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Hannusch Carolin

Hannusch Carolin

Name: Hannusch Carolin
  • Debreceni Egyetem. Informatikai Kar / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Informatics
  • Debreceni Egyetem. Informatikai Kar. Számítógéptudományi Tanszék / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Informatics. Department of Computer Science
Other profiles: MTMT
  • PhD, Debreceni Egyetem (2018)

Publication list

Uploaded publications:
Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Csernoch, M., Nagy, T., Nagy, K., Csernoch, J., Hannusch, C.: Human-centered digital sustainability: handling enumerated lists in digital texts.
    IEEE Access. 12 30544-30561, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (2023)
  1. Hussain, A., Hannusch, C.: A New Keyed Hash Function Based on Latin Squares and Error-Correcting Codes to Authenticate Users in Smart Home Environments.
    In: Codes, Cryptology and Information Security: 4th International Conference, C2SI 2023, Rabat, Morocco, May 29-31, 2023, Proceedings. (Chapter 8) /Souidi El Mamoun (eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, Svájc, 129-135, 2023. ISBN: 9783031330162
  2. Hannusch, C., Major, S.: Neighborhoods of Binary Self-Dual Codes.
    Contemp. Math. 4 (4), 1174-1179, 2023.
  3. Hannusch, C., Pethő, A.: Rotation on the digital plane.
    Period. Math. Hung. 86 (2), 564-577, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  1. Hannusch, C., Mihálydeák, T.: Algebraic structures gained from rough approximation in incomplete information systems.
    In: Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems (ACSIS) ISBN: 9788396589743
  2. Falcone, G., Figula, Á., Hannusch, C.: On the generating matrices of Goppa codes over hyperelliptic curves.
    JRMS. 37 (3), 273-279, 2022.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  3. Hannusch, C., Major, S.: Torch: Software Package For The Search Of Linear Binary Codes.
    In: 2022 IEEE 2nd Conference on Information Technology and Data Science (CITDS): Proceedings / Fazekas István, IEEE, Piscataway, 103-106, 2022.
  1. Hannusch, C., Horváth, G.: Properties of hash functions based on Gluskov product of automata.
    J. Autom. Lang. Comb. 26 (1-2), 55-65, 2021.
    Journal metrics:
    Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics
    Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
  1. Falcone, G., Figula, Á., Hannusch, C.: Steiner Loops of Affine Type.
    Results Math. 75 (4), 1-25, 2020.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Applied Mathematics
    Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  1. Dömösi, P., Hannusch, C., Horváth, G.: A Cryptographic System Based on a New Class of Binary Error-Correcting Codes.
    Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 73 (1), 83-96, 2019.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  2. Fülöp, D., Hannusch, C.: Algorithm for the generation of complement-free sets.
    Ann. Math. Inform. 50 89-92, 2019.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  3. Hannusch, C.: A symmetric cryptosystem based on Reed-Solomon codes.
    Int. J. Latest Eng. Res. Appl. 4 (11), 9-12, 2019.
  1. Hannusch, C.: On monomial codes in modular group algebras.
    Discret. Math. 340 (5), 957-962, 2017.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
    Q1 Theoretical Computer Science
  1. Hannusch, C., Lakatos, P.: Construction of self-dual binary [2^(2k),2^(2k-1),2^k] -codes.
    Algebra Discrete Math. 21 (1), 59-68, 2016.
    Journal metrics:
    Q4 Algebra and Number Theory
    Q4 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
  2. Halasi, Z., Hannusch, C., Nguyen, H.: The largest character degrees of the symmetric and alternating groups.
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (5), 1947-1960, 2016.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Applied Mathematics
    Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous)
  1. Hannusch, C., Lakatos, P.: Construction of self-dual radical 2-codes of given distance.
    Discrete Math. Algorithm. Appl. 4 (4), 1250052-1-1250052-13, 2012.
updated: 2024-09-01, 02:08

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 14
Q1 3 (21.4%)
Q2 2 (14.3%)
Q3 1 (7.1%)
Q4 4 (28.6%)
N/A 4 (28.6%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Mathematics (9)
Mathematics (miscellaneous) (6)
Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (3)
Applied Mathematics (2)
Algebra and Number Theory (1)
Theoretical Computer Science (1)
Computer Science (3)
Computer Science (miscellaneous) (2)
Computational Theory and Mathematics (1)
Engineering (1)
Engineering (miscellaneous) (1)
Materials Science (1)
Materials Science (miscellaneous) (1)

Genre chart

Year chart

Language chart