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Ali Hamid Mohammed Elshafia

Ali Hamid Mohammed Elshafia

Ali Hamid Mohammed Elshafia
Name: Ali Hamid Mohammed Elshafia
Other profiles: MTMT

Publication list

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  1. Ahmed, A., Mozzon, M., Shaikh, A., Elshafia, A., Kovács, B.: Exploring the potential of baobab processed products: a review.
    In: II. Magyar Agrártudományi Doktoranduszok Szimpóziuma : Absztraktkötet. Szerk.: Hajdú Péter, Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége, Budapest, 62, 2024. ISBN: 9786156457431
  2. Elshafia, A., Bőkényné Tóth, R., Kardos, G., Pál, K.: Identification of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Commercial Fish Farms in Hungary.
    In: 15th Egerton University Biennial International Conference : Programme and book of abstracts. Ed.: M.K. Charimbu, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya, 42, 2024.
  3. Elshafia, A., Fehér, M., Bársony, P., Csernus, B., Teye-Gaga, C., Ahmed, A., Pál, K.: Impact of Pediococcus acidilactici, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and yang on growth, morphometric parameters and intestinal parameters of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.).
    In: 21st Wellmann International Scientific Conference : Book of Abstracts. Ed.: Ingrid Melinda Gyalai; Szilárd Czóbel, University of Szeged Faculty of Agriculture, Hódmezővásárhely, 91, 2024. ISBN: 9789633069806
  4. Ahmed, A., Mozzon, M., Shaikh, A., Elshafia, A., Kovács, B.: Microelement concentrations in baobab leaves from Sudan: Implications for human nutrition.
    In: 15th Egerton University Biennial International Conference : Programme and book of abstracts / M.K. Charimbu, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya, 90, 2024.
  5. Elshafia, A., Ahmed, A., Abbo, A., Magdoline, M., Siddig, M.: Occurrence, Spread, and Management Possibilities of Citrus Bacterial Canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri) in Sudan.
    In: The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Plant Sciences: Program and Abstract Book / Jayanta Kumar Patra, Mauro Commisso, Antonella Vitti et al, -, Online, 78, 2024.
  6. Abdalla, A., Elshafia, A., Abu-Goukh, A.: Physico-Chemical Changes during Growth and Development of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Fruits.
    In: 15th Egerton University Biennial International Conference : Programme and book of abstracts. Ed.: M.K. Charimbu, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya, 15, 2024.
  7. Magdoline, M., Rania, A., Hassan, M., Elshafia, A., Rátonyi, T., Abdel, G.: Review: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria: Plausible Candidates or Striga hermonthica Management in Sorghum.
    In: The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Plant Sciences: Program and Abstract Book / Jayanta Kumar Patra, Mauro Commisso, Antonella Vitti et al, -, Online, 127 (sciforum-083894), 2024.
  8. Elshafia, A., Bőkényné Tóth, R., Kardos, G., Freytag, C., Pál, K.: Survey on antibiotic resistant bacteria in commercial fish ponds.
    In: 1st Debrecen Online Conference on Infectious Diseases in a One Health context (DOCIDOH) : Book of abstracts, Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, 12, 2024.
  1. Ahmed, A., Mozzon, M., Shaikh, A., Elshafia, A., Kovács, B.: Dynamics of magnesium concentration in baobab leaves: Site-specific variation in Sudan.
    In: Scientific Conference of PhD Students of FAFR, FBFS and FHLE SUA in Nitra with international participation - Proceedings of abstracts on occasion of the Science and Technology Week in the Slovak Republic. Ed.: Monika Tóthová, Judita Lidiková, Kristína Candráková, Dominik Holly, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, Nitra, 64, 2023. ISBN: 9788055226606
  2. Elshafia, A., Fehér, M., Bársony, P., Ahmed, A., Shaikh, A., Pál, K.: Effect of selected feed additives on growth performance and the intestinal microbiota of the Common carp (Cyprinus carpio).
    In: Scientific Conference of PhD Students of FAFR, FBFS and FHLE SUA in Nitra with international participation - Proceedings of abstracts on occasion of the Science and Technology Week in the Slovak Republic. Ed.: Monika Tóthová, Judita Lidiková, Kristína Candráková, Dominik Holly, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, Nitra, 19, 2023. ISBN: 9788055226606
  3. Elshafia, A., Pál, K.: Histochemical study of the intestine of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to detect the impact of different feed additives.
    In: Sustainable and Innovative Solutions in Agriculture and Food Industry (SISAF'23) One Health approach. Szerk.: Veress Szilvia, Kocsisné Papp Mariett, Stündl László, Debrecen, 38, 2023. ISBN: 9789634905356
  4. Shaikh, A., Ahmed, A., Elshafia, A., Prokisch, J., Kovács, B.: The impact of AI on food science research: A critical review.
    In: Scientific Conference of PhD Students of FAFR, FBFS and FHLE SUA in Nitra with international participation - Proceedings of abstracts on occasion of the Science and Technology Week in the Slovak Republic. Ed.: Monika Tóthová, Judita Lidiková, Kristína Candráková, Dominik Holly, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, Nitra, 69, 2023. ISBN: 9788055226606
  1. Elshafia, A., Elhassan, S., Abbo, A.: Citrus Canker in Sudan: Etiology and Epidemiology.
    Agric. Res. Technol. 25 (4), 1-7, 2021.
  1. Elshafia, A., Siddig, M.: Evaluation of Some Botanicals against Citrus Bacterial Canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri) Affecting Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) in Sudan.
    In: Abstract book, PSHS International Horticultural Conference / Muhammad Shafiq, Raheel Anwar, Institute of Agricultural Sciences University of Panjab Lahore and Pakistan Society for Horticultural Sciences (PSHS), Lahore, Pakistan, 17-18, 2020.
updated: 2024-09-01, 01:23

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Other co-authors

Abbo, Azza Siddig Hussien
Bőkényné Tóth Renáta
Elhassan, Siddig Mohamed
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Abbo, Azza Siddig Hussien
Bőkényné Tóth Renáta
Elhassan, Siddig Mohamed
Magdoline Mustafa Ahmed Osman
Siddig Mohamed Elhassan
Abdalla, Ashraf Mohamed Ahmed
Abdel Gabar Eltayeb Babiker
Abubakerc, Mohamed Yousif A.
Hassan, Mohammed Mahgoub
Rania, Alrasheed Abakeer
Teye-Gaga, Christopher