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Department of Health Informatics

Name: Department of Health Informatics
Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Sóstói u. 2-4.
Phone number: (+36 42) 404411
Fax: (+36 42) 408656

Publication list

Uploaded publications:
Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Kaposi, Á., Orosz, N., Nagy, A., Gömöri, G., Kocsis, D.: A comprehensive study on the factors influencing the generation of infectious healthcare waste in inpatient healthcare institutions in Hungary.
    J Air Waste Manage. [Epub ahead of print] 1-22, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q3 Atmospheric Science (2023)
    Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (2023)
    Q2 Pollution (2023)
    Q2 Waste Management and Disposal (2023)
  2. Rádai, Z., Váradi, A., Takács, P., Nagy, N., Schmitt, N., Prépost, E., Kardos, G., Laczkó, L.: An overlooked phenomenon: complex interactions of potential error sources on the quality of bacterial de novo genome assemblies.
    BMC Genomics. 25 (1), 1-8, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Biotechnology (2023)
    Q2 Genetics (2023)
  3. Sipos, K., Márton, I., Móré, M., Nagy, A., Kiss, C.: Assessing the factors affecting the accessibility of primary dental care for people with haemophilia.
    Haemophilia. [Epub ahead of print]2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Genetics (clinical) (2023)
    Q1 Hematology (2023)
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
  4. Safadi, H., Balogh, Á., Lám, J., Nagy, A., Belicza, É.: Associations between diabetes and cancer: a 10-year national population-based retrospective cohort study.
    Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract. 211 1-12, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Endocrinology (2023)
    Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
    Q1 Internal Medicine (2023)
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
  5. Helmeczi, G.: Az egészségturisztikai fejlesztések jelentősége a munkaerő aktivitásának megőrzésében.
    In: Tudomány: út a világ megismeréséhez II.. Szerk.: Rusinné Fedor Anita, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 51-59, 2024, (Életmód és Egészségszociológiai Interdiszciplináris kutatások, ISSN 2732-0928) ISBN: 9789636151683
  6. Barabás, Á., Nagy, A., Pázmány, V., Molnárné Grestyák, A., Németh, Á., Jóna, G., Sántha, Á., Takács, P., Toldy-Schedel, E., Jávorné Erdei, R.: Comparative Health Behaviour of Young People with Disabilities in Hungary: a Cross-Sectional Study.
    Children-Basel. 11 1-19, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (2023)
  7. Pető, A., Tóth, L., Hernyák, M., Lőrincz, H., Molnár, Á., Nagy, A., Lukács, M., Kempler, P., Paragh, G., Harangi, M., Sztanek, F.: Correlations between distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy and cardiovascular complications in diabetic patients in the North-Eastern region of Hungary.
    Plos One. 19 (7), 1-13, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
  8. Tran, A., Ghanem, A., Móré, M., Nagy, A., Tóth, Á.: Efficacy of Prophylactic Antibiotics in COPD: a Systematic Review.
    Antibiotics-Basel. 13 (12), 1-16, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Biochemistry (2023)
    Q2 Infectious Diseases (2023)
    Q2 Microbiology (2023)
    Q2 Microbiology (medical) (2023)
    Q1 Pharmacology (medical) (2023)
    D1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (2023)
  9. Ulambayar, B., Ghanem, A., Nguyen, M., Vargáné Faludi, E., Móré, M., Nagy, A.: Evaluation of cardiovascular disease risk in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus using clinical laboratory markers.
    J Clin Med. 13 1-14, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
  10. Ghanem, A., Memon, H., Nagy, A.: Evolving trends in oral cancer burden in Europe: a systematic review.
    Front Oncol. 14 1-13, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Cancer Research (2023)
    Q2 Oncology (2023)
  11. Helmeczi, G.: Gyógyturisztikai szolgáltatáskínálat és a szolgáltatások szervezése.
    In: Egészségturizmus-gyógyturizmus. Szerk.: Incze Réka, Szakál Zoltán, Debreceni Egyetem, Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Debrecen, Csíkszereda, 63-85, 2024. ISBN: 9789730395877
  12. Ghanem, A., Nagy, A.: Oral health's role in diabetes risk: a cross-sectional study with sociodemographic and lifestyle insights.
    Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 15 126-131, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (2023)
  13. Ghanem, A., Németh, O., Móré, M., Nagy, A.: Role of oral health in heart and vascular health: a population-based study.
    PLoS One. 19 (4), 1-20, 2024.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Multidisciplinary (2023)
  14. Helmeczi, G.: The development, challenges and research opportunities of domestic health tourism today.
    In: VII. Zalaegerszegi Nemzetközi Egészségturizmus konferencia : Tanulmánykötet = Conference proceedings. Szerk.: Csákvári Tímea, Varga Zoltán, Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egészségtudományi Kar, Zalaegerszeg, 39-50, 2024. ISBN: 9789636263164
  1. Láczay, M.: "Amire szükségünk van, az a magyar múlt becsületes feltárása...": Dr. Szabó Géza tanár úr köszöntésére.
    In: Szabó Géza 80 éves : Születésnapi tisztelgő kötet. Szerk.: Bene János, Reszler Gábor, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Vármegyei Honismereti Egyesület, Nyíregyháza, 219-228, 2023. ISBN: 9786150172460
  2. Láczay, M.: Alfa és omega, két, régiónkból származó pénzügyminiszter a monarchiában: Lónyay Menyhért és Szende Pál.
    In: "Interdiszciplinaritás a régiókutatásban XI." : Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia. Szerk.: Dajnoki Krisztina ; Filep Roland ; Horváth Adrienn ; Pierog Anita, Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Debrecen, 30, 2023. ISBN: 9789634905189
  3. Ghanem, A., Móré, M., Nagy, A.: Assessing the impact of sociodemographic and lifestyle factors on oral health: a cross-sectional study in the Hungarian population.
    Front. Public Health. 11 1-11, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  4. Szőllősi, G., Csenteri, O., Jancsó, Z., Vajer, P., Kardos, L., Andréka, P.: Association Between Alcohol Consumption and Cardiovascular Risk Based on Data from the Three Generations for Health Program in Hungary.
    Med. Sci. Monitor. 29 e940327-1-e940327-7, 2023.
    Journal metrics:
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous)
Show all
updated: 2024-12-29, 02:54

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 125
Q1/D1 5 (4%)
Q1 20 (16%)
Q2 19 (15.2%)
Q3 10 (8%)
Q4 4 (3.2%)
N/A 72 (57.6%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Medicine (42)
Medicine (miscellaneous) (16)
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (13)
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (4)
Health Policy (3)
Health Informatics (2)
Microbiology (medical) (2)
Oncology (2)
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (2)
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (1)
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (1)
Genetics (clinical) (1)
Geriatrics and Gerontology (1)
Hematology (1)
Infectious Diseases (1)
Internal Medicine (1)
Neurology (clinical) (1)
Obstetrics and Gynecology (1)
Pharmacology (medical) (1)
Psychiatry and Mental Health (1)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (8)
Cancer Research (2)
Genetics (2)
Aging (1)
Biochemistry (1)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (1)
Biotechnology (1)
Endocrinology (1)
Nursing (8)
Nursing (miscellaneous) (4)
Leadership and Management (2)
Gerontology (1)
Maternity and Midwifery (1)
Social Sciences (7)
Health (social science) (4)
Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (2)
Sociology and Political Science (2)
Anthropology (1)
Communication (1)
Education (1)
Public Administration (1)
Environmental Science (5)
Pollution (5)
Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (4)
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (1)
Waste Management and Disposal (1)
Mathematics (4)
Mathematics (miscellaneous) (3)
Theoretical Computer Science (1)
Arts and Humanities (3)
Philosophy (3)
Health Professions (2)
Health Information Management (2)
Immunology and Microbiology (2)
Microbiology (2)
Virology (1)
Multidisciplinary (2)
Multidisciplinary (2)
Psychology (2)
Psychology (miscellaneous) (2)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (1)
Animal Science and Zoology (1)
Food Science (1)
Computer Science (1)
Computer Science (miscellaneous) (1)
Dentistry (1)
Dentistry (miscellaneous) (1)
Earth and Planetary Sciences (1)
Atmospheric Science (1)
Neuroscience (1)
Neurology (1)
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (1)
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (1)

Genre chart

Year chart

Language chart


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