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Palatka Károly
Palatka Károly
Palatka Károly
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physician, gastroenterologist
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Publications in DEA:
Date range:
Farkas, K.
Székely, H.
Bacsur, P.
Bánky, B.
Élthes, Z.
Harsányi, L.
Müllner, K.
Milassin, Á.
Palatka, K.
Sarlós, P.
Szamosi, T.
Molnár, T.
Miheller, P.
A Crohn-betegég terápiás stratégiája
Orv. hetil.
165 (Suppl_1), 1-36, 2024.
Miheller, P.
Kristóf, T.
Bor, R.
Farkas, K.
Golovics, P.
Harsányi, L.
Müller, K.
Milassin, Á.
Palatka, K.
Schafer, E.
Szamosi, T.
Sarlós, P.
Molnár, T.
A fekélyes vastagbélgyulladás gyógyszeres és sebészeti kezelése
Orv. hetil.
165 (Suppl_1), 37-64, 2024.
Palatka, R.
Janka, E.
Soltész, L.
Szabó, I.
Kapitány, A.
Dajnoki, Z.
Emri, G.
Nagy, G.
Palatka, K.
Zouboulis, C.
Szegedi, A.
Gáspár, K.
Chronic inflammatory intestinal disorders in hidradenitis suppurativa
239 (4), 592-600, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Élthes, Z.
Palatka, R.
Gáspár, K.
Palatka, K.
Az IBD extraintesztinális manifesztációi, különös tekintettel a bőrgyógyászati eltérésekre
Gasztroenterol. Hepatol. Szle.
8 (2), 64-68, 2022.
Kóder, G.
Olasz, J.
Tóth, L.
András, C.
Bubán, T.
Palatka, K.
Karányi, Z.
Tóth, D.
Damjanovich, L.
Tanyi, M.
Előrehaladott végbéldaganatok neoadjuváns (preoperatív) kemoradioterápiája
Orv. hetil.
163 (30), 1196-1205, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Palatka, K.
Személyre szabott kezelések: Biológiai kezelés alkalmazása gyulladásos bélbetegségekben
Med. Tribune.
20 (5), 20-21, 2022.
Szántó, K.
Mezei, Z.
Kata, D.
Földesi, I.
Nyári, T.
Fábián, A.
Rutka, M.
Bor, R.
Bálint, A.
Milassin, Á.
Szepes, Z.
Nagy, F.
Palatka, K.
Farkas, K.
Molnár, T.
Combination therapy with anti-TNFs and thiopurines does affect drug metabolite levels but it is not associated with body composition in inflammatory bowel disease patients: a cross-sectional study
Gasztroenterol. Hepatol. Szle.
7 (4), 164-170, 2021.
Bor, R.
Fábián, A.
Matuz, M.
Szepes, Z.
Farkas, K.
Miheller, P.
Szamosi, T.
Vincze, Á.
Rutka, M.
Szántó, K.
Bálint, A.
Nagy, F.
Milassin, Á.
Tóth, T.
Zsigmond, F.
Bajor, J.
Müllner, K.
Lakner, L.
Papp, M.
Salamon, Á.
Horváth, G.
Sarang, K.
Schafer, E.
Sarlós, P.
Palatka, K.
Molnár, T.
Real-life efficacy of vedolizumab on endoscopic healing in inflammatory bowel disease: a nationwide Hungarian cohort study
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther.
20 (2), 205-213, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Clinical Biochemistry
Drug Discovery
Szántó, K.
Szíjártó, A.
Kata, D.
Földesi, I.
Mezei, Z.
Fábián, Á.
Bálint, A.
Bor, R.
Farkas, K.
Milassin, Á.
Rutka, M.
Szepes, Z.
Nagy, F.
Bubán, T.
Lovas, S.
Palatka, K.
Molnár, T.
Blood thiopurine level, anti-TNF drug level and body composition parameters in inflammatory bowel diseases patients: a cross-sectional study in a Hungarian IBD centre
J. Crohns Colitis.
13 (Supplement1), S456, 2019.
Kucserik, L.
Márta, K.
Vincze, Á.
Lázár, G.
Czakó, L.
Szentkereszty, Z.
Papp, M.
Palatka, K.
Izbéki, F.
Altorjay, Á.
Török, I.
Barbu, S.
Tantau, M.
Vereczkei, A.
Bogár, L.
Dénes, M.
Németh, I.
Szentesi, A.
Zádori, N.
Antal, J.
Lerch, M.
Neoptoleomos, J.
Sahin-Tóth, M.
Petersen, O.
Kelemen, D.
Hegyi, P.
Endoscopic sphincterotoMy for delayIng choLecystectomy in mild acute biliarY pancreatitis (EMILY study): protocol of a multicenter randomized clinical trial
BMJ Open.
9 (7), 1-8, 2019.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Földi, I.
Dávida, L.
Tornai, I.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Altorjay, I.
Balla, J.
Székely, B.
Husi, K.
Kerekes, G.
Extracorporalis immunmoduláns kezelések alkalmazása akut gasztroenterológiai kórképekben = The use of extracorporal immunomodulatory treatments in acute gastroenterological disorders
Gasztroenterol. Hepatol. Szle.
5 (3), 149-152, 2019.
Milassin, Á.
Rutka, M.
Farkas, K.
Bálint, A.
Bor, R.
Fábián, A.
Szepes, Z.
Szamosi, T.
Szántó, K.
Miheller, P.
Barta, Z.
Banai, J.
Kovács, Á.
Salamon, Á.
Lakatos, L.
Lakner, L.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Schafer, E.
Novák, J.
Erdélyi, Z.
Kürti, Z.
Lakatos, P.
Sarlós, P.
Szigeti, N.
Veres, G.
Zaránd, A.
Gelley, A.
Vincze, Á.
Nagy, F.
Molnár, T.
IBD-related malignancies observed in 2015-2018: 4 years' results from the prospective nationwide Hungarian registry
J. Crohns Colitis.
13 (Suppl.), S380-S381, 2019.
Balog, K.
Csiszkó, A.
Krasnyánszky, N.
Farkas, M.
Berhés, M.
László, I.
Palatka, K.
Damjanovich, L.
Sápy, P.
Szentkereszty, Z.
Kiterjedt, demarkált pancreas necrosis sebészi kezelése transgastricus necrectomiával = Open transgastric necrosectomy for extended walled-off pancreas necrosis
Magyar Seb.
72 (1), 8-12, 2019.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Rencz, F.
Stalmeier, P.
Péntek, M.
Brodszky, V.
Rúzsa, G.
Gönczi, L.
Palatka, K.
Herszényi, L.
Schafer, E.
Banai, J.
Rutka, M.
Gulácsi, L.
Lakatos, P.
Patient and general population values for luminal and perianal fistulising Crohn's disease health states
Eur. J. Health Econ.
20 (Suppl1), 91-100, 2019.
Journal metrics:
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
Health Policy
Molnár, T.
Nagy, F.
Fritz, P.
Lakatos, L.
Erdélyi, Z.
Miheller, P.
Szamosi, T.
Schafer, E.
Vincze, A.
Sarlós, P.
Banai, J.
Kovács, A.
Novák, J.
Salamon, A.
Szepes, A.
Szigeti, N.
Juhász, M.
Müllner, K.
Barta, Z.
Kadenczki, O.
Gelley, A.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Zaránd, A.
Lakatos, P.
Veres, G.
Rutka, M.
Bálint, Á.
Bor, R.
Milassin, Á.
Fábián, A.
Szepes, Z.
Farkas, K.
IBD-related malignancies and mortalities observed in 2015-2017: 3 years' results from the prospective nationwide Hungarian registry
J. Crohns Colitis.
12 (Suppl.), S540-S541, 2018.
Bálint, A.
Rutka, M.
Kolar, M.
Bortlik, M.
Duricova, D.
Hruba, V.
Lukas, M.
Mitrova, K.
Malickova, K.
Lukas, M.
Szepes, Z.
Nagy, F.
Palatka, K.
Lovas, S.
Végh, Z.
Kürti, Z.
Csontos, Á.
Miheller, P.
Nyári, T.
Bor, R.
Milassin, Á.
Fábián, A.
Szántó, K.
Lakatos, P.
Molnár, T.
Farkas, K.
Infliximab biosimilar CT-P13 therapy is effective in maintaining endoscopic remission in ulcerative colitis: results from multicenter observational cohort
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther.
18 (11), 1181-1187, 2018.
Journal metrics:
Clinical Biochemistry
Drug Discovery
Nagy, G.
Török, É.
Palatka, K.
Kébel, Z.
Antal-Szalmás, P.
Monitoring of drug level and anti-drug antibody production during vedolizumab therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Clin. Chem. Lab. Med.
56 (9), eA162, 2018.
Palatka, K.
Kacska, S.
Lovas, S.
Garai, I.
Varga, J.
Galuska, L.
The potential role of FDG PET-CT in the characterization of the activity of Crohn's disease, staging follow-up and prognosis estimation: a pilot study
Scand. J. Gastroenterol.
53 (1), 24-30, 2018.
Journal metrics:
Rencz, F.
Lakatos, P.
Gulácsi, L.
Brodszky, V.
Kürti, Z.
Lovas, S.
Banai, J.
Herszényi, L.
Cserni, T.
Molnár, T.
Péntek, M.
Palatka, K.
Validity of the EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-3L in patients with Crohn's disease
Qual. Life Res.
28 (1), 141-152, 2018.
Journal metrics:
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Kóder, G.
Olasz, J.
Tóth, L.
Urbancsek, H.
András, C.
Bubán, T.
Palatka, K.
Damjanovich, L.
Tanyi, M.
A hereditaer nonpolyposus colorectalis carcinoma szindrómás betegek szűrésének és szoros utánkövetésének fontossága egy családfa bemutatása kapcsán
Orv. Hetil.
158 (30), 1182-1187, 2017.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Molnár, T.
Rutka, M.
Nagy, F.
Fritz, P.
Lakatos, L.
Miheller, P.
Erdélyi, Z.
Szamosi, T.
Schafer, E.
Vincze, A.
Sarlós, P.
Banai, J.
Kovács, Á.
Novák, J.
Salamon, A.
Szepes, A.
Szigeti, N.
Juhász, M.
Müllner, K.
Barta, Z.
Kadenczki, O.
Gelley, A.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Zaránd, A.
Lakatos, P.
Veres, G.
Fábián, A.
Bálint, A.
Bor, R.
Szepes, Z.
Farkas, K.
IBD-related malignancies and mortalities observed between 2015-2016-two years' results from the prospective nationwide hungarian registry
United European Gastroenterol J.
5 (5), A723, 2017.
Gönczi, L.
Gecse, K.
Végh, Z.
Kürti, Z.
Rutka, M.
Farkas, K.
Golovics, P.
Lovász, B.
Banai, J.
Bene, L.
Gasztonyi, B.
Kristóf, T.
Lakatos, L.
Miheller, P.
Nagy, F.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Patai, Á.
Salamon, Á.
Szamosi, T.
Szepes, Z.
Tóth, G.
Vincze, Á.
Szalay, B.
Molnár, T.
Lakatos, P.
Long term efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of biosimilar infliximab after one year in a prospective nationwide cohort
Inflamm. Bowel Dis.
23 (11), 1908-1915, 2017.
Journal metrics:
Immunology and Allergy
Gönczi, L.
Végh, Z.
Golovics, P.
Rutka, M.
Gecse, K.
Bor, R.
Farkas, K.
Szamosi, T.
Bene, L.
Gasztonyi, B.
Kristóf, T.
Lakatos, L.
Miheller, P.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Patai, Á.
Salamon, Á.
Tóth, G.
Vincze, Á.
Bíró, E.
Lovász, B.
Kürti, Z.
Szepes, Z.
Molnár, T.
Lakatos, P.
Prediction of short- and medium-term efficacy of biosimilar infliximab therapy. Do trough levels/antidrug antibody levels or clinical/biochemical markers play a more important role?
J. Crohns Colitis.
11 (6), 697-705, 2017.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Gecse, K.
Lovász, B.
Farkas, K.
Banai, J.
Bene, L.
Gasztonyi, B.
Golovics, P.
Kristóf, T.
Lakatos, L.
Csontos, Á.
Juhász, M.
Nagy, F.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Patai, Á.
Lakner, L.
Salamon, Á.
Szamosi, T.
Szepes, Z.
Tóth, G.
Vincze, Á.
Szalay, B.
Molnár, T.
Lakatos, P.
Efficacy And Safety Of The Biosimilar Infliximab CT-P13 Treatment In Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: a Prospective, Multicentre, Nationwide Cohort
J. Crohns Colitis.
10 (2), 133-140, 2016.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Palatka, K.
Kacska, S.
Papp, M.
Dávida, L.
Altorjay, I.
Kettős ballon enteroszkópia helye, szerepe, hazai realitásban
2 (1), 22-26, 2016.
Farkas, K.
Székely, H.
Bacsur, P.
Bánky, B.
Élthes, Z.
Harsányi, L.
Müllner, K.
Milassin, Á.
Palatka, K.
Sarlós, P.
Szamosi, T.
Molnár, T.
Miheller, P.
A Crohn-betegég terápiás stratégiája
Orv. hetil.
165 (Suppl_1), 1-36, 2024.
Miheller, P.
Kristóf, T.
Bor, R.
Farkas, K.
Golovics, P.
Harsányi, L.
Müller, K.
Milassin, Á.
Palatka, K.
Schafer, E.
Szamosi, T.
Sarlós, P.
Molnár, T.
A fekélyes vastagbélgyulladás gyógyszeres és sebészeti kezelése
Orv. hetil.
165 (Suppl_1), 37-64, 2024.
Palatka, R.
Janka, E.
Soltész, L.
Szabó, I.
Kapitány, A.
Dajnoki, Z.
Emri, G.
Nagy, G.
Palatka, K.
Zouboulis, C.
Szegedi, A.
Gáspár, K.
Chronic inflammatory intestinal disorders in hidradenitis suppurativa
239 (4), 592-600, 2023.
Journal metrics:
Élthes, Z.
Palatka, R.
Gáspár, K.
Palatka, K.
Az IBD extraintesztinális manifesztációi, különös tekintettel a bőrgyógyászati eltérésekre
Gasztroenterol. Hepatol. Szle.
8 (2), 64-68, 2022.
Kóder, G.
Olasz, J.
Tóth, L.
András, C.
Bubán, T.
Palatka, K.
Karányi, Z.
Tóth, D.
Damjanovich, L.
Tanyi, M.
Előrehaladott végbéldaganatok neoadjuváns (preoperatív) kemoradioterápiája
Orv. hetil.
163 (30), 1196-1205, 2022.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Palatka, K.
Személyre szabott kezelések: Biológiai kezelés alkalmazása gyulladásos bélbetegségekben
Med. Tribune.
20 (5), 20-21, 2022.
Szántó, K.
Mezei, Z.
Kata, D.
Földesi, I.
Nyári, T.
Fábián, A.
Rutka, M.
Bor, R.
Bálint, A.
Milassin, Á.
Szepes, Z.
Nagy, F.
Palatka, K.
Farkas, K.
Molnár, T.
Combination therapy with anti-TNFs and thiopurines does affect drug metabolite levels but it is not associated with body composition in inflammatory bowel disease patients: a cross-sectional study
Gasztroenterol. Hepatol. Szle.
7 (4), 164-170, 2021.
Bor, R.
Fábián, A.
Matuz, M.
Szepes, Z.
Farkas, K.
Miheller, P.
Szamosi, T.
Vincze, Á.
Rutka, M.
Szántó, K.
Bálint, A.
Nagy, F.
Milassin, Á.
Tóth, T.
Zsigmond, F.
Bajor, J.
Müllner, K.
Lakner, L.
Papp, M.
Salamon, Á.
Horváth, G.
Sarang, K.
Schafer, E.
Sarlós, P.
Palatka, K.
Molnár, T.
Real-life efficacy of vedolizumab on endoscopic healing in inflammatory bowel disease: a nationwide Hungarian cohort study
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther.
20 (2), 205-213, 2020.
Journal metrics:
Clinical Biochemistry
Drug Discovery
Szántó, K.
Szíjártó, A.
Kata, D.
Földesi, I.
Mezei, Z.
Fábián, Á.
Bálint, A.
Bor, R.
Farkas, K.
Milassin, Á.
Rutka, M.
Szepes, Z.
Nagy, F.
Bubán, T.
Lovas, S.
Palatka, K.
Molnár, T.
Blood thiopurine level, anti-TNF drug level and body composition parameters in inflammatory bowel diseases patients: a cross-sectional study in a Hungarian IBD centre
J. Crohns Colitis.
13 (Supplement1), S456, 2019.
Kucserik, L.
Márta, K.
Vincze, Á.
Lázár, G.
Czakó, L.
Szentkereszty, Z.
Papp, M.
Palatka, K.
Izbéki, F.
Altorjay, Á.
Török, I.
Barbu, S.
Tantau, M.
Vereczkei, A.
Bogár, L.
Dénes, M.
Németh, I.
Szentesi, A.
Zádori, N.
Antal, J.
Lerch, M.
Neoptoleomos, J.
Sahin-Tóth, M.
Petersen, O.
Kelemen, D.
Hegyi, P.
Endoscopic sphincterotoMy for delayIng choLecystectomy in mild acute biliarY pancreatitis (EMILY study): protocol of a multicenter randomized clinical trial
BMJ Open.
9 (7), 1-8, 2019.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Földi, I.
Dávida, L.
Tornai, I.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Altorjay, I.
Balla, J.
Székely, B.
Husi, K.
Kerekes, G.
Extracorporalis immunmoduláns kezelések alkalmazása akut gasztroenterológiai kórképekben = The use of extracorporal immunomodulatory treatments in acute gastroenterological disorders
Gasztroenterol. Hepatol. Szle.
5 (3), 149-152, 2019.
Milassin, Á.
Rutka, M.
Farkas, K.
Bálint, A.
Bor, R.
Fábián, A.
Szepes, Z.
Szamosi, T.
Szántó, K.
Miheller, P.
Barta, Z.
Banai, J.
Kovács, Á.
Salamon, Á.
Lakatos, L.
Lakner, L.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Schafer, E.
Novák, J.
Erdélyi, Z.
Kürti, Z.
Lakatos, P.
Sarlós, P.
Szigeti, N.
Veres, G.
Zaránd, A.
Gelley, A.
Vincze, Á.
Nagy, F.
Molnár, T.
IBD-related malignancies observed in 2015-2018: 4 years' results from the prospective nationwide Hungarian registry
J. Crohns Colitis.
13 (Suppl.), S380-S381, 2019.
Balog, K.
Csiszkó, A.
Krasnyánszky, N.
Farkas, M.
Berhés, M.
László, I.
Palatka, K.
Damjanovich, L.
Sápy, P.
Szentkereszty, Z.
Kiterjedt, demarkált pancreas necrosis sebészi kezelése transgastricus necrectomiával = Open transgastric necrosectomy for extended walled-off pancreas necrosis
Magyar Seb.
72 (1), 8-12, 2019.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Rencz, F.
Stalmeier, P.
Péntek, M.
Brodszky, V.
Rúzsa, G.
Gönczi, L.
Palatka, K.
Herszényi, L.
Schafer, E.
Banai, J.
Rutka, M.
Gulácsi, L.
Lakatos, P.
Patient and general population values for luminal and perianal fistulising Crohn's disease health states
Eur. J. Health Econ.
20 (Suppl1), 91-100, 2019.
Journal metrics:
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
Health Policy
Molnár, T.
Nagy, F.
Fritz, P.
Lakatos, L.
Erdélyi, Z.
Miheller, P.
Szamosi, T.
Schafer, E.
Vincze, A.
Sarlós, P.
Banai, J.
Kovács, A.
Novák, J.
Salamon, A.
Szepes, A.
Szigeti, N.
Juhász, M.
Müllner, K.
Barta, Z.
Kadenczki, O.
Gelley, A.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Zaránd, A.
Lakatos, P.
Veres, G.
Rutka, M.
Bálint, Á.
Bor, R.
Milassin, Á.
Fábián, A.
Szepes, Z.
Farkas, K.
IBD-related malignancies and mortalities observed in 2015-2017: 3 years' results from the prospective nationwide Hungarian registry
J. Crohns Colitis.
12 (Suppl.), S540-S541, 2018.
Bálint, A.
Rutka, M.
Kolar, M.
Bortlik, M.
Duricova, D.
Hruba, V.
Lukas, M.
Mitrova, K.
Malickova, K.
Lukas, M.
Szepes, Z.
Nagy, F.
Palatka, K.
Lovas, S.
Végh, Z.
Kürti, Z.
Csontos, Á.
Miheller, P.
Nyári, T.
Bor, R.
Milassin, Á.
Fábián, A.
Szántó, K.
Lakatos, P.
Molnár, T.
Farkas, K.
Infliximab biosimilar CT-P13 therapy is effective in maintaining endoscopic remission in ulcerative colitis: results from multicenter observational cohort
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther.
18 (11), 1181-1187, 2018.
Journal metrics:
Clinical Biochemistry
Drug Discovery
Nagy, G.
Török, É.
Palatka, K.
Kébel, Z.
Antal-Szalmás, P.
Monitoring of drug level and anti-drug antibody production during vedolizumab therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Clin. Chem. Lab. Med.
56 (9), eA162, 2018.
Palatka, K.
Kacska, S.
Lovas, S.
Garai, I.
Varga, J.
Galuska, L.
The potential role of FDG PET-CT in the characterization of the activity of Crohn's disease, staging follow-up and prognosis estimation: a pilot study
Scand. J. Gastroenterol.
53 (1), 24-30, 2018.
Journal metrics:
Rencz, F.
Lakatos, P.
Gulácsi, L.
Brodszky, V.
Kürti, Z.
Lovas, S.
Banai, J.
Herszényi, L.
Cserni, T.
Molnár, T.
Péntek, M.
Palatka, K.
Validity of the EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-3L in patients with Crohn's disease
Qual. Life Res.
28 (1), 141-152, 2018.
Journal metrics:
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Kóder, G.
Olasz, J.
Tóth, L.
Urbancsek, H.
András, C.
Bubán, T.
Palatka, K.
Damjanovich, L.
Tanyi, M.
A hereditaer nonpolyposus colorectalis carcinoma szindrómás betegek szűrésének és szoros utánkövetésének fontossága egy családfa bemutatása kapcsán
Orv. Hetil.
158 (30), 1182-1187, 2017.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Molnár, T.
Rutka, M.
Nagy, F.
Fritz, P.
Lakatos, L.
Miheller, P.
Erdélyi, Z.
Szamosi, T.
Schafer, E.
Vincze, A.
Sarlós, P.
Banai, J.
Kovács, Á.
Novák, J.
Salamon, A.
Szepes, A.
Szigeti, N.
Juhász, M.
Müllner, K.
Barta, Z.
Kadenczki, O.
Gelley, A.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Zaránd, A.
Lakatos, P.
Veres, G.
Fábián, A.
Bálint, A.
Bor, R.
Szepes, Z.
Farkas, K.
IBD-related malignancies and mortalities observed between 2015-2016-two years' results from the prospective nationwide hungarian registry
United European Gastroenterol J.
5 (5), A723, 2017.
Gönczi, L.
Gecse, K.
Végh, Z.
Kürti, Z.
Rutka, M.
Farkas, K.
Golovics, P.
Lovász, B.
Banai, J.
Bene, L.
Gasztonyi, B.
Kristóf, T.
Lakatos, L.
Miheller, P.
Nagy, F.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Patai, Á.
Salamon, Á.
Szamosi, T.
Szepes, Z.
Tóth, G.
Vincze, Á.
Szalay, B.
Molnár, T.
Lakatos, P.
Long term efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of biosimilar infliximab after one year in a prospective nationwide cohort
Inflamm. Bowel Dis.
23 (11), 1908-1915, 2017.
Journal metrics:
Immunology and Allergy
Gönczi, L.
Végh, Z.
Golovics, P.
Rutka, M.
Gecse, K.
Bor, R.
Farkas, K.
Szamosi, T.
Bene, L.
Gasztonyi, B.
Kristóf, T.
Lakatos, L.
Miheller, P.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Patai, Á.
Salamon, Á.
Tóth, G.
Vincze, Á.
Bíró, E.
Lovász, B.
Kürti, Z.
Szepes, Z.
Molnár, T.
Lakatos, P.
Prediction of short- and medium-term efficacy of biosimilar infliximab therapy. Do trough levels/antidrug antibody levels or clinical/biochemical markers play a more important role?
J. Crohns Colitis.
11 (6), 697-705, 2017.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Gecse, K.
Lovász, B.
Farkas, K.
Banai, J.
Bene, L.
Gasztonyi, B.
Golovics, P.
Kristóf, T.
Lakatos, L.
Csontos, Á.
Juhász, M.
Nagy, F.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Patai, Á.
Lakner, L.
Salamon, Á.
Szamosi, T.
Szepes, Z.
Tóth, G.
Vincze, Á.
Szalay, B.
Molnár, T.
Lakatos, P.
Efficacy And Safety Of The Biosimilar Infliximab CT-P13 Treatment In Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: a Prospective, Multicentre, Nationwide Cohort
J. Crohns Colitis.
10 (2), 133-140, 2016.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Palatka, K.
Kacska, S.
Papp, M.
Dávida, L.
Altorjay, I.
Kettős ballon enteroszkópia helye, szerepe, hazai realitásban
2 (1), 22-26, 2016.
Palatka, K.
Póka, R.
A gyulladásos bélbetegségek és a terhesség: kérdések, kételyek, lehetőségek
2 (1), 72-77, 2015.
Váradi, C.
Holló, Z.
Póliska, S.
Nagy, L.
Szekanecz, Z.
Váncsa, A.
Palatka, K.
Guttman, A.
Combination of IgG N-glycomics and corresponding transcriptomics data to identify anti-TNFα treatment responders in inflammatory diseases
36 (11-12), 1330-1335, 2015.
Journal metrics:
Analytical Chemistry
Clinical Biochemistry
Varga, M.
Csefkó, K.
Bányai, T.
Martyin, T.
Lakatos, P.
Nagy, I.
Pálvölgyi, A.
Tusnádi, A.
Szabó, A.
Lesch, M.
Sipos, B.
Budai, A.
Enyedi, J.
Lombay, B.
Karádi, L.
Váczi, Z.
Jancsik, V.
Weisz, G.
Palatka, K.
Tornai, I.
Hepatitis C-vírussal fertôzött cirrhosisos betegek kezelésével nyert hazai real-life tapasztalatok a két pegilált interferonnal
Lege Artis Med.
24 (12), 569-576, 2014.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Tanyi, M.
Olasz, J.
Tanyi, J.
Tóth, L.
Antal-Szalmás, P.
Ress, Z.
Bubán, T.
Palatka, K.
András, C.
Urbancsek, H.
Garami, Z.
Csuka, O.
Damjanovich, L.
MLH1 and MSH2 mutation screening in HNPCC families of Hungary - Two new MMR gene mutations
Eur. J. Surg. Oncol.
40 (11), 1445-1452, 2014.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Csiszkó, A.
László, I.
Palatka, K.
Szabó, K.
Kanyári, Z.
Bidiga, L.
Csonka, T.
Damjanovich, L.
Szentkereszty, Z.
Primary angiosarcoma of the pancreas mimicking severe acute pancreatitis: case report
15 (1), 84-87, 2014.
Journal metrics:
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Galuska, L.
Kis, S.
Fedinecz, N.
Palatka, K.
Lovas, S.
Garai, I.
Varga, J.
The value of FDG PET-CT in Crohn's disease to assess the prognosis of planned biological therapy (P819)
Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging.
41 (S2), S593, 2014.
Galuska, L.
Kis, S.
Fedinecz, N.
Palatka, K.
Lovas, S.
Garai, I.
Varga, J.
Assessment of crohn's disease activity by FDG PET-CT (024)
Nucl. Med. Rev. Cent. E. Eur.
16 (Suppl.), A12, 2013.
Galuska, L.
Kis, S.
Fedinecz, N.
Palatka, K.
Lovas, S.
Garai, I.
Varga, J.
Assessment of Crohn's disease activity by FDG PET-CT and Tc-99m HmPAO labeled white blood cell SPECT-CT in a prospective study (OP116)
Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging.
40 (Supplement), S124-S125, 2013.
Kiss, L.
Lovász, B.
Golovics, P.
Végh, Z.
Farkas, K.
Molnár, T.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Mohás, A.
Szilágyi, B.
Fekete, S.
Mandel, M.
Lakatos, P.
Levels of anti-double-strained DNA but not antinuclear antibodies are associated with treatment efficacy and adverse outcomes in Crohn's disease patients treated with anti-TNFα
J. Gastrointestin. Liver Dis.
22 (2), 135-140, 2013.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Meskó, B.
Póliska, S.
Váncsa, A.
Szekanecz, Z.
Palatka, K.
Holló, Z.
Horváth, A.
Steiner, L.
Zahuczky, G.
Podani, J.
Nagy, L.
Peripheral blood derived gene panels predict response to infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease
Genome Med.
5 (6), 59-69, 2013.
Journal metrics:
Genetics (clinical)
Molecular Biology
Molecular Medicine
Molnár, T.
Lakatos, P.
Farkas, K.
Nagy, F.
Szepes, Z.
Miheller, P.
Horváth, G.
Papp, M.
Palatka, K.
Nyári, T.
Bálint, A.
Lőrinczy, K.
Wittmann, T.
Predictors of relapse in patients with Crohn's disease in remission after 1 year of biological therapy
Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther.
37 (2), 225-233, 2013.
Journal metrics:
Pharmacology (medical)
Farkas, K.
Lakatos, P.
Nagy, F.
Szepes, Z.
Miheller, P.
Papp, M.
Palatka, K.
Bálint, A.
Bor, R.
Wittmann, T.
Molnár, T.
Predictors of relapse in patients with ulcerative colitis in remission after one-year of infliximab therapy
Scand. J. Gastroenterol.
48 (12), 1394-1398, 2013.
Journal metrics:
Kovács, E.
Palatka, K.
Németh, A.
Pásztor, É.
Pfliegler, G.
Súlyos anaemia aranyeres csomókból: fiatal, toxikus cirrhosisos férfi beteg esete
Orv. Hetil.
154 (10), 382-386, 2013.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Palatka, K.
A Clostridium difficile fertőzés újabb kihívásai: kórház és közösség
Med. Tribune.
10 11, 2012.
Póliska, S.
Penyige, A.
Lakatos, P.
Papp, M.
Palatka, K.
Lakatos, L.
Molnár, T.
Nagy, L.
Association of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma polymorphisms with inflammatory bowel disease in a hungarian cohort
Inflamm. Bowel Dis.
18 (3), 472-479, 2012.
Journal metrics:
Immunology and Allergy
Ilonczai, P.
Tóth, J.
Tóth, L.
Altorjay, I.
Boda, Z.
Palatka, K.
Catheter-directed thrombolysis in inflammatory bowel diseases: report of a case
World J. Gastroenterol.
18 (34), 4791-4793, 2012.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Horváth, G.
Farkas, K.
Hollósi, R.
Nagy, F.
Szepes, Z.
Papp, M.
Palatka, K.
Miheller, P.
Lakatos, L.
Szamosi, T.
Nyári, T.
Wittmann, T.
Molnár, T.
Is there any association between impaired health-related quality of life and non-adherence to medical therapy in inflammatory bowel disease?
Scand. J. Gastroenterol.
47 (11), 1298-1303, 2012.
Journal metrics:
Miheller, P.
Nagy, F.
Palatka, K.
Altorjay, I.
Horváth, G.
Lőrinczy, K.
Újszászy, L.
Virányi, Z.
Szepes, A.
Molnár, T.
Farkas, K.
Szepes, Z.
Nyári, T.
Wittmann, T.
Tulassay, Z.
Magyarországi adatok a gyulladásos bélbetegségről, analitikai adatok a colitis ulcerosáról
Orv. Hetil.
153 (18), 702-712, 2012.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Palatka, K.
A gyulladásos bélbetegségek biológiai kezelése
Immunol. Szle.
3 (Különsz.), 40-43, 2011.
Palatka, K.
A gyulladásos bélbetegségek extraintesztinális manifesztációi
In: Gyulladásos bélbetegségek. Szerk.: Kovács Ágota, Lakatos László, Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt., Budapest, 329-334, 2011. ISBN: 9789632263373
Kiss, L.
Szamosi, T.
Molnár, T.
Miheller, P.
Lakatos, L.
Vincze, Á.
Palatka, K.
Barta, Z.
Gasztonyi, B.
Salamon, Á.
Horváth, G.
Tóth, G.
Farkas, K.
Banai, J.
Tulassay, Z.
Nagy, F.
Szenes, M.
Veres, G.
Lovász, B.
Végh, Z.
Golovics, P.
Szathmári, M.
Papp, M.
Lakatos, P.
A klinikai hatékonyság, a nyálkahártya-gyógyulás és a dózisemelés prediktorai az adalimumabkezelés első évében Crohn-betegségben szenvedő betegekben Magyarországon
Orv. Hetil.
152 (36), 1433-1442, 2011.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Palatka, K.
Antikoaguláns kezelés gyulladásos bélbetegségekben: a betegek 60 százaléka védtelen
Med. Tribune.
9 (11), 13, 2011.
Altorjay, I.
Veréb, Z.
Serfőző, Z.
Bacskai, I.
Bátori, R.
Erdődi, F.
Udvardy, M.
Sipka, S.
Lányi, Á.
Rajnavölgyi, É.
Palatka, K.
Anti-TNF-alpha antibody (infliximab) therapy supports the recovery of eNOS and VEGFR2 protein expression in endothelial cells
Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol.
24 (2), 323-335, 2011.
Journal metrics:
Immunology and Allergy
Kiss, L.
Szamosi, T.
Molnár, T.
Miheller, P.
Lakatos, L.
Vincze, A.
Palatka, K.
Barta, Z.
Gasztonyi, B.
Salamon, A.
Horváth, G.
Tóth, G.
Farkas, K.
Banai, J.
Tulassay, Z.
Nagy, F.
Szenes, M.
Veres, G.
Lovász, B.
Végh, Z.
Golovics, P.
Szathmári, M.
Papp, M.
Lakatos, P.
Early clinical remission and normalisation of CRP are the strongest predictors of efficacy, mucosal healing and dose escalation during the first year of adalimumab therapy in Crohn's disease
Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther.
34 (8), 911-922, 2011.
Journal metrics:
Pharmacology (medical)
Palatka, K.
Egyéb extraintesztinális manifesztációk IBD-ben
In: Gyulladásos bélbetegségek. Szerk.: Kovács Ágota, Lakatos László, Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt., Budapest, 383-387, 2011. ISBN: 978963226337
Vitális, Z.
Altorjay, I.
Tornai, I.
Palatka, K.
Kacska, S.
Pályu, E.
Tornai, D.
Udvardy, M.
Hársfalvi, J.
Dinya, T.
Veres, G.
Lakatos, P.
Papp, M.
Phenotypic polymorphism of haptoglobin: a novel risk factor for the development of infection in liver cirrhosis
Hum. Immunol.
72 (4), 348-354, 2011.
Journal metrics:
Immunology and Allergy
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Lakatos, P.
Kiss, L.
Palatka, K.
Altorjay, I.
Antal-Szalmás, P.
Pályu, E.
Udvardy, M.
Molnár, T.
Farkas, K.
Veres, G.
Hársfalvi, J.
Papp, J.
Papp, M.
Serum lipopolysaccharide-binding protein and soluble CD14 are markers of disease activity in patients with Crohn's disease
Inflamm. Bowel Dis.
17 (3), 767-777, 2011.
Journal metrics:
Immunology and Allergy
Palatka, K.
Adalimumab kezelés fisztulizáló Crohn-betegségben
19 47-50, 2010.
Lakatos, P.
Czeglédi, Z.
Dávid, G.
Kispál, Z.
Kiss, L.
Palatka, K.
Kristóf, T.
Nagy, F.
Salamon, Á.
Demeter, P.
Miheller, P.
Szamosi, T.
Banai, J.
Papp, M.
Bene, L.
Kovács, Á.
Rácz, I.
Lakatos, L.
Association of adherence to therapy and complementary and alternative medicine use with demographic factors and disease phenotype in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
J. Crohns Colitis.
4 (3), 283-290, 2010.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Lakatos, L.
Czeglédi, Z.
Dávid, G.
Kispál, Z.
Kiss, L.
Palatka, K.
Kristóf, T.
Molnár, T.
Salamon, Á.
Demeter, P.
Miheller, P.
Szamosi, T.
Banai, J.
Papp, M.
Bene, L.
Kovács, Á.
Rácz, I.
Lakatos, P.
A terápiás adherencia,valamint a komplementer és alternatív gyógymódok használata gyulladásos bélbetegek kezelésében
Orv. Hetil.
151 (7), 250-258, 2010.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Altorjay, I.
Vitális, Z.
Tornai, I.
Palatka, K.
Kacska, S.
Farkas, G.
Udvardy, M.
Hársfalvi, J.
Dinya, T.
Orosz, P.
Lombay, B.
Pár, G.
Pár, A.
Csak, T.
Osztovits, J.
Szalay, F.
Csepregi, A.
Lakatos, P.
Papp, M.
Mannose-binding lectin deficiency confers risk for bacterial infections in a large Hungarian cohort of patients with liver cirrhosis
J. Hepatol.
53 (3), 484-491, 2010.
Journal metrics:
Papp, M.
Lakatos, P.
Hársfalvi, J.
Farkas, G.
Palatka, K.
Udvardy, M.
Molnár, T.
Farkas, K.
Nagy, F.
Veres, G.
Lakatos, L.
Kovács, Á.
Dinya, T.
Kocsis, K.
Papp, J.
Altorjay, I.
The Hungarian IBD Study Group
Mannose-binding lectin level and deficiency is not associated with inflammatory bowel diseases, disease phenotype, serology profile, and NOD2/CARD15 genotype in a large Hungarian cohort
Hum. Immunol.
71 (4), 407-413, 2010.
Journal metrics:
Immunology and Allergy
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Meskó, B.
Póliska, S.
Szegedi, A.
Szekanecz, Z.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Nagy, L.
Peripheral blood gene expression patterns discriminate among chronic inflammatory diseases and healthy controls and identify novel targets
BMC Med. Genomics.
3 (1), 15, 2010.
Journal metrics:
Genetics (clinical)
Miheller, P.
Lakatos, P.
Horváth, G.
Molnár, T.
Szamosi, T.
Czeglédi, Z.
Salamon, Á.
Czimmer, J.
Rumi, G.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Jakab, Z.
Szabó, A.
Gelley, A.
Lakatos, L.
Barta, Z.
Balázs, C.
Rácz, I.
Zeher, M.
Döbrönte, Z.
Altorjay, I.
Hunyady, B.
Simon, L.
Papp, J.
Banai, J.
Nagy, F.
Lonovics, J.
Újszászy, L.
Műzes, G.
Herszényi, L.
Tulassay, Z.
Efficacy and safety of infliximab induction therapy in Crohn's disease in Central Europe: a Hungarian nationwide observational study
BMC Gastroenterol.
9 (6), 66-73, 2009.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Papp, M.
Altorjay, I.
Lakos, G.
Tumpek, J.
Sipka, S.
Dinya, T.
Palatka, K.
Veres, G.
Udvardy, M.
Lakatos, P.
Evaluation of the Combined Application of Ethanol-Fixed and formaldehyde-fixed neutrophil substrates for identifying atypical perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in inflammatory bowel disease
Clin. Vaccine Immunol.
16 (4), 464-470, 2009.
Journal metrics:
Clinical Biochemistry
Immunology and Allergy
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Microbiology (medical)
Altorjay, I.
Palatka, K.
In: Klinikai alapismeretek fogorvos- és gyógyszerészhallgatóknak. Szerk.: Boda Zoltán, Tornai István, Medicina, Budapest, 111-132, 2009. ISBN: 9789632262123
Lakatos, P.
Altorjay, I.
Szamosi, T.
Palatka, K.
Vitális, Z.
Tumpek, J.
Sipka, S.
Udvardy, M.
Dinya, T.
Lakatos, L.
Kovács, Á.
Molnár, T.
Tulassay, Z.
Miheller, P.
Barta, Z.
Stocker, W.
Papp, J.
Veres, G.
Papp, M.
The Hungarian IBD Study Group
Pancreatic autoantibodies are associated with reactivity to microbial antibodies, penetrating disease behaviour, perianal disease, and extraintestinal manifestations, but not with NOD2/CARD15 or TLR4 genotype in a Hungarian IBD cohort
Inflamm. Bowel Dis.
15 (3), 365-374, 2009.
Journal metrics:
Immunology and Allergy
Lakatos, P.
Altorjay, I.
Mándi, Y.
Lakatos, L.
Tumpek, J.
Kovács, Á.
Molnár, T.
Tulassay, Z.
Miheller, P.
Palatka, K.
Szamosi, T.
Fischer, S.
Papp, J.
Papp, M.
The Hungarian IBD Study Group
Interaction between seroreactivity to microbial antigens and genetics in Crohn's disease: is there a role for defensins?
Tissue Antigens.
71 (6), 552-559, 2008.
Papp, M.
Altorjay, I.
Dotan, N.
Palatka, K.
Földi, I.
Tumpek, J.
Sipka, S.
Udvardy, M.
Dinya, T.
Lakatos, L.
Kovács, Á.
Molnár, T.
Tulassay, Z.
Miheller, P.
Norman, G.
Szamosi, T.
Papp, J.
Lakatos, P.
The Hungarian IBD Study Group
New serological markers for inflammatory bowel disease are associated with earlier age at onset, complicated disease behavior, risk for surgery, and NOD2/CARD15 genotype in a Hungarian IBD cohort
Am. J. Gastroenterol.
103 665-681, 2008.
Journal metrics:
Serfőző, Z.
Kiss, P.
Kukor, Z.
Lontay, B.
Palatka, K.
Varga, V.
Erdődi, F.
Elekes, K.
Thyroid hormones affect the level and activity of nitric oxide synthase in rat cerebral cortex during postnatal development
Neurochem. Res.
33 (3), 569-578, 2008.
Journal metrics:
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Tornai, I.
Palatka, K.
Schlammadinger, Á.
Boda, Z.
A krónikus C vírushepatitis kezelése veleszületett vérzékeny betegekben
40 (4), 359-363, 2007.
Papp, M.
Lakatos, P.
Palatka, K.
Földi, I.
Udvardy, M.
Hársfalvi, J.
Tornai, I.
Vitális, Z.
Dinya, T.
Kovács, Á.
Molnár, T.
Demeter, P.
Papp, J.
Lakatos, L.
Altorjay, I.
Haptoglobin polymorphisms are associated with Crohn's disease, disease behavior, and extraintestinal manifestations in Hungarian patients
Dig. Dis. Sci.
52 (5), 1279-1284, 2007.
Journal metrics:
Molnár, T.
Hofner, P.
Nagy, F.
Lakatos, P.
Fischer, S.
Lakatos, L.
Kovács, A.
Altorjay, I.
Papp, M.
Palatka, K.
Demeter, P.
Tulassay, Z.
Nyári, T.
Miheller, P.
Papp, J.
Mándi, Y.
Lonovics, J.
The Hungarian IBD Study Group
NOD1 gene E266K polymorphism is associated with disease susceptibility but not with disease phenotype or NOD2/CARD15 in Hungarian patients with Crohn's disease
Dig. Liver Dis.
39 (12), 1064-1070, 2007.
Journal metrics:
Papp, M.
Altorjay, I.
Norman, G.
Shums, Z.
Palatka, K.
Vitális, Z.
Földi, I.
Lakos, G.
Tumpek, J.
Udvardy, M.
Hársfalvi, J.
Fischer, S.
Lakatos, L.
Kovács, Á.
Bene, L.
Molnár, T.
Tulassay, Z.
Miheller, P.
Veres, G.
Papp, J.
Lakatos, P.
Seroreactivity to microbial components in Crohn's disease is associated with ileal involvement, noninflammatory disease behavior and NOD2/CARD15 genotype, but not with risk for surgery in a Hungarian cohort of IBD patients
Inflamm. Bowel Dis.
13 (8), 984-992, 2007.
Journal metrics:
Immunology and Allergy
Lakatos, P.
Fischer, S.
Claes, K.
Kovács, Á.
Molnár, T.
Altorjay, I.
Demeter, P.
Tulassay, Z.
Palatka, K.
Papp, M.
Rutgeerts, P.
Szalay, F.
Papp, J.
Vermeire, S.
Lakatos, L.
The Hungarian IBD Study Group
DLG5 R30Q is not associated with IBD in Hungarian IBD patients but predicts clinical response to steroids in Crohn's disease
Inflamm. Bowel Dis.
12 (5), 362-368, 2006.
Journal metrics:
Immunology and Allergy
Palatka, K.
Serfőző, Z.
Veréb, Z.
Bátori, R.
Lontay, B.
Hargitay, Z.
Nemes, Z.
Udvardy, M.
Erdődi, F.
Altorjay, I.
Effect of IBD sera on expression of inducible and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
World J. Gastroenterol.
12 (11), 1730-1738, 2006.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Papp, M.
Lakatos, P.
Palatka, K.
Földi, I.
Udvardy, M.
Hársfalvi, J.
Tornai, I.
Vitális, Z.
Dinya, T.
Kovács, Á.
Molnár, T.
Demeter, P.
Papp, J.
Lakatos, L.
Altorjay, I.
Haptoglobin polimorfizmus vizsgálata gyulladásos bélbetegségekben
Orv. Hetil.
147 (36), 1745-1750, 2006.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Palatka, K.
Buris, L.
A hasnyálmirigy rosszindulatú daganatai
In: Klinikai onkológia a gyakorlatban. Szerk.: Szántó János, Medicina Könyvkiadó Rt., Budapest, 180-196, 2005. ISBN: 9632429737
Palatka, K.
Serfőző, Z.
Veréb, Z.
Hargitay, Z.
Lontay, B.
Erdődi, F.
Bánfalvi, G.
Nemes, Z.
Udvardy, M.
Altorjay, I.
Changes in the expression and distribution of the inducible and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in mucosal biopsy specimens of inflammatory bowel disease
Scand. J. Gastroenterol.
40 (6), 670-680, 2005.
Journal metrics:
Palatka, K.
Udvardy, M.
Altorjay, I.
A vékonybél-lymphoma és a coeliakia, valamint a Crohn betegség kapcsolata
Eur. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. (magyar kiad.)
8 (4), 121-124, 2004.
Palatka, K.
Altorjay, I.
Az argonplazmás koaguláció szerepe a gastrointestinalis endoszkópiában
Magyar Belorv. Arch.
56 113-117, 2003.
Udvardy, M.
Palatka, K.
Tornai, I.
Altorjay, I.
Antithromboticus kezelés és heveny felső gastrointestinalis vérzés
Orv. Hetil.
143 (4), 183-187, 2002.
Papp, M.
Palatka, K.
Mátyus, J.
Németh, T.
Altorjay, I.
Súlyos tápcsatorna vérzéssel járó gyomor-amyloidosis esete
Magyar Belorv. Arch.
55 (S2), 31, 2002.
Udvardy, M.
Altorjay, I.
Palatka, K.
A gyulladásos bélbetegségek hematológiai vonatkozásai
Orv. Hetil.
142 (17), 883-886, 2001.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Altorjay, I.
Palatka, K.
In: Klinikai alapismeretek fogorvos- és gyógyszerészhallgatóknak. Szerk.: Boda Zoltán, Bakó Gyula, Medicina, Budapest, 191-226, 2001. ISBN: 963242736X
Altorjay, I.
Vitális, Z.
Szász, R.
Palatka, K.
Udvardy, M.
Immediate eradication of helicobacter pylori infection seems to be beneficial compared to solely "PPI" treatment in the management of bleeding duodenal ulcer
118 (4), A1209, 2000.
Pásztor, É.
Décsy, J.
Dévényi, K.
Sikula, J.
Altorjay, I.
Mikita, J.
Palatka, K.
Reményi, G.
Péter, M.
A gyomor leiomyomájának diagnosztikai lehetőségeiről: két esetünk kapcsán
Orv. Hetil.
140 (45), 2525-2527, 1999.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Palatka, K.
Altorjay, I.
Szakáll, S.
Győrffy, Á.
Udvardy, M.
A Helicobacter pylori kimutatása gyomorcarcinomás szöveti mintákban
Orv. Hetil.
140 (36), 1985-1989, 1999.
Journal metrics:
Medicine (miscellaneous)
Huszka, M.
Káplár, M.
Rejtő, L.
Palatka, K.
Udvardy, M.
Csökkent intravascularis endotheleredetű NO (nitrát/nitrit)-termelés összefüggése az endothelkárosodással és a fokozott thrombocyta-aktivációval diabetes mellitusos betegekben
Diabetol. Hung.
7 (1), 31-36, 1999.
Altorjay, I.
Palatka, K.
Vitális, Z.
Rejtő, L.
Győrffy, Á.
Udvardy, M.
Felső tápcsatornai vérzések korszerű ellátása erre specializált gastrointestinalis részlegen
Orv. Hetil.
139 (36), 2121-2126, 1998.
Udvardy, M.
Káplár, M.
Rejtő, L.
Tornai, I.
Palatka, K.
László, P.
Huszka, M.
Increased in vivo platelet activation and reduced intravascular endothelium-derived relaxing factor and nitrate/nitrite production in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
9 (3-4), 257-260, 1998.
Udvardy, M.
Pósán, E.
Palatka, K.
Altorjay, I.
Hársfalvi, J.
Effect of L-arginine on in vitro plasmin-generation and fibrinogenolysis
Thromb. Res.
87 (1), 75-82, 1997.
Palatka, K.
Altorjay, I.
Huszka, M.
Udvardy, M.
Nitrogén-monoxid (NO) a gyomor-bél csatorna és a máj működésében
Orv. Hetil.
138 (24), 1555-1559, 1997.
Huszka, M.
Káplár, M.
Rejtő, L.
Tornai, I.
Palatka, K.
László, P.
Udvardy, M.
The association of reduced endothelium derived relaxing factor-no production with endothelial damage and increased in vivo platelet activation in patients with diabetes mellitus
Thromb. Res.
86 (2), 173-180, 1997.
Pfliegler, G.
Palatka, K.
Attempted suicide with pilocarpine eyedrops
Am. J. Ophthalmol.
120 (3), 399-400, 1995.
Show all
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iDEa co-authors
Papp Mária
co-authored publications (35)
Altorjay István
co-authored publications (34)
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Papp Mária
co-authored publications (35)
Altorjay István
co-authored publications (34)
Udvardy Miklós
co-authored publications (23)
Tornai István
co-authored publications (10)
Dinya Tamás
co-authored publications (8)
Hársfalvi Jolán
co-authored publications (8)
Vitális Zsuzsanna
co-authored publications (8)
Barta Zsolt
co-authored publications (7)
Lovas Szilvia
co-authored publications (7)
Damjanovich László
co-authored publications (5)
Földi Ildikó
co-authored publications (5)
Bubán Tamás
co-authored publications (4)
Erdődi Ferenc
co-authored publications (4)
Galuska László
co-authored publications (4)
Garai Ildikó
co-authored publications (4)
Kacska Sándor
co-authored publications (4)
Nagy László
co-authored publications (4)
Póliska Szilárd
co-authored publications (4)
Rejtő László
co-authored publications (4)
Sipka Sándor
co-authored publications (4)
Tóth László
co-authored publications (4)
Varga József
co-authored publications (4)
András Csilla
co-authored publications (3)
Antal-Szalmás Péter
co-authored publications (3)
Káplár Miklós
co-authored publications (3)
Lontay Beáta
co-authored publications (3)
Szekanecz Zoltán
co-authored publications (3)
Szentkereszty Zsolt
co-authored publications (3)
Tanyi Miklós
co-authored publications (3)
Veréb Zoltán
co-authored publications (3)
Bátori Róbert Károly
co-authored publications (2)
Boda Zoltán
co-authored publications (2)
Dávida László
co-authored publications (2)
Gáspár Krisztián
co-authored publications (2)
Kadenczki Orsolya
co-authored publications (2)
Kóder Gergely
co-authored publications (2)
Lakos Gabriella
co-authored publications (2)
László István
co-authored publications (2)
Meskó Bertalan
co-authored publications (2)
Mezei Zoltán András
co-authored publications (2)
Nagy Gábor
co-authored publications (2)
Nemes Zoltán
co-authored publications (2)
Palatka Réka
co-authored publications (2)
Pályu Eszter
co-authored publications (2)
Pfliegler György
co-authored publications (2)
Szegedi Andrea
co-authored publications (2)
Váncsa Andrea
co-authored publications (2)
Bacskai Ildikó
co-authored publications (1)
Balla József
co-authored publications (1)
Balog Klaudia
co-authored publications (1)
Bánfalvi Gáspár
co-authored publications (1)
Berhés Mariann
co-authored publications (1)
Bidiga László
co-authored publications (1)
Cserni Tamás
co-authored publications (1)
Csonka Tamás
co-authored publications (1)
Dajnoki Zsolt
co-authored publications (1)
Emri Gabriella
co-authored publications (1)
Erdélyi Zoltán
co-authored publications (1)
Fábián Ákos István
co-authored publications (1)
Farkas Máté
co-authored publications (1)
Garami Zoltán
co-authored publications (1)
Guttman András
co-authored publications (1)
Horváth Attila
co-authored publications (1)
Husi Kata
co-authored publications (1)
Ilonczai Péter
co-authored publications (1)
Janka Eszter Anna
co-authored publications (1)
Kanyári Zsolt
co-authored publications (1)
Kapitány Anikó
co-authored publications (1)
Karányi Zsolt
co-authored publications (1)
Kerekes György
co-authored publications (1)
Lányi Árpád
co-authored publications (1)
Mátyus János
co-authored publications (1)
Mikita János
co-authored publications (1)
Nagy István
co-authored publications (1)
Penyige András
co-authored publications (1)
Péter Mózes
co-authored publications (1)
Póka Róbert
co-authored publications (1)
Pósán Emőke
co-authored publications (1)
Rajnavölgyi Éva
co-authored publications (1)
Reményi Gyula
co-authored publications (1)
Sápy Péter
co-authored publications (1)
Schlammadinger Ágota
co-authored publications (1)
Szabó Imre Lőrinc
co-authored publications (1)
Szász Róbert
co-authored publications (1)
Tornai Dávid
co-authored publications (1)
Tóth Dezső
co-authored publications (1)
Váradi Csaba
co-authored publications (1)
Zeher Margit
co-authored publications (1)
Other co-authors
Lakatos Péter
(co-authored publications: 30)
Miheller Pál
(co-authored publications: 23)
Molnár Tamás
(co-authored publications: 20)
Szamosi Tamás
(co-authored publications: 18)
Nagy Ferenc
(co-authored publications: 17)
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Lakatos Péter
(co-authored publications: 30)
Miheller Pál
(co-authored publications: 23)
Molnár Tamás
(co-authored publications: 20)
Szamosi Tamás
(co-authored publications: 18)
Nagy Ferenc
(co-authored publications: 17)
Farkas Klaudia
(co-authored publications: 16)
Lakatos László
(co-authored publications: 14)
Szepes Zoltán
(co-authored publications: 14)
Banai János
(co-authored publications: 12)
Bor Renáta
(co-authored publications: 10)
Kovács Ágota
(co-authored publications: 10)
Rutka Mariann
(co-authored publications: 10)
Tulassay Zsolt
(co-authored publications: 10)
Veres Gábor
(co-authored publications: 10)
Salamon Ágnes
(co-authored publications: 9)
Milassin Ágnes
(co-authored publications: 8)
Bálint Anita
(co-authored publications: 7)
Golovics Petra Anna
(co-authored publications: 7)
Papp János
(co-authored publications: 7)
Vincze Áron
(co-authored publications: 7)
Demeter Pál
(co-authored publications: 6)
Fábián Anna
(co-authored publications: 6)
Kiss Lajos Sándor
(co-authored publications: 6)
Kristóf Tünde
(co-authored publications: 6)
Lakatos László
(co-authored publications: 6)
Lovász Barbara Dorottya
(co-authored publications: 6)
Molnár Tamás
(co-authored publications: 6)
Nyári Tibor
(co-authored publications: 6)
Sarlós Patrícia
(co-authored publications: 6)
Schafer Eszter
(co-authored publications: 6)
Végh Zsuzsanna
(co-authored publications: 6)
Bene László
(co-authored publications: 5)
Gasztonyi Beáta
(co-authored publications: 5)
Kürti Zsuzsanna
(co-authored publications: 5)
Tóth Gábor Tamás
(co-authored publications: 5)
Tumpek Judit
(co-authored publications: 5)
Farkas K.
(co-authored publications: 4)
Fischer Simon
(co-authored publications: 4)
Gelley András
(co-authored publications: 4)
Molnár Tamás
(co-authored publications: 4)
Papp János
(co-authored publications: 4)
Serfőző Zoltán
(co-authored publications: 4)
Wittmann Tibor
(co-authored publications: 4)
Czeglédi Zsófia
(co-authored publications: 3)
Fedinecz Nikol
(co-authored publications: 3)
Gecse Krisztina B.
(co-authored publications: 3)
Gönczi Lóránt
(co-authored publications: 3)
Herszényi László
(co-authored publications: 3)
Huszka Marianna
(co-authored publications: 3)
Kis Sándor Attila
(co-authored publications: 3)
Lakner Lilla
(co-authored publications: 3)
Müllner Katalin
(co-authored publications: 3)
Novák János
(co-authored publications: 3)
Patai Árpád
(co-authored publications: 3)
Rácz István
(co-authored publications: 3)
Szántó Kata
(co-authored publications: 3)
Szigeti Nóra
(co-authored publications: 3)
Zaránd Attila
(co-authored publications: 3)
Brodszky Valentin
(co-authored publications: 2)
Csiszkó Adrienn
(co-authored publications: 2)
Csontos Ágnes Anna
(co-authored publications: 2)
Dávid Gyula
(co-authored publications: 2)
Élthes Zsuzsa Bianka
(co-authored publications: 2)
Erdélyi Z.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Farkas Gyula
(co-authored publications: 2)
Földesi Imre
(co-authored publications: 2)
Fritz P.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Gulácsi László
(co-authored publications: 2)
Győrffy Árpád
(co-authored publications: 2)
Hargitay Zoltán
(co-authored publications: 2)
Harsányi László
(co-authored publications: 2)
Holló Zsolt
(co-authored publications: 2)
Horváth Gábor
(co-authored publications: 2)
Horváth Gábor
(co-authored publications: 2)
Horváth Gábor
(co-authored publications: 2)
Juhász M.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Kata Diána
(co-authored publications: 2)
Kispál Zsófia
(co-authored publications: 2)
Kovács A.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Kovács Á.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Lakatos L.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Lonovics János
(co-authored publications: 2)
Mándi Yvette
(co-authored publications: 2)
Molnár T.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Nagy Ferenc
(co-authored publications: 2)
Norman, Gary L.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Olasz Judit
(co-authored publications: 2)
Pásztor Éva
(co-authored publications: 2)
Péntek Márta
(co-authored publications: 2)
Rencz Fanni
(co-authored publications: 2)
Salamon A.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Szalay Balázs
(co-authored publications: 2)
Szalay Ferenc
(co-authored publications: 2)
Szántó Károly
(co-authored publications: 2)
Szathmári Miklós
(co-authored publications: 2)
Szenes Mária
(co-authored publications: 2)
Szepes A.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Újszászy László
(co-authored publications: 2)
Urbancsek Hilda
(co-authored publications: 2)
Vincze A.
(co-authored publications: 2)
Altorjay Áron
(co-authored publications: 1)
Antal Judit
(co-authored publications: 1)
Bacsur Péter
(co-authored publications: 1)
Bajor Judit
(co-authored publications: 1)
Balázs Csaba
(co-authored publications: 1)
Bálint A.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Bálint Ádám
(co-authored publications: 1)
Bánky Balázs
(co-authored publications: 1)
Bányai Tivadar
(co-authored publications: 1)
Barbu, Sorin
(co-authored publications: 1)
Bene László
(co-authored publications: 1)
Bíró Edina
(co-authored publications: 1)
Bogár Lajos
(co-authored publications: 1)
Bortlik, Martin
(co-authored publications: 1)
Budai Annamária
(co-authored publications: 1)
Buris László
(co-authored publications: 1)
Claes, Karolien
(co-authored publications: 1)
Czakó László
(co-authored publications: 1)
Czimmer József
(co-authored publications: 1)
Csak Timea
(co-authored publications: 1)
Csefkó Klára
(co-authored publications: 1)
Csepregi Antal
(co-authored publications: 1)
Csuka Orsolya
(co-authored publications: 1)
Décsy Judit
(co-authored publications: 1)
Dénes Márton
(co-authored publications: 1)
Dévényi Katalin
(co-authored publications: 1)
Dotan, Nir
(co-authored publications: 1)
Döbrönte Zoltán
(co-authored publications: 1)
Duricova, Dana
(co-authored publications: 1)
Elekes Károly
(co-authored publications: 1)
Enyedi Judit
(co-authored publications: 1)
Farkas Katalin
(co-authored publications: 1)
Fekete Szandra A.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Hegyi Péter Jenő
(co-authored publications: 1)
Hofner P.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Hollósi Renáta
(co-authored publications: 1)
Horváth G.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Hruba Veronika
(co-authored publications: 1)
Hunyady Béla
(co-authored publications: 1)
Huszka Mariann
(co-authored publications: 1)
Izbéki Ferenc
(co-authored publications: 1)
Jakab Zsolt
(co-authored publications: 1)
Jancsik Viktor
(co-authored publications: 1)
Juhász Márk Félix
(co-authored publications: 1)
Karádi László
(co-authored publications: 1)
Kébel Z.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Kelemen Dezső
(co-authored publications: 1)
Kiss Péter B.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Kocsis Katalin Ágnes
(co-authored publications: 1)
Kolar, Martin
(co-authored publications: 1)
Kovács Erzsébet
(co-authored publications: 1)
Krasnyánszky Nóra
(co-authored publications: 1)
Kucserik Levente Pál
(co-authored publications: 1)
Kukor Zoltán
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lakatos P.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lakatos Piroska
(co-authored publications: 1)
László Pál
(co-authored publications: 1)
László Pál
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lázár György
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lerch, Markus M.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lesch Miklós
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lombay Béla
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lombay Béla
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lőrinczy K.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lőrinczy Katalin
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lukas, Martin
(co-authored publications: 1)
Lukas, Milan
(co-authored publications: 1)
Malickova, Karin
(co-authored publications: 1)
Mandel, Michael
(co-authored publications: 1)
Márta Katalin
(co-authored publications: 1)
Martyin Tibor
(co-authored publications: 1)
Matuz Mária
(co-authored publications: 1)
Mitrova, Katarina
(co-authored publications: 1)
Mohás Anna
(co-authored publications: 1)
Molnár T.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Müller Katalin Eszter
(co-authored publications: 1)
Müllner Katalin Edit
(co-authored publications: 1)
Műzes Györgyi
(co-authored publications: 1)
Németh Attila
(co-authored publications: 1)
Németh Imola
(co-authored publications: 1)
Németh Tamás
(co-authored publications: 1)
Neoptoleomos, Johan P.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Olasz J.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Orosz Péter
(co-authored publications: 1)
Osztovits János
(co-authored publications: 1)
Pálvölgyi Attila
(co-authored publications: 1)
Pár Alajos
(co-authored publications: 1)
Pár Gabriella
(co-authored publications: 1)
Petersen, Ole H.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Podani János
(co-authored publications: 1)
Ress Zsuzsa
(co-authored publications: 1)
Rumi György
(co-authored publications: 1)
Rutgeerts, Paul
(co-authored publications: 1)
Rúzsa Gábor
(co-authored publications: 1)
Sahin-Tóth Miklós
(co-authored publications: 1)
Salamon A.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Sarang Krisztina
(co-authored publications: 1)
Shums, Zakera
(co-authored publications: 1)
Sikula Judit
(co-authored publications: 1)
Simon László
(co-authored publications: 1)
Sipos Béla
(co-authored publications: 1)
Soltész Lilla
(co-authored publications: 1)
Stalmeier, Peep F. M.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Steiner László
(co-authored publications: 1)
Stocker, Winfried
(co-authored publications: 1)
Szabó Andrea
(co-authored publications: 1)
Szabó Anna
(co-authored publications: 1)
Szabó Károly
(co-authored publications: 1)
Szakáll Szabolcs
(co-authored publications: 1)
Székely Borbála
(co-authored publications: 1)
Székely Hajnal
(co-authored publications: 1)
Szentesi Andrea
(co-authored publications: 1)
Szepes Attila
(co-authored publications: 1)
Szíjártó A. L.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Szilágyi Blanka K.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Tantau, Marcel
(co-authored publications: 1)
Tanyi János L.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Tóth Judit
(co-authored publications: 1)
Tóth Tibor
(co-authored publications: 1)
Török Éva
(co-authored publications: 1)
Török Imola
(co-authored publications: 1)
Tusnádi Anna
(co-authored publications: 1)
Udvardy Miklós László
(co-authored publications: 1)
Váczi Zsuzsanna
(co-authored publications: 1)
Varga Márta
(co-authored publications: 1)
Varga Vince
(co-authored publications: 1)
Vereczkei András
(co-authored publications: 1)
Veres G. L.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Vermeire, S.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Vincze A.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Virányi Zsolt
(co-authored publications: 1)
Weisz György
(co-authored publications: 1)
Zádori Noémi
(co-authored publications: 1)
Zahuczky Gábor
(co-authored publications: 1)
Zouboulis, Christos C.
(co-authored publications: 1)
Zsigmond Ferenc
(co-authored publications: 1)
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