Berta Eszter
DE >
GYTKDepartment of Clinical Pharmacology
egyetemi tanársegéd 2012-2021
DE >
GYTKDepartment of Clinical Pharmacology
egyetemi adjunktus 2021-
Name: Berta Eszter
Affiliation: - Debreceni Egyetem. A DE Központi Egységei. Klinikai Központ. Belgyógyászati Klinika. A épület (Belgyógyászati Klinika) / University of Debrecen. Central Units of UD. Medical Center. Internal Medicine. A Building of Internal Medicine
- Debreceni Egyetem. Gyógyszerésztudományi Kar. Klinikai Farmakológiai Tanszék / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Pharmacy. Department of Clinical Pharmacology
- Ph.D., Debreceni Egyetem (2018)
Publication list
Berta, E.,
Halmi, S.,
Molnár, I.,
Hutkai, D.,
Csiha, S.,
Bhattoa, H.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Somodi, S.,
Katkó, M.,
Harangi, M.,
Paragh, G.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Low Serum Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Level and Its Altered Regulation by Thyroid Hormones in Patients with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis on Levothyroxine Substitution.
Metabolites. 14 (10), 1-10, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Biochemistry (2023)
Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Q2 Molecular Biology (2023)
Attanasio, R.,
Zarkovic, M.,
Papini, E.,
Nagy, E.,
Negro, R.,
Perros, P.,
Akarsu, E.,
Alevizaki, M.,
Ayvaz, G.,
Bednarczuk, T.,
Beleslin, B.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Borissova, A.,
Boyanov, M.,
Buffet, C.,
Burlacu, M.,
Ciric, J.,
Díez, J.,
Dobnig, H.,
Fadeyev, V.,
Field, B.,
Fliers, E.,
Führer, D.,
Galofré, J.,
Hakala, T.,
Jiskra, J.,
Kopp, P.,
Krebs, M.,
Krsek, M.,
Kuzma, M.,
Lantz, M.,
Lazúrová, I.,
Leenhardt, L.,
Luchytskiy, V.,
Marques Puga, F.,
McGowan, A.,
Metso, S.,
Moran, C.,
Morgunova, T.,
Niculescu, D.,
Peric, B.,
Planck, T.,
Poiana, C.,
Robenshtok, E.,
Rosselet, P.,
Ruchaa, M.,
Ryom Riis, K.,
Shepelkevich, A.,
Tronko, M.,
Unuane, D.,
Vardarli, I.,
Visser, W.,
Vryonidou, A.,
Younes, Y.,
Hegedüs, L.:
Patients' persistent symptoms, clinician demographics and geo-economic factors are associated with choice of therapy for hypothyroidism by European thyroid specialists: The "THESIS"* collaboration (*Treatment of Hypothyroidism in Europe by Specialists, an International Survey).
Thyroid. 34 (4), 429-441, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology (2023)
D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
D1 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
Ratku, B.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Csiha, S.,
Borbásné Sebestyén, V.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Nagy, E.,
Szabó, Z.,
Harangi, M.,
Somodi, S.:
Serum afamin and its implications in adult growth hormone deficiency: a prospective GH-withdrawal study.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 15 1-13, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Halmi, S.,
Berta, E.,
Diószegi, Á.,
Sira, L.,
Fülöp, P.,
Nagy, E.,
Győry, F.,
Kanyári, Z.,
Tóth, J.,
Bhattoa, H.,
Bodor, M.:
Single center experience in localization of insulinoma by selective intraarterial calcium stimulation angiography: a case series of 15 years.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 15 1-7, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Papini, E.,
Attanasio, R.,
Zarkovic, M.,
Nagy, E.,
Negro, R.,
Perros, P.,
Galofré, J.,
Cohen, C.,
Akarsu, E.,
Alevizaki, M.,
Ayvaz, G.,
Bednarczuk, T.,
Beleslin, B.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Borissova, A.,
Boyanov, M.,
Buffet, C.,
Burlacu, M.,
Ciric, J.,
Díez, J.,
Dobnig, H.,
Fadeyev, V.,
Field, B.,
Führer, D.,
Hakala, T.,
Jiskra, J.,
Kopp, P.,
Krebs, M.,
Krsek, M.,
Lantz, M.,
Lazúrová, I.,
Leenhardt, L.,
Luchytskiy, V.,
Puga, F.,
McGowan, A.,
Melo, M.,
Metso, S.,
Moran, C.,
Morgunova, T.,
Niculescu, D.,
Peric, B.,
Planck, T.,
Robenshtok, E.,
Rosselet, P.,
Ruchaa, M.,
Riis, K.,
Shepelkevich, A.,
Tronko, M.,
Unuane, D.,
Vardarli, I.,
Visser, W.,
Vryonidou, A.,
Younes, Y.,
Hegedűs, L.:
Thyroid hormones for euthyroid patients with simple goiter growing over time: a survey of European thyroid specialists.
Endocrine. [Epub ahead of print]2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Endocrinology (2023)
Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Galofré, J.,
Díez, J.,
Attanasio, R.,
Nagy, E.,
Negro, R.,
Papini, E.,
Perros, P.,
Zarkovic, M.,
Akarsu, E.,
Alevizaki, M.,
Ayvaz, G.,
Bednarczuk, T.,
Beleslin, B.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Borissova, A.,
Boyanov, M.,
Buffet, C.,
Burlacu, M.,
Dobnig, H.,
Fadeyev, V.,
Field, B.,
Fliers, E.,
Führer, D.,
Hakala, T.,
Jiskra, J.,
Kopp, P.,
Krebs, M.,
Krsek, M.,
Kuzma, M.,
Lantz, M.,
Lazúrová, I.,
Leenhardt, L.,
Luchytskiy, V.,
Puga, F.,
McGowan, A.,
Metso, S.,
Moran, C.,
Morgunova, T.,
Niculescu, D.,
Peric, B.,
Planck, T.,
Poiana, C.,
Robenshtok, E.,
Rosselet, P.,
Ruchaa, M.,
Riis, K.,
Shepelkevich, A.,
Tronko, M.,
Unuane, D.,
Vardarli, I.,
Visser, W.,
Vryonidou, M.,
Younes, Y.,
Hegedüs, L.:
Treatment of Obesity with Thyroid hormones in Europe. Data from the THESIS* Collaboration.
J. Endocrinol. Invest. [Epub ahead of print]2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Endocrinology (2023)
Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Negro, R.,
Zarkovic, M.,
Attanasio, R.,
Nagy, E.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Use of levothyroxine for euthyroid, thyroid antibody positive women with infertility: analyses of aggregate data from a survey of European thyroid specialists (Treatment of Hypothyroidism in Europe by Specialists : an International Survey).
Clin. Endocrinol. 101 (2), 180-190, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Endocrinology (2023)
Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Csiha, S.,
Molnár, I.,
Halmi, S.,
Hutkai, D.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Somodi, S.,
Katkó, M.,
Harangi, M.,
Paragh, G.,
Nagy, E.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Advanced glycation end products and their soluble receptor (sRAGE) in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis on levothyroxine substitution.
Front. Endocrinol. 14 1-9, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Ratku, B.,
Borbásné Sebestyén, V.,
Szelesné Árokszállási, A.,
Erdei, A.,
Berta, E.,
Szabó, Z.,
Bodor, M.,
Nagy, E.,
Somodi, S.:
A felnőttkori növekedésihormon-hiány szív- és érrendszeri szövődményei.
Orv. hetil. 164 (41), 1616-1627, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Zarkovic, M.,
Attanasio, R.,
Nagy, E.,
Negro, R.,
Papini, E.,
Perros, P.,
Cohen, C.,
Akarsu, E.,
Alevizaki, M.,
Ayvaz, G.,
Bednarczuk, T.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Borissova, A.,
Boyanov, M.,
Buffet, C.,
Burlacu, M.,
Ciric, J.,
Díez, J.,
Dobnig, H.,
Fadeyev, V.,
Field, B.,
Fliers, E.,
Frlich, J.,
Führer, D.,
Galofré, J.,
Hakala, T.,
Jiskra, J.,
Kopp, P.,
Krebs, M.,
Krsek, M.,
Kuzma, M.,
Lantz, M.,
Lazúrová, I.,
Leenhardt, L.,
Luchytskiy, V.,
McGowan, A.,
Melo, M.,
Metso, S.,
Moran, C.,
Morgunova, T.,
Mykola, T.,
Beleslin, B.,
Niculescu, D.,
Peric, B.,
Planck, T.,
Poiana, C.,
Puga, F.,
Robenshtok, E.,
Rosselet, P.,
Ruchaa, M.,
Riis, K.,
Shepelkevich, A.,
Unuane, D.,
Vardarli, I.,
Visser, W.,
Vrionidou, A.,
Younes, Y.,
Yurenya, E.,
Hegedüs, L.:
Characteristics of specialists treating hypothyroid patients: the "THESIS" collaborative.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 14 (24), 1-11, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Csiha, S.,
Halmi, S.,
Hutkai, D.,
Molnár, I.,
Katkó, M.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Harangi, M.,
Paragh, G.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.:
Association of chemerin and serum advanced glycation end products in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.
EJEA. 81 EP400, 2022.
Lengyel, I.,
Halmi, S.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Csiha, S.,
Katkó, M.,
Harangi, M.,
Nagy, E.,
Paragh, G.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.:
Characterization of fetuin-A levels in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease.
Atherosclerosis. 355 e247-e248, 2022.
Berta, E.,
Zsíros, N.,
Bodor, M.,
Balogh, I.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Paragh, G.,
Harangi, M.:
Clinical Aspects of Genetic and Non-Genetic Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Familial Hypercholesterolemia.
Genes. 13 (7), 1-19, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Genetics
Q2 Genetics (clinical)
Erdei, A.,
Gazdag, A.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Nagy, E.,
Berényi, E.,
Berta, E.,
Steiber, Z.,
Barna, S.,
Mezősi, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Nagy, E.:
Non-surgical orbital decompression using diuresis in dysthyroid optic neuropathy: a case report.
Eur. Thyroid J. 11 (5), 1-10, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Berta, E.,
Lengyel, I.,
Hegedűs, L.,
Papini, E.,
Perros, P.,
Negro, R.,
Attanasio, R.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Pajzsmirigyhormon-kezelési szokások Magyarországon.
Orv. hetil. 163 (12), 463-472, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Katkó, M.,
Gazdag, A.,
Harangi, M.,
Szentpéteri, A.,
Galgóczi, E.,
Erdei, A.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Bhattoa, H.,
Nagy, E.:
The effect of iatrogenic hypothyroidism on lipoprotein subfractions and serum paraoxonase activity in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer.
Atherosclerosis. 355 e163, 2022.
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Halmi, S.,
Lengyel, I.,
Diószegi, Á.,
Katkó, M.,
Seres, I.,
Nagy, E.,
Paragh, G.,
Harangi, M.:
Strong correlations between serum fibroblast growth factor 21 level and lipid parameters in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.
Atherosclerosis. 331 e201, 2021.
Katkó, M.,
Galgóczi, E.,
Erdei, A.,
Gazdag, A.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Seres, I.,
Hircsu, I.,
Badics, Á.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Sira, L.,
Bhattoa, H.,
Nagy, E.:
The 4G/5G Polymorphism of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 is a Predictor of Moderate-to-Severe Thyroid Eye Disease.
J. Inflamm. Res. 14 1883-1890, 2021.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Immunology
Q2 Immunology and Allergy
Hircsu, I.,
Gazdag, A.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.,
Andrási, M.,
Kanyári, Z.,
Győry, F.,
Barna, S.,
Bhattoa, H.,
Nagy, B.,
Nagy, E.,
Erdei, A.:
A multiplex endokrin neoplasia-2A szindrómáról egy család kapcsán.
Orv. hetil. 161 (2), 75-79, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Galgóczi, E.,
Jeney, F.,
Katkó, M.,
Erdei, A.,
Gazdag, A.,
Sira, L.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Steiber, Z.,
Győry, F.,
Nagy, E.:
Characteristics of Hyaluronan Synthesis Inhibition by 4-Methylumbelliferone in Orbital Fibroblasts.
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 61 (2), 1-8, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
D1 Ophthalmology
Q1 Sensory Systems
Kovács, D.,
Fedor, R.,
Andrási, M.,
Barna, S.,
Tóth, L.,
Berta, E.,
Furka, A.,
Pászti, E.,
Damjanovich, L.,
Győry, F.:
A differenciálatlan pajzsmirigy-carcinoma szupportív kezelésének kihívásai 3 eset bemutatása kapcsán.
Magyar Seb. 72 (3), 135, 2019.
Berta, E.,
Lengyel, I.,
Halmi, S.,
Puskás, I.,
Felszeghy, E.,
Balogh, Z.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Control of hyperglycemia in a young male patient with gigantism during transition: a case report.
Endocrine Abstracts. 63 P719, 2019.
Berta, E.,
Lengyel, I.,
Halmi, S.,
Zrínyi, M.,
Erdei, A.,
Harangi, M.,
Páll, D.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Hypertension in thyroid disorders.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 10 1-11, 2019.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Galuska, L.,
Paragh, G.,
Erdei, A.,
Gazdag, A.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Berényi, E.,
Katkó, M.,
Gazsó, A.,
Nagy, E.:
Early stage Graves' disease is uniformly accompanied by orbital immune activity even in patients who fail to develop orbithopathy during follow-up.
Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabet. 126 (10), 628-631, 2018.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Endocrinology
Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Q2 Internal Medicine
Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Erdei, A.,
Steiber, Z.,
Gazdag, A.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.,
Szász, R.,
Szántó, A.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Barna, S.,
Berényi, E.,
Nagy, E.:
Az endokrin orbitopathia differenciáldiagnosztikája.
Orvosi Hetilap. 157 (8), 310-315, 2016.
Journal metrics:
Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Berta, E.,
Halmi, S.,
Molnár, I.,
Hutkai, D.,
Csiha, S.,
Bhattoa, H.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Somodi, S.,
Katkó, M.,
Harangi, M.,
Paragh, G.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Low Serum Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Level and Its Altered Regulation by Thyroid Hormones in Patients with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis on Levothyroxine Substitution.
Metabolites. 14 (10), 1-10, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Biochemistry (2023)
Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Q2 Molecular Biology (2023)
Attanasio, R.,
Zarkovic, M.,
Papini, E.,
Nagy, E.,
Negro, R.,
Perros, P.,
Akarsu, E.,
Alevizaki, M.,
Ayvaz, G.,
Bednarczuk, T.,
Beleslin, B.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Borissova, A.,
Boyanov, M.,
Buffet, C.,
Burlacu, M.,
Ciric, J.,
Díez, J.,
Dobnig, H.,
Fadeyev, V.,
Field, B.,
Fliers, E.,
Führer, D.,
Galofré, J.,
Hakala, T.,
Jiskra, J.,
Kopp, P.,
Krebs, M.,
Krsek, M.,
Kuzma, M.,
Lantz, M.,
Lazúrová, I.,
Leenhardt, L.,
Luchytskiy, V.,
Marques Puga, F.,
McGowan, A.,
Metso, S.,
Moran, C.,
Morgunova, T.,
Niculescu, D.,
Peric, B.,
Planck, T.,
Poiana, C.,
Robenshtok, E.,
Rosselet, P.,
Ruchaa, M.,
Ryom Riis, K.,
Shepelkevich, A.,
Tronko, M.,
Unuane, D.,
Vardarli, I.,
Visser, W.,
Vryonidou, A.,
Younes, Y.,
Hegedüs, L.:
Patients' persistent symptoms, clinician demographics and geo-economic factors are associated with choice of therapy for hypothyroidism by European thyroid specialists: The "THESIS"* collaboration (*Treatment of Hypothyroidism in Europe by Specialists, an International Survey).
Thyroid. 34 (4), 429-441, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology (2023)
D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
D1 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
Ratku, B.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Csiha, S.,
Borbásné Sebestyén, V.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Nagy, E.,
Szabó, Z.,
Harangi, M.,
Somodi, S.:
Serum afamin and its implications in adult growth hormone deficiency: a prospective GH-withdrawal study.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 15 1-13, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Halmi, S.,
Berta, E.,
Diószegi, Á.,
Sira, L.,
Fülöp, P.,
Nagy, E.,
Győry, F.,
Kanyári, Z.,
Tóth, J.,
Bhattoa, H.,
Bodor, M.:
Single center experience in localization of insulinoma by selective intraarterial calcium stimulation angiography: a case series of 15 years.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 15 1-7, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Papini, E.,
Attanasio, R.,
Zarkovic, M.,
Nagy, E.,
Negro, R.,
Perros, P.,
Galofré, J.,
Cohen, C.,
Akarsu, E.,
Alevizaki, M.,
Ayvaz, G.,
Bednarczuk, T.,
Beleslin, B.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Borissova, A.,
Boyanov, M.,
Buffet, C.,
Burlacu, M.,
Ciric, J.,
Díez, J.,
Dobnig, H.,
Fadeyev, V.,
Field, B.,
Führer, D.,
Hakala, T.,
Jiskra, J.,
Kopp, P.,
Krebs, M.,
Krsek, M.,
Lantz, M.,
Lazúrová, I.,
Leenhardt, L.,
Luchytskiy, V.,
Puga, F.,
McGowan, A.,
Melo, M.,
Metso, S.,
Moran, C.,
Morgunova, T.,
Niculescu, D.,
Peric, B.,
Planck, T.,
Robenshtok, E.,
Rosselet, P.,
Ruchaa, M.,
Riis, K.,
Shepelkevich, A.,
Tronko, M.,
Unuane, D.,
Vardarli, I.,
Visser, W.,
Vryonidou, A.,
Younes, Y.,
Hegedűs, L.:
Thyroid hormones for euthyroid patients with simple goiter growing over time: a survey of European thyroid specialists.
Endocrine. [Epub ahead of print]2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Endocrinology (2023)
Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Galofré, J.,
Díez, J.,
Attanasio, R.,
Nagy, E.,
Negro, R.,
Papini, E.,
Perros, P.,
Zarkovic, M.,
Akarsu, E.,
Alevizaki, M.,
Ayvaz, G.,
Bednarczuk, T.,
Beleslin, B.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Borissova, A.,
Boyanov, M.,
Buffet, C.,
Burlacu, M.,
Dobnig, H.,
Fadeyev, V.,
Field, B.,
Fliers, E.,
Führer, D.,
Hakala, T.,
Jiskra, J.,
Kopp, P.,
Krebs, M.,
Krsek, M.,
Kuzma, M.,
Lantz, M.,
Lazúrová, I.,
Leenhardt, L.,
Luchytskiy, V.,
Puga, F.,
McGowan, A.,
Metso, S.,
Moran, C.,
Morgunova, T.,
Niculescu, D.,
Peric, B.,
Planck, T.,
Poiana, C.,
Robenshtok, E.,
Rosselet, P.,
Ruchaa, M.,
Riis, K.,
Shepelkevich, A.,
Tronko, M.,
Unuane, D.,
Vardarli, I.,
Visser, W.,
Vryonidou, M.,
Younes, Y.,
Hegedüs, L.:
Treatment of Obesity with Thyroid hormones in Europe. Data from the THESIS* Collaboration.
J. Endocrinol. Invest. [Epub ahead of print]2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Endocrinology (2023)
Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Negro, R.,
Zarkovic, M.,
Attanasio, R.,
Nagy, E.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Use of levothyroxine for euthyroid, thyroid antibody positive women with infertility: analyses of aggregate data from a survey of European thyroid specialists (Treatment of Hypothyroidism in Europe by Specialists : an International Survey).
Clin. Endocrinol. 101 (2), 180-190, 2024.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Endocrinology (2023)
Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
Csiha, S.,
Molnár, I.,
Halmi, S.,
Hutkai, D.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Somodi, S.,
Katkó, M.,
Harangi, M.,
Paragh, G.,
Nagy, E.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Advanced glycation end products and their soluble receptor (sRAGE) in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis on levothyroxine substitution.
Front. Endocrinol. 14 1-9, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Ratku, B.,
Borbásné Sebestyén, V.,
Szelesné Árokszállási, A.,
Erdei, A.,
Berta, E.,
Szabó, Z.,
Bodor, M.,
Nagy, E.,
Somodi, S.:
A felnőttkori növekedésihormon-hiány szív- és érrendszeri szövődményei.
Orv. hetil. 164 (41), 1616-1627, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Zarkovic, M.,
Attanasio, R.,
Nagy, E.,
Negro, R.,
Papini, E.,
Perros, P.,
Cohen, C.,
Akarsu, E.,
Alevizaki, M.,
Ayvaz, G.,
Bednarczuk, T.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Borissova, A.,
Boyanov, M.,
Buffet, C.,
Burlacu, M.,
Ciric, J.,
Díez, J.,
Dobnig, H.,
Fadeyev, V.,
Field, B.,
Fliers, E.,
Frlich, J.,
Führer, D.,
Galofré, J.,
Hakala, T.,
Jiskra, J.,
Kopp, P.,
Krebs, M.,
Krsek, M.,
Kuzma, M.,
Lantz, M.,
Lazúrová, I.,
Leenhardt, L.,
Luchytskiy, V.,
McGowan, A.,
Melo, M.,
Metso, S.,
Moran, C.,
Morgunova, T.,
Mykola, T.,
Beleslin, B.,
Niculescu, D.,
Peric, B.,
Planck, T.,
Poiana, C.,
Puga, F.,
Robenshtok, E.,
Rosselet, P.,
Ruchaa, M.,
Riis, K.,
Shepelkevich, A.,
Unuane, D.,
Vardarli, I.,
Visser, W.,
Vrionidou, A.,
Younes, Y.,
Yurenya, E.,
Hegedüs, L.:
Characteristics of specialists treating hypothyroid patients: the "THESIS" collaborative.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 14 (24), 1-11, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Csiha, S.,
Halmi, S.,
Hutkai, D.,
Molnár, I.,
Katkó, M.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Harangi, M.,
Paragh, G.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.:
Association of chemerin and serum advanced glycation end products in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.
EJEA. 81 EP400, 2022.
Lengyel, I.,
Halmi, S.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Csiha, S.,
Katkó, M.,
Harangi, M.,
Nagy, E.,
Paragh, G.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.:
Characterization of fetuin-A levels in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease.
Atherosclerosis. 355 e247-e248, 2022.
Berta, E.,
Zsíros, N.,
Bodor, M.,
Balogh, I.,
Lőrincz, H.,
Paragh, G.,
Harangi, M.:
Clinical Aspects of Genetic and Non-Genetic Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Familial Hypercholesterolemia.
Genes. 13 (7), 1-19, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Genetics
Q2 Genetics (clinical)
Erdei, A.,
Gazdag, A.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Nagy, E.,
Berényi, E.,
Berta, E.,
Steiber, Z.,
Barna, S.,
Mezősi, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Nagy, E.:
Non-surgical orbital decompression using diuresis in dysthyroid optic neuropathy: a case report.
Eur. Thyroid J. 11 (5), 1-10, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Berta, E.,
Lengyel, I.,
Hegedűs, L.,
Papini, E.,
Perros, P.,
Negro, R.,
Attanasio, R.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Pajzsmirigyhormon-kezelési szokások Magyarországon.
Orv. hetil. 163 (12), 463-472, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Katkó, M.,
Gazdag, A.,
Harangi, M.,
Szentpéteri, A.,
Galgóczi, E.,
Erdei, A.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Bhattoa, H.,
Nagy, E.:
The effect of iatrogenic hypothyroidism on lipoprotein subfractions and serum paraoxonase activity in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer.
Atherosclerosis. 355 e163, 2022.
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Halmi, S.,
Lengyel, I.,
Diószegi, Á.,
Katkó, M.,
Seres, I.,
Nagy, E.,
Paragh, G.,
Harangi, M.:
Strong correlations between serum fibroblast growth factor 21 level and lipid parameters in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.
Atherosclerosis. 331 e201, 2021.
Katkó, M.,
Galgóczi, E.,
Erdei, A.,
Gazdag, A.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Seres, I.,
Hircsu, I.,
Badics, Á.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Sira, L.,
Bhattoa, H.,
Nagy, E.:
The 4G/5G Polymorphism of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 is a Predictor of Moderate-to-Severe Thyroid Eye Disease.
J. Inflamm. Res. 14 1883-1890, 2021.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Immunology
Q2 Immunology and Allergy
Hircsu, I.,
Gazdag, A.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.,
Andrási, M.,
Kanyári, Z.,
Győry, F.,
Barna, S.,
Bhattoa, H.,
Nagy, B.,
Nagy, E.,
Erdei, A.:
A multiplex endokrin neoplasia-2A szindrómáról egy család kapcsán.
Orv. hetil. 161 (2), 75-79, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Galgóczi, E.,
Jeney, F.,
Katkó, M.,
Erdei, A.,
Gazdag, A.,
Sira, L.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Steiber, Z.,
Győry, F.,
Nagy, E.:
Characteristics of Hyaluronan Synthesis Inhibition by 4-Methylumbelliferone in Orbital Fibroblasts.
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 61 (2), 1-8, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
D1 Ophthalmology
Q1 Sensory Systems
Kovács, D.,
Fedor, R.,
Andrási, M.,
Barna, S.,
Tóth, L.,
Berta, E.,
Furka, A.,
Pászti, E.,
Damjanovich, L.,
Győry, F.:
A differenciálatlan pajzsmirigy-carcinoma szupportív kezelésének kihívásai 3 eset bemutatása kapcsán.
Magyar Seb. 72 (3), 135, 2019.
Berta, E.,
Lengyel, I.,
Halmi, S.,
Puskás, I.,
Felszeghy, E.,
Balogh, Z.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Control of hyperglycemia in a young male patient with gigantism during transition: a case report.
Endocrine Abstracts. 63 P719, 2019.
Berta, E.,
Lengyel, I.,
Halmi, S.,
Zrínyi, M.,
Erdei, A.,
Harangi, M.,
Páll, D.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Hypertension in thyroid disorders.
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 10 1-11, 2019.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Galuska, L.,
Paragh, G.,
Erdei, A.,
Gazdag, A.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Berényi, E.,
Katkó, M.,
Gazsó, A.,
Nagy, E.:
Early stage Graves' disease is uniformly accompanied by orbital immune activity even in patients who fail to develop orbithopathy during follow-up.
Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabet. 126 (10), 628-631, 2018.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Endocrinology
Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Q2 Internal Medicine
Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Erdei, A.,
Steiber, Z.,
Gazdag, A.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.,
Szász, R.,
Szántó, A.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Barna, S.,
Berényi, E.,
Nagy, E.:
Az endokrin orbitopathia differenciáldiagnosztikája.
Orvosi Hetilap. 157 (8), 310-315, 2016.
Journal metrics:
Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Galgóczi, E.,
Jeney, F.,
Gazdag, A.,
Erdei, A.,
Katkó, M.,
M. Nagy, D.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Steiber, Z.,
Győry, F.,
Berta, E.,
Nagy, E.:
Cell density dependent stimulation of PAI-1 and hyaluronan synthesis by TGF-[béta] in orbital fibroblasts.
J. Endocrinol. 229 (2), 187-196, 2016.
Journal metrics:
Q1 Endocrinology
D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Berta, E.,
Harangi, M.,
Varga, V.,
Lórincz, H.,
Seres, I.,
Nagy, E.,
Paragh, G.,
Bodor, M.:
Evaluation of serum chemerin level in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
Atherosclerosis. 252 e168, 2016.
Gazdag, A.,
Nagy, E.,
Erdei, A.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.,
Szabó, Z.,
Jenei, Z.:
Aortic stiffness and left ventricular function in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer.
J. Endocrinol. Invest. 38 (2), 133-142, 2015.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Endocrinology
Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Berta, E.,
Harangi, M.,
Zsíros, N.,
Nagy, E.,
Paragh, G.,
Bodor, M.:
Relation between thyroid hormone status and concomitant medication in hyperlipidaemic patients with statin induced adverse effects.
Endocrine abstracts. 37 EP592, 2015.
Berta, E.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Szabados, L.,
Galuska, L.,
Erdei, A.,
Gazdag, A.,
Halmi, S.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
There is a detectable immune activity in the orbits of all patients diagnosed with Graves' regardless of later development of Graves' orbitopathy.
Endocrine Abstracts. 37 GP, 2015.
Berta, E.,
Harangi, M.,
Zsíros, N.,
Nagy, E.,
Paragh, G.,
Bodor, M.:
A gyógyszerkölcsönhatások és a kóros pajzsmirigyhormon-státusz vizsgálata sztatinnal kezelt hyperlipidaemiás betegekben.
Magyar Belorv. Arch. Suppl. 67 406-411, 2014.
Zsíros, N.,
Dunás-Varga, V.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.,
Balogh, I.,
Seres, I.,
Paragh, G.,
Harangi, M.:
Effect of the -133 A>G NPC1L1 gene polymorphism on the efficacy of ezetimibe monotherapy.
Atherosclerosis. 235 (2), e75, 2014.
Berta, E.,
Harangi, M.,
Zsíros, N.,
Nagy, E.,
Paragh, G.,
Bodor, M.:
Effect of thyroid hormone status and concomitant medication on statin induced adverse effects in hyperlipidemic patients.
Pharmazie. 69 420-423, 2014.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Pharmaceutical Science
Molnár, Z.,
Berta, E.,
Benyó, M.,
Póka, R.,
Bazsáné Kassai, Z.,
Flaskó, T.,
Jakab, A.,
Bodor, M.:
Fertility of testicular cancer patients after anticancer treatment: experience of 11 years.
Pharmazie. 69 (6), 437-441, 2014.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Pharmaceutical Science
Erdei, A.,
Paragh, G.,
Kovács, P.,
Karányi, Z.,
Berényi, E.,
Galuska, L.,
Lenkey, Á.,
Szabados, L.,
Győry, F.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Berta, A.,
Boda, J.,
Berta, E.,
Bodor, M.,
Gazdag, A.,
Nagy, E.:
Rapid response to and long-term effectiveness of anti-CD20 antibody in conventional therapy resistant Graves' orbitopathy: a five-year follow-up study.
Autoimmunity. 47 (8), 548-555, 2014.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Immunology
Q3 Immunology and Allergy
Harangi, M.,
Berta, E.,
Zsíros, N.,
Paragh, G.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Thyroid hormone status and concomitant medication in hyperlipidemic patients with statin induced adverse effects.
Atherosclerosis. 235 (2), e255, 2014.
Erdei, A.,
Gazdag, A.,
Bodor, M.,
Berta, E.,
Katkó, M.,
Ujhelyi, B.,
Steiber, Z.,
Győry, F.,
Urbancsek, H.,
Barna, S.,
Galuska, L.,
Nagy, E.:
Új lehetőségek az endokrin orbitopathia kezelésében.
Orvosi Hetilap. 155 (33), 1295-1300, 2014.
Journal metrics:
Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Berta, E.,
Erdei, A.,
Cseke, B.,
Gazdag, A.,
Paragh, G.,
Balla, J.,
Polgár, P.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Evaluation of the metabolic changes during hemodialysis by signal averaged ECG.
Pharmazie. 67 (5), 380-383, 2012.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Pharmaceutical Science
Berta, E.,
Sámson, L.,
Lenkey, Á.,
Erdei, A.,
Cseke, B.,
Jenei, K.,
Major, T.,
Jakab, A.,
Jenei, Z.,
Paragh, G.,
Nagy, E.,
Bodor, M.:
Evaluation of the thyroid function of healthy pregnant women by five different hormone assays.
Pharmazie. 65 (6), 436-439, 2010.
Journal metrics:
Q2 Pharmaceutical Science
Bodor, M.,
Erdei, A.,
Balla, J.,
Berta, E.,
Paragh, G.,
Polgár, P.,
Nagy, E.:
Krónikus hemodialízis programban lévő betegek jelátlagolt EKG-vizsgálata.
É-K. Magyarorsz. Orv. Szle. 7 (1-2), 26-31, 2006.
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updated: 2024-12-29, 01:11