.,
Besenczi, R.,
Smajda, M.,
Kövér, G.,
Szincsák, T.,
Kádek, T.,
Kósa, M.,
Adamkó, A.,
Lendák, I.,
Wiandt, B.,
Tomás, T.,
Nagy, A.,
Fehér, G.:
Framework for smart city applications based on participatory sensing.
In: 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications CogInfoCom 2013 : Proceedings, December 2-5, 2013 Budapest, Hungary. Ed.: Péter Baranyi, IEEE, Danvers, 295-300, 2013. ISBN: 9781479915439
Csajbók, Z.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
Fuzziness in Partial Approximation Framework.
In: Proceedings of the 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, September 8-11, 2013. Kraków, Poland. Ed.: Maria Ganzha, Leszek Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki, Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne (PTI), IEEE Computer Society Press, Warsaw, Los Alamitos, 35-41, 2013. ISBN: 9781467344715
Kádek, T.,
Kósa, M.:
Intelligens campus Debrecenben.
In: ENELKO 2013 XIV. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2013 XXIII. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Nagyszeben, 2013. október 10-13. Szerk.: Biró Károly Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 210-213, 2013, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Vergallo, C.,
Dini, L.,
Szamosvölgyi, Z.,
Tenuzzo, B.,
Carata, E.,
Panzarini, E.,
László, F.:
In Vitro Analysis of the Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Inhomogeneous Static Magnetic Field-Exposure on Human Macrophages and Lymphocytes.
PLoS One. 8 (8), e72374-, 2013.
D1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
D1 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Csuhaj-Varjú, E.,
Gheorghe, M.,
Rozenberg, G.,
Salomaa, A.,
Vaszil, G.:
Membrane Computing 13th International Conference, CMC 2012, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-31, 2012, Revised Selected Papers.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 425 p., 2013. ISBN: 9783642367502
Mihálydeák, T.,
Csajbók, Z.:
Membranes with Boundaries.
In: Membrane Computing : 13th International Conference, CMC 2012, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-31, 2012 : Revised Selected Papers. Ed.: Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju, Marian Gheorghe, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa, György Vaszil, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 277-294, 2013, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7762) ISBN: 9783642367502
Csuhaj-Varjú, E.,
Vaszil, G.:
On counter machines versus dP automata.
In: 14th International Conference on Membrane Computing, CMC 14, Chisinau, Moldova, August 20-23, 2013, Proceedings. Eds.: Artiom Alhazov, Svetlana Cojocaru, Marian Gheorghe, Yurii Rogozhin, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, 117-130, 2013. ISBN: 9789975423724
Nagy, B.:
On Efficient Algorithms for SAT.
In: Membrane Computing : 13th International Conference, CMC 2012, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-31, 2012, Revised Selected Papers. Ed.: Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Marian Gheorghe, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa, György Vaszil, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 295-310, 2013, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7762) ISBN: 9783642367502(Print)
Hegedüs, L.,
Nagy, B.:
On String Reading Stateless Multicounter 5'->3' Watson-Crick Automata.
In: Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation 12th International Conference, UCNC 2013, Milan, Italy, July 1-5, 2013. Proceedings. Eds.: Giancarlo Mauri, Alberto Dennunzio, Luca Manzoni, Antonio E. Porreca, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 257-258, 2013, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7956.)
Csuhaj-Varjú, E.,
Vaszil, G.:
On the power of P automata.
In: Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation : 12th International Conference, UCNC 2013, Milan, Italy, July 1-5, 2013. Proceedings. Eds.: Giancarlo Mauri, Alberto Dennunzio, Luca Manzoni, Antonio E. Porreca, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 55-66, 2013, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7956.) ISBN: 9783642390739
Mihálydeák, T.,
Csajbók, Z.:
Partial Approximation of Multisets and its Applications in Membrane Computing.
In: International Conference, RSKT 2013, Halifax, NS, Canada, October 11-14, 2013, Proceedings. Ed.: Pawan Lingras [et al.], Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 99-108, 2013. ISBN: 9783642412981
Aszalós, L.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
Rough clustering generated by correlation clustering.
In: Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing : 14th International Conference, RSFDGrC 2013, Halifax, NS, Canada, October 11-14, 2013. Proceedings. Ed.: Davide Ciucci, Masahiro Inuiguchi, Yiyu Yao, Dominik Ślęzak, Guoyin Wang, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 315-324, 2013, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8170) ISBN: 9783642412172
Halász, V.,
Hegedüs, L.,
Hornyák, I.,
Nagy, B.:
Solving application oriented graph theoretical problems with DNA computing.
In: Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2012) vol 1.. Ed.: Jagdish Chand Bansal, Pramod Kumar Singh, Kusum Deep, Millie Pant, Atulya K. Nagar, Springer, India, 75-85, 2013, (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ; 201) ISBN: 9788132210375(Print)
Csuhaj-Varjú, E.,
Gheorghe, M.,
Vaszil, G.:
13th International Conference on Membrane Computing: CMC13, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-31, 2012 : Proceedings.
MTA SZTAKI, Budapest, 461 p., 2012. ISBN: 9789633113721
Csajbók, Z.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
A General Set Theoretic Approximation Framework.
In: Advances in computational intelligence : 14th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU 2012, Catania, Italy, July 9-13, 2012. Proceedings. Part I.. Ed.: by Salvatore Greco, Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Giulianella Coletti, Mario Fedrizzi, Benedetto Matarazzo, Ronald R. Yager, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 604-612, 2012, (Communications in computer and information science,1865-0929 ; 297) ISBN: 9783642317088
Kádek, T.,
Kósa, M.,
Pánovics, J.:
A ProgCont szoftverrel támogatott programozó versenyek tapasztalatai.
In: New Technologies in Science, Research and Education. Szerk.: Veronika Stoffová, János Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia, 152-157, 2012. ISBN: 9788081220630
Csajbók, Z.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
A Tool-Based Set Theoretic Framework for Concept Approximation.
In: Formal Concept Analysis, ICFCA 2012 / (eds.) Florent Domenach, Dmitry Ignatov, Jonas Poelmans, Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 53-68, 2012. ISBN: 9789081409957
Nagy, B.:
Cellular topology on the triangular grid.
In: Combinatorial Image Analysis : 15th International Workshop, Iwcia 2012, Austin, Tx, USA, November 28-30, 2012, Proceedings, Springer, New York, 143-153, 2012.
Herendi, T.,
Aszalós, L.:
Density of tautologies in logics with one variable.
Acta Cybern. 20 (3), 385-398, 2012.
Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics
Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q3 Information Systems and Management
Q4 Management Science and Operations Research
Q4 Software
Q4 Theoretical Computer Science
Lukic, T.,
Nagy, B.:
Energy-Minimization Based Discrete Tomography Reconstruction Method for Images on Triangular Grid.
In: Combinatorial Image Analysis : 15th International Workshop, Iwcia 2012, Austin, Tx, USA, November 28-30, 2012, Proceedings, Springer, New York, 274-284, 2012. ISBN: 9783642347313
Mihálydeák, T.:
First-order Logic with Approximative Functors Based on Properties.
In: Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence : 7th International Conference, RSKT 2012, Chengdu, China, August 17-20, 2012. Proceedings. Ed.: Tianrui Li, Hung Son Nguyen, Guoying Wang, Jerzy Grzymala-Busse, Ryszard Janicki, Aboul Ella Hassien, Hong Yu, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 514-523, 2012, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7414) ISBN: 9783642318993
Bojda, B.,
Máji, G.,
Mezőfi, G.,
Nagy, B.:
Interactive and intelligent business support.
In: INES 2012 : IEEE 16th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, IEEE, Lissbon, 323-328, 2012.
Kádek, T.:
JavaScript függvénykönyvtár matematikai logika oktatásához.
In: ENELKO 2012 XIII. Nemzetközi Energetika-elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2012 XXII. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és oktatás Konferencia, Gyulafehérvár, 2012. október 11-14. Szerk.: Biró Károly Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 259-262, 2012, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Aszalós, L.,
Bakó, M.:
Korreláció-klaszterezés feladatának közelítő megoldása optimalizálási módszerekkel.
In: Agrárinformatika 2012 Konferencia : Innovatív információtechnológiák az agrárgazdaságban 21-22. September, 2012, Debrecen, Hungary/ szerk. Miklós Herdon, Róbert Silágyi, Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics, Debrecen, 166-175, 2012. ISBN: 9786155094088
Mihálydeák, T.,
Csajbók, Z.:
Membranes with local environments.
In: 13th International Conference on Membrane Computing : Budapest ..., August 28-31, 2012 : proceedings / (eds.) Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Marian Gheorghe, György Vaszil, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 311-322, 2012. ISBN: 9789633113721
Nagy, B.:
On efficient algorithms for SAT.
In: 13th International Conference on Membrane Computing : Budapest ..., August 28-31, 2012 : proceedings / (eds.) Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Marian Gheorghe, György Vaszil, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 323-339, 2012.
Huszti, A.,
Aszalós, L.:
Payment approval for PayWord.
In: Information Security Applications 13th International Workshop, WISA 2012, Jeju Island, Korea, August 16-18, 2012, Revised Selected Papers. / Dong Hoon Lee, Mot Yung (eds.), Springer, Berlin ; New York, 161-176, 2012, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7690)
Moisi, E.,
Cretu, V.,
Nagy, B.:
Reconstruction of Binary Images Represented on Equilateral Triangular Grid Using Evolutionary Algorithms.
In: Soft Computing Applications : Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop Soft Computing Applications / Valentina Emilia Balas, János Fodor, Annamária R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, József Dombi, Lakhmi C. Jain eds, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 561-571, 2012, (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ; 195)
Halász, V.,
Hornyák, I.,
Hegedüs, L.,
Nagy, B.:
Solving application oriented graph theoretical problems with DNA computing.
In: How the world computes : Turing Centenary Conference And 8th Conference On Computability In Europe, CIE 2012, Cambridge, UK, June 18-23, 2012 : abstracts of informal presentations, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 105, 2012.
Csajbók, Z.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
A General Tool-Based ApproximationFramework Based on Partial Approximation of Sets.
In: Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing : 13th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC-2011), June 25-27, 2011, Moscow, Russia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series : Proceedings / Sergei O. Kuznetsov, Dominik Slezak, Daryl H. Hepting, Boris G. Mirkin (eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 52-59, 2011, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6743.) ISBN: 9783642218804
Kovács, Z.,
Pénzes, A.:
A Haskell implementation of an attack on Dömösi's cryptosystem.
In: 8th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science MaCS 2010 : Komárno, Slovakia, July 14-17, 2010 : selected papers. Ed.: Horia F. Pop, Antal Bege, Novadat, Győr, 311-322, 2011.
Aszalós, L.,
Huszti, A.:
Applying Spi-calculus for PayWord.
In: Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics : Eger, Hungary, January 27 - 30, 2010. Ed.: Attila Egri-Nagy [et al.], [Eszterházy Károly Főiskola], [Eger], 295-302, [2011]. ISBN: 9789639894723
Nagy, B.:
Átlátszóbetűs automaták.
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2011 konferencia [elektronikus dokumentum] : konferencia kiadvány. Szerk.: Cser László, Herdon Miklós, Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 362-367, 2011. ISBN: 9789634734611
Csuhaj-Varjú, E.,
Masopust, T.,
Vaszil, G.:
Blackhole Pushdown Automata.
Fund. Inform. 112 (2-3), 137-156, 2011.
Q4 Algebra and Number Theory
Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics
Q3 Information Systems
Q3 Theoretical Computer Science
Ter Beek, M.,
Csuhaj-Varjú, E.,
Holzer, M.,
Vaszil, G.:
Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems: Components with Nonincreasin g Competence.
In: Computation, Cooperation, and Life : Essays Dedicated to Gheorghe Pau n on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday / Jozef Kelemen, Alica Kelemenová (ed.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 70-89, 2011, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6610) ISBN: 9783642199998
Takács, P.,
Mihálydeák, T.:
Demonstration of the Modified CSN-logic.
In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI2010) Vol. 1. / edited by Attila Egri-Nagy, Emőd Kovács, Gergely Kovásznai, Gábor Kusper, Tibor Tómács, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Eger, 135-148, 2011.
Nagy, B.,
Otto, F.:
Deterministic pushdown-CD-systems of stateless deterministic R(1)-automata.
In: Automata and Formal Languages : 13rd International Conference, AFL 2011, Debrecen, Hungary, August 17-22, 2011 : proceedings. Szerk.: Pál Dömösi, Szabolcs Iván, Novadat, Győr, 328-342, 2011.
Bakó, M.,
Aszalós, L.:
E-learning material for teaching logic.
In: 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment: HAICTA 2011. Skiathos, Görögország, 2011.09.08-2011.09.11. / Michail Salampasis, Aris Matopoulos, HAICTA, Skiathos, 361-372, 2011. ISBN: 9789608902411
Bakó, M.,
Aszalós, L.:
E-tananyagok a TÁMOP pályázat jegyzeteiből.
In: Agrárinformatika 2011 Konferencia = Agricultural Informatics Conference : Innovativ információtechnológiák az agrárgazdaságban. Szerk.: Herdon Miklós, Rózsa Tünde, Szilágyi Róbert, Debreceni Egyetem Agrártudományi Centrum, Debrecen, 234-240, 2011. ISBN: 9786155094057
Dömösi, P.,
Falucskai, J.,
Horváth, G.,
Mecsei, Z.,
Nagy, B.:
Formális nyelvek és automaták.
Lektorált Internetes Kiadvány, Debrecen, 239 p., 2011.
Nagy, B.,
Otto, F.:
Globally deterministic CD-systems of stateless R(1)-automata.
In: Language and Automata Theory and Applications : 5th International Conference, LATA 2011, Tarragona, Spain, May 26-31, 2011. Proceedings. Eds.: Adrian-Horia Dediu, Shunsuke Inenaga, Carlos Martín-Vide, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 390-401, 2011, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6638)
Nagy, B.,
Hegedüs, L.,
Eǧecioǧlu, Ö.:
Hierarchy Results On Stateless Multicounter 5' -> 3' Watson-Crick Automata.
In: Advances in Computational Intelligence : 11th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2011, Torremolinos-Málaga, Spain, June 8-10, 2011, Proceedings, Part I.. Eds.: Joan Cabestany, Ignacio Rojas, Gonzalo Joya, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 465-472, 2011, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6691) ISBN: 9783642215001
Nagy, B.,
Barczi-Veres, K.:
Isoperimetrically optimal polygons in the triangular grid.
In: Combinatorial Image Analysis : 14th International Workshop, IWCIA 2011, Madrid, Spain, May 23-25, 2011. Proceedings / Jake K. Aggarwal, Reneta P. Barneva, Valentin E. Brimkov, Kostadin N. Koroutchev, Elka R. Korutcheva (szerk.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 194-207, 2011, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743 ; 6636.) ISBN: 9783642210723
Aszalós, L.:
Közösségi feladatgyűjtemény.
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2011 konferencia [elektronikus dokumentum] : konferencia kiadvány. Szerk.: Cser László, Herdon Miklós, Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 511-517, 2011.
Bakó, M.,
Aszalós, L.:
Learning environments in eBook format.
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Virtual Learning : Models & methodologies, technologies, software solutions : Phase II - Period 2010-2020: e-Skills for the 21st Century / Marin Vlada, Grigore Albeanu, Dorin Mircea Popovici, Bucharest University Press, Bucuresti, 414-420, 2011, (1844-8933)
Csuhaj-Varjú, E.,
Vaszil, G.:
On the number of components and clusters of non-returning parallel communicating grammar systems.
In: Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems : Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Descriptional complexity of formal systems / Markus Holzer, Martin Kutrib, Giovanni Pighizzini eds, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 121-134, 2011. ISBN: 9783642225994
Vaszil, G.:
On the Parallelizability of Languages Accepted by P Automata.
In: Computation, Cooperation, and Life : Essays Dedicated to Gheorghe P\u aun on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Ed.: Jozef Kelemen, Alica Kelemenová, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 170-178, 2011, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 6610)
Kádek, T.,
Kósa, M.,
Pánovics, J.:
Programozó versenyek támogatása webes alkalmazással.
In: ENELKO 2011 XII. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2011 XXI. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Kolozsvár, 2011. október 6-9. Szerk.: Biró Károly-Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 184-187, 2011, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Nagy, B.:
Pumping lemmas for special linear languages.
In: 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics, ICAI 2010 / A. Egri-Nagy, E. Kovács, G. Kovásznai, G. Kusper, T. Tómács, BVB Nyomda és Kiadó Kft., Eger, vol II 73-81, 2011.
Nagy, B.,
Ottóffy, G.,
Vollweiler, M.:
Pushdown Automata with Translucent Pushdown Symbols.
In: 21. Theorietag Automaten und Formale Sprachen / Jürgen Dassow, Bianca Truthe (Hrsg.), Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Magdeburg, 89-92, 2011.
Aszalós, L.,
Bátfai, N.,
Csirmaz, L.,
Folláth, J.,
Hajduné Pocsai, E.,
Herendi, T.,
Kovács, T.,
Matolcsy, Z.,
Pethő, A.,
Varga, P.:
Secure utilization of local and regional data assets through mobile environments.
In: Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics : Eger, Hungary, January 27 - 30, 2010. Ed.: Attila Egri-Nagy [et al.], [Eszterházy Károly Főiskola], [Eger], 265-272, [2011]. ISBN: 9789639894723
Nagy, B.,
Otto, F.:
An automata-theoretical characterization of context-free trace languages.
In: SOFSEM 2010: Theory and Practice of Computer Science 36th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Špindleruv Mlýn, Czech Republic, January 23-29, 2010 : Proceedings. Ed.: Jan van Leeuwen, [et al.], Springer, Heidelberg, 406-417, 2010.
Nagy, B.:
An automata-theoretic characterization of the Chomsky-hierarchy.
In: Theory and Applications of Models of Computation : 7th Annual Conference, TAMC 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, June 7-11, 2010 : Proceedings. Ed.: Jan Kratochvíl ; Angsheng Li ; Jirí Fiala ; Petr Kolman, Springer, Heidelberg, 361-372, 2010.
Nagy, B.,
Otto, F.:
CD-Systems of Stateless Deterministic R(1)-Automata Accept all Rational Trace Languages.
In: Language and Automata Theory and Applications : 4th International Conference, LATA 2010, Trier, Germany, May 24-28, 2010 : Proceedings. Ed.: Adrian-Horia Dediu ; Henning Fernau ; Carlos Martín-Vide, Springer, Heidelberg, 463-474, 2010.
Nagy, B.:
Derivation trees for context-sensitive grammars.
In: Automata, Formal Languages and Algebraic Systems : Proceedings of AFLAS 2008 Kyoto, Japan, 20 - 22 September 2008. Szerk.: Masami Ito, Yuji Kobayashi, Kunitaka Shoji, World Scientific, Singapore, 179-199, 2010.
Nagy, B.,
Battyányi, P.:
In: Programs, proofs, processes : 6th conference on computability in Europe, CIE 2010, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, June 30 - July 4, 2010. proceedings / [edited by] Fernando Ferreira, Benedikt Loewe, Elvira Mayordomo, Springer, New York, 281-290, 2010.
Kádek, T.:
Gentzen-levezetések generálása oktatási célú számítógépes támogatással.
In: ENELKO 2010 XI. Nemzetközi Energetika-Elektrotechnika Konferencia, SzámOkt 2010 XX. Nemzetközi Számítástechnika és Oktatás Konferencia, Szatmárnémeti, 2010. október 7-10. Szerk.: Biró Károly-Ágoston, Sebestyén-Pál György, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj-Napoca, 136-139, 2010, (ISSN 1842-4546)
Nagy, B.:
On a hierarchy of permutation languages.
In: Automata, Formal Languages and Algebraic Systems : Proceedings of AFLAS 2008 Kyoto, Japan, 20 - 22 September 2008. Szerk.: Masami Ito, Yuji Kobayashi, Kunitaka Shoji, World Scientific, Singapore, 163-178, 2010.
Leupold, P.,
Nagy, B.:
5'->3' Watson-Crick automata with several runs.
In: Workshop on non-classical models of automata and applications (NCMA). Közread.: Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA), Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA), Wroclaw, 167-180, 2009.
Nagy, B.,
Varga, P.:
A new normal form for context-sensitive grammars.
In: SOFSEM 2009 : 35th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic. Vol. II.. Ed.: Nielsen, Mogens, Antonin Kucera, Peter Bro Miltersen, Catuscia Palamidessi, Petr Tuma Frank, Mary Valencia Bieliková, Matfyzpress, Prague, 60-71, 2009. ISBN: 9788073780593
Aszalós, L.,
Herzig, A.:
A protocol for execution of distributed logic programs.
In: Intelligent distributed computing III [elektronikus dokumentum] : proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing, IDC 2009, Ayia Napa, Cyrus, October 2009 / George Angelos Papadopoulos and Costin Badica (eds.), Springer, Aya Napa, Cyprus, 21-30, 2009. ISBN: 9783642032141
Nagy, B.:
Graphs of generative grammars.
In: 10th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics Budapest, 2009, November 12-14. Proceedings. Magyar Kutatók 10. Nemzetközi Szimpóziuma. Ed.: Anikó Szakál, Budapest Tech. : Magyar Fuzzy Társ., Budapest, 339-350, 2009.
Nagy, B.:
Isometric transformations of the dual of the hexagonal lattice.
In: Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2009. ISPA 2009.16-18 September, 2009, Salzburg, Austria. Ed.: Peter Zinterhof, IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, 432-437, 2009.
Nagy, B.,
Strand, R.:
Neighborhood Sequences in the Diamond Grid: algorithms with Four Neighbors.
In: Combinatorial Image Analysis : 13th International Workshop, IWCIA 2009, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, November 24-27, 2009. Proceedings. Ed.: David Hutchison [et al.], Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg, 111-123, 2009, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Nagy, B.,
Strand, R.:
Neighborhood Sequences on nD Hexagonal/Face-Centered-Cubic Grids.
In: Combinatorial Image Analysis : 13th International Workshop, IWCIA 2009, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, November 24-27, 2009. Proceedings. Ed.: David Hutchison [et al.], Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg, 98-110, 2009.
Nagy, B.:
On a hierarchy of 5'->3' sensing WK finite automata languages.
In: Mathematical theory and computational practice. 5th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2009, Heidelberg, Germany, July 19-24, 2009. [elektronikus dokumentum]. Eds.: Klaus Ambos-Spies, Benedict Löwe, Wolfgang Merkle, University of Heidelberg Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science Group, Heidelberg, 266-275, 2009.
Nagy, B.:
Permutation languages in formal linguistics.
In: Bio-Inspired Systems: Computational and Ambient Intelligence : 10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009, Salamanca, Spain, June 10-12, 2009. Proceedings, Part I.. Ed.: Joan Cabestany ; Francisco Sandoval ; Alberto Prieto ; Juan M. Corchado, Springer, Heidelberg, 504-511, 2009.
Bakó, M.,
Aszalós, L.:
Play and learn with GCompris.
In: Proc. 5th International Colloquium on the Didactics of Mathematics. Vol. 2.. Eds.: M. Kourkoulos, C. Tzanakis, University of Crete Department of Education, Rethymnon, 353-362, 2009.
Nagy, Z.,
Rutkovszky, E.,
Aszalós, L.:
Az Európai Képesítési Keretrendszer tükröződése az Euro-Inf akkreditációs követelményekben.
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban, 2008. Szerk.: Pethő Attila, Herdon Miklós, Debreceni Egyetem, Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 1-7, 2008.
Tóth, T.,
Aszalós, L.,
Nagy, Z.:
Minőségbiztosítási megoldások, szabványok és elvárások az informatika oktatásának területén.
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban, 2008. Szerk.: Pethő Attila, Herdon Miklós, Debreceni Egyetem, Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 1-5, 2008.
Nagy, B.,
Strand, R.:
Non-traditional grids embedded in Zn.
Int. J. of Shape Mod. 14 (2), 209-228, 2008.
Q3 Applied Mathematics
Q3 Computer Science Applications
Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Q3 Geometry and Topology
Q2 Modeling and Simulation
Q3 Software
Tichy, R.,
Fuchs, C.,
Pethő, A.,
Schlickewei, H.,
Schmidt, K.:
On the diophantine equation Gn(x)=Gm(y) with Q(x,y)=0.
In: Diophantine Approximations, Springer, Wien-New York, 199-209, 2008.
Aszalós, L.,
Rutkovszky, E.,
Nagy, Z.:
PTI BSC szak EU akkreditációjának tapasztalatai.
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban, 2008. Szerk.: Pethő Attila, Herdon Miklós, Debreceni Egyetem, Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 1-11, 2008.
Tajti, Á.,
Nagy, B.:
Solving Tripartite Matching by Interval-valued Computation in Polynomial Time.
In: Logic and theory of algorithms : 4th conference on computability in Europe, CIE 2008, Athens, Greece, June 15-20, 2008 proceedings / [edited by] Arnold Beckmann, Costas Dimitracopoulos, Benedikt Loewe, Springer, New York, 435-444, 2008.
Dediu, A.,
Bel-Enguix, G.,
Jiménez-López, M.,
Nagy, B.:
Computing trees with contextual hypergraph grammars.
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Non-Classical Formal Languages in Linguistics-ForLing 2007. Ed.: by Gemma Bel-Enguix, M. Dolores Jiménez-López, Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics, Tarragona, 39-53, 2007.
Fazekas, G.,
Bognár, K.,
Juhász, I.:
Co-operative research centre for information technology in Debrecen (ITCRC).
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics, January 28-31, 2007. Eger, Hungary. Szerk.: Kovács Emőd, Olajos Péter, Tómács Tibor, BVB Nyomda és Kiadó, Eger, 7-14, 2007.
Folláth, J.,
Huszti, A.,
Pethő, A.:
Designin asymmetric authentication system.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary, January 28-31, 2007.. Szerk.: Emőd Kovács, Péter Olajos, Tibor Tómács, BVB Nyomda és Kiadó, Eger, 55-63, 2007.
Nagy, B.,
Vályi, S.:
Interval-valued computations without the product operator.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary, January 28-31, 2007.. Szerk.: Emőd Kovács, Péter Olajos, Tibor Tómács, BVB Nyomda és Kiadó, Eger, 83-90, 2007.
Dediu, A.,
Cristea, P.,
Tabus, I.,
Tuduce, R.,
Nagy, B.:
Self-assembling tilings of Boolean tree-like circuits modelled by contextual hypergraph grammars.
In: Proceedings of NSIP 2007 - International Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing / Paul Dan Cristea, Ioan Tabus, Rodica Tuduce editors, University POLITECHNICA of Bucharest, Bucharest, 150-153, 2007.
Nagy, B.,
Orosz, Á.:
Simple digital objects on Z2.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics : Eger, Hungary, January 28-31, 2007.. Szerk.: Emőd Kovács, Péter Olajos, Tibor Tómács, BVB Nyomda és Kiadó, Eger, 137-144, 2007.
Nagy, B.,
Vályi, S.:
Visual reasoning by generalized interval-values and interval temporal logic.
In: Proceedings of the VLL 2007 workshop on Visual Languages and Logic in Coeur d'Aléne, Idaho, USA, 23rd September 2007 as part of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL/HCC 07. Ed.: by Philip Cox, Andrew Fish, John Howse, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Coeur d'Alene, 13-26, 2007.
Nagy, B.,
Strand, R.:
Approximating Euclidean Distance Using Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-standard Three-Dimensional Grids.
In: Combinatorial Image Analysis : 11th International Workshop, IWCIA 2006, Berlin, Germany, June 19 - 21, 2006 : proceedings / (eds.) Ralf Reulke, Ulrich Eckardt, Boris Flach, Uwe Knauer, Konrad Polthier, Springer, Heidelberg, 89-100, 2006, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4040.)
Akiyama, S.,
Borbély, T.,
Brunotte, H.,
Pethő, A.,
Thuswaldner, J.:
Basic properties of shift radix systems.
Acta Math. Acad. Paedag. Nyíregyh. 22 19-25, 2006.
Q2 Education
Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Dediu, A.,
Klempien-Hinrichs, R.,
Kreowski, H.,
Nagy, B.:
Contextual Hypergraph Grammars: A New Approach to the Generation of Hypergraph Languages.
In: Developments in Language Theory : 10th International Conference, DLT 2006, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 26 - 29, 2006 : proceedings / (eds.) Oscar H. Ibarra, Zhe Dang, Springer, Heidelberg, 327-338, 2006, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4036.)
Szász, B.,
Saraniva, A.,
Bognár, K.,
Unzeitig, M.,
Karjalainen, M.:
Cultural heritage on the semantic web: the Museum24 project.
In: Digital Semantic Content across Cultures. Eds.: Eero Hyvönen, Pekka Silvennoinen, Francis Jutand, Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo), Paris, [1-10], 2006.
Strand, R.,
Nagy, B.,
Fouard, C.,
Borgefors, G.:
Generating Distance Maps with Neighbourhood Sequences.
In: Discrete geometry for computer imagery : 13th International Conference, DGCI 2006, Szeged, Hungary, October 25 - 27, 2006 : proceedings / (eds.) Attila Kuba, László G. Nyúl, Kálmán Palágyi, Springer, Heidelberg, 295-307, 2006, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4245.)
Nagy, B.,
Nagy, B.:
Geometry of neighborhood sequences in hexagonal grid.
In: Discrete geometry for computer imagery : 13th International Conference, DGCI 2006, Szeged, Hungary, October 25 - 27, 2006 : proceedings / (eds.) Attila Kuba, László G. Nyúl, Kálmán Palágyi, Springer, Heidelberg, 53-64, 2006, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4245.)
Nagy, B.:
Left-most derivation and shadow-pushdown automata for context-sensitive languages.
In: Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Comouters, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 13-15, 2006, WSEAS, Athen, 962-967, 2006.
Kósa, M.,
Nagy, B.,
Pánovics, J.:
Megoldáskereső algoritmusok hatékonyságának vizsgálata az állapottér-reprezentációk függvényében.
In: SzámOkt 2006. -XVI. Számítástechnika az oktatásban : Nemzetközi Konferencia = 16th International Conference in Computer Science and Education : Sovata, 2006, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Cluj Napoca, 76-81, 2006.
Nagy, B.:
Reasoning by Intervals.
In: Diagrammatic Representation and Inference : 4th International Conference, Diagrams 2006, Stanford, CA, USA, June 28 - 30, 2006 : proceedings / (eds.) Dave Barker-Plummer, Richard Cox, Nik Swoboda, Springer, Heidelberg, 145-147, 2006, (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4045.)
Nagy, B.,
Vályi, S.:
Solving a PSPACE-complete problem by a linear interval-valued computation.
In: Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers : Second Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2006 Swansea, UK, June 30-July 5, 2006 Proceedings / Arnold Beckmann, [et al.] (eds.), Springer, Berlin ; New York, 216-225, cop 2006, (Lecture notes in computer science,0302-9743 ; 3988)
Barbaiani, M.,
Bibire, C.,
Dassow, J.,
Delaney, A.,
Fazekas, S.,
Ionescu, M.,
Liu, G.,
Lodhi, A.,
Nagy, B.:
The power of programmed grammars with graphs from various classes.
J. appl. math. comput., Int. j. 22 (1-2), 21-38, 2006.
Q3 Applied Mathematics
Q3 Computational Mathematics
Akiyama, S.,
Borbély, T.,
Brunotte, H.,
Pethő, A.,
Thuswaldner, J.:
Generalized radix representations and dynamical systems I..
Acta Math. Hung. 108 (3), 207-238, 2005.
Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Aszalós, L.,
Bakó, M.:
How can we improve the spatial intelligence?.
In: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on applied informatics, Eger, Hungary, January 27-31, 2004, vol. I. / Lajos Csőke, Péter Olajos, Péter Szigetváry, Tibor Tómács, EKTF, Eger, 267-274, 2005.
Ruttkay, Z.,
Fazekas, A.,
Rigó, P.:
Hungarian talking head according to MPEG-4.
In: Harmadik Magyar Grafikai és Geometriai Konferencia, 17-18 November, 2005, Budapest, Hungary / [szerk. Szirmay-Kalos László], [BME], Budapest, 16-23, 2005.
Fazekas, A.,
Sánta, I.:
Recognition of facial gestures from thumbnail picture.
In: Proceedings of Norwegian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, NOBIM 2004, Stavanger, Norway (2004), [NOBIM], [Stavanger], 54-57, 2005.
Pethő, A.:
Connections between power integral bases and radix representations in algebraic number fields.
In: Yokoi-Chowla Conjecture and Related Problems: Proceedings of the 2003 Nagoya Conference Yokoi-Chowla Conjecture and Related Problems. Nagoya, Japán, 2003.10.17-2003.10.19.. Szerk.: Levesque, C., Katayama, S. I., Nakahara, T, Saga University Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga, 115-125, 2004.
Thuswaldner, J.,
Brunotte, H.,
Borbély, T.,
Akiyama, S.,
Pethő, A.:
On a generalization of the radix representation: a survey.
In: High primes and misdemeanours: lectures in honour of the 60th birthday of Hugh Cowie Williams. Banff, Kanada, 2003.05.. Szerk.: van der Poorten, A. J., Stein, A, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 19-27, 2004.
Fazekas, A.,
Kotropoulos, C.,
Buciu, I.,
Pitas, I.,
Manolopoulos, Y.,
Evripidou, S.,
Kakas, A.:
Face detection by support vector machines in the Walsh transform domain.
In: Advances in informatics : 8th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2001, Nicosia, Cyprus, November 8-10, 2001 : revised selected papers. Eds.: Yannis Manolopoulos, Skevos Evripidou, Antonis C. Kakas, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg, 156-164, 2003.
Dömösi, P.,
Fazekas, A.,
Horváth, G.,
Mecsei, Z.:
Formális nyelvek és automaták: egyetemi jegyzet.
Lektorált Internetes Kiadvány, Debrecen, 101 p., 2003.
Hajdu, A.,
Nagy, B.,
Zörgő, Z.:
Indexing and segmenting colour images using neighbourhood sequences.
In: ICIP-2003 : 2003 International Conference on Image Processing : proceedings : September 14-17, 2003, Barcelona, Spain, IEEE, Piscataway, New Jersey, 957-960, 2003.
Fazekas, A.,
Buciu, I.,
Kotropoulos, C.,
Pitas, I.,
Kuba, A.,
Máté, E.,
Palágyi, K.:
Support vector machines for face detection.
In: Képfeldolgozók és Alakfelismerők III. Konferenciája. Szerk.: Kuba A., Máté E., Palágyi K, NJSZT; KÉPAF, Budapest; Szeged, 279-291, 2003.
Demény, M.,
Horváth, G.,
Nagylaki, Z.,
Nagylaki, C.:
Visualization of Cellular Automata.
In: Words, Languages and Combinatorics III. Ed.: Masami Ito, Teruo Imaoka, Word Scientific, River Edge, N. J., 162-170, 2003.
Várterész, M.,
Nagy, B.,
Kósa, M.,
Pánovics, J.:
A Mesterséges intelligencia tárgy bevezető kurzusának gyakorlatai a Debreceni Egyetemen.
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban : 2002 : konferencia kiadvány : Debrecen, 2002. aug. 28-30.. Szerk.: Arató Péter, Herdon Miklós, Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, 1103-1109, 2002.
Hajdu, A.,
Nagy, B.:
Approximating the Euclidean circle using neighbourhood sequences.
In: Képfeldolgozók és alakfelismerők III. konferenciája, Domaszék, 2002. január 23-25.. Szerk.: Kuba Attila, Máté Eörs, Palágyi Kálmán, Neumann János Számítógéptudományi Társaság, [Budapest], 260-271, 2002.
Akiyama, S.,
Pethő, A.:
On canonical number systems.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 270 (1-2), 921-933, 2002.
Q1 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
Q2 Theoretical Computer Science
Berke, J.,
Csetverikov, D.,
Fazekas, A.,
Gácsi, Z.,
Szabó, J.,
Szirányi, T.:
Képfeldolgozások alkalmazásának eredményei Magyarországon.
In: Magyar Informatikusok II. Világtalálkozója, 2000. június 5-8.. Összeáll.: Zentai Péter, szerk. Nagy László, LSI Informatikai Oktatóközpont, Budapest, 253-260, 2001.
Fazekas, A.,
Kotropoulos, C.,
Buciu, I.,
Pitas, I.:
Support vector machines on the space of Walsh functions and their properties.
In: ISPA 2001 : proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis : in conjunction with 23nd [sic] Int'l Conference on Information Technology Interfaces : Pula, Croatia, June 19-21, 2001, University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb; IEEE Service Center, Zagreb, Croatia; Piscataway, NJ, 43-48, 2001.
Fazekas, A.,
Sánta, I.:
Vázkijelölés kontúr-reprezentáción.
In: Proceedings of KEPAF Conference on Image Analysis and pattern Recognition (KEPAF 2000), 20-22 January, 2000, Noszvaj, Hungary, [KÉPAF], [Noszvaj], 37-42, 2000.
Nagylaki, Z.,
Horváth, G.,
Ito, M.:
PDL robots represented in VRML environment.
In: Languages, Algebra and Computer Systems : [Kyōto, March 3 - 10, 1999] / Masami Ito, R.I.M.S. Kyoto University, Kyoto, 174-185, 1999.
Pethő, A.:
Diophantine properties of linear recurrence sequences I..
In: Applications of Fibonacci numbers. Vol.7: Proceedings of 'The Seventh International Research Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications'. Graz, Ausztria, 1996.07.15-1996.07.19.. Ed.: Bergum, G. E., Philippou, A. N., Horadam, A. F, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht ; London, 295-309, 1998.
Voutier, P.,
Lettl, G.,
Pethő, A.:
On the arithmetic of simplest sextic fields and related Thue equations.
In: Number theory: diophantine, computational and algebraic aspects: Proceedings of the international conference. Eger, Magyarország, 1996.07.29-1996.08.02.. Szerk.: Győry K., Pethő A., T. Sós V, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin ; New York, 331-348, 1998.
Zimmer, H.,
Pethő, A.,
Herrmann, E.:
S-integral points on elliptic curves and Fermat's triple equations.
In: Algorithmic Number Theory: Third international symposium, ANTS-III. Portland, Egyesült Államok, 1998.06.21-1998.06.25.. Ed.: Buhler, J. P, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 528-540, 1998.
Pethő, A.,
Nakamula, K.:
Squares in Binary Recurrence Sequences.
In: Number theory: diophantine, computational and algebraic aspects: Proceedings of the international conference. Eger, Magyarország, 1996.07.29-1996.08.02.. Ed.: Győry K., Pethő A., T. Sós V, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin ; New York, 409-421, 1998.
Kuba, A.,
Fazekas, A.,
Palágyi, K.,
Nagy, A.,
Nyúl, L.,
Pethő, A.:
A többdimenziós képfeldolgozás programjai és oktatásuk.
In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban '96 ; Networkshop '96, Debrecen, 1996. aug. 27-30, Debreceni Universitas, Debrecen, 649-656, 1996.
Zimmer, H.,
Gebel, J.,
Pethő, A.,
Cohen, H.:
Computing S-integral points on elliptic curves.
In: Algorithmic Number Theory: 2nd international symposium, ANTS-II. Talence, Franciaország, 1996.05.18-1996.05.23.. Szerk.: Cohen, H, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 115-136, 1996.
Sali, A.,
Karsai, J.,
Győri, I.,
Pethő, A.:
Developments of computational methods and networking in medical institutions in Hungary.
In: Computational medicine, public health, and biotechnology, Vol. 3.: building a man in the machine. Austin, Egyesült Államok, 1994.04.24-1994.04.28.. Ed.: M. Witten, World Scientific, Singapore, 1545-1562, 1995.
Fazekas, A.,
Kovács, B.,
Kovács, Z.:
Die Skelettmerkungalgorithmen in der Musterkennung.
In: International conference on applied informatics, Eger, Hungary 23-25 August 1995. Eds.: Beáta Kovács, Zsolt Kovács, EKTF, Eger, 41-48, 1995.
Pethő, A.,
Watt, S.:
Application of Gröbner bases to the resolution of systems of normequations.
In: Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation: ISSAC '91. Bonn, Németország, 1991.07.15-1991.07.17.. Szerk.: Watt, S. M, ACM Press, New York, 144-150, 1991.
Pethő, A.:
On a polynomial transformation and its application to the construction of a public key cryptosystem.
In: Computational Number Theory: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Computational Number Theory held at Kossuth Lajos University. Debrecen, Magyarország, 1989.09.04-1989.09.09.. Szerk.: Zimmer, H. G., Pethő, A., Pohst, M., Williams, H. C, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 31-44, 1991.
Pohst, M.,
Gaál, I.,
Pethő, A.:
On the resolution of index form equations.
In: Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation: ISSAC '91. Bonn, Németország, 1991.07.15-1991.07.17.. Szerk.: Watt, S. M, ACM Press, New York, 185-186, 1991.
Szabó, Z.:
D. G. Northcott: Multilinear algebra.
Publ. Math. Debrecen. 32 293, 1985.
(Ismertetett mű: D. G. Northcott. -Multilinear algebra /Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1984. -x, 198 p. -)
Szabó, Z.:
Ismertetés: Ordinary differential equations in R :.
Publ. Math. Debrecen. 32 292-293, 1985.
(Ismertetett mű: L. C. Piccinini, G. Stampacchia, G. Vidossich. -Ordinary differential equations in R : Problems and methods /New York [etc.] : Springer, 1984. -xii, 385 p. -)
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