Jelenlegi hely

Dobránszki Judit

Név: Dobránszki Judit
További profilok: MTMT, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID
  • kandidátus, MTA (1999)
  • MTA doktora, MTA (2016)
Szakterület: biológus

Teljes publikációs lista

A lista áttöltése az MTMT rendszerébe
Hiányzó közlemények feltöltése
Hitelesített Publikációs Lista igénylése
OA letöltési statisztika megtekintése
Feltöltött közlemény:
Publikációs időszak:
  1. Csabai, J., KOLESNYK, A., Hörcsik, Z., KOLESNYK, O., Dobránszki, J., Cziáky, Z.: A comprehensive study to identify novel active components, amino acids, and antibiotic activity of Acmella oleracea (L.) R.K. Jansen.
    S. West. J. Horticult., Biol. Envir. 15 (2), 75-96, 2024.
    Q4 Agronomy and Crop Science (2023)
    Q4 Ecology (2023)
    Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (2023)
    Q4 Plant Science (2023)
    Q4 Soil Science (2023)
  2. Singh, N., Rana, T., Datta, S., Cardarelli, M., Dobránszki, J.: Biotechnology advances in gladiolus: a review.
    J. Horticult. Sci. Biotechnol. [Epub ahead of print] (-), -, 2024.
    Q3 Genetics (2023)
    Q2 Horticulture (2023)
  3. Hidvégi, N., Dobránszki, J., Tóth, B., Gulyás, A.: Expression responses of genes in tomato and potato to environmental mechanical forces: focus on behavior in response to rainfall, wind and touch.
    Plant Signal Behav. 19 (1), 1-9, 2024.
    Q1 Plant Science (2023)
  4. Farkas, D., Dobránszki, J.: Intelligens növények - Mítosz vagy tény?.
    In: XX. Tiszántúli Agrártudományi Napok : Absztraktkötet / (szerk.) Veres Szilvia, Stündl László, Debreceni Egyetem Mezőgazdaság-, Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar, Debrecen, 29, 2024. ISBN: 9789634906568
  5. Abdalla, N., Dobránszki, J.: Meta-Topolin as an Effective Benzyladenine Derivative to Improve the Multiplication Rate and Quality of In Vitro Axillary Shoots of Húsvéti Rozmaring Apple Scion.
    Plants-Basel. 13 (11(2024),), 1-13, 2024.
    Q1 Ecology (2023)
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (2023)
    Q1 Plant Science (2023)
  6. Dobránszki, J., Agius, D., Berger, M., Moschou, P., Gallusci, P., Martinelli, F.: Plant memory and communication of encounters.
    Trends Plant Sci. "Accepted by Publisher"[Epub ahead of print] (-), -, 2024.
    D1 Plant Science (2023)
  1. Prokisch, J., Sári, D., Muthu, A., Nagy, A., El-Ramady, H., Abdalla, N., Dobránszki, J.: Biotechnology of Nanofiber in Water, Energy, and Food Sectors.
    Agronomy-Basel. 13 (11), 1-31, 2023.
    Q1 Agronomy and Crop Science
  2. Gallusci, P., Agius, D., Moschou, P., Dobránszki, J., Kaiserli, E., Martinelli, F.: Deep inside the epigenetic memories of stressed plants.
    Trends Plant Sci. 28 (2), 142-153, 2023.
    D1 Plant Science
  3. Farkas, D., Dobránszki, J.: Direct-ZOL TM-96 MagBead RNA Kit optimalizációja növényi mintára.
    In: I. Magyar Agrártudományi Doktoranduszok Szimpóziuma. Szerk.: Hajdú Péter, Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége, Debrecen, 86, 2023. ISBN: 9786156457189
  4. Dobránszki, J., Gulyás, A., Hidvégi, N.: DNA methylation and mRNA transcription background of enhanced seedling growth after seed ultrasonication.
    In: Abstract Book: 3rd EPI-CATCH Conference CA19125 - Epigenetic Mechanisms of Crop Adaptation to Climate Change, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Szófia, Bulgária, 57, 2023.
  5. Dobránszki, J.: From mystery to reality: magnetized water to tackle the challenges of climate change and for cleaner agricultural production.
    J. Clean Prod. 421 1-13, 2023.
    D1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
    D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
    Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
    Q1 Strategy and Management
  6. Sári, D., Ferroudj, A., Abdalla, N., El-Ramady, H., Dobránszki, J., Prokisch, J.: Nano-Management Approaches for Salt Tolerance in Plants under Field and In Vitro Conditions.
    Agronomy-Basel. 13 (11), 1-27, 2023.
    Q1 Agronomy and Crop Science
  7. Dobránszki, J., Zsombik, L., Szép, K.: NDWater magnetic technology for irrigation.
    In: Sustainable and Innovative Solutions in Agriculture and Food Industry (SISAF'23) One Health approach. Szerk.: Veress Szilvia, Kocsisné Papp Mariett, Stündl László, Debrecen, 62, 2023. ISBN: 9789634905356
  8. Mohamed, S., Elmahrouk, M., El-Banna, A., Hafez, Y., El-Ramady, H., Abdalla, N., Dobránszki, J.: Optimizing Medium Composition and Environmental Culture Condition Enhances Antioxidant Enzymes, Recovers Gypsophila paniculata L. Hyperhydric Shoots and Improves Rooting In Vitro.
    Plants-Basel. 12 (2), 1-17, 2023.
    Q1 Ecology
    Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    Q1 Plant Science
  9. Dobránszki, J.: Plant memory and its exploitation possibilities for innovative strategies for growing healthy plants.
    In: Sustainable and Innovative Solutions in Agriculture and Food Industry (SISAF'23) One Health approach. Szerk.: Veres Szilvia, Kocsisné Papp Mariett, Stündl László, Debrecen, 14-16, 2023. ISBN: 9789634905356
  10. Higazy, A., Elmahrouk, M., El-Banna, A., Maamoun, M., El-Ramady, H., Abdalla, N., Dobránszki, J.: Production of Black Cumin via Somatic Embryogenesis, Chemical Profile of Active Compounds in Callus Cultures and Somatic Embryos at Different Auxin Supplementations.
    Agronomy-Basel. 13 (10), 1-17, 2023.
    Q1 Agronomy and Crop Science
  11. Sharma, V., Magotra, T., Chourasia, A., Mittal, D., Singh, U., Sharma, S., Sharma, S., Ramírez, Y., Dobránszki, J., Martinez-Montero, M.: Thin cell layer tissue culture technology with emphasis on tree species.
    Forests. 14 (6), 1-12, 2023.
    Q1 Forestry
  1. Abdalla, N., El-Ramady, H., Seliem, M., Elmahrouk, M., Taha, N., Bayoumi, Y., Shalaby, T., Dobránszki, J.: An Academic and Technical Overview on Plant Micropropagation Challenges.
    Horticulturae. 8 (8), 1-28, 2022.
    Q1 Horticulture
    Q2 Plant Science
  2. Guarino, F., Cicatelli, A., Castiglione, S., Agius, D., Orhun, G., Fragkostefanakis, S., Leclercq, J., Dobránszki, J., Kaiserli, E., Lieberman-Lazarovich, M., Sõmera, M., Sarmiento, C., Vettori, C., Paffetti, D., Poma, A., Moschou, P., Gašparović, M., Yousefi, S., Vergata, C., Berger, M., Gallusci, P., Miladinović, D., Martinelli, F.: An Epigenetic Alphabet of Crop Adaptation to Climate Change.
    Front. Genet. 13 1-18, 2022.
    Q2 Genetics
    Q2 Genetics (clinical)
    Q2 Molecular Medicine
  3. Hidvégi, N., Dobránszki, J., Tóth, B., Gulyás, A.: Functional analysis of XTH genes in potato (Solanum tuberosum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum).
    In: Biotechnology at the University of Debrecen - 2022 International Symposium Abstract Book / Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Microbiology, Institute of Biotechnology and Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Enviromental Management, Central Laboratory of Agricultural and Food Products, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Microbiology, Institute of Biotechnology and Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Enviromental Management, Central Laboratory of Agricultural and Food Products, Debrecen, 59, 2022. ISBN: 9789634904670
  4. Farkas, D., Dobránszki, J.: Molecular background of plant memory.
    In: Biotechnology at the University of Debrecen-2022 : International Symposium : Abstract book, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Microbiology, Institute of Biotechnology and Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Central Laboratory of Agricultural and Food Products, Debrecen, 55, 2022. ISBN: 9789634904687
Mindet mutasd
frissítve: 2025-01-19, 02:20

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek
SCImago besorolása

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek száma: 114
Q1/D1 20 (17.5%)
Q1 48 (42.1%)
Q2 22 (19.3%)
Q3 5 (4.4%)
Q4 9 (7.9%)
n.a. 30 (26.3%)

SCImago kategóriák

Agricultural and Biological Sciences (56)
Plant Science (34)
Agronomy and Crop Science (21)
Horticulture (11)
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (4)
Food Science (3)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (2)
Forestry (2)
Soil Science (2)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (28)
Genetics (11)
Biotechnology (7)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (5)
Physiology (5)
Cell Biology (4)
Molecular Biology (3)
Developmental Biology (2)
Molecular Medicine (2)
Biochemistry (1)
Biophysics (1)
Social Sciences (17)
Library and Information Sciences (8)
Communication (5)
Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (5)
Health (social science) (4)
Education (3)
Linguistics and Language (2)
E-learning (1)
Sociology and Political Science (1)
Medicine (15)
Medicine (miscellaneous) (10)
Health Policy (4)
Genetics (clinical) (1)
Computer Science (8)
Computer Science Applications (7)
Computer Networks and Communications (1)
Environmental Science (8)
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Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (4)
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Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (1)
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További folyóiratok

Egyéb társszerzők

Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A.
Jámborné Benczúr Erzsébet
További társszerzők
Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A.
Jámborné Benczúr Erzsébet
Iszályné Tóth Judit
Cardoso, Jean Carlos
Agius, Dolores Rita
Bíróné Molnár Piroska
Elmahrouk, Mohammed
Gallusci, Philippe
Martinelli, Federico
Moschou, Panagiotis N.
Berger, Margot M. J.
El-Banna, Antar N.
Parthibhan, Selvaraju
Rao, Mandali Venkateswara
Rivera-Madrid, Renata
Tsavkelova, Elena A.
Tsigaris, Panagiotis
Wicaksono, Adhityo
Altamura, Maria Maddalena
Barreal, María E.
Bornemann-Cimenti, Helmar
Cardarelli, Mariateresa
Castiglione, Stefano
Chandler, Stephen F.
Christopher, David A.
Fragkostefanakis, Sotirios
Gallego, Pedro Pablo
Gašparović, Mateo
Godoy-Hernández, Gregorio
Guarino, Francesco
Hörcsik Zsolt Tibor
Jaufeerally-Fakim, Yasmina
KOLESNYK, Alexandra
Lieberman-Lazarovich, Michal
Maamoun, Mosaad K.
Martinez-Montero, Marcos Edel
Mehlman, Charles T.
Miladinović, Dragana
Millar, Melissa A.
Nezami-Alanagh, Esmaeil
Novák-Hermann Ivett
Paffetti, Donatella
Ramírez, Yudith García
Sarmiento, Cecilia
Seliem, Mayada Kadri
Singh, Ujjwal Prathap
Stefanovits-Bányai Éva
Takács-Hudák Ágnes
Tillyné Mándy Andrea