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Bujdosó Gyöngyi

Bujdosó Gyöngyi

Bujdosó Gyöngyi
Associate Professor 2021-
Name: Bujdosó Gyöngyi
  • PhD, Debreceni Egyetem, Informatikai Kar (2007)
  • Habilitáció, Eötvös Loránd Tudomány Egyetem, Informatikai Kar (2020)
Profession: IT specialist, Computer Science teacher

Publication list

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  1. Bujdosó, G., Teperics, K., Roskó, T., Jász, E., Czimre, K., Molnár, E., Kapusi, J., Novac, M., Novac, O.: Disruptive technologies in STEM education - A method for broadening the spectrum of IT teacher education.
    In: EDULEARN23 Proceedings / Luis Gómez Chova; Chelo González Martínez; Joanna Lees, IATED Academy, 2023, 5684-5692, 2023, (ISSN 2340-1117) ISBN: 9788409521517
  2. Gusman, D., Bujdosó, G.: Investigating the Link Between Gamification and E-Learning Motivation: A Pre-Research Literature Review.
    In: I. Imre Sándor Neveléstudományi Konferencia - Programfüzet, BME - Budapest University Of Technology And Economics, Budapest, 13, 2023.
  1. Bujdosó, G., Novac, M., Novac, O., Roskó, T., Teperics, K.: Experiences with the use of virtual reality environments in education - Identifying difficulties and possible solutions during thesis work.
    In: EDULEARN22 Proceedings / IATED, IATED, 2022, 10216-10221, 2022, (ISSN 2340-1117) ISBN: 9788409424849
  2. Roskó, T., Bujdosó, G., Novac, M., Novac, O., Szőllősi, G.: Improving Students' Privacy Awareness: Analysis of A Pilot Survey to Design A VR Environment for Self-Paced Learning.
    In: Proceedings of 2022 13th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) / Baranyi Péter, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, Piscataway, 53-58, 2022, (ISSN 2380-7350) ISBN: 9781665492393
  3. Gouda, K., Bujdosó, G., Hassaan, M.: Scaling Subgraph Matching by Improving Ullmann Algorithm.
    Comput Inform. 41 (4), 1002-1024, 2022.
  4. Novac, O., Novac, M., Bogdan, C., Gordan, C., Gordan, M., Bujdosó, G.: The rise of mobile development: a comparison between Ionic and Flutter.
    In: Proceedings of 2022 14th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) / Ovidiu Constantin Novac, IEEE, Ploiesti, 1-10, 2022.
  1. Csokmai, L., Novac, M., Novac, O., Bujdosó, G., Oproescu, M., Codrean, M.: Comparative study about data speed acquisition and recording in a MySQL database of LabVIEW, MATLAB and Python programming languages.
    In: 2021 13th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) / Valeriu Ionescu, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Red Hook, NY, USA, 1-4, 2021. ISBN: 9781665425346
  2. Novac, O., Madar, D., Novac, M., Bujdosó, G., Oproescu, M., Gal, T.: Comparative study of some applications made in the Angular and Vue.js frameworks.
    In: 2021 16th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES) / Eugen Gergely; Ovidiu Novac, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Danvers, MA, USA, 1-4, 2021. ISBN: 9781665449953
  3. Novac, M., Novac, O., Sferle, R., Gordan, M., Bujdosó, G., Camelia, M.: Comparative study of some applications made in the Vue.js and React.js frameworks.
    In: 2021 16th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES) / Eugen Gergely; Ovidiu Novac, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Danvers, MA, USA, 1-4, 2021. ISBN: 9781665449953
  4. Roskó, T., Bujdosó, G., Novac, M., Novac, O.: Enhancing students' privacy awareness: theory and practice on personal data protection through a VR environment.
    In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2021): Proceedings / Baranyi Péter, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, 563-568, 2021.
  1. Novac, O., Chilba, C., Novac, M., Gordan, C., Gordan, M., Bujdosó, G.: Comparison of DotKernel and Symfony as PHP frameworks.
    In: 2020 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) / Valeriu Ionescu, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Red Hook, NY, USA, 1-4, 2020.
  1. Ursu, M., Novac, O., Oproescu, M., Bujdosó, G., Hathazi, F.: Comparative study of the analog and digital operation for miniature railway systems.
    In: 15th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems, ICEMES 2019, University of Oradea, Oradea, 137-140, 2019. ISBN: 9781728107738
  2. Bujdosó, G., Novac, M., Novac, O., Aranyi, F.: Creative skills in VR - Developing students' creative skills by using immersive virtual reality in teacher training.
    In: ICERI2019 Proceedings / Chova L. Gómez; Martínez A. López; Torres I. Candel, International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Seville, 666-672, 2019. ISBN: 9788409147557
  3. Bujdosó, G., Boros, K., Novac, M., Novac, O.: Developing cognitive processes as a major goal in designing e-health information provider VR environment in information science education.
    In: 2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) / Péter Baranyi, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, 187-192, 2019. ISBN: 9781728147932
  4. Novac, O., Muresan, I., Novac, M., Oproescu, M., Gordan, C., Bujdosó, G.: Development of a Weather Application in Android and iOS Operating Systems.
    In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ECAI-2019. Ed.: Valeriu Ionescu, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Red Hook, NY, USA, 1-5, 2019. ISBN: 9781728116242
  5. Boros, K., Bujdosó, G., Novac, M., Novac, O.: E-Health Promotion virtual reality services in MaxWhere VR spaces - design and development.
    In: 2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) / Baranyi Péter, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, 389-390, 2019.
  6. Novac, M., Codrean, M., Novac, O., Codrean, M., Oproescu, M., Bujdosó, G.: The Numerical Modeling of the Inductive Heating Process at Different Frequencies, Using the FLUX2D Software.
    In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence - ECAI-2019. Ed.: Valeriu Ionescu, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Red Hook, NY, USA, 1-5, 2019. ISBN: 9781728116242
  7. Bujdosó, G., Jász, E., M. Császár, Z., Farsang, A., Kapusi, J., Molnár, E., Teperics, K.: Virtual reality in teaching geography.
    In: ICERI2019 Proceedings / Chova L. Gómez; Martínez A. López; Torres I. Candel, International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Seville, 659-665, 2019. ISBN: 9788409147557
  1. Novac, O., Gordan, C., Novac, M., Bérczes, T., Bujdosó, G.: Comparative study of Google Android, Apple iOS and Microsoft Windows Phone mobile operating systems.
    In: 2017 14th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES), Oradea, Romania, June 01-02, 2017, IEEE Computer Society, Danvers, 154-159, 2017. ISBN: 9781509060733
  2. Bujdosó, G., Novac, O., Szimkovics, T.: Developing cognitive processes for improving inventive thinking in system development using a collaborative virtual reality system.
    In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications: CogInfoCom 2017 : Proceedings : September 11-14, 2017 Debrecen, Hungary, IEEE Computer Society, Piscataway, 79-84, 2017. ISBN: 9781538612644
  3. Aradi, B., Bujdosó, G., Horváth, G., Szokol, P.: Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2017 konferencia kiadványa.
    Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar, Debrecen, 475 p., 2017. ISBN: 9789634732136
  4. Gilányi, A., Bujdosó, G., Bálint, M.: Presentation of a medieval church in MaxWhere.
    In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications: CogInfoCom 2017 : Proceedings : September 11-14, 2017 Debrecen, Hungary, IEEE Computer Society, Piscataway, 377-378, 2017. ISBN: 9781538612644
  5. Gilányi, A., Bujdosó, G., Bálint, M.: Virtual reconstruction of a medieval church.
    In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications: CogInfoCom 2017 : Proceedings : September 11-14, 2017 Debrecen, Hungary, IEEE Computer Society, Piscataway, 283-287, 2017. ISBN: 9781538612644
  1. Szimkovics, T., Bujdosó, G.: Design informatics special workgroup in view of learner's fields of interest is secondary schools of Transcarpathia.
    In: Some issues in pedagogy and methodology. Eds.: Tibor János Karlovitz, Judit Torgyik, International Research Institute, Komárno, Slovakia, 63-69, 2016. ISBN: 9788089691357
  2. Jász, E., Bujdosó, G.: Hallgatói vélemények a természettudományos tantárgyakról.
    In: Interdiszciplináris pedagógia és az oktatási rendszer újraformálása : A IX. Kiss Árpád Emlékkonferencia előadásainak szerkesztettváltozata : Debrecen, 2015. szeptember 25-26.. Szerk.: Buda András, Kiss Endre, DE Neveléstudományok Intézete, Debrecen, 148-157, 2016, (Kiss Árpád Archivum Könyvtára, ISSN 1587-1150 ; 9.) ISBN: 9789634739296
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updated: 2024-09-01, 01:53

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