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Táplálkozástudományi Intézet

Táplálkozástudományi Intézet

Név: Táplálkozástudományi Intézet

Teljes publikációs lista

Hiányzó közlemények feltöltése
OA letöltési statisztika megtekintése
Feltöltött közlemény:
Publikációs időszak:
  1. Répás, Z., Győri, Z.: Comparison of the nutrient content of commercially purchased medium seed brown lentils with the world's leading database.
    Eur. Food Res. Technol. 250 1031-1042, 2024.
    Q2 Biochemistry (2023)
    Q2 Biotechnology (2023)
    Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q1 Food Science (2023)
    Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (2023)
  2. Khalfalla, M., Zsombik, L., Diósi, G., Győri, Z.: Implications of husking process on the nutritional composition of sorghum grains: diverse varieties and regions.
    Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 2024 (April), 1-13, 2024.
    Q1 Food Science (2023)
    Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (2023)
  3. Baranyi, J., Csorba, S., Farkas, Z., Pacza, T., Jóźwiak, Á.: Internal dynamics of patent reference networks using the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity measure.
    J Big Data. 11 (1), 1-10, 2024.
    D1 Computer Networks and Communications (2023)
    D1 Hardware and Architecture (2023)
    D1 Information Systems (2023)
    Q1 Information Systems and Management (2023)
  4. Prokisch, J., Törős, G., Nguyen, H., Neji, C., Ferroudj, A., Sári, D., Muthu, A., Brevik, E., El-Ramady, H.: Nano-Food Farming: Toward Sustainable Applications of Proteins, Mushrooms, Nano-Nutrients, and Nanofibers.
    Agron. J. 14 1-30, 2024.
    Q1 Agronomy and Crop Science (2023)
  5. Khalfalla, M., Zsombik, L., Győri, Z.: Revealing Consequences of the Husking Process on Nutritional Profiles of Two Sorghum Races on the Male Sterility Line.
    Foods. 13 (7(2024),), 1-18, 2024.
    Q1 Food Science (2023)
    Q1 Health Professions (miscellaneous) (2023)
    Q1 Health (social science) (2023)
    Q2 Microbiology (2023)
    Q1 Plant Science (2023)
  6. Héjja, M., Mihok, E., Alaya, A., Jolji, M., György, É., Mészáros, N., Turcuş, V., Oláh, N., Máthé, E.: Specific Antimicrobial Activities Revealed by Comparative Evaluation of Selected Gemmotherapy Extracts.
    Antibiotics-Basel. 13 (2), 1-31, 2024.
    Q2 Biochemistry (2023)
    Q2 Infectious Diseases (2023)
    Q2 Microbiology (2023)
    Q2 Microbiology (medical) (2023)
    Q1 Pharmacology (medical) (2023)
    D1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (2023)
  7. Boros, L., Seneff, S., Lech, J., Túri, M., Répás, Z.: Summiting Mount Everest in deuterium depleting nutritional ketosis without supplemental oxygen.
    Med. Hypotheses. 185 1-5, 2024.
    Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous) (2023)
  1. Répás, Z., Bakos, C., Hajdú, F., Buzás, -., Győri, Z.: A Magyar Honvédség élelmezésellátásának modernizációs lehetőségei.
    Honvédségi Szemle. 151 (5), 103-114, 2023.
  2. Héjja, M., Mihok, E., Alaya, A., Oláh, N., György, É., Máthé, E.: Analytical and microbiological examination of gemmotherapy extracts = Gemmoterápiás extraktumok analitikai és mikrobiológiai vizsgálata.
    In: XXIX. Nemzetközi Vegyészkonferencia = 29th International Conference on Chemistry. Ed.: Majdik Kornélia, Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, Kolozsvár, 1, 2023, (ISSN 2734-7109)
  3. Nagy, R., Murányi, E., Bíróné Molnár, P., Szepesi, J., Győri, Z., Veres, S., Gálné Remenyik, J., Sipos, P.: Assessment of Bioactive Profile of Sorghum Brans under the Effect of Growing Conditions and Nitrogen Fertilization.
    Agriculture-Basel. 13 (4), 1-17, 2023.
    Q1 Agronomy and Crop Science
    Q2 Food Science
    Q2 Plant Science
  4. Répás, Z.: Az extrudált polisztirol alapú csomagolóanyagok élelmiszerbiztonsági kockázatának elemzése.
    In: Minőségvizsgálattól az élelmiszerbiztonságig. Szerk.:Máthé Endre, Sipos Péter, Szepesi Judit, Debreceni Egyetem Mezőgazdaság-, Élelmiszertudományi és Környezetgazdálkodási Kar, Debrecen, 201-209, 2023. ISBN: 9789634905257
  5. Nagy, V., Syed, R., Máthé, E., Diósi, G.: Brewers' spent grain biscuit development - A potential source of fiber?.
    In: Absztraktkötet - I. Magyar Agrártudományi Doktoranduszok Szimpóziuma. Szerk.: Hajdú Péter, DOSZ - Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége, Debrecen, 33, 2023. ISBN: 9786156457189
  6. Nokhoijav, E., Guba, A., Vadadokhau, U., Tőzsér, J., Győri, Z., Kalló, G., Csősz, É.: Comparative Analysis of Amino Acid and Biogenic Amine Compositions of Fermented Grape Beverages.
    Metabolites. 13 (8), 1-13, 2023.
    Q2 Biochemistry
    Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
    Q2 Molecular Biology
  7. Khalfalla, M., Zsombik, L., Győri, Z.: Comparative Study of Calcium and Iron Elements in Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum (L.) Whole Grain Varieties.
    In: Book of abstracts: agriculture and food 11th International Conference, Science and Education Fundation, Burgas, 93, 2023.
  8. Sipos, P., Husi, K.: Comparison of methods for the analysis of particle size distribution in maize flour.
    In: Book of abstracts : VIII International Conference Sustainable Postharvest and Food Technologies - Inoptep 2023 and XXXV. Scientific-Professional Conference Processing and Energy in Agriculture - PTEP 2023. Eds.: Filip Kulić; Ivan Pavkov, National Society of Processing and Energy in Agriculture, Novi Sad, 123, 2023. ISBN: 9788675205814
  9. Nagy, V., Csatári, G., Aszalósné Balogh, R., Burzán, J., Kovács, S., Máthé, E., Diósi, G.: Comparison of the Klason lignin content of different beer industry by-products.
    In: Sustainable and Innovative Solutions in Agriculture and Food Industry (SISAF'23) One Health approach. Szerk.: Veres Szilvia, Kocsisné Papp Mariett, Stündl László, Debrecen, 54, 2023. ISBN: 9789634905356
  10. Khalfalla, M., Győri, Z., Pál, V., Zsombik, L.: Correlation Between Crude Protein and Trace Elements in Common Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculenteum moencl L.) Varieties.
    In: The 15th International Symposium on Buckwheat: Buckwheat for health, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation- State Research Institute, Pulawy, 80, 2023. ISBN: 9788375623987
  11. Szőke-Trenyik, E., Mihalkó, J., Sipos, P., Szabó, B.: Development of High-Fibre, Ready-to-Bake Flour Mixtures from Purple Wheat.
    Processes. 11 (2), 1-12, 2023.
    Q3 Bioengineering
    Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology
  12. Neji, C., Semwal, J., Máthé, E., Sipos, P.: Dough Rheological Properties and Macronutrient Bioavailability of Cereal Products Fortified through Legume Proteins.
    Processes. 11 (2), 1-16, 2023.
    Q3 Bioengineering
    Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous)
    Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology
Mindet mutasd
frissítve: 2024-07-21, 03:19

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek
SCImago besorolása

Tudományos folyóiratcikkek száma: 96
Q1/D1 9 (9.4%)
Q1 34 (35.4%)
Q2 18 (18.8%)
Q3 6 (6.3%)
Q4 9 (9.4%)
n.a. 29 (30.2%)

SCImago kategóriák

Agricultural and Biological Sciences (35)
Food Science (23)
Agronomy and Crop Science (10)
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (6)
Plant Science (5)
Soil Science (3)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (1)
Medicine (17)
Medicine (miscellaneous) (8)
Microbiology (medical) (7)
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (1)
Infectious Diseases (1)
Pharmacology (medical) (1)
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (1)
Immunology and Microbiology (15)
Microbiology (15)
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (10)
Biochemistry (6)
Molecular Biology (5)
Molecular Medicine (3)
Physiology (3)
Biotechnology (2)
Cell Biology (2)
Clinical Biochemistry (2)
Genetics (1)
Chemistry (10)
Analytical Chemistry (6)
Chemistry (miscellaneous) (6)
Organic Chemistry (4)
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (3)
Spectroscopy (3)
Chemical Engineering (8)
Process Chemistry and Technology (8)
Bioengineering (7)
Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (7)
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (1)
Engineering (8)
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (4)
Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (3)
Engineering (miscellaneous) (1)
Environmental Science (7)
Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (4)
Ecology (2)
Pollution (1)
Waste Management and Disposal (1)
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (7)
Drug Discovery (3)
Pharmaceutical Science (3)
Toxicology (3)
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (1)
Computer Science (4)
Computer Science Applications (3)
Information Systems (2)
Computer Networks and Communications (1)
Hardware and Architecture (1)
Decision Sciences (2)
Information Systems and Management (1)
Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (1)
Materials Science (2)
Materials Science (miscellaneous) (1)
Polymers and Plastics (1)
Mathematics (2)
Modeling and Simulation (1)
Statistics and Probability (1)
Social Sciences (2)
Education (1)
Health (social science) (1)
Library and Information Sciences (1)
Health Professions (1)
Health Professions (miscellaneous) (1)
Multidisciplinary (1)
Multidisciplinary (1)
Physics and Astronomy (1)
Instrumentation (1)

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évszám szerint

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További folyóiratok


Lopes Martins Mayara
Lopes Martins Mayara
PhD hallgató / nutrition science
Pacza Tünde
Pacza Tünde
PhD hallgató / matematikus, programozó matematikus
Összes kutatónk
Lopes Martins Mayara
Lopes Martins Mayara
PhD hallgató / nutrition science
Pacza Tünde
Pacza Tünde
PhD hallgató / matematikus, programozó matematikus
Sipos Péter
Sipos Péter
élelmiszertechnológia, élelmiszertudomány