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Illés Árpád

Name: Illés Árpád
Affiliation: Debreceni Egyetem. Mezőgazdaság-, Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar. Földhasznosítási, Műszaki és Precíziós Technológiai Intézet / University of Debrecen. Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management.
Other profiles: Google Scholar, MTMT, ResearchGate
  • PhD, Debreceni Egyetem (2023)

Publication list

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Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Illés, Á., Nagy, J., Széles, A., Harsányi, E., Ssemugenze, B., Ocwa, A., Bojtor, C.: Analysis of the relationship between flight parameters, nutrient levels and hybrids in a small plot field experiment using a multispectral UAV.
    In: 2nd International Congress on Sustainable Development in the Human Environment - Current and Future Challenges : Proceedings book. Eds.: Atilgan Atilgan, Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas Association, Antalya, 34, 2024. ISBN: 9786258254600
  2. Kecskés, I., Bojtor, C., Illés, Á., Horváth, L., Hadászi, L., Sojnóczki, I., Nagy, J., Csótó, A., Bartók, T.: Assessment of the biological efficacy of chemical defense to prevent quality and yield loss due to Fusarium.
    j. cent. eur. agric. 25 (4), 1054-1064, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q3 Agronomy and Crop Science (2023)
    Q4 Animal Science and Zoology (2023)
  3. Ocwa, A., Illés, Á., Bojtor, C., Ssemugenze, B., Harsányi, E.: Biostimulating effects of Bacillus simplex on the photochemical yield and grain yield of maize under surface drip irrigation.
    In: 15th Egerton University Biennial International Conference : Programme and book of abstracts. Ed.: M.K. Charimbu, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya, 31, 2024.
  4. Sojnóczki, I., Nagy, J., Illés, Á., Kecskés, I., Bojtor, C.: Comparative Analysis of Drought Effects on the Soil Moisture Level and Penetration Resistance in Conventional and Non-Conventional Tillage Systems in Maize Production.
    Agriculture-Basel. 14 (7), 1-16, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Agronomy and Crop Science (2023)
    Q2 Food Science (2023)
    Q2 Plant Science (2023)
  5. Sojnóczki, I., Nagy, J., Bojtor, C., Illés, Á., Széles, A.: Effect of different conventional and non-conventional tillage systems on the soil moisture content.
    In: Alternatives to Reduce Soil Degradation : Books of abstracts. Ed.: by Zsófia Bakacsi, Ágota Horel, János Mészáros, Márk Rékási, Tünde Takács, Institute for Soil Sciences, HUN-REN Centre for Agricultural Research, Budapest, 23, 2024.
  6. Sidahmed, H., Illés, Á., Vad, A., Nagy, J.: Effect of different sowing dates on yield of four hybrids of sweet corn (Zea mays L.) saccharates.
    In: 21st Wellmann International Scientific Conference Book of abstracts / felelős kiadó Edit Mikó, szerk. Ingrid Melinda Gyalai, Szilárd Czóbel, University of Szeged Faculty of Agriculture, Hódmezővásárhely, 30, 2024. ISBN: 9789633069806
  7. Illés, Á., Bojtor, C., Széles, A., Horváth, É., Nagy, J.: Effect of the fertiliser supply for the maize micro nutrient content depending on the part of the plants under long-term field experiment.
    In: EGU General Assembly 2023 : HS8.3.2 Soil-Plant Interactions/ co-organized by BG2, European Geosciences Union, Munchen, 1-2 (EGU23-11622), 2023.
  8. Rátonyi, T., Tamás, A., Fejér, P., Horváth, É., Széles, A., Ragán, P., Bojtor, C., Illés, Á., Juhász, C., Somogyi, E., Harsányi, E.: Evaluation of soil moisture dynamics in a long-term field experiment set up on chernozem soil.
    In: 2nd International Congress on Sustainable Development in the Human Environment - Current and Future Challenges : Proceedings book. Eds.: Atilgan Atilgan, Iksad Institute, Antalya, 27-28, 2024. ISBN: 9786258254600
  9. Illés, Á., Széles, A., Rátonyi, T., Fejér, P., Harsányi, E., Ragán, P., Nagy, J., Bojtor, C.: Examination of the ATSAVI index in the case of different nutrient supply and tillage systems in a small plot long-term field experiment with a multispectral UAV.
    In: 100 years of soil science - past achievements and future challenges : Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences : Abstract book / Sara Marinari, Giuseppe Corti, Edoardo A.C. Costantini, Italian Society of Soil Science, Florence, 1419, 2024.
  10. Ssemugenze, B., Ocwa, A., Bojtor, C., Illés, Á., Esimu, J., Nagy, J.: Impact of research on maize production challenges in Hungary.
    Heliyon. 10 (6), 1-14, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
  11. Ssemugenze, B., Bojtor, C., Illés, Á., Nagy, J., Ocwa, A., Tóth, B.: Investigation of the effects of foliar fertilization on two maize hybrids' physiological characteristics under irrigated conditions.
    In: The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Plant Sciences: Program and Abstract Book / Jayanta Kumar Patra, Mauro Commisso, Antonella Vitti et al, -, Online, 123, 2024.
  12. Ocwa, A., Mohammed, S., Mousavi, S., Illés, Á., Bojtor, C., Ragán, P., Rátonyi, T., Harsányi, E.: Maize Grain Yield and Quality Improvement Through Biostimulant Application: a Systematic Review.
    J Soil Sci Plant Nutr. 24 1609-1649, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Agronomy and Crop Science (2023)
    Q1 Plant Science (2023)
    Q2 Soil Science (2023)
  13. Radócz, L., Juhász, C., Tamás, A., Illés, Á., Ragán, P., Radócz, L.: Multispectral UAV-Based Disease Identification Using Vegetation Indices for Maize Hybrids.
    Agriculture-Basel. 14 (11), 1-15, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Agronomy and Crop Science (2023)
    Q2 Food Science (2023)
    Q2 Plant Science (2023)
  14. Ssemugenze, B., Illés, Á., Bojtor, C., Ocwa, A., Nagy, J.: Optimization of maize grain yield and quality using different nitrogen doses.
    In: 8th Cereals and Europe Spring Meeting : Book of Abstracts / Peter Weegels, Dubravka Novotni, Artion Conferences and Events, Zagreb, 41, 2024.
  15. Bojtor, C., Széles, A., Rátonyi, T., Fejér, P., Harsányi, E., Nagy, J., Illés, Á.: Phosphorus as a key factor in soil nutrient ecosystems - a case study based on longterm field trial data.
    In: 100 years of soil science - past achievements and future challenges : Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences : Abstract book / Sara Marinari, Giuseppe Corti, Edoardo A.C. Costantini, Italian Society of Soil Science, Florence, 877 (ID ABS WEB: 137196), 2024.
  16. Nagy, J., Hajdu, A., Bogacsovics, G., Bojtor, C., Illés, Á., Lakatos, R., Mészáros, L.: Precíziós gazdálkodásban használható adatelemzés alapú növénytermesztési döntéstámogató rendszer fejlesztés.
    In: LXV. Georgikon Napok Tudományos Konferencia = 65th Georgikon Days Scientific Conference /szerk. Pőr Csilla, Szabó-Soós Adrienn, Szabó Péter, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Georgikon Campus, Keszthely, 133-134, 2024. ISBN: 9786156338105
  17. Mousavi, S., Illés, Á., Bojtor, C., Demeter, C., Bakos, Z., Vad, A., Abakeer, R., Sidahmed, H., Nagy, J.: Quantitative and qualitative yield in sweet maize hybrids.
    Braz. J. Biol. 84 1-9, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (2023)
  18. Rátonyi, T., Fejér, P., Horváth, É., Széles, A., Ragán, P., Bojtor, C., Illés, Á., Harsányi, E.: The impact of conventional and precision cultivation technology on the moisture content of the chernozem soil.
    In: 100 years of soil science - past achievements and future challenges : Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences : Abstract book / Sara Marinari, Giuseppe Corti, Edoardo A.C. Costantini, Italian Society of Soil Science, Florence, 91 (ID ABS WEB: 137209), 2024.
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updated: 2025-01-15, 12:20

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 65
Q1 22 (33.8%)
Q2 8 (12.3%)
Q3 7 (10.8%)
N/A 28 (43.1%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Agricultural and Biological Sciences (34)
Agronomy and Crop Science (20)
Plant Science (13)
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (6)
Food Science (5)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (4)
Animal Science and Zoology (2)
Aquatic Science (2)
Soil Science (2)
Environmental Science (11)
Ecology (6)
Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (2)
Water Science and Technology (2)
Environmental Engineering (1)
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (1)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (4)
Biochemistry (2)
Biotechnology (1)
Genetics (1)
Physiology (1)
Social Sciences (3)
Geography, Planning and Development (3)
Computer Science (1)
Computer Networks and Communications (1)
Hardware and Architecture (1)
Energy (1)
Energy Engineering and Power Technology (1)
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (1)
Engineering (1)
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (1)
Mechanical Engineering (1)
Immunology and Microbiology (1)
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (1)
Multidisciplinary (1)
Multidisciplinary (1)

Genre chart

Year chart

Language chart

iDEa co-authors

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Other co-authors

Shojaei, Seyed Habib
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Shojaei, Seyed Habib
Bihamta, Mohammad Reza
Abakeer, Rania Alrasheed
Moloi, Makoena Joyce
Czerődiné Kempf Laura
Ghasemi, Seyed Hamed
Hajósné Novák Márta
Khodarahmi, Manoochehr
Nkebiwe, Peteh Mehdi
Novák Hajós Márta