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Csépes Ildikó

Name: Csépes Ildikó
Other profiles: MTMT
  • PhD, ELTE (2003)
  • Habilitáció, DE (2021)

Her main teaching and research area is foreign language assessment and evaluation. She received her Ph.D in 2003, and completed her habilitation in 2021 in this topic area. Between January 2004 and July 2014 she was a member, and for the last six years the chair, of the Hungarian Accreditation Board for Foreign Language Exams, an expert committee working for the Hungarian Educational Authority. She is the head of department of DELP and the coordinator for the English Yardstick Exam for 1st year BA students. Her other teaching and research areas include theories of language learning, language teaching approaches and methods; applied linguistics with a focus on language pedagogy. She was the Hungarian partner in the award winning (British Council ARAG) TALE project (Teachers' Assessment Literacy Enhancement) funded by Erasmus+ between 2015 September and 2018 September.

Profession: English Language Pedagogy

Publication list

Uploaded publications:
Publications in DEA:
Date range:
  1. Szabó, F., Csépes, I.: Constructivism in language pedagogy.
    Hung. educ. res. j. Epub 1-13, 2022.
  1. Vogt, K., Tsagari, D., Csépes, I., Green, A., Sifakis, N.: Linking Learners' Perspectives on Language Assessment Practices to Teachers' Assessment Literacy Enhancement (TALE): Insights from Four European Countries.
    Language Assessment Quarterly. 17 (4), 410-433, 2020.
    Journal metrics:
    D1 Language and Linguistics
    D1 Linguistics and Language
  1. Csépes, I., Fekete, A.: Assessing Reading Skills.
    In: Handbook of Assessment for Language Teachers / Dina Tsagari; Karin Vogt; Veronika Froehlich; Ildikó Csépes; Adrienn Fekete; Anthony Green; Liz Hamp-Lyons; Nicos Sifakis; Stefania Kordia, Tale Project, Nicosia, 16-45, 2018. ISBN: 9789925739912
  2. Csépes, I., Fekete, A.: Assessing Speaking Skills.
    In: Handbook of Assessment for Language Teachers / Dina Tsagari; Karin Vogt; Veronika Froehlich; Ildikó Csépes; Adrienn Fekete; Anthony Green; Liz Hamp-Lyons; Nicos Sifakis; Stefania Kordia, Tale Project, Nicosia, 98-128, 2018. ISBN: 9789925739912
  3. Tsagari, D., Vogt, K., Froelich, V., Csépes, I., Fekete, A., Green, A., Hamp-Lyons, L., Sifakis, N., Kordia, S.: Handbook of Assessment for Language Teachers.
    Tale Project, Nicosia, 218 p., 2018. ISBN: 9789925739905
  1. Csépes, I.: A Teaching Scotland folyóirat.
    Anyanyelv-pedagógia. 9 (2), 82-85, 2016.
  2. Csépes, I.: Language Assessment Literacy in English Teacher Education in Hungary.
    In: Classroom-based Assessment in L2 Contexts / edited by Dina Tsagari, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 30-53, 2016. ISBN: 9781443891028
  1. Csépes, I., Fekete, A., Kardos, É., Koczogh, H., Mónos, K., Sankó, G.: Challenges of the 21st century: an in-service teacher training course for EFL teachers.
    Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 217 p., 2015. ISBN: 9789634738534
  2. Csépes, I.: Language assessment literacy in Hungary.
    In: Development of Teacher Calling in Higher Education. Ed.: Pusztai Gabriella, Engler Ágnes, Markóczi Revák Ibolya, Partium Press ; Budapest : Personal Problems Solution : Új Mandátum Könyvkiadó, Nagyvárad, 89-99, 2015, (Higher Education & Society ; 5) ISBN: 9789631233995
  3. Csépes, I.: Nyelvtudásmérési műveltség az angol szakos tanárképzésben a Debreceni Egyetemen.
    In: Tanulmányok a Debreceni Egyetem levelező és részismereti nyelvtanári képzésének megújításához / Csépes Ildikó, Horváth Andrea, Nagy Andrea, Trippó Sándor, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 5-35, 2015, (Szaktárnet-könyvek ; 9) ISBN: 9789634738531
  4. Csépes, I., Horváth, A., Nagy, A., Trippó, S.: Tanulmányok a Debreceni Egyetem levelező és részismereti nyelvtanári képzésének megújításához.
    Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 96 p., 2015. ISBN: 9789634738531
  1. Csépes, I.: Language Assessment Literacy in English Teacher Training Programmes in Hungary.
    In: Studies in Honour of Marianne Nikolov / edited by József Horváth, Péter Medgyes, Lingua Franca Csoport, Pécs, 399-411, 2014. ISBN: 9789636425777
  1. Tsagari, D., Csépes, I.: Collaboration in Language Testing and Assessment.
    Peter Lang, Frankfurt Am Main, 227 p., 2012. ISBN: 9783631635292
  2. Csépes, I.: Self- and Peer-Assessment in Focus: Stakeholders' Perceptions and Issues of Implementation.
    In: Current Research in the Field of Disciplinary Didactics / szerk Gabriella Pusztai, Zoltán Tóth, Ildikó Csépes, Hungarian Educational Research Association, Budapest, 63-74, 2012, (Hungarian Educational Research Journal : Special Issues 2.) ISBN: 9789630850636
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updated: 2025-01-19, 01:10

SCImago quartiles of
scientific journal articles

Number of scientific articles: 13
Q1/D1 1 (7.7%)
Q1 1 (7.7%)
N/A 12 (92.3%)

SCImago subject areas and categories

Arts and Humanities (1)
Language and Linguistics (1)
Social Sciences (1)
Linguistics and Language (1)

Genre chart

Year chart

Language chart