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Department of World Economy and International Business

Name: Department of World Economy and International Business

Publication list

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Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Erdey, L., Laisha, L., Nagy, A.: The Nonlinear Relationship between Digital Affordances and Firm-level Export Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Ambidexterity.
    MDE Manage Decis Econ. [accepted for publication] 1-21, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Business and International Management (2023)
    Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation (2023)
    Q2 Management Science and Operations Research (2023)
    Q2 Strategy and Management (2023)
  1. Erdey, L.: Benczes István: Gazdasági növekedés és versenyképesség intézményi perspektívában - A magyar eset (2008-2019) : A magyar gazdaság közelmúltja intézményi perspektívában.
    Ma.Tud. 184 (2), 262-266, 2023.
    (Ismertetett mű: Benczes István. -Gazdasági növekedés és versenyképesség intézményi perspektívában - A magyar eset (2008-2019) : A magyar gazdaság közelmúltja intézményi perspektívában /Budapest : Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó, 2022. -)
  2. Kristia, K., Kovács, S., Erdey, L.: Food delivery platform and food waste: Deciphering the role of promotions, knowledge, and subjective norms among Indonesian generation Z.
    Cleaner and Responsible Consumption. 11 1-18, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Economics and Econometrics
    Q2 Environmental Engineering
    Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
    Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
    Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
    Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  3. Nádasi, L., Trón, Z.: Inequalities in Retirement Age and Life Expectancy.
    Anal. Univ. Oradea. Ser. Relat. Int. Stud. Eur. 14 211-222, 2023.
  4. Szőllősi, L., Berencsi, A., Boros, J., Várnagy, E.: Kari Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia: Rezümé kötet.
    Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Debrecen, 73 p., 2023.
  5. Ategeka, S., Tóth, E., Akankwasa, J., Edep, T., Ocwa, A.: Wildlife-crop raiding dynamics around Budongo forest in Uganda.
    In: Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége Közgazdaságtudományi osztályának II. Rurális Konferenciája Absztraktkötet / Földi Péter, Viktor Patrik, Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége, Komárom: TéKa, Budapest, 7, 2023. ISBN: 9788097415280
  1. Harangi-Rákos, M., Szenderák, J., Erdey, L., Kőmíves, P., Fenyves, V.: Analysis of the Economic Situation of Energy Companies in Central and Eastern Europe.
    IJEEP. 12 (4), 553-562, 2022.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Energy (miscellaneous)
  2. Tóth, E., Trón, Z.: Any help in enlargement?: Development of the outermost regions as potential examples to follow.
    In: Disintegration and integration in East-Central Europe : Managing diversity in the process of European integration. Ed.: Eszter Tóth, Adrian-Gabriel Corpădean, Nicolae Pǎun, László Erdey, TT Play Kft., Debrecen, 351-368, 2022. ISBN: 9789634904045
  3. Erdey, L., Vereb, Z., Mchani, S.: The relationship between corruption, happiness, and human development.
    Econ. Work. Capital. 3-4 65-72, 2022.
  1. Csapó, Z., Péntek, Á., Csapóné Riskó, T.: Sensory Evaluation and Acceptance of Goat Yogurts in Comparison with Cow yogurts: An Empirical Study.
    In: Challenges and Opportunities to Develop Organizations Through Creativity, Technology and Ethics. Eds.: Silvia L. Fotea, Ioan Ş. Fotea, Sebastian A. Văduva, Springer, Cham, 143-159, 2020, (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics) ISBN: 9783030434489
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updated: 2024-09-15, 03:25

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 45
Q1 1 (2.2%)
Q2 2 (4.4%)
Q3 1 (2.2%)
N/A 41 (91.1%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Business, Management and Accounting (2)
Business and International Management (2)
Strategy and Management (2)
Industrial Relations (1)
Management of Technology and Innovation (1)
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (2)
Economics and Econometrics (1)
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (1)
Energy (2)
Energy (miscellaneous) (1)
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (1)
Environmental Science (2)
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (2)
Environmental Engineering (1)
Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (1)
Decision Sciences (1)
Management Science and Operations Research (1)
Social Sciences (1)
Geography, Planning and Development (1)
Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (1)

Genre chart

Year chart

Language chart