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Veres-Balajti Ilona

Veres-Balajti Ilona

Veres-Balajti Ilona
tanszékvezető egyetemi docens 2007-
tanszékvezető egyetemi docens 2022-
Name: Veres-Balajti Ilona
  • Debreceni Egyetem. Egészségtudományi Kar. Egészségtudományi Intézet. Fizioterápiás Tanszék / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Health Sciences. Institute of Health Studies. Department of Physiotherapy
  • Debreceni Egyetem. Egészségtudományi Kar / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Health Sciences
Other profiles: MTMT
  • PhD, Debreceni Egyetem (2010)
Profession: physiotherapist, helath improvmenet manager

Publication list

Uploaded publications:
Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Al Ashkar, H., Kovács, N., Veres-Balajti, I., Ádány, R., Pikó, P.: Association of CETP Gene Polymorphisms and Haplotypes with Acute Heart Rate Response to Exercise.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25 (16), 1-10, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Catalysis (2023)
    Q1 Computer Science Applications (2023)
    D1 Inorganic Chemistry (2023)
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q2 Molecular Biology (2023)
    D1 Organic Chemistry (2023)
    Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (2023)
    D1 Spectroscopy (2023)
  2. Pikó, P., Habib, A., Kovács, N., Veres-Balajti, I., Ádány, R.: Genetic Background of Acute Heart Rate Response to Exercise.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25 (6), 1-12, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Catalysis (2023)
    Q1 Computer Science Applications (2023)
    D1 Inorganic Chemistry (2023)
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q2 Molecular Biology (2023)
    D1 Organic Chemistry (2023)
    Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (2023)
    D1 Spectroscopy (2023)
  1. Lábiscsák-Erdélyi, Z., Somhegyi, A., Veres-Balajti, I., Kósa, K.: Daily Optional Physical Education Does Not Counteract Increasing Inactivity by Age among Adolescents.
    Children-Basel. 10 (12), 1-12, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
  2. Szilágyi, T., Lukács, B., Nagy, A., Jenei, Z., Veres-Balajti, I.: Efficiency of Printed Patient Information Leaflets Written for Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty Patients to Reduce Their Fear of Surgery.
    Geriatrics. 8 (5), 1-12, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q3 Aging
    Q3 Geriatrics and Gerontology
    Q2 Gerontology
    Q2 Health (social science)
  3. Kósa, K., Vincze, S., Veres-Balajti, I., Bácsné Bába, É.: The Pendulum Swings Both Ways: Evidence for U-Shaped Association between Sleep Duration and Mental Health Outcomes.
    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 20 (9), 1-13, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
    Q2 Pollution
    Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  1. Lábiscsák-Erdélyi, Z., Veres-Balajti, I., Somhegyi, A., Kósa, K.: A fizikai inaktivitás összefüggése az élettel való elégedettséggel serdülők körében.
    In: XIV. Nemzetközi nyíregyházi doktorandusz és posztdoktori konferencia : Absztraktkötet. Szerk.: Rusinné Fedor Anita, Tóth Dalma, Zakor-Broda Rita, Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar, Nyíregyháza, 77, 2022. ISBN: 9789634904755
  2. Berki, K., Veres-Balajti, I.: Az e-sport tevékenység okozta mozgásszervi problémák beazonosítása amatőr gamer-ek körében.
    In: XX. Szentágothai János Mutidiszciplináris Konferencia és Hallgatói Verseny [Absztrakt kötet]. Szerk.: Prisztóka Gyöngyvér, Kertai Bendegúz, Szentágothai J. Szakkollégiumi Egyes., Pécs, 199, 2022. ISBN: 9789634299547
  3. Lábiscsák-Erdélyi, Z., Somhegyi, A., Veres-Balajti, I., Kósa, K.: Bad for Girls and Boys: gender Does Not Modify the Negative Effect of Physical Inactivity on Life Satisfaction in Adolescents.
    Front. Public Health. 10 1-8, 2022.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  4. Szilágyi, T., Lukács, B., Veres-Balajti, I.: Cost-Effective Healthcare in Rehabilitation: Physiotherapy for Total Endoprosthesis Surgeries from Prehabilitation to Function Restoration.
    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 19 (22), 1-14, 2022.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
    Q2 Pollution
    Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  5. Csepregi, É., Némethné Gyurcsik, Z., Veres-Balajti, I., Nagy, A., Szekanecz, Z., Szántó, S.: Effects of Classical Breathing Exercises on Posture, Spinal and Chest Mobility among Female University Students Compared to Currently Popular Training Programs.
    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 19 (6), 1-22, 2022.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
    Q2 Pollution
    Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  6. Besenyei, B., Veres-Balajti, I.: Gyógytornász hallgatók szerepe és tapasztalatai a COVID-19 elleni védekezésben.
    In: Absztrakt kötet : XX. Szentágothai János Mutidiszciplináris Konferencia és Hallgatói Verseny. Szerk.: Prisztóka Gyöngyvér, Kertai Bendegúz, Szentágothai János Szakkollégiumi Egyesület, Pécs, 201-202, 2022.
  7. Lábiscsák-Erdélyi, Z., Veres-Balajti, I., Somhegyi, A., Kósa, K.: Self-Esteem Is Independent Factor and Moderator of School-Related Psychosocial Determinants of Life Satisfaction in Adolescents.
    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 19 (9), 1-14, 2022.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
    Q2 Pollution
    Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  1. Csuhai, É., Nagy, A., Szőllősi, G., Veres-Balajti, I.: Impact Analysis of 20-Week Multimodal Progressive Functional-Proprioceptive Training among Sedentary Workers Affected by Non-Specific Low-Back Pain: an Interventional Cohort Study.
    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 18 (20), 1-31, 2021.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
    Q2 Pollution
    Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  2. Bíró, É., Kovács, S., Veres-Balajti, I., Ádány, R., Kósa, K.: Modelling Health in University Students: are Young Women More Complicated Than Men?.
    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 18 (14), 1-12, 2021.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
    Q2 Pollution
    Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  1. Csuhai, É., Nagy, A., Váradi, Z., Veres-Balajti, I.: Functional Analysis of the Spine with the Idiag SpinalMouse System among Sedentary Workers Affected by Non-Specific Low Back Pain.
    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 17 (24), 1-14, 2020.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
    Q2 Pollution
    Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Show all
updated: 2025-01-15, 11:17

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 32
Q1/D1 3 (9.4%)
Q1 8 (25%)
Q2 9 (28.1%)
Q3 1 (3.1%)
Q4 1 (3.1%)
N/A 13 (40.6%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Medicine (18)
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (10)
Medicine (miscellaneous) (4)
Epidemiology (1)
Geriatrics and Gerontology (1)
Health Policy (1)
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (1)
Psychiatry and Mental Health (1)
Environmental Science (8)
Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (8)
Pollution (8)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (3)
Molecular Biology (2)
Aging (1)
Social Sciences (3)
Health (social science) (3)
Chemical Engineering (2)
Catalysis (2)
Chemistry (2)
Inorganic Chemistry (2)
Organic Chemistry (2)
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (2)
Spectroscopy (2)
Computer Science (2)
Computer Science Applications (2)
Health Professions (1)
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (1)
Nursing (1)
Gerontology (1)
Psychology (1)
Social Psychology (1)

Genre chart

Year chart

Language chart

iDEa co-authors

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