Jelenlegi hely

Alhendi Osama M. H.

Alhendi Osama M. H.

Név: Alhendi Osama M. H.
Affiliáció: Debreceni Egyetem. Gazdaságtudományi Kar. Statisztika és Módszertani Intézet / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Economics and Business.
További profilok: Google Scholar, MTMT, Scopus Author ID

Teljes publikációs lista

A lista áttöltése az MTMT rendszerébe
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Hitelesített Publikációs Lista igénylése
OA letöltési statisztika megtekintése
Feltöltött közlemény:
Publikációs időszak:
  1. Alhendi, O., Lengyel, P., Balogh, P., Tóth, J.: Psychometric properties of intercultural competences in a central european context.
    Sustainability. 14 (12), 1-12, 2022.
    Q2 Computer Networks and Communications
    Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology
    Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
    Q1 Geography, Planning and Development
    Q2 Hardware and Architecture
    Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
    Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
  1. Alhendi, O., Dávid, L., Fodor, G., Gogo, F., Balogh, P.: The impact of language and quality education on regional and economic development: a study of 99 countries.
    Reg. Stat. 11 (1), 1-16, 2021.
    Q2 Economics and Econometrics
    Q2 Geography, Planning and Development
    Q3 Statistics and Probability
  2. Alhendi, O., Tóth, J., Lengyel, P., Balogh, P.: Tolerance, Cultural Diversity and Economic Growth: Evidence from Dynamic Panel Data Analysis.
    Economies. 9 (1), 1-17, 2021.
    Q2 Development
    Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
frissítve: 2024-09-01, 01:14

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek
SCImago besorolása

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek száma: 7
Q1 1 (14.3%)
Q2 2 (28.6%)
n.a. 4 (57.1%)

SCImago kategóriák

Social Sciences (3)
Geography, Planning and Development (2)
Development (1)
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (2)
Economics and Econometrics (1)
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (1)
Computer Science (1)
Computer Networks and Communications (1)
Hardware and Architecture (1)
Energy (1)
Energy Engineering and Power Technology (1)
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (1)
Environmental Science (1)
Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (1)
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (1)
Mathematics (1)
Statistics and Probability (1)

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