Osman Magdoline Mustafa Ahmed
Osman Magdoline Mustafa Ahmed
Név: Osman Magdoline Mustafa Ahmed
Teljes publikációs lista
Publikációs időszak:
Kuunya, R.,
Ahmed, O.,
Ocwa, A.,
Tamás, A.,
Ragán, P.:
Examining the correlation between consolidation coefficient and impact value of dry humus-rich surface soils.
In: The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy : Program and book of abstracts / Oscar Vicente, MDPI, Switzerland, 90, 2024.
Ocwa, A.,
Ssemugenze, B.,
Kuunya, R.,
Ahmed, O.,
Harsányi, E.:
Is precision irrigation a panacea to water shortage in crop production?.
In: II. Magyar Agrártudományi Doktoranduszok Szimpóziuma : Absztraktkötet. Szerk.: Hajdú Péter, Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége, Budapest, 51, 2024. ISBN: 9786156457431
Ahmed, O.,
Rania, A.,
Hassan, M.,
Elshafia, A.,
Rátonyi, T.,
Abdel, G.:
Review: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria: Plausible Candidates or Striga hermonthica Management in Sorghum.
In: The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Plant Sciences: Program and Abstract Book / Jayanta Kumar Patra, Mauro Commisso, Antonella Vitti et al, -, Online, 127 (sciforum-083894), 2024.
Elshafia, A.,
Ahmed, A.,
Abbo, A.,
Ahmed, O.,
Siddig, M.:
Review: Occurrence, Spread, and Management Possibilities of Citrus Bacterial Canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri) in Sudan.
In: The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Plant Sciences: Program and Abstract Book / Jayanta Kumar Patra, Mauro Commisso, Antonella Vitti et al, MDPI, Belgrade, 78, 2024, (ISSN 2223-7747)
Azarig, M.,
Hassan, M.,
Rugheim, A.,
Ahmed, O.,
Abakeer, R.,
Abusin, R.,
Abdelgani, M.:
Impact of Trichoderma harzianum and bacterial strains against Striga hermonthica in Sorghum.
Ann. Plant. Sci. 9 (10), 4049 - 4059, 2020.
Yahia, M.,
Hassan, M.,
Elamien, M.,
Abdalla, N.,
Rugheim, A.,
Abusin, R.,
Abakeer, R.,
Ahmed, O.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
Counteracting the effect of Orobanche crenata infestation on faba bean (Viciafaba L.) by soil microorganisms and chemical fertilizers.
International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research. 05 (04), 469-484, 2019.
Hassan, M.,
Azarig, M.,
Rugheim, A.,
Abusin, R.,
Elnasikh, M.,
Modawi, H.,
Ahmed, O.,
Abakeer, R.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
Potential of Trichoderma harzianum as a biocontrol agent against Striga hermonthica in sorghum.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8 (3), 195-206, 2019.
Abakeer, R.,
Hassan, M.,
Rugheim, A.,
Ahmed, O.,
Abusin, R.,
Mohamed, M.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
Effects of bacteria, citric acid and potassium phosphate dihydrateonstriga hermonthica incidence and sorghum growth.
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch 3 389-405, 2018.
Yahia, M.,
Elamien, M.,
Abdalla, N.,
Rugheim, A.,
Elsalahi, R.,
Abusin, R.,
Abakeer, R.,
Ahmed, O.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
Laboratory and field studies of Trichoderma harzianum, bacterial strains and Imazethapyr on Orobanche crenata forsk infesting Vicia faba.
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences. 6 (6), 209-217, 2018.
Abakeer, R.,
Hassan, M.,
Ahmed, O.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.,
Rugheim, A.:
Seed priming influence on Strigahermonthica (Del.) Benth. infested sorghum growth.
Sudan Academy of Sciences Journal. 13 57-70, 2018.
Ahmed, O.,
Hassan, M.,
Rughium, A.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
Effects of Fungal Isolates and Strains, on S. hermonthica Seeds Germination in Response to GR24.
Arab Journal of Plant Protection. 35 (12), 88, 2017.
Elabaied, E.,
Rugheim, A.,
Hassan, M.,
Ahmed, O.,
Yahia, M.,
Abakeer, R.,
Abusin, R.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
Influence of bacteria on Orobanchecrenata seed bank size, incidence and Viciafaba L. performance.
Am-Eurasian J. Sustain. Agric. 11 30-39, 2017.
Q4 Agronomy and Crop Science
Q4 Food Science
Q4 Horticulture
ElKhair, K.,
Hassan, M.,
Rugheim, A.,
Ahmed, O.,
Abakeer, R.,
Abusin, R.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
Potential role of intercropping, bacterial strains and inorganic fertilizers in integrated Striga hermonthica management on sorghum.
Adv. Environ. Biol. 11 (8), 1-10, 2017.
Q4 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
Mahmoud, E.,
Rezig, A.,
Hassan, M.,
Elslahi, R.,
Ahmed, O.,
Abakeer, R.,
Abusin, R.,
Gani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
Cowpea (Vignaunguiculata) and bacterial inoculation: A plausible components of an integrated management strategy for the root parasitic weed Striga hermonthica on sorghum.
Adv. Environ. Biol. 10 1-11, 2016.
Q4 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
Ahmed, O.,
Daffalla, H.,
Osman, M.,
Ahmed, O.,
Hassan, M.,
Gani, M.:
Fungal elicitor effected growth of Striga in-vitro co-cultured with sorghum.
J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. A. 6 885-993, 2016.
Yasseen Gafar, N.,
Hassan, M.,
Ahmed, O.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
In vitro study of endophytic bacteria and carbohydrates and their combination on early developmental stages of Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth.
Adv. Environ. Biol. 10 66-74, 2016.
Q4 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
Ahmed, O.,
Hassan, M.,
Rugheim, A.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
Effects of fungal isolates Ai41, IBA and BAP on early developmental stages of Striga hermonthica.
In: The Second Minia International Conference for Agriculture and Irrigation in the Nile Basin Countries, 23rd -25th March 2015, El-Minia, Egypt. Ed.: Jamal Mustafa Aldwai, Osama Aboalmkaram, Anwer Abdalaziz, Minia University, Faculty of Agriculture, Egypt, 534-539, 2015, (The Second Minia International Conference for Agriculture and Irrigation in the Nile Basin Countries, ISSN 1-821 ; 2)
Hassan, M.,
Rughium, A.,
Osman, A.,
Gafer, N.,
Ahmed, S.,
Ahmed, O.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
HMIS-P4: Microbial control of root parasitic weeds in Sudan.
In: Microbes and Ecosystems: The Universal Hidden Force = Deuxième conférence Internationale Organisée par ATEM, Tunisian Society for Microbial Ecology Organizes, Tunisia, 64, 2015.
Ahmed, O.,
Hassan, M.,
Rughium, A.,
Osman, A.,
Abdelgani, M.,
Babiker, A.:
Effects of some fungal isolates on germination and haustorium initiation of striga hermonthica (del.) benth.
J. Curr. Res. Sci. 1 235-241, 2013.
frissítve: 2024-12-29, 01:27