Jelenlegi hely

Varga József

Varga József

Varga József
Név: Varga József
További profilok: MTMT, ResearcherID
  • PhD, DOTE (1996)
  • Dr. Habil, DE (2004)
Szakterület: nukleáris medicina

Teljes publikációs lista

A lista áttöltése az MTMT rendszerébe
Hiányzó közlemények feltöltése
Hitelesített Publikációs Lista igénylése
OA letöltési statisztika megtekintése
Feltöltött közlemény:
Publikációs időszak:
  1. Képes, Z., Mikó, M., Kukuts, K., Esze, R., Barna, S., Somodi, S., Káplár, M., Varga, J., Garai, I.: Imaging with [99mTc]HMPAO - a novel perspective: investigation of [99mTc] HMPAO leg muscle uptake in metabolic diseases.
    Acta Radiol. 64 (1), 187-194, 2023.
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology
    Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging
  2. Nagy-Vincze, M., Béldi, T., Szabó, K., Vincze, A., Miltényi-Szabó, B., Varga, Z., Varga, J., Griger, Z.: Incidence, features and outcome of disease relapse after Covid-19 vaccination in patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies.
    Muscle Nerve. 67 (5), 371-377, 2023.
    Q3 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
    Q2 Neurology (clinical)
    Q2 Physiology
    Q2 Physiology (medical)
  3. Kálmán-Szabó, I., Képes, Z., Fekete, A., Vágner, A., Nagy, G., Szücs, D., Gyuricza, B., Arató, V., Varga, J., Kárpáti, L., Garai, I., Mándity, I., Bruchertseifer, F., Elek, J., Szikra, D., Trencsényi, G.: In Vivo evaluation of newly synthesized 213Bi-conjugated alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) peptide analogues in melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1-R) positive experimental melanoma model.
    J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 229 1-9, 2023.
    Q2 Analytical Chemistry
    Q2 Clinical Biochemistry
    Q2 Drug Discovery
    Q2 Pharmaceutical Science
    Q2 Spectroscopy
  4. Halasi, A., Szegedi, A., Töröcsik, D., Varga, J., Farmasi, N., Szűcs, G., Tarr, T., Gaál, J.: Psoriatic arthritis and its special features predispose not only for osteoporosis but also for fractures and falls.
    J. Dermatol. 50 (5), 608-614, 2023.
    Q1 Dermatology
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  1. Szabó, K., Bodoki, L., Nagy-Vincze, M., Béldi, T., Vincze, A., Zilahi, E., Varga, J., Szűcs, G., Dankó, K., Griger, Z.: Clinical, Serological, and Genetic Characteristics of a Hungarian Myositis-Scleroderma Overlap Cohort.
    Biomed Res. Int. 2022 1-9, 2022.
    Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
  2. Képes, Z., Kukuts, K., Oszlánszki, A., Mihovk, I., Krizsán, Á., Barna, S., Robinson, A., Deidda, D., Mester, J., Varga, J., Garai, I., Forgács, A.: Initial clinical experience with dedicated multi-pinhole (MPH) collimator for 99mTc-HMPAO brain perfusion SPECT.
    Hell. J. Nucl. Med. 25 (2), 143-147, 2022.
    Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging
  3. Knoll, P., Tsapaki, V., Varga, J., Šámal, M.: Parametric imaging used in nuclear medicine.
    In: Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. Ed.: Alberto Signore, Elsevier Inc, USA, 567-578, 2022. ISBN: 9780128229606
  1. Képes, Z., Nagy, F., Budai, Á., Barna, S., Esze, R., Somodi, S., Káplár, M., Garai, I., Varga, J.: Age, BMI and diabetes as independent predictors of brain hypoperfusion.
    Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur. 24 (1), 11-15, 2021.
    Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging
  2. Képes, Z., Aranyi, S., Forgács, A., Nagy, F., Kukuts, K., Esze, R., Somodi, S., Káplár, M., Varga, J., Emri, M., Garai, I.: Homocysteine-related alterations of [18F]FDG brain pattern in metabolic diseases.
    Hell. J. Nucl. Med. 24 (3), 222-227, 2021.
    Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging
  3. Varga, J., Garai, I., Barna, S., Budai, Á., Farkas, B., Galuska, L., Hascsi, Z., Mihovk, I., Mikó, M.: Nuclear Medicine: for medical students.
    Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 194 p., 2021. ISBN: 9789633189023
  1. Körhegyi, Z., Rózsa, D., Hajdu, I., Bodnár, M., Kertész, I., Kerekes, K., Kun, S., Kollár, J., Varga, J., Garai, I., Trencsényi, G., Borbély, J.: Synthesis of 68Ga-Labeled Biopolymer-based Nanoparticle Imaging Agents for Positron-emission Tomography.
    Anticancer Res. 39 (5), 2415-2427, 2019.
    Q3 Cancer Research
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Oncology
  1. Béres, M., Larroza, A., Arana, E., Varga, J., Balkay, L., Moratal, D.: 2D and 3D texture analysis to differentiate brain metastases on MR images: proceed with caution.
    Magn. Reson. Mat. Phys. Biol. Med. 31 (2), 285-294, 2018.
    Q1 Biophysics
    Q1 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology
    Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging
  2. Varga, J.: An Introduction to Nuclear Medicine.
    In: Nuclear and Radiochemistry. Eds.: József Kónya, Noémi Nagy, Elsevier, Cambridge, 369-397, 2018. ISBN: 9780128136430
  3. Béres, M., Forgács, A., Bujdosó, B., Székely, A., Varga, J., Berényi, E., Balkay, L.: Comparing the reliability of biomedical texture analysis tools on different image types.
    Acta polytechn. Hung. 15 (7), 29-48, 2018.
    Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous)
    Q2 Multidisciplinary
Mindet mutasd
frissítve: 2024-09-01, 02:14

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek
SCImago besorolása

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek száma: 134
Q1/D1 9 (6.7%)
Q1 27 (20.1%)
Q2 25 (18.7%)
Q3 12 (9%)
Q4 3 (2.2%)
n.a. 67 (50%)

SCImago kategóriák

Medicine (63)
Medicine (miscellaneous) (44)
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (24)
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (4)
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (4)
Neurology (clinical) (4)
Oncology (4)
Rheumatology (4)
Surgery (4)
Biochemistry (medical) (3)
Dermatology (3)
Immunology and Allergy (2)
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (2)
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (2)
Physiology (medical) (2)
Gastroenterology (1)
Health Informatics (1)
Hematology (1)
Infectious Diseases (1)
Pharmacology (medical) (1)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (13)
Clinical Biochemistry (4)
Endocrinology (3)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (2)
Physiology (2)
Biophysics (1)
Cancer Research (1)
Neuroscience (4)
Neurology (2)
Biological Psychiatry (1)
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (1)
Health Professions (3)
Radiological and Ultrasound Technology (3)
Immunology and Microbiology (3)
Immunology (2)
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) (1)
Computer Science (2)
Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (1)
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (1)
Signal Processing (1)
Engineering (2)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (1)
Engineering (miscellaneous) (1)
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (2)
Drug Discovery (1)
Pharmaceutical Science (1)
Pharmacology (1)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (1)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (1)
Chemistry (1)
Analytical Chemistry (1)
Spectroscopy (1)
Dentistry (1)
Dentistry (miscellaneous) (1)
Multidisciplinary (1)
Multidisciplinary (1)

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További folyóiratok

iDEa társszerzők

További társszerzők

Egyéb társszerzők

Szűcs-Farkas Zsolt
További társszerzők
Szűcs-Farkas Zsolt
Kis Sándor Attila
Kozlovszky Bertalan
Burman, Kenneth D.
Dannals, Robert F.
Jonsson, Hermann Pall
Mathews, William B.
Thuróczy Julianna
Bruchertseifer, Frank
Csákváry Violetta
DiFranco, Matthew D.
Fekésházy Attila
Mándity István M.
Nagy Gergely György
Oszlánszki Attila
Owonikoko, Taofeek
Ricaurte, George A.
Schretlen, David J.
Szabó Bence Tamás
Szigeti Krisztián